
I'm a rusty dev who hasn't coded in years, caring for the kids... etc I
used to work for Oracle as a custom dev consultant, some dba work, some
web, a touch of sysadmin...
I coded boring business stuff for many years... a long time ago.

I've been researching music, the fundamentals of harmony, composition for

Now the kids have grown and I want to record my music, do some more
research and also get back into coding and develop apps and games about
music composition.

I've come across Rosegarden in my search for a DAW with a simple interface
that helps me keep on task. More signal, less noise...

Rosegarden looks VERY promising... and I can't wait to get it opens a new
can of worms... which linux distro should I install?

I've read your FAQ, but it barely says anything about choosing a distro.
Can someone help me gather the bits and pieces I need to get started?

As in my search for a DAW, I'm looking for a distro with as little
distraction as possible. I'm happy with having to install stuff in a
terminal, use bash... yet I'd like to spend as little time as possible
struggling with drivers.

My PC is an ASUS laptop with a Core i7 10th gen with 16gb RAM
I have a focusrite Scarlett solo sound card
I want to use my dualo du-touch as a midi keyboard

It is my understanding I need to decide on a linux distro, and then install
ALSA and JACK before installing Rosegarden and Lillipond?

Can you recommend a lightweight distro that's got what it takes to code and
make music, yet has minimal sources of distraction?

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