> I have been using rsync on my laptop for some time to safeguard an
> extensive image collection.
> My usage has been: .. rsync -av --delete ~/Pictures /media/disk
> I have found this exceptionally fast ... just as advertised!
> I now have set up a new computer system where I want to back up my /home
> to a sata drive.
> My phrase for this is: .. rsync -av --delete /home/david /media/Sata
> Which appears to be identical to my earlier usage .. but .. rsync
> appears to be totally rewriting the backup and instead of being able to
> get a quick refresh, the backup is now taking an hour or more.
> Any idea what is going on?

On which operating system are you executing rsync? If you are using Mac OS X, 
often permissions are ignored on non-boot drives by default. 

Information on enabling permissions is available from the following URL 
(Instructions at the following link are specific for Mac OS X systems) : 

This is just one possible reason you are having issues.

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