Re: Backup scripts

2014-09-04 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

I think the words used are not correct, that's why you (and Kevin) are a
bit confused. You are in fact asking for incremental backup, not a
snapshot :
In this case, you can use rsync with a few flags to delete (or move in
another directory) the modified/deleted files regarding the last backup.

This would look something like this ((h)uman, do not (x)cross filesystem
boundaries, (P)rogress, (H)ard-links, (a)rchive, aka
recursive+symlinks+perms+time+owner+group+specials and g(z)ip):

# Cloning your data to a distant folder with timestamp
rsync -hxPHaz --exclude=exclude_list source target/$NOW/
# Incremental backup only
rsync -hxPHaz --exclude=exclude_list --delete --backup
--backup-dir=backup source target/latest/
# You can even suffix the modified/deleted files
rsync -hxPHaz --exclude=exclude_list --delete --backup
--backup-dir=backup --suffix=~$NOW source target/latest/

Hope that will help,

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Kevin Korb wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 Yes, you have different scripts now at least.  But I still don't see
 any snapshotting.  The only difference in these is that the full one
 rsyncs to a date+time stamped directory while the snapshot one
 rsyncs to a directory named snapshot.  As far as I can tell both will
 be a complete copy with no relationship to the other.

 On 09/04/2014 05:17 PM, Chris wrote:
  On Thu, 2014-09-04 at 17:00 -0400, Kevin Korb wrote:
  Do you actually have any snapshots currently?  From the scripts
  you posted it seems to just be rsyncing to the same dir every run
  and only claiming to be making snapshots.  If you do have
  snapshots now then something else is happening in addition to
  this script.
  It was pointed out to me in a direct message that I had
  inadvertently posted the same scripts (full backup) in pastebin.
  Here are the correct one.
  On 09/04/2014 04:58 PM, Chris wrote:
  On Thu, 2014-09-04 at 12:46 -0400, Kevin Korb wrote:
  The scripts you posted look the same to me.  And I don't see
  any form of snapshotting.  The $NOW variable is set and is
  echoed but it is never actually used.  For an rsync snapshot
  I would expect to see either rsync --link-dest or a cp -al
  depending on the age of the script.
  The only reason to need two scripts would be because the
  snapshot would need 3 dirs to work with (the source, the
  target, and the previous backup) but that could also be
  handled with 1 script and a simple existing check.
  On 09/04/2014 12:30 PM, Chris wrote:
  I have two scripts that a kind soul on this list wrote for
  me over 4yrs ago. I got to looking at them the other day
  because my old box crashed and had to build a new one also
  got a new backup USB drive since I'm still copying over
  things from the old one. The first one is for a full
  Works great, does exactly what it's supposed to do. The
  second is for a 'snapshot' which is where I get a bit
  confused. I would think that a 'snapshot' would be just the
  changed files either since the last full backup or since
  the last 'snapshot' the night before. It seems though that
  it's actually the same as a full backup. I don't profess to
  be a script person so I have no idea if it's doing what it
  should or something needs to be changed. Below is the 2nd
  Any advice would be appreciated.
  Thanks Kevin, I guess for now I'll leave them as they are until
  I can get smart on scripting.

 - --
 Kevin Korb  Phone:(407) 252-6853
 Systems Administrator   Internet:
 FutureQuest, Inc.  (work)
 Orlando, (personal)
 Web page:
 PGP public key available on web site.
 Version: GnuPG v2

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Re: Prevent dereferenced path of symlinked directories from printing on client side log output

2012-12-27 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

I found something that could be interesting for you : the *command=* that
you can put at the beginning of the corresponding line of your
$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys. For this to work, you must use rsync with
rsa/dsa keys.
$HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys should have one line like this on the server
host :
command=rsync --server --sender -Phaz --copy-links --copy-dirlinks .
/backup/path/ ssh-rsa YourVeryLongSSHKey...
Note that this will override all options passed to rsync on the client side.
See this link :


On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:13 AM, wesley wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out if there is some way to run an rsync daemon which
 makes a mix of real and symlinked folders available to a client such that
 all the folders appear as real to the client.

 I realize the --copy-links and --copy-dirlinks accomplish this when
 invoked from the client side (and that is currently how I am accomplishing
 this). Is there any way to essentially force those options from the
 daemon end? So that to a client, a symlinked dir will always appear as the
 referent dir.

 If not, then if at all possible, I would like to block the referent dir
 from showing up in the log output on the client side. If the client is
 printing --progress output to the terminal, or is tailing the log output,
 rsync will indicate when a directory is a symlink and print the
 dereferenced directory. Is there any way to prevent rsync from printing
 drreferenced directory info? Printing this info to the client can leak
 potentially sensitive information about the filesystem/usernames/etc on the
 server running rsyncd, which is part of the reason why symlinks are being
 used (to present a consistent clean set of read only dirs that may be
 downloaded from). Presenting the referent dir paths leaks information that
 it would be preferable not to leak.

 Thanks to anyone that can point me in the right direction (or letting me
 know if it's not possible). If it's not possible, would very much
 appreciate if it could be considered as a feature enhancement to the rsyncd
 because of the privacy implications of leaking referent path data to


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Re: rsync using huge traffic

2012-11-29 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

First things I'm thinking of is :
1. Do you have inside your backup tree some links that point outside the
filesystem ? (ie. some mounted folder) If so, add the -x flag (don't cross
filesystem boundaries)
2. Do you have some hard links inside your tree that may create recursive
loops ? If so, try with the -H flag too (preserve hard links)
That would lead to -xHaze 'ssh ...'


On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:24 AM, Ben Oswald wrote:


 I'm using rsync to backup my server but there is a problem because
 rsync is using very huge amounts traffic. But first to the setup. The
 server I backup has 4GB of data and I use the following command to
 backup this data.  /usr/bin/rsync -aze 'ssh -i /root/.ssh/backup.key -l
 backupuser' --rsync-path='sudo rsync' --delete --exclude-from=ex.list

 The problem is that the traffic generated to backup these 4GB of data
 is often (yes not every time I backup) up to 200GB and more if I don't
 stop the process. Rsync it self is showing me not more than 4GB of
 transmitted data at the end of the rsync call.
 So is there a known reason for this behaviour of rsync and if yes how
 can I solve this problem?

 Best regards,

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Re: collecting the differences between a local host and remote archive to third local location (a usb device)

2012-09-27 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

So in some ways, you would like to use rsync as a diff/patch tool. There
are some similar questions out there
 or there,
and the answers are quite similar too. Basically, two methods :
I. Bash scripting (1. Do a dry run and export the files list, 2. Get only
these files on your USB, 3. Push the new/updated files on the original
II. Batch-mode (see this

Hope that will help,

On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Benjamin Ward wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I'm trying to archive to a remote host but the size of the data to copy is
 prohibitively large to consider doing the sync over the wire (it's TBs of
 raw video), so i was wondering if it was possible to use a usb attached
 storage device as the transport medium.

 Is it possible for rsync to compare the two systems (over the network)
 finding any newer or different files on the local system as compared to the
 remote archive (ignoring local deletes), then copy only those
 new/differences to a locally attached portable drive so that the portable
 drive can be physically taken across town to the other system, plugged in
 and then the new data be ingested so that a subsequent rsync between the
 the two systems would see those files as synchronised?

 I thought the --compare-dest option might be the way to go, as per this

 but it seems to not behave the way i thought it would.

 Thanks in advance, and apologies if I'm asking a bleeding obvious
 question. :)

 Kind regards,

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Re: cannot rsync when source directory lacks write permission

2012-08-07 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

No I think this bug is not related. However, I am wondering : if the
directory is write-protected, even for root, that means it never changes
right ? or is it that there is no file creation, only updates ? In either
case, the better would be to treat this particular directory separately.
Suppose this directory is called secure, you would create a secure
folder on the destination, with a chmod +w, then do :
rsync $SRC $DST -x secure\*
rsync $SRC/secure $DST/secure/


On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 7:57 AM, András Porjesz

 Probably it is related to this bug:

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 On Behalf Of Steven Levine
 Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 20:15
 Subject: Re: cannot rsync when source directory lacks write permission

 In juuivm$ai5$, on 07/27/12
at 01:26 PM, Brian J. Murrell said:


 I seem to be running into a problem where I am trying to rsync from a
 source directory that lacks write permissions (i.e. r-xr-xr-x).
 Presumably this is because rsync creates the directory on the
 destination, then sets the permissions to match the source and then
 tries to sync the contents of the directory, which it cannot of course
 lacking write permission in the directory.

 Rsync contains code to handle this.  What version of rsync are you running
 and what is the command line you are using and what is the exact error
 message you are getting?



 Steven Levine  eCS/Warp/DIY etc.

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Re: Rsync like Time Machine

2012-07-27 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

As for the destination directory and the backup directory (--backup-dir),
rsync will create the missing subdirectory (one level below the existing
dir only), so yes for /somedir-exists/newdir-with-date, no
for /somedir-exists/newdir-with-year/newdir-with-month on january
1st... But if you want this dir to be a symlink, you can't.


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Clint Olsen wrote:

 I've been very interested in these discussions and uses of rsync as a
 clone of Time Machine. A couple of things have been keeping me from a
 fully automated solution. I'd like to eliminate the need for Samba/NFS
 mounts of any kind, because they have proven to be unreliable for me and
 under some operating environments (Cygwin) it breaks --link-dest. In most
 of the articles I've read, a target date directory is created with some
 sort of latest symlink for the --link-dest parameter. I can accomplish
 those tasks via remote ssh commands, but I was hoping there was a better
 way. For example, is there any circumstance where you can coax rsync into
 creating a target directory that's not there already?

 % rsync source user@nas::module/somedir-exists/newdir-with-date

 So, newdir-with-date doesn't exist (yet). I would like to have rsync
 create it for me. Is that even possible?



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Re: Rsync like Time Machine

2012-07-27 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
If you really want to have a destination tree that looks like :
 current - 2012-07-22

with the current symlink pointing to the latest backup, you can manage to
do it in two passes :
1. Create an empty directory '2012-07-22/' and the 'current' symlink
pointing to it (relative path), and rsync it to the final destination in
replace mode (ie. update, no deletion) with symlink on (-l). This will
replace the existing 'current' symlink in the destination folder.
2. Rsync (-Ha or -Haz) your src folder to 'current/' or to '2012-07-22/'
(leave the trailing slash)

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Clint Olsen wrote:

 Ok, that is helpful. As you can guess based on my question, it would be
 nice if all the automation can be done on the client side rather than
 having some specialized scripting on the receiving side to manage
 directories and symlinks etc.



 On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Greg Deback (rsync) wrote:


 As for the destination directory and the backup directory (--backup-dir),
 rsync will create the missing subdirectory (one level below the existing
 dir only), so yes for /somedir-exists/newdir-with-date, no
 for /somedir-exists/newdir-with-year/newdir-with-month on january
 1st... But if you want this dir to be a symlink, you can't.


 On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Clint Olsen clint.ol...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been very interested in these discussions and uses of rsync as a
 clone of Time Machine. A couple of things have been keeping me from a
 fully automated solution. I'd like to eliminate the need for Samba/NFS
 mounts of any kind, because they have proven to be unreliable for me and
 under some operating environments (Cygwin) it breaks --link-dest. In most
 of the articles I've read, a target date directory is created with some
 sort of latest symlink for the --link-dest parameter. I can accomplish
 those tasks via remote ssh commands, but I was hoping there was a better
 way. For example, is there any circumstance where you can coax rsync into
 creating a target directory that's not there already?

 % rsync source user@nas::module/somedir-exists/newdir-with-date

 So, newdir-with-date doesn't exist (yet). I would like to have rsync
 create it for me. Is that even possible?



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Re: Rsync pairing

2012-06-26 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
You could simply create a dedicated group, set up permissions to your
script, and add only the desired remote users to that group.

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:18 PM, András Porjesz

 Hi all,
 I have an rsyncd installed on a host and I want to use it from a lot of
 clients. This rsync is not invoked directly but there is a shell script
 wrapper co set up parameters and environment.
 My problem is that I do not want to allow any other rsync to be able to
 connect to the daemon. Is there any way to implement such feature?

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Re: Rsync pairing

2012-06-26 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
And you can also restrict users given their IPs :
Add at the top of the rsyncd.conf hosts allow =

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Greg Deback (rsync) wrote:

 You could simply create a dedicated group, set up permissions to your
 script, and add only the desired remote users to that group.

 On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:18 PM, András Porjesz wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have an rsyncd installed on a host and I want to use it from a lot of
 clients. This rsync is not invoked directly but there is a shell script
 wrapper co set up parameters and environment.
 My problem is that I do not want to allow any other rsync to be able to
 connect to the daemon. Is there any way to implement such feature?

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Re: Rsync pairing

2012-06-26 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
Okay, then you can do the following :
- create a dedicated group rsync
- chown/chmod /bin/rsync for that group only
- add a setgid to your script with that group
- use IP control in the rsyncd.conf to restrict users
Thus only allowed users can access the script, and only the script can
launch rsync


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:41 PM, András Porjesz

 thanks, but actually the same users want to use rsync without the wrapper
 and it will cause inproper transfer.


 *From:* [] *On Behalf Of *Greg
 Deback (rsync)
 *Sent:* Tuesday, June 26, 2012 14:38
 *To:* András Porjesz
 *Subject:* Re: Rsync pairing

 You could simply create a dedicated group, set up permissions to your
 script, and add only the desired remote users to that group.

 On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 2:18 PM, András Porjesz wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have an rsyncd installed on a host and I want to use it from a lot of
 clients. This rsync is not invoked directly but there is a shell script
 wrapper co set up parameters and environment.
 My problem is that I do not want to allow any other rsync to be able to
 connect to the daemon. Is there any way to implement such feature?

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Re: rsync files from subfolders on source to root of a folder on destination

2012-04-23 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
If I were you, I would start by creating a unique folder, the image of
Destination/, and fill it with symlinks to your flac files, using -exec,
*then* calling rsync only once with the -L option (--copy-links). Thus you
should be able to benefit from the --delete option and keep an up-to-date
destination tree... but take care of the corrupted symlinks (another -exec

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 8:50 AM, James Robertson wrote:

 I wish to sync a bunch of flac files that reside in various subfolders
 to the root of a folder on a destination.

 An example of the directory structure on the source is:

 source tree Music/
 ├── R
 │   ├── Radiohead
 │   │   └── OK Computer
 │   │   ├── 01 - Radiohead - Airbag.flac
 │   │   ├── 02 - Radiohead - Paranoid Android.flac
 │   └── Red Hot Chilli Peppers
 │   └── Greatest Hits
 │   ├── 01 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge.flac
 │   ├── 02 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away.flac

 I am using this command which syncs fine but includes the directory
 paths on the destination:

 rsync -rltDzvh --delete -e ssh Music/ user@
 --include=*/ --include=*.flac --exclude=*

 So on the destination the structure is:

 destination tree /Destination/
 ├── R
 │   ├── Radiohead
 │   │   └── OK Computer
 │   │   ├── 01 - Radiohead - Airbag.flac
 │   │   ├── 02 - Radiohead - Paranoid Android.flac
 │   └── Red Hot Chilli Peppers
 │   └── Greatest Hits
 │   ├── 01 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge.flac
 │   ├── 02 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away.flac

 I want to prune all directories so only the files are placed into the
 root of /Destination/ e.g.

 destination tree /Destination/
 ├── 01 - Radiohead - Airbag.flac
 ├── 02 - Radiohead - Paranoid Android.flac
 ├── 01 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge.flac
 ├── 02 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give It Away.flac

 All the files have different names so that's ok and I have reviewed
 the various options in rsync such as --no-relative but have been
 unable to get it working as desired.

 I also came up with:

 find ./Music/ -name *.flac -exec rsync -ltDzvh {} -e ssh
 user@ \;

 But this means using ssh keys and is probably inefficient and if I
 want to use the --delete it would likely break everything.

 So how would I achieve this whilst still being able to use --delete or
 --delete-excluded for times when I add, remove or rename items on my
 Music library on the source and have those changes sync to the
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Re: backup to NTFS USB disk

2012-04-15 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
Hello all,

I don't know if this would really help, but I had some problems with latin
characters too while syncing between a Windows NT fileserver (NTFS) and a
linux box (ext3), and I have solved it using --iconv option, as follow :
rsync -hxPHaz -e 'ssh' --stats --iconv=CP1252 --delete --backup
--backup-dir=$BKP_DIR $SRC $DEST
(-h: human readable, -x: don't cross filesystems, -P: --partial --progress,
-H: hard links, -a: archive, ie. own/group/mod/time/..., -z: compression)


On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:05 AM, joop g wrote:


 On Friday 13 April 2012 21:22:42 wrote:

  Since no one has replied yet, I have one idea that *might* point to part

  of your problem. I've never had to deal with locale issues, so I have no

  idea about that.


  You have directories and file names with blanks in them. In general, this

  causes a lot of trouble for a lot of programs. I'm not sure how rsync

  handles them.

 It is very kind of you to at least give it a try, but I am quite sure that
 spaces are not the problem. In fact, I have been experimenting further, and
 the situation is even more complicated.

 First of all, I have to apologize to the list for my first question,

   WARNING: Couldn't set locale to 'nl_NL.iso-9959-1' thus some file names

   may not


   be correct or visible. Please see the potential solution at

 I could try, of course, but it was clearly off-list.

 Before I am to present my more complex problem, I might give some
 explanation. I am managing the computer systems for a small regional
 museum, and we do a lot of digitalization (pictures, movies), and of course
 regular backups, for which I use rsync. And we have three backup disks
 which are regularly changed. We are mostly running XP workstations, with a
 SAMBA server, but the backup disks are NTFS.

 Currently I am replacing the old 1 TB backups (which are nearly full) with
 2 TB disks. And then I saw a problem re-occeur which I thought I had solved
 before. Not only that, but I also saw it vanish this time, rather than
 being solved, as I thought before.

 Take the example I gave already.

   rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat

   documenten voor/catalogus objecten in eigen bezit/artikelen,

   algemeen/8467 wehrpa\#303\#237.doc: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or

   wide character (84)

   rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat

   /mnt/tmp/backup/museum/documenten/bestuur/archief, niet

   geschoond/publiciteit/idee\#343\#253n website.doc: Invalid or

   multibyte or wide character (84)

 Behind the backslashes you see a numerical code, which is clearly
 indicating a locality problem; in fact the file names are 8467
 wehrpaß.doc (with a German sz in it), and ideeën website.doc, with a
 Dutch e-trema in it. Neither of these is a problem in Linux, Samba,
 Windows XP, or NTFS.

 So I am pretty sure it _is_ a locality problem, and I had it before, when
 I installed the 1TB disks, and I _thought_ I had solved it.

 But now I also discovered that the problem vanishes by itself, when you
 re-run rsync. If you have this ideeën file, it is rejected, and it is
 _not_ saved, but if you run rsync again, the message does not appear, and
 the file _is_ saved.

 This must have led me astray the previous time in thinking that I had
 solved the problem, and it may also be responsible for some of the options
 I chose and which apparently were succesful.

 So my question is now: how come a file is rejected the first time around,
 and simply accepted the second time, _without_ any change?

 Well, as a system manager I can now be happy, for the problem goes away,
 but I am still interested in the mechanism behind it. My C knowledge is a
 bit rusty, so I am not really planning to go through the source code myself


 joop gerritse

 Mühlenstraße 11

 D-47546 Kalkar-Wissel



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Re: Rsync to a Remote NAS

2012-04-11 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)

I don't think rsync natively supports samba shared volumes. You should
probably start by mounting your shared volume, using mount -t smbfs, then
sync. See


On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Chris Arnold

 Forgive me if this has been addressed here before. We have a remote office
 that we need to backup to our NAS. We have a site to site certificate VPN.
 The remote site has over 51gb that needs to be backed up to our NAS over
 that VPN. I have tried this command:
 rsync --verbose --progress --stats --compress --recursive --times --perms
 --links --delete /Share/* / smb://

 and it just sits there and appears to do nothing. Does rsync make a
 tarball first and then put it where it is told to put it or does it just
 copy the files/folders over? Maybe it is the smb://xx.xx.xx.xx/whatever
 that is breaking it..the bottom line is i need to copy/rsync a
 directory to a remote server through a VPN. How is this accomplished?
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Re: Problem syncing to Netapp (rsync: failed to set times on...)

2012-04-09 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
PPS. Yet another (a bit ugly) workaround, regarding how often the job is
done : try the options --modify-window=N (N in seconds), to allow timestamp
differences, or/and --size-only (comparing on filesize only).

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 10:32 PM, Joachim Otahal (privat) j...@gmx.netwrote:

  I know from a lot of NAS boxes that they tend to use their internal time
 to stamp files instead of the time given by a copy job.
 The easiest way to test is to deliberately set the time off by a few hours
 on the box you monted the stuff on, the NAS and netapp (or the Server
 accessing the netapp) and create a file from your mount point, and check
 whether the time is right.

 cifs isn't the fastest way in unix environments, and samba uses _quite_ an
 amount of CPU power if you are above 50 MB/s.
 If in any way possible you should do it more directly, having an
 in-between box in the network causes (if -c is used) that all files are
 read from both boxes over the network just for the checksum, hence the bad

 These Netapps, are they pure storage and the server using them is either
 windows or linux? If yes: Put rsync directly on those servers. This also
 applies to most NAS boxes I know, they offer rsync directly, most of the
 time as server.

 Joachim schrieb:

 Hey folks.

 I have a machine that I use as an intermediary to rsync between a NAS in
 another building (the users there have poor bandwidth and need local
 storage) and the our Netapp located in our Datacenter. I get lots of the
 rsync: failed to set times on... errors, and files which have already
 been transferred just try to sync again anyway.

 These are the mount options that I use for both sides:

 mount -t cifs -o credentials=/root/.synccreds //nasdevice/folder /nas
 mount -t cifs -o credentials=/root/.synccreds //netapp/folder /netapp

 The .synccreds file has the credentials of an Active Directory Domain
 Admin account, which has Full Control on both the NAS and the Netapp.

 Here is the command that I run to do the rsync:

 rsync -rvt  --delete --progress /nas/ /netapp/

 Running rsync with -i shows that the files are transferring because of
 timestamp differences.

 I tried the -c option in place of the -t, but the server doing the
 sync just hung there for literally two days without anything transferring
 and no output. I realize that the -c option is slower, but yikes!

 Any thoughts? Suggestions?

 Bill D.

 Bill Dorrian
 Network Administrator
 Desk: 904-273-7625
 Cell: 904-859-9471

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Re: An alternative behavior for symlink

2012-04-04 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
Hello All,

I've been googling a lot but I can't find any suitable solution or
advice, so I'm asking you.
I'm trying do find a way to sync two distant folders containing
symlinks pointing to files outside the synced folders BUT with
different target names.

Here is an example:
./dir1: (source)
 file -- ../data/file
./dir2: (destination)
 file -- ../share/other_file

The goal would be to update 'share/other_file' with the contents of
'data/file', without modifying the existing 'dir2/file' symlink. I
couldn't find any combination of option (--copy-unsafe-links, -l, -L,
etc.): either 'dir2/file' symlink is deleted and replaced with a real
file, or 'dir2/file' is replaced by a symlink pointing to
'../data/file'... that doesn't exist in destination tree.

I would really appreciate if anyone had any idea to solve this case.

Greg (Paris)
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Re: An alternative behavior for symlink

2012-04-04 Thread Greg Deback (rsync)
Thank you for your answer, too bad there's no way, but it's understandable.
Have a nice day too,

Voelker, Bernhard wrote:

 Greg Deback (rsync) wrote:

  Hello All,
  I've been googling a lot but I can't find any suitable solution or
  advice, so I'm asking you.
  I'm trying do find a way to sync two distant folders containing
  symlinks pointing to files outside the synced folders BUT with
  different target names.
  Here is an example:
  ./dir1: (source)
   file -- ../data/file
  ./dir2: (destination)
   file -- ../share/other_file
  The goal would be to update 'share/other_file' with the contents of
  'data/file', without modifying the existing 'dir2/file' symlink. I
  couldn't find any combination of option (--copy-unsafe-links, -l, -L,
  etc.): either 'dir2/file' symlink is deleted and replaced with a real
  file, or 'dir2/file' is replaced by a symlink pointing to
  '../data/file'... that doesn't exist in destination tree.
  I would really appreciate if anyone had any idea to solve this case.

 There's no way. If you want to sync the content of ../data/file to
 ../share/other_file, then you have to do this explicitly.

 rsync -aHxi ${source}/../data/file ${destination}/../share/other_file

 Have a nice day,
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