Re: Anti hang comments - unexpected EOF in read_timeout

2001-07-24 Thread Irmund Thum

> Some feedback. I'd been having trouble with rsync hanging or early EOF
> timeouts.
> versions over many days and believe that both the kernel upgrade and the
> latest rsync cvs were necessary.
nothing hangs in the case below, the job is done, but what produces the 
message "Aborted by user! unexpected EOF in read_timeout" ?
Example of a cron job email:
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 01:00:01 +0200
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron   test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && 
Aborted by user!
unexpected EOF in read_timeout
Willkommen auf dem rsync-Server %SERVER
receiving file list ... done
wrote 4564 bytes  read 172792 bytes  6692.68 bytes/sec
total size is 178910233  speedup is 1008.76
 Irmund  Thum

Re: Include/Exclude Problem

2001-07-24 Thread Dave Dykstra

On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 05:17:30PM -0500, Perry Hoekstra wrote:
> I am trying to rsync a list of files from one list to another.  I went
> back about five months on the mailing list archive and found this
> message:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 03:21:54PM 
> It is possible to build your own complete list of files to copy and give
> them all to rsync, by building a --include list and doing '--exclude *'
> at the end.  Currently you need to also either have --include '*/' or
> explicitly list all parent directories above the files you want included
> or else the exclude '*' will exclude the whole directories.  There's
> been talk of adding a --files-from option which would remove this last
> restriction, and I even offered to implement it, but I'm still waiting
> for anybody to give performance measurements (using rsync 2.3.2 which
> had an include optimization that did something similar if there were no
> wildcards) to show what the performance impact would be.
> - Dave Dykstra
> Taking that message as a template, I created the following command to
> try to move two files:
> rsync -vaR --include 'devel/a.html' --include 'devel/b.html' --include
> '*/' --exclude '*'
> I get the following displayed:
> receiving file list ... done
> drwxrwxrwx 512 2001/07/20 17:04:06 Incremental
> drwxrwxrwx 512 2001/07/20 17:04:06
> Incremental/07-20-2001_16:00:27
> drwxrwxrwx 512 2001/07/20 17:04:06
> Incremental/07-20-2001_16:00:27/
> wrote 190 bytes  read 187 bytes  251.33 bytes/sec
> total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
> Return code = 0
> but the files are not moved.  What have I screwed up in my
> include/exclude patterns?  Or have I misinterpreted the email?

You're getting that ls -l type output because you did not specify a 
destination directory.  Try adding a '.' to the end of your command

- Dave Dykstra

RE: Can rsync synchronize design changes to tables and data between two Microsoft ACCESS replicas, mdb files?

2001-07-24 Thread David Bolen

R. Weisz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] writes:

> Has anyone using rsync ever tried using it to manage the replication and
> synchronization process for Microsoft ACCESS replicas?  If so,

Not for Microsoft ACCESS, but we synchronize copies of SQL/Anywhere
databases constantly.

As long as you're not trying to synchronize files that are actively in
use (which may prevent rsync from reading portions of the files) there's
no reason why it won't work for any database file.  Rsync itself is just
treating the files as arbitrary binary data - it doesn't care about any
structure to the file data, whether it be a database storage, word
processing document, or just flat text.

One small suggestion for efficiency - for our database transfers, we
keep the blocksize at some multiple of the underlying database page
size (1K for our SQL/Anywhere databases) since its the nature of the
beast that all changes to the database will occur within those
boundaries.  It's not guaranteed to be more efficient, but we've found
it to be so (it prevents multiple rsync blocks from being involved in
a single database change).  I believe for the Jet engine that access
uses it was 2K prior to Jet 4.0 and 4K afterwards.

-- David

 \   David Bolen\   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /
  | FitLinxx, Inc.\  Phone: (203) 708-5192|
 /  860 Canal Street, Stamford, CT  06902   \  Fax: (203) 316-5150 \

Re: Preserving groups

2001-07-24 Thread Dave Dykstra

Sorry for the delayed response, I was on vacation.

The answer is hinted to in the man page under -o:

Note that if the source system is a daemon using chroot, the
--numeric-ids option is implied because the source system cannot
get access to the usernames.

Actually, that says "source" and in your case it is the receiver, but
I think perhaps if you use "use chroot = no" on the receiver/server side
it will probably work.  The problem is that after a chroot it can't read
the passwd and group files anymore.

The daemon mode was really designed for being read-only, so you need to
jump through a lot of hoops to write to one.  I usually try to discourage
people from doing it.

- Dave Dykstra

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 05:01:00PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am new to rsync and am having trouble getting the presevation of groups
> to work when I do an rsync copy between two computers.  I have tried the
> documentation, the list archives and FAQ and everything seems to indicate
> that it should just work.
> On compA I run the following as root
> rsync -av /apps/ compB::apps
> on compB I have an rsyncd.conf with the following and have run rsync
> --daemon.
> log file = /var/log/rsync.log
> [apps]
> path = /apps
> comment = apps
> read only = false
> hosts allow =
> uid = root
> gid = root
> All the copied files get the gid root instead of the gid from the source.
> I have tried it without the gid=root and then I get a gid of nogroup on all
> files copied to the destination computer.
> I have also tried various combinations of options including --numeric-ids
> -o -g etc.  The logs don't seem to indicate any problems.
> Although these two computers are on the same LAN and scp would therefore
> probably be more efficient I am keen to use rsync so I can get this working
> across our WAN which of course only has low bandwidth.
> Could anyone either suggest a solution or point me to some doco which
> covers this.
> Thank you
> Steven

Backup with rsync and after that with tar

2001-07-24 Thread RoBSD

Hello rsync list,

Sorry if my response is already in the archives, I tried to find it
but I failed!

I have 5 computers running linux (rsync and ssh) remotely and I
started to make backups with the following command:

rsync -cavzRq -e /usr/local/sbin/ssh

but I think (maybe I'm wrong) that this mess the symbolic links.
I want to use tar and gzip to make backups from the HDD to tapes and
I don't know if the archives will be correct or not because of the
symbolic links.

Thank you for your time and for this wonderful tool!

Best regards,

Anti hang comments

2001-07-24 Thread John Leach

Some feedback. I'd been having trouble with rsync hanging or early EOF
Problem occurred on 2 identical receiving machines.
I upgraded from Linux kernel 2.4.2 (RH 7.1) to 2.4.7 on the receiving
machines. Sender machines are standard Linux RH 6.1 and RH 6.2 kernel..
Receiving machines are Duron 900Mhz 256 Mb software-raid1 ext2 2x40Gb.
This improved the situation but still gave problems.
Then I downloaded the latest rsync cvs and compiled on both machines and
it's now working perfectly.
Around 10Gb of data to sync.
I tried many permutations of raid/non-raid, kernel 2.4.2/2.4.7 and rsync
versions over many days and believe that both the kernel upgrade and the
latest rsync cvs were necessary.
John Leach