Permissions Question

2005-07-03 Thread Jeff Yana


I have a permissions issue. Below is my script. I am attempting to 
archive several data sets from our current production server (a Win2K 
box) to our new server, a high performance Fibre Channel Linux-based 

C:\bin\cwRsyncServer\bin\rsync.exe -avvi 
--rsh=c:\bin\cwRsyncServer\bin\ssh.exe -l root 
--password-file=c:\bin\cwRsyncServer\etc\secret --progress --stats 
/cygdrive/c/test/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]::test

Aside from the irritating warning that not all data may have copied 
over - not sure why it woould give me this), my test files seem to copy 
over just fine.

My question is this: unless I chmod 777 on the target directory of the 
remote host, rsync fails. I would prefer to have my perms set to 775, 
with owners set to root:wheel, if possible. Currently, the ssh user I am 
authenticating against is a member of the wheel group, so why am I 
having this permissions problem (where rsync cannot write unless perms 
are set to 777)?

Thank you!


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Re: Permissions Question

2005-07-03 Thread Jeff Yana

Lakshminarayanan Radhakrishnan wrote:


Please refer the man page for rsyncd.conf file, which is present under /etc
U have to make  uid=0 and gid=0, in rsyncd.conf file. That will solve 
your problem.


Jeff Yana wrote:


I have a permissions issue. Below is my script. I am attempting to 
archive several data sets from our current production server (a Win2K 
box) to our new server, a high performance Fibre Channel Linux-based 

C:\bin\cwRsyncServer\bin\rsync.exe -avvi 
--rsh=c:\bin\cwRsyncServer\bin\ssh.exe -l root 
--password-file=c:\bin\cwRsyncServer\etc\secret --progress --stats 
/cygdrive/c/test/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]::test

Aside from the irritating warning that not all data may have copied 
over - not sure why it woould give me this), my test files seem to 
copy over just fine.

My question is this: unless I chmod 777 on the target directory of the 
remote host, rsync fails. I would prefer to have my perms set to 775, 
with owners set to root:wheel, if possible. Currently, the ssh user I 
am authenticating against is a member of the wheel group, so why am I 
having this permissions problem (where rsync cannot write unless perms 
are set to 777)?

Thank you!


Yes, I just discovered that. I am familiar with this feature, however I 
initially though that that feature only influenced rsync initiated copy 
operations, not access permissions prior to the write.

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rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2., 6.3/main.c(1073)

2005-02-01 Thread Jeff Yana
Good Morning-
I am running rsync over Cygwin and am getting an unusual error. The same 
error occurs when I attempt to invoke rsync on the Windows command-line 
(using cwrsync). Has anyone ever seen it before. Googling it turns up 
nothing useful.

rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at 

Win2K Server, Service Pack 4
Thanks in advance for your help.
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Re: rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2., 6.3/main.c(1073)

2005-02-01 Thread Jeff Yana
Wayne Davison wrote:
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 10:28:47AM -0800, Jeff Yana wrote:

rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at 

You'll have to tell us the command you're trying to run or we won't be
able to figure out what you're doing wrong.

Sorry, I thought that was clear.
In this case, I was just inputting rsync with no flags or args.
With args, it is producing this result:
bash-2.05b$ rsync -avc --progress --stats rsh=ssh -l adminuser 
rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync /cygdrive/g/source/ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/My/Shared/Volume/
building file list ...
rsync: link_stat /usr/bin/rsh=ssh -l adminuser failed: No such file or 
directory (2)
rsync: link_stat /usr/bin/rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync failed: No 
such file or directory (2)
0 files...

And it continues to build file list before I escape using Ctrl-C
Source machine is a Win2K Server and target is Panther client.
It was also appearing along with another error when attempting to sync a 
loadset between a Win2K Server machine and Linux, but the cause of the 
other error has been identified and resolved
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Re: rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2., 6.3/main.c(1073)

2005-02-01 Thread Jeff Yana
Wayne Davison wrote:
On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 01:47:19PM -0800, Jeff Yana wrote:

In this case, I was just inputting rsync with no flags or args.


You are right, I just did not include it as I thought it would be 
implicit to all. Sorry about the confusion.

In that case, in addition to the above error, rsync should have also
output a big, long usage message (on stderr).  You can get the usage
message on stdout via rsync --help.  It would be very strange if
the usage message were not printed.

bash-2.05b$ rsync -avc --progress --stats rsh=ssh -l adminuser 
rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync /cygdrive/g/source/ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/My/Shared/Volume/


Yes, of course. Next time I should RTFM, ay!
Great advice about setting the environment variable. Do I set this in 
the environment variable tab on the Windows machine under System 
Properties as you would under Cygwin?

You missed the -- in front of the --rsh and --rsync-path options, so
rsync complained that it each one wasn't found as a file.  Also, you
must not both specify -l adminuser to ssh and adminuser@ -- choose
one or the other (since they both do the same thing).  I'd recommend
setting RSYNC_RSH=ssh in your environment so that you don't need to
specify --rsh=ssh (which just makes the commands easier to type) and
then using the adminuser@ prefix to control the user.

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