On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 6:41 PM, Jeff Johnson <n3...@mac.com> wrote:

> On Sep 18, 2009, at 12:11 PM, Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi) wrote:
>  Separating the symbol files and into their own package is definitely in
>> the plans.
> Well, packaging detached debugging symbols (and source code so
> that line numbers can be displayed) was done in RPM like 5 years
> ago and is already widely deployed.
iirc the first time debuginfo was deployed was with REDHAT 9

This is the original proposal

You really should look at what is implemented.
> Note that from a RPM packaging POV, the existing -debuginfo scheme
> is all very feeble and hacky and horendously fragile and obscure.
I mostly agree. IIRC, it depends also by a not upstream patch to gdb and
work only with the GCC compiler collection. Or perhaps also i don't have
undestood it well.

(aside) In your opinion I right or wrong that if a package don't have
debugging symbol the rpmbuild fail if the packager don't define %define
debug_package %{nil} - or use the obsure hack to exit in %install . But
perhaps i digress...

> So don't take my comments as criticism, I'd *LOVE* to see a better
> packaging framework for detached debugging symbols in RPM.

>  The question is the turnaround time between someone posting a traceback
>> on the web and a backend system translating the traceback with symbols.
> If end-to-end turnaround efficiency is your goal, you need to
> look carefully at how traceback information can be accurately
> associated with the components involved. Extracting executables/libraries
> from *.rpm is just a very teensy part of a much larger problem.
>  One option is to have a filesystem where all the files have been
>> extracted and ready for translation. But can cost additional diskspace
>> which can add up in the long run.
> That's basically what is in a -debuginfo package, files under
> /usr/src/debug/* include source and detached debugging symbols.
>  If the RPMs are archived, the system would need to identify the RPMS
>> involved in traceback, download, extract them, do the translation, then
>> discard the extracted stuff.
>> This could takes some time to do, specially if you have to download the
>> whole RPM, and if you had to uncompress/untar each RPM in its entirity.
>> From RPM, tar.gz or CPIO, this can be expenseive. As I understand it you
>> need to unzip and untar the file, piping it to a filter to get the
>> file(s) you want.
>> XAR format maintains an index, that allows you to go to and extract a
>> specific file, and the individual files are compressed, as I understand
>> it, meaning the ones of interest can be extracted, which can be more
>> efficient.
> Again, speed or overhead of archive extraction is hardly an issue when
> everything
> necessary for debugging is _ALREADY_ extracted into a -debuginfo package.
>  At this point, I am just trying to understand/measure that cost
>> impact/tradeoff, and was looking to try these features.
> Look closely at tools/debugedit.c and scripts/find-debuginfo.sh. Those
> two files are what is used to automate producing -debuginfo packages.
Some ref are also here

> I'd suggest grabbing some -debuginfo *.rpm files and examining. This
> command makes it quite easy to see what is in a -debuginfo package
>        rpm -qp --yaml foo-debuginfo*.rpm
> hth
> 73 de Jeff
>  Sarvi
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: rpm-users-ow...@rpm5.org [mailto:rpm-users-ow...@rpm5.org] On
>> Behalf Of Jeff Johnson
>> Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 5:34 AM
>> To: rpm-users@rpm5.org
>> Subject: Re: Attempting to compile rpm5 for RH Linux EL5
>> On Sep 18, 2009, at 2:04 AM, Saravanan Shanmugham (sarvi) wrote:
>>  Thanks. I was able to get it compiled and installed.
>>> I am proposing the use of RPM5 for package management internally. One
>>> point of interest to me in RPM5 is the use of XAR format, and more
>>> specifically the option of being able to extract specific files from
>>> within the XAR archive without having to untar/extracting everything.
>>> Atleast that's what the xar wiki page claims.
>> You can extract specific files from any archive format, including
>> cpio/tar/xar, rather easily.
>>  We need a way to be able to extract specific executables and libraries
>>  from a specific version of the build, from its archived RPMs, on
>>> demand, to help decode a crash or traceback.
>> So you would seem to want debugging symbols. What is more commonly done
>> is to split the symbols from the executable/library and put into a
>> separate -debuginfo package.
>> GDB then loads the detached symbols.
>>  So far, I haven't been able to figure out the RPM5 option or XAR
>>> option that allows me to do extract a specific file or list of files.
>> For cpio payloads it starts with
>>        rpm2cpio foo*.rpm | cpio -itv
>> to display the files in a payload. Then one adds logic (described in
>> "man cpio") to select which files you want.
>>  Is there such an option. If not how easy do you think it is to
>>> implement such an option, if we can help.
>> Each archive format has a different selection process. But rpm2cpio is
>> used to seek to the start of the payload.
>> 73 de Jeff
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