Re: [rspec-users] New Zentest, any feedback?

2009-06-03 Thread Kero van Gelder
 So I notice that Ryan released a new zentest gem today. It looks like
 it has been refactored a bit.
 Are there any brave guinea pigs/canaries in the RSpec/Cucumber
 community who have tried it out? Any issues?  I do see that someone
 has been reporting some problems with multiruby which is a part of
 zentest which a lot of folks don't use as much.

A quick test shows that it still reruns cucumber when I change a feature
and runs rspec when I change a ruby file.
and that it does not rerun anything when I touch a file for which there
is an exception
(e.g. when I do something with git, add_exception %r{\.git} triggers
nothing anymore, whereas the previous gem triggered a run of cucumber,
which was remendously annoying).

I'm not using rails and also not using any other sort of additional
framework. no webrat, etc.

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] autotest?

2009-05-21 Thread Kero van Gelder
  Is there some configuration I need to do to get rid of unit/functional  
  tests and only run rspec+cucumber?

 I guess I should add this in some form to the rspec wiki ;)


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] autotest?

2009-05-21 Thread Kero van Gelder
   Is there some configuration I need to do to get rid of unit/functional
   tests and only run rspec+cucumber?
  I guess I should add this in some form to the rspec wiki ;)
 Thanks Kero. I added a bit of information about autospec to that wiki page.

I keep learning things...
add_mapping returns nil, that's why it works for autotest/rspec.rb

But I've ran strace to confirm the problem I had with non-nil myself:
~/.autotest is ran *before* ./.autotest on my system (debian unstable).
Are you sure it's the other way around on your system?
I haven't seen autospec docs that claim one or the other.

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Including extra directories for Autospec

2009-05-18 Thread Kero van Gelder
 Then I edit the files like so:
 Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at|
   at.add_mapping(%r%^spec/something/.*_spec\.rb$%) do

Do you perhaps have a ~/.autotest with a hook to :initialize ?
If so, let it return nil, like this:

Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at|
  %w{.svn .hg .git}.each {|exception|

It's documented, but a nasty default behaviour.


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] request for gists / pasties

2009-05-10 Thread Kero van Gelder
 * pls provide a full backtrace
   * best in a gist or pastie

Imagine someone looking at the problem report
two years from now. No pastie. Then the
solution (if provided) comes without a complete problem.

Like code without a test.

Put it in an attachment, or whatever, but keep the two together,


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] top posting and plain text

2009-05-07 Thread Kero van Gelder
 So let me get this right,

 you agreed with Aslak that you shouldn't top post.

 by top posting
 lol.. Yes.   :)  Sarcasm somethings doesn't come across well over email  
 I suppose.

Not only that, he did it in html so it was impossible for
me to see whether it was top or bottom. The sarcasm was clear
enough, tho ;)

+1 from me, too.

I'm adding a request: cut out the paragraphs of the email
that you are not responding to. I'm encountering plenty of
emails that don't fit on my screen (which is much bigger than
an iPhone) and turn out to contain not much more than
yes, thanks or see lighthouse url.

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] gem missing dependencies

2009-05-03 Thread Kero van Gelder
 Polyglot requires hoe because it's built using newgem. It's a
 nuisance, and I'll be happy to remove it, or make hoe a dev-time
 dependency only if possible. I've contacted Dr Nic to ask how to
 proceed. In my view, using hoe shouldn't add a runtime dependency.

Hm, snippet from long `p spec` (from my prev email):
 @dependencies=[#Gem::Dependency:0xb7c922fc @version_requirement=nil, 
@name=hoe, @version_requirements=#Gem::Requirement:0xb7c922c0 @version=nil, 
@requirements=[[=, #Gem::Version   
+1.8.0]], @type=:runtime]

So your dependency is/was runtime-only, it seems.
But the stuff got fixed in the meantime!
I'm guessing it's the rubygems upgrade on my system.

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]
$ gem -v
$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

builder (2.1.2)
calibre-semaphore (1.0.0)
cucumber (0.3.2)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
polyglot (0.2.5)
rspec (1.2.6)
term-ansicolor (1.0.3)
treetop (1.2.5)
$ gem dependency polyglot
Gem polyglot-0.2.5
  hoe (= 1.8.0, development) = not runtime anymore! same 0.2.5 polyglot 

$ cucumber
0 scenarios ()
0 steps ()


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [rspec] loading specs as an object model without running them

2009-04-29 Thread Kero van Gelder
 So basically, I want to do something like this:

 examples = load_examples_without_running
 examples.each {|example| puts example.description}


 I'm working into a big corporate in Australia, and they are demanding  
 traceability of tests back to requirements.  I'm already using Mingle to 
 manage story cards, and I'm hoping to let the testers build in the  
 traceability via code.  So I've got a Mixin to the examples so that I  
 can declare the id of the story that the test maps to.  It looks  
 something like this:

 describe FunctionalArea do
   it automates some acceptance test declared on a story do
 traces_to_story 35
 # test implementation

I would have expected Cucumber to map stories to scenarios/examples
by having them in the same file (and a @tag if someone insists that
a number referrring an external doc is better for tracability).

I would have expected RSpec to cover a lower level that is of no
interest to the person wanting traceability, as that person can not
judge whether the code works anyway (YMMV). Besides, a spec can
apply to more than one requirement; or to no particular requirement at all.

I'm expecting this from regulations that deal with medical devices.
Validation has to happen on story level; risk mitigation may apply
to lower levels, though. Our department is working on several projects
that'll result in medical devices and we are learning how regulations,
audits and things work for real.

So I'd like to hear why you are trying to do what you do.

There can be other requirements for other reasons. What traceability
are you looking for in these tests? Why do you look at the RSpec

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Before and After blocks for individual feature files?

2009-04-28 Thread Kero van Gelder
 I'd like to do this:
   Feature: user signup
 Given I have a cleaned up database
   Scenario Outline: Sign Up
 Given I am on the signup page
 When I sign up using userid
 Then I should see message
 |userid |message   |
 |userX  |successful signup |
 |userX  |duplicate userid  |

Feature: user signup

  Scenario: succesful signup
When I sign up using Kero
Then I should see welcome Kero

  Scenario: failed signup of existing user
Given there is a user Kero
When I sign up using Kero
Then I should see trying to impersonate someone else

NB: yes, clean the database before every scenario


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] gem missing dependencies

2009-04-27 Thread Kero van Gelder
Hi list  Clifford,

  Looks like installing hoe (which brings in rubyforge and rake) solved the 
  problem below.
 I just fixed that:

Thanks Aslak, that was quick, but...
I had to try that, and the 0.3.1 release made that very easy.
Didn't help.
looks like polyglot is the culprit, from some extra output I created from 

#Gem::Specification:0xb7c92d60 @extensions=[], @summary=Allows custom 
language loaders for specified file extensions to be hooked into require, 
@version=#Gem::Version 0.2.5, 
@original_platform=nil, @post_install_message=nil, @description=Allows custom 
language loaders for specified file extensions to be hooked into require, 
@dependencies=[#Gem::Dependency:0xb7c922fc @version_requirement=nil, 
@name=hoe, @version_requirements=#Gem::Requirement:0xb7c922c0 @version=nil, 
@requirements=[[=, #Gem::Version 1.8.0]], @type=:runtime], 
@requirements=[], @test_files=[test/test_helper.rb, test/test_polyglot.rb], 
@require_paths=[lib], @extra_rdoc_files=[History.txt, License.txt, 
Manifest.txt, README.txt, website/index.txt], @date=Tue Mar 03 00:00:00 
+0100 2009, @new_platform=ruby, @executables=[], @authors=[Clifford Heath], 
@cert_chain=[], @name=polyglot, 
@required_rubygems_version=#Gem::Requirement:0xb7c92b6c @version=nil, 
@requirements=[[=, #Gem::Version 0]], @files=[History.txt, 
License.txt, Manifest.txt, README.txt, Rakefile, config/hoe.rb, 
config/requirements.rb, lib/polyglot.rb, lib/polyglot/version.rb, 
log/debug.log, script/destroy, script/generate, script/txt2html, 
setup.rb, tasks/deployment.rake, tasks/environment.rake, 
tasks/website.rake, test/test_helper.rb, test/test_polyglot.rb, 
website/index.html, website/index.txt, 
website/stylesheets/screen.css, website/template.rhtml], @has_rdoc=true, 
@specification_version=2, @loaded=true, @signing_key=nil, 
@required_ruby_version=#Gem::Requirement:0xb7c92ce8 @version=nil, 
@requirements=[[=, #Gem::Version 0]], @rdoc_options=[--main, 
README.txt], @bindir=bin, @rubygems_version=1.2.0, 
@homepage=;, @platform=ruby, @autorequire=nil, 

[#Gem::Dependency:0xb7c922fc @version_requirement=nil, @name=hoe, 
@version_requirements=#Gem::Requirement:0xb7c922c0 @version=nil, 
@requirements=[[=, #Gem::Version 1.8.0]], @type=:runtime]

Clifford, let's take this off-list.


  fresh install of debian lenny, upgraded to unstable.
  $ ruby -v
  ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]
  $ gem -v
  $ gem list
  *** LOCAL GEMS ***
  builder (2.1.2)
  cucumber (0.3.0)
  diff-lcs (1.1.2)
  polyglot (0.2.5)
  rspec (1.2.4)
  term-ansicolor (1.0.3)
  treetop (1.2.5)
  $ cucumber
  /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:578:in `report_activate_error': Could not 
  find RubyGem hoe (= 1.8.0) (Gem::LoadError)
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:134:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:158:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `each'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:158:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `each'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:158:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `each'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `activate'
         from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:49:in `gem'
         from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:18

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] gem missing dependencies

2009-04-27 Thread Kero van Gelder
 This is the umpteenth time polyglot messes up. Polyglot is broken broken
 broken. Cucumber doesn't use it, but can't escape it, because Treetop
 *always* loads it. I have tried to lobby the Treetop developers to make it
 optional. I have sent a patch (as a treetop fork). It's still in there.
 What else can I do?

How far do you want to take it?
We got gems, github. Think RPath, fedora spins, debian derivatives.
Grab all stuff from rubyforge and publish your own gem-feed.
Tweaked to fit your needs.

But for that scheme to work, others should not lure us away from your
feed with their own, that tweaks other gems.

So I guess what you really need is a policy for gems on rubyforge.
rubygems looking over some quality and cohesiveness, like (linux) distros 
check quality and make sure packages work together.

The kind of check we'd want to do on polyglot is easy to automate.
If it'd be done when creating the gem, as well as on rubyforge before
it's put in the feed, I guess noone can complain.


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] [Cucumber] gem missing dependencies

2009-04-26 Thread Kero van Gelder

Looks like installing hoe (which brings in rubyforge and rake) solved the 
problem below.
Who builds the gem / should I report this to / should I send a patch ?



fresh install of debian lenny, upgraded to unstable.

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux]
$ gem -v
$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

builder (2.1.2)
cucumber (0.3.0)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
polyglot (0.2.5)
rspec (1.2.4)
term-ansicolor (1.0.3)
treetop (1.2.5)
$ cucumber
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:578:in `report_activate_error': Could not find 
RubyGem hoe (= 1.8.0) (Gem::LoadError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:134:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:158:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:158:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:158:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `each'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:157:in `activate'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:49:in `gem'
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:18

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] Tables

2009-04-22 Thread Kero van Gelder
  Without adding a new feature to Cucumber, I'd probably do
  Scenario Outline: Religious menus
Given the customer is a Religion
When they ask for the menu
Then they should be presented with Meats
| Religion  | Meats |
| Christian |  Pork, Lamb, Veal |
| Jewish|Lamb, Veal |
| Muslim|Lamb, Veal |
| Hindu |Lamb   |
 This certainly would work, but what if we're not dealing with booleans
 (Lamb/No Lamb), but numbers?
 |34,76,89| doesn't read so well...

Actually, I did just that, together with a colleague.
(I removed info about what the algorithm actually computes, but
the +/- indicates a threshold for that algorithm is/is not crossed;
there are four algorithms not two; sorry about all that editing)

  Scenario Outline: measuring a series of daily weights
Given patient Lara
When she measures her weight as weights kg
Then ROT algorithm result should be ROT
And MACD algorithm result should be MACD

  | weights  | ROT | MACD | ...
  |  71   72.5 72   73.3 73.6|  +  |  -   |
  |  71   72   73   74   75  |  -  |  +   |

I find this readable enough (it is much more readable than the long
series of scenarios we had before).

The numbers are a sequence as input for the algorithm.
The sequences are concrete examples to show the differences between the
outcomes of the four algorithms.

What strikes me in your meat examples, is that there is a mapping
from religion to types of meat that can be served (or dishes, in the end).
You can test that the mapping works, why are you trying to be
exhaustive in your examples?

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [Cucumber] Options in tables

2009-04-22 Thread Kero van Gelder
 In Cucumber I want to remove duplication from my examples tables.
 see for an example of the type of situation I
 am facing.
 I would like the second example to be equivalent to the first.
 To do this... I need cucumber to read a row in the examples and notice the
 'options', then run it as if it were several rows in the table, one for each
 possible combination of options.
 Anyone else find this useful? .. or got any suggestions for better ways of
 doing it?

1) See another current thread in this list:  [Cucumber] Tables
2) [new|expired] does not matter, so you don't need the column at all
   you can put two checks in the step definition, I think.
   perhaps this allows you to write the remaining steps in another way,
   without duplication of steps. 

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber - step negating another expecting step

2009-04-18 Thread Kero van Gelder
 I've been doing something similar. I think the benefit of having half  
 the steps(each can be negated) wins over the small impact it has on step 
 readability. Personally I started adding stuff like this(perhaps not as 
 DRY but simple enough):

 Then /^the correspondence should (not )?have inclusions$/ do |negate|
   if negate
 @outcorr.inclusions.should be_empty
 @outcorr.inclusions.should_not be_empty

What's the advantage of having half the steps?
They should be grouped in a nice way in files anyway.

This one's quite readable, though.

 yes, the regexp in the step matcher is a good one to dry it up

 So I end up with this one:

 Then /^I (should|should not) see the people search form$/ do |maybe|
  people_search_form_should_exist maybe == should

should ... exist ...  maybe... should


 and the method:

 def people_search_form_should_exist it_should_exist
  _not = _not unless it_should_exist

  response.send should#{_not}.to_sym, have_tag('form#frmSearch')


 only because I find it easier to read (when I don't need to jump to  
 the method), but yours maybe faster (shorter it is), I could come back 
 to it later and benchmark both

 If you don't mind using the #send (I was trying to help you get rid of 
 it) then just do this:

 Then /^I (should|should not) see the people search form$/ do |maybe|
  response.send maybe.underscore.to_sym, have_tag('form#frmSearch')

If you go with this kind of abstraction, this solution and the topmost
in this mail at least do not introduce extra methods to deal with the
should/should not. more methods to have fewer steps can not be an advantage,
I think.

But the readbility of

  Then /^I should see the people search form$/ do
response.should have_tag('form#peopleSearch')

  Then /^I should not see the people search form$/ do
response.should_not have_tag('form#peopleSearch')

is higher for me, as I only need to think what the have_tag means,
but do not have to parse the should/not, send, underscore and to_sym.

The difference in readability is from about 2 seconds to at least
10 seconds. That's a disadvantage that I'm not willing to pay for
any advantage of having fewer steps.

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Spec run heuristics (Re: Cucover: coverage-aware 'lazy' cucumber runs)

2009-04-13 Thread Kero van Gelder
 That would be very cool, you have lots of good ideas there.  Being able  
 to plug in your own file-change strategy would be killer.  Another cool  
 idea I ran across the other idea is being able to specify in your  
 examples that which ones are focussed.  Meaning, autotest will only  
 run the focussed ones and not bother running the entire suite. Once you  
 have solved the problem at hand you remove the focussed tag and the  
 whole suite is then ran.  This idea, *which is already implemented*,  
 comes from Micronaut[1].  The idea is very similar to Cucumber's and  
 RSpec's[2] tagging feature (yet to come for rspec).  The cool thing  
 about micronaunt is that they have tied it into autotest.  Ideally, we  
 could be able to tell autotest, or whatever program, to only run tests  
 that are tagged a certain way-- and then you could override that with  
 the focused tag.  So, we can add that to our list of cool things to  
 have. :)

Are you saying you want multiple tags and let autotest do logic on them?
 - run everything focus and current_feature
 - run everything current_feature or related_to_it

Or are you saying you should explicitely specified which test went wrong
(would it be nice if autotest just ran all your recently failed features
first and the rest later; compared to the last failure only, as it is
supposed to do now, afaik; perhaps after running previously failed
features, it can run newest features first, finally followed by the other

Or are you saying it's going to be separate from tags completely?

I'm feeling my first idea will run out of hand (adding complexity,
while not solving a specific need), the third sounds bad from a
technical Point of view. The second one comes from the observation
that focussing is a process, not a property. You state
  you remove the focussed tag
yourself. important could be a property, if you don't remove it.

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] Cucumber and CI

2009-02-24 Thread Kero van Gelder
 yeah, you guys are probably right on this. I was just over stating. :)

 Ah, but Waterfall is indeed like the Emissaries of the Shadow. If you 
 defeat one of them, in one form, another one will always appear, take 
 shape, and grow...

 I myself have heard well-meaning product managers say When we go for the 
 rewrite, we are going to make sure we specify each feature, first, before 
 coding them! They said that because the last effort - code-and-fix - had 
 grown until it died under the weight of its cruft. They perceived their 
 inability to safely request new features as evidence that they did not 
 specify enough, up-front.

If you redo a product, you have learned what it should look like.
Thus, you can specify much more in advance. Nothing wrong with that,
it came out of the feedback loops.

I'm curious, do you really expect them to go for a rewrite?

 These managers knew better than to use classic Waterfall, but they still 
 didn't understand that Big Requirements Up Front is essentially 
 Waterfall's worst aspect. And so they re-invented Waterfall, yet again, 
 in yet another form.

That's because they still have not learned that in order to manage
uncertainty, you have to acknowledge that there is uncertainty, first.

Which is not to say I'm doing a good job at explaining that to my customer, yet 

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] [cucumber] Cucumber and CI

2009-02-24 Thread Kero van Gelder
  I find pushing last thing at night even more bizarre to be honest :/
  If you're are going home, it seems reasonable that other people might
  be, ergo there won't be many more changes made (an assumption
  granted). Also, if they are going to continue to work and make
  changes, why force them to merge a
  broken/half-done/possibly-to-be-completely-redone later commit. Makes
  no sense to me :/
 I think that's because you're assuming that there's just one active
 thread of code.  If you're not pushing to the *integration* branch,
 you're not forcing anyone to do anything.  You can push your own
 in-progress development branch to the server (in SVN, in Git, in
 anything that supports branches at all) just to have it someplace
 other than your own machine, and that imposes no cost on anyone else.
 I do it all the time just to be paranoid.  My laptop might get
 stolen is a perfectly sensible reason to take three seconds before
 closing the lid.  Or My place might burn down, or I might get hit
 by that bus I was waiting for, or I might have an epiphany and quit
 my job tomorrow morning to become a chess grandmaster, or even just
 I wonder if my manager would like to look at my functional and
 elegant code.  (In some places it might even be I'd better prove to
 my manager that I did something today.)

If you don't show up for the next 6 weeks or not at all,
that last hour of work of you is not going to matter to anyone. Really.

If you *do* show up you're likely worrying too much about the lost
hardware, or your lost house.

I'd say the only person I'd commit unfinished code for, is myself.
Which means I don't do it at the end of the day, but that should not
prevent you from doing it.

 In any case: pushing to the team's main VCS repository may be a
 necessary step for integration, but it doesn't mean every push has to
 trigger an integration.  Not if you've created a consistent and
 well-understood culture of branching.

I'm trying to get that culture going :) The understanding is tough...
With the main problem being that most of the co-devs are not
software engineers. So I'll do the merging of their branches with
the master (they do hg branch and hg push, I do hg pull, hg merge and hg push).

But I got them to use cucumber! I have to help
a lot, of course, but that's a price i'm willing to pay.

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Time for seperate cucumber mailing list?

2009-01-17 Thread Kero van Gelder
 Because traffic is increasing

That's a bad reason to split a list.

 Because cucumber really is a seperate mature topic now.

 Good point. Can any newbies to the scene comment if this is confusing?

It is mature.
But is it separate?

 Because rspec overlap is getting smaller (relatively)

 Meh. I don't know about that. These are two tools I use every day to  
 drive out changes to my code. I'm still learning when is the right time 
 to use each one, and it varies a lot, so for me there's still  
 significant overlap in terms of the people I want to share ideas with.

Most interesting (imho) discussions on this list are about the larger picture.
Individuals and interaction over process and tools
splitting a mailing list reduces interaction ;)
And isn't it wonderful how a question about regexps triggers a team
to standardize their language? Too bad if you miss that because the thread
was on the other mailling list...

I skip the Rails questions, mostly; but questions about too often needing
Given I am logged in as XYZ with roles A B C
contribute to discussions about GivenScenario and nested steps, i.e.
helps driving the direction of our tools.
(meaning that I could argue that rails related stuff should go to its
own mailing list, but that I will not argue that; use delete-thread
in your favorite mail progam instead.)

I'd rather see people using topics like
 [Rails] my models and viewers are out of control!
 [Cucumber] I can not heckle the pickles
 [spec] it should do
to allow people to filter automagically what they are not interested in.
A little bit of discipline that should come easily when you wonder the
entire day about the best specs and stories, and variable names, no?


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Cucumber and autospec do not work ?

2008-12-06 Thread Kero van Gelder
 I have added th tickets for you and am working on fixes for them.   
 Although, I think the last one needs to be discussed more so please add  
 your thoughts to that ticket.

Thank you!

Comment added to 119

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] Autospec does not work w/ cucumber features?

2008-12-06 Thread Kero van Gelder

And now for the second part of the subject of my previous mails :)

$ cat cucumber.yml
default: .
autotest: -v .
autotest-all: -v -f progress .
$ cucumber -i . -f progress

Pending Scenarios:

1)  enlightenment (meditation)

$ AUTOFEATURE=true autospec # bug! prompt returns immediately, ZenTest gem 
not a dependency? a warning that autotest was not found would be nice.
$ sudo gem install ZenTest
Successfully installed ZenTest-3.11.0
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for ZenTest-3.11.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for ZenTest-3.11.0...
$ AUTOFEATURE=true autospec
^CInterrupt a second time to quit

it just does not do anything at all...
and I haven't had any luck with earlier versions of cucumber, either.
Nor does autospec become more active when I have implemented some features 
afaik I did everything mentioned in

any ideas?

NB: where to file the autospec/autotest warning missing bug; rspec plain? 


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Autospec does not work w/ cucumber features?

2008-12-06 Thread Kero van Gelder
  $ AUTOFEATURE=true autospec # bug! prompt returns immediately, ZenTest 
  gem not a dependency? a warning that autotest was not found would be nice.
 Huh.  The autospec command comes from RSpec; do you have this issue
 without setting AUTOFEATURE=true?


But as I only have features, I would not expect it
to do anything in that case ;)

How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

[rspec-users] Cucumber and autospec do not work ?

2008-12-05 Thread Kero van Gelder

I'm not sure this is how cucumber should behave.
Should I file one or three tickets at

$ cucumber -v

$ mkdir fresh
$ cd fresh
$ cucumber
cucumber.yml was not found.  Please define your 'default' and other profiles in 
Type 'cucumber --help' for usage.
$ touch cucumber.yml
$ cucumber   # bug! should not crash on broken config file
`parse_args_from_profile': undefined method `[]' for false:FalseClass 
/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.1.12/bin/../lib/cucumber/cli.rb:20:in `parse'
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/cucumber-0.1.12/bin/cucumber:6
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:19:in `load'
from /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/cucumber:19
$ echo default:  cucumber.yml
$ cucumber   # bug! default profile defined but irretrievable
Could not find profile: 'default'

Defined profiles in cucumber.yml:
  * default
$ echo default: .  cucumber.yml
$ vim enlightenment.feature
$ cucumber -v# bug! no reason not to use the default profile
Ruby files required:


$ cucumber -v -i -p default
Ruby files required:

  * ./enlightenment.feature

Story: enlightenment  # ./enlightenment.feature
As a Developer
I want to achieve enlightenment
So that I can be at peace with my code
  Scenario: meditation# ./enlightenment.feature:6
When I meditate indefinitely  # ./enlightenment.feature:7
Then I achieve enlightenment  # ./enlightenment.feature:8

2 steps pending


How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?
  -- Faithless, Salva Mea
rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] .html.erb files and autotest

2008-01-14 Thread Kero van Gelder
 The benefit of doing that is it spots files that you may not have
 spec'd that you want spec'd. On the flip side you end up with a bunch
 of noise but you can eliminate that w/ the :initialize hook:
 Autotest.add_hook :initialize do |at|
   at.add_exception 'some_file_i_want_ignored'
 That goes in .autotest in the root of your project, where you type the
 autotest command.

I'm probably too much of a Ruby coder, but an Exception is an existing
Ruby class. add_exception seems strange to me.

How about at.except, at.ignore_file or at.ignore ?
I like the last one best.

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] Do you think it would look cleaner?

2008-01-01 Thread Kero van Gelder
 I was looking over some of my specs.
 I was thinking that the following:
 @game.should_receive(:name).and_return('The Battle for Blaze')
 Would it look cleaner if I could do this instead?
   :name = 'The Battle for Blaze'
   :people = 500
   :activated = true)

A Hash is not ordered.
(but the 1st set of statements is)

rspec-users mailing list

Re: [rspec-users] executing code after each step of a story

2007-12-31 Thread Kero van Gelder

After a bit of digging in runners, I found that I need a formatter, really.
now --format FORMAT:WHERE is explained properly by --help.
--runner otoh, is not; see below.

For the purpose of recording a user story (demo, webdemo), I run espeak
for each step and then some. It seems to me, a formatter is the correct
thing to use for this, but it demands a WHERE parameter that I am not
going to use, as such (I need to store audio snippets and combine with
screenshots into video; grabbing screens is
not formatting anymore; a listener would be better, see below).
Would it be an idea to not stop executing when I specify -f Speaker:
which indicates I know I would need the WHERE, but actually don't?

But worse, when I specify -f p -c -f Speaker, I get my speaker to speak
*before* the coloured text is printed. This is not nice for a live demo,
since the customer can not read along.

When I specify -f Speaker -f p -c, I get my speaker to get one step ahead
of the normal formatter (it speaks, it speaks, the prints, speaks, prints
and prints). I am confused as to why that happens.

  how can I execute some code after each step of a story. Is there some
  kind of listener documentated.
 Very little is documented, and Story Runner is still considered
 experimental (i.e. API's subject to change), but here is what you can
 do with the 1.1.1 release:

Found that before. Together with
 - Spec::Story::Runner::ScenarioRunner#add_listener
 - Spec::Story::Runner::StoryRunner#add_listener

This is at least inconsistent; where is the StepRunner?
World really seems too generic a name.

Also, a formatter, though it hooks into similar things, is not a listener.
What's the relation? If I do not know the relation, I can never decide what the
appropriate time is to make a screenshot.

And why, when I specify  --runner Spec::Story::Runner::StoryRunner
or --runner Spec::Story::Runner::ScenarioRunner do things break?
(or, perhaps, what is a custom runner supposed to run?)

I need to mess with my own runner when I want to see gtk things happening
on screen (which would be even cooler for demoes). This is the reason I started
messing with runners and only noticed the formatters much later...
I succeeded in that, though it is not pretty (have to call exit myself),
is there any way to disable the at_exit registered stuff?

to be clear, I have Ruby code like
  require 'spec'
  Story { Scenario { When {} Then {} } }
and run it with
  `ruby that_code.rb`
(whereas `spec that_code.rb` is very silent; a warning would be nice)

I'll post some videos and code when I'm really done :)

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