Preserving Permissions using server

2002-07-29 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

Hi!:) - try using the sudo command as a prefix to all of that. I know
that if I didn't do that it would default to nobody.nobody when I copied.
> Hi All,
>I recently installed Rsync to perform backup features - this
> includes backing up a /home dir and keeping ownerships/permissions
> intact is obviously very important
> However when I perform.
> (current working path is /home)
> rsync -azv --progress --stats * [EMAIL PROTECTED]::tmp/home
> and on the server side of things... I have it setup like so -
> motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
> log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
> pid file = /var/run/
> lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
> [tmp]
>path = /usr/rsync/tmp
>comment = Temp
>uid = nobody
>gid = nobody
>read only = no
>list = yes
>auth users = andrew
>secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
> The permissions are kept well - but the owership isn't kept - instead it
> is set to nobody.nobody on the server - any ideas?
> Many thanks - I know it is something small - but I am not sure what it is :(
> I am running a turbolinux 6.5 server system for reference.
> Andrew.
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 07:32:26 -0700 (PDT)
> From: S Peram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: rsync from Windows and Linux over ssh
> Hi All,
> I'm a newbie to RSYNC on Windows.
> I installed RSYNC(version 2.5.1) on Windows and it is
> running as a service on Windows 2000.
> I've been trying to copy some files using RSYNC on
> linux machine running RH Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4.7 from
> Windows 2000 machines using the following command:
> $rsync -avz -e ssh :/rsync/* .
> but i'm getting the following error
> "unexpected EOF in read_timeout".
> I'm running Openssh 3.4p1
> I tried to find info on the archives but they seem not
> related to this specific problem.
> I'd appreciate if any of you gurus help in this issue.
> Thanks,
> Peram
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> To: Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: problems preserving permissions -
> Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 08:06:56 -0700
> Andrew:  You have set the UID to "nobody".  Rsync is not exempt from the
> unix security model.  If you want to be able to preserve UID/GID, you will
> have to use UID "root" (which will allow GID to be ignored).
> Yeah, that is a security issue, but less than if "nobody" were free of
> security restraints.
> Tim Conway
> 303.682.4917 office, 3039210301 cell
> Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC
> 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D
> Longmont, CO 80501
> Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM
> perl -e 'print pack(,
> 19061,29556,8289,28271,29800,25970,8304,25970,27680,26721,25451,25970),
> ".\n" '
> "There are some who call me Tim?"
> 07/29/2002 01:30 AM
> cc: (bcc: Tim Conway/LMT/SC/PHILIPS)
> Subject:problems preserving permissions -
> Classification:
> Hi All,
>I recently installed Rsync to perform backup features - this
> includes backing up a /home dir and keeping ownerships/permissions
> intact is obviously very important
> However when I perform.
> (current working path is /home)
> rsync -azv --progress --stats * [EMAIL PROTECTED]::tmp/home
> and on the server side of things... I have it setup like so -
> motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
> log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
> pid file = /var/run/
> lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
> [tmp]
>path = /usr/rsync/tmp
>comment = Temp
>uid = nobody
>gid = nobody
>read only = no
>list = yes
>auth users = andrew
>secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
> The permissions are kept well - but the owership isn't kept - instead it
> is set to nobody.nobody on the server - any ideas?
> Many thanks - I know it is something small - but I am not sure what it is
> :(
> I am running a turbolinux 6.5 server system for reference.
> Andrew.
> --
> To unsubscribe or change options:
> Before posting, read:
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 21:41:54 +0530
> From: Biju Perumal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Fundamental rsync design question.
> Hi folks,
>   Was looking at a commercial product which does something similar
> to rsync.
> It seems to optimise incremental change determination by logging the
> changes that
> have occured since the first full transfer happened, using techniques
> common in snapshot techniques.
> Is there any reason for rsync not using this approach ? Is

Re: rsync digest, Vol 1 #797 - 4 msgs

2002-07-12 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

If it's anything like the rooms I saw last year...some rooms have
"wardrobes" meaning that you have a unit with a shelf, a "closet" cabinet
type thing, and about 5 drawers. If you have lots of clothes, bring extra
storage containers because thos drawers can't really hold much. Or don't
bring so many clothes:)
I think some of the two room doubles have huge-ass floor to ceiling
wardrobes with cabinets and shelves and a medicine cabinet. But I'm not
sure. It's best to pack the essentials first, and then have your parents
ship and/or buy what you need when you get here. Or you could just haul it
all cross country:)

   To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of
us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Send rsync mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of rsync digest..."
> To unsubscribe or change options:
> Before posting, read:
> ---
> Today's Topics:
>1. subscription (allen tan)
>2. Re: (there was no subject, but about rsync/ssh" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>3. Rsync batch update (Matt Simonsen)
>4. Re: strip setuid/setgid bits on backup (was Re: small security-related rsync 
>extension) (Dan Stromberg)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "allen tan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: subscription
> Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 21:58:38 +0800
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> XHmhi

Sorry about that-New way to run Rsync on OSX

2002-07-11 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

Whoops, I apologize for the off topic e-nail. I meant to write a reply but
I mixed up my messages to the
various listservers I'm subscribed to. I'll remember to check my address
next time. I've found a new way to run Rsync, it works pretty well, and
involves a disk image mounted on a server that's created with Disk Copy.
It serves our purpose pretty well for what we're doing here at the
University. I'll post documentation once I can get it out. Thanks to
everyone for their time and patience in answering my questions, it really

   To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of
us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Send rsync mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of rsync digest..."
> To unsubscribe or change options:
> Before posting, read:
> ---
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: rsync digest, Vol 1 #797 - 4 msgs (Catalino Cuadrado)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 19:35:07 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Catalino Cuadrado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: rsync digest, Vol 1 #797 - 4 msgs
> If it's anything like the rooms I saw last year...some rooms have
> "wardrobes" meaning that you have a unit with a shelf, a "closet" cabinet
> type thing, and about 5 drawers. If you have lots of clothes, bring extra
> storage containers because thos drawers can't really hold much. Or don't
> bring so many clothes:)
> I think some of the two room doubles have huge-ass floor to ceiling
> wardrobes with cabinets and shelves and a medicine cabinet. But I'm not
> sure. It's best to pack the essentials first, and then have your parents
> ship and/or buy what you need when you get here. Or you could just haul it
> all cross country:)
> -Tito
> ---
>To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of
> us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
> respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.
> -
> On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Send rsync mailing list submissions to
> >
> > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> >
> > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> >
> > You can reach the person managing the list at
> >
> > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> > than "Re: Contents of rsync digest..."
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe or change options:
> > Before posting, read:
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >1. subscription (allen tan)
> >2. Re: (there was no subject, but about rsync/ssh" ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >3. Rsync batch update (Matt Simonsen)
> >4. Re: strip setuid/setgid bits on backup (was Re: small security-related rsync 
>extension) (Dan Stromberg)
> >
> > -- __--__--
> >
> > Message: 1
> > From: "allen tan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: subscription
> > Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 21:58:38 +0800
> >
> > This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> >
> > --=_NextPart_000_0008_01C22926.1EFEB420
> > Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> > boundary="=_NextPart_001_0009_01C22926.1F065540"
> >
> >
> > --=_NextPart_001_0009_01C22926.1F065540
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > charset="gb2312"
> > Content-Transfer-Encoding:

Rsync/FreeBSD/Macintosh Files...

2002-07-09 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

Macs are supported using need to have version 2.5.5, it's
distributed with RsyncX. You can grab a copy at
I've found it useful to copy from a local harddrive to another local hard
drive, but I haven't gotten it to work successfully to do a full system
reinstall over the netwrok. It does preserve resource forks and all that
stuff. If you're not sure what versyion you have just type "rsync
--version" without the quotes and you'll see something that should say
Rsync 2.5.5
HFS+ support by Kevin A. Boyd
and list the creators of the original software. This version will support
resource forks.

> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RSYNC/FreeBSD/Macintosh files...
> Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 10:41:03 -0500
> recently found out that rsync does not preserve resource forks, or creator
> types and maybe some other things. But, has anybody had any experience like
> this, would tar'ing the files and then rsync'ing that seem a worthwhile
> solution. There's a lot, so testing is going slowly. Thanks!

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Re: Rsync and Resource File Stripping on Mac OS X: Partially Successful

2002-07-03 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

I'm running Mac OS 10.1.5 and Rsync verison 2.5.5 Protocol Version 26 on
both machines. They were built from the same image using rsync copying
from a removable firewire drive. I connected the firewire drive that I
used to make both the startup images for the two computers I'm attempting
to download to. I've found that the files will copy the permissions
correctly if the target and host are logged in as root, but the drive will
not boot. I've wiped the drive with Disk Utility before attempting the
install and am running OSX from another partition of the hard drive.
According to rsync there should be no problem. I'm pushing from the host
to the target using a secure shell connection from the client to the host

   To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of
us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.

On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Kevin Alexander Boyd wrote:

> Hi,
> Is the version of rsync on both local and remote machines the version that
> supports HFS+?  And are both source and destination filesystems HFS+? This
> is the only way for this version to work correctly.
> Kevin Boyd
> OS X Deployment Coordinator
> Sys Adm UMIT Contract Services
> On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, Catalino Cuadrado wrote:
> > Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 15:42:26 -0400 (EDT)
> > From: Catalino Cuadrado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Rsync and Resource File Stripping on Mac OS X: Partially
> > Successful
> >
> > Well, I finagled a system up that works with Mac OS X and Rsync, I
> > configured it in teh following steps:
> > SSH Authentication key logs in without a password to the host machine
> > jarmusch.
> > From the client machine, Cage, using the command
> > ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED](IP address concealed to protect the innocent.)
> > I get
> > [jarmusch:~]
> > Now that I'm logged into Jarmusch, I execute the following command
> > [jarmusch:~]sudo rsync -aovve /usr/bin/ssh --progress
> > /Volumes/PocketDrive19500/Backup/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/Cage/
> >
> > It then goes through and transfers all the files, but doesn't use HFS+
> > support and strips the resource forks from the file. I should see files
> > coyping that end in .rsrc but none ever do. If anyone knows of a
> > workaround for this, I would appreciate it greatly. I get rsync to work
> > locally without stripping the resource forks..I'm using 2.5.5, the version
> > included with RsyncX
> > -Tito
> >
> > ---
> >To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of
> > us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
> > respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.
> > -
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe or change options:
> > Before posting, read:
> >

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Rsync and Resource File Stripping on Mac OS X: Partially Successful

2002-07-03 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

Well, I finagled a system up that works with Mac OS X and Rsync, I
configured it in teh following steps:
SSH Authentication key logs in without a password to the host machine
>From the client machine, Cage, using the command
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED](IP address concealed to protect the innocent.)
I get
Now that I'm logged into Jarmusch, I execute the following command
[jarmusch:~]sudo rsync -aovve /usr/bin/ssh --progress
/Volumes/PocketDrive19500/Backup/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/Cage/

It then goes through and transfers all the files, but doesn't use HFS+
support and strips the resource forks from the file. I should see files
coyping that end in .rsrc but none ever do. If anyone knows of a
workaround for this, I would appreciate it greatly. I get rsync to work
locally without stripping the resource forks..I'm using 2.5.5, the version
included with RsyncX

   To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all of
us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.

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Rsync Daemon Problems on Mac OS 10.1.5

2002-07-02 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

Dave- I've got the rsync daemon running as root, (setgroups() man page
said that if setgroups wasn't called as root it would give an error
message) and I've configured the ports correctly a la man page. I still
get the error with setgroups.
If it's a recently implemented security feature could I yank that section
out of the code and recompile it again? I haven't had a chance to really
delve into the code and fink around with it, honestly I've been trying to
avoid that:)  The --daemon feature is the only
thing that's giving me trouble. I've gotten it to copy locally from source
to source and at least start copying across a network(although it wasn't
very successful in terms of couldn't "find" a lot of
files/folders that were there) So unless nobody has gotten the --daemon
function working, I guess it's time to go code diving.

   To heal will require real effort, and a change of heart, from all
us.  To heal means that we will begin to look upon one another with
respect and tolerance instead of prejudice, distrust, and hatred.

> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 10:36:09 -0500
> From: Dave Dykstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: rsync 2.5.5 and Mac OS X
> I compile rsync on Mac OSX (not sure of the osx version, but uname -a
> says it's darwin 5.5) but haven't tried running as a daemon.  I suggest
> that you try to debug it further.  setgroups() is only called one place,
> in clientserver.c, with parameters setgroups(0, NULL), and only if
> the define HAVE_SETGROUPS is set.  This call was a relatively recent
> security fix addition to rsync.  The OSX setgroups man page says that the
> EINVAL error is only supposed to occur if the first parameter is greater
> than NGROUPS_MAX.  Apparently it is also reporting that error if the first
> parameter is zero.
> - Dave Dykstra

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Re: rsync digest, Vol 1 #778 - 11 msgs

2002-06-27 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

I haven't gotten it to work successfully, I'm still struggling with the
same setgroups error that you are. However, I can tell you what I have
tried. So far I have rsync configured to run in --daemon mode using the
command: sudo rsync --daemon I can prompt it for a list of modules, but
when I go to copy a module, I get the error @ERROR: setgroups failed.
I can copy locally, from one HD to another, but I can't get it to copy
over the network, even using the sudo rsync ipaddress:/Filename / method.
So it's been kind of aggrivating. I'm thinking it has to do with the fact
that rsync needs to be run locally, and you're running it from a remote
server... If there's a way to trick the system into thinking that the
rsync daemon is running as root on the local machine, that would be ideal.
Unfortunately, I don't know enough about the UNIX side of things to get
that far.

 > Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:08:00 -0600
> Subject: rsync 2.5.5 and Mac OS X
> Greetings,
> Has anyone successfully compiled rsync 2.5.5 under Mac OS X (not
> Server), and actually have it work fully?
> I'm in a position where I'm trying to setup an automated nightly remote
> backup between and Cobalt Raq4 (running a variant of Redhat Linux) and a
> Mac running OS X 10.1.5 with the latest development tools installed.  As
> has been pointed out previously on the list, one has to ./configure with
> the --disable-ipv6 flag to even get it to compile at all.  However
> there's further issues when trying to back up to the Mac running rsync
> in inetd --daemon mode.
> When I issue the following command:
> ---
> rsync -avz /home [EMAIL PROTECTED]::raqbackup
> ---
> I get the following error:
> ---
> @ERROR: setgroups failed
> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (79 bytes read so far)
> rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(150)
> ---
> On the server end, rsyncd.log shows the following:
> ---
> 2002/06/27 09:50:03 [19768] setgroups failed: Invalid argument
> ---
> I've had luck running rsync 2.5.2 running through ssh, but because I
> can't get it to retain the user/group ownership settings it's completely
> useless as 'mirrored' backup unless I spent the next month hand
> restoring the file ownership's by hand.  The man pages noted this
> limitation, unless running as super-user, which I haven't been able to
> get to work (use chroot=yes in rsyncd.conf doesn't seem to do it)
> If anyone has been able to get Mac OS X 10.1.5 running as a rsync server
> in such a fashion, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.
> For debuging purposes, my current rsyncd.conf is:
> ---
> use chroot = yes
> max connections = 1
> syslog facility = local5
> motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
> log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
> pid file = /var/run/
> lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
> [raqbackup]
> path = /Volumes/Eeyore/RaqBackup
> comment = Raq Backup Directory
> auth users = xxx
> secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
> ---
> and the destination directory is set as:
> ---
> drwxrwxrwx2 nobody  nobody  24 Jun 26 22:09 RaqBackup
> ---

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setgroups error in Rsync: Configuration or Missing Part?

2002-06-10 Thread Catalino Cuadrado

I've been trying to get my two Mac OS X computers to sync using rsync
2.5.5. I have one set up as the host with --daemon and the other with a
client running. I was encountering an
 @ERROR: chroot failed error in my messages. I found that the problem lied
in a misconfiguration of the rsyncd.conf file. I had tried to specify a
POSIX pathway using the quoted foward-slash method. Once I got past that,
the next error was @ERROR: setgroups failed. However, unlike chroot, I
don't have this program on my system. I've looked on the 'net, and only
found setgroups defined as a c function setgroups() which seemed to be
part of the rsync raw source code. Is this an error in the rsync program
or am I missing an external program? Where can I download this
program/complete source code for this program?

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