AW: any news about rsync and acl's?

2001-07-17 Thread Obergehrer, Walter

Hi Phil,

somewhat offtopic, sorry!

I understand, that moving ACL's from one system to another (with rsync or
any other tool) isn't easy and heavily depending on design decisions /
standardization ... Thank you for rambling :-)

As stated in a mail before I'm trying to combine samba and rsync to provide
most of the 'comfort' in ACL's on Win machines for U*X machines (running
Samba) on the other side of the 'line'.

Doing this, requires to check out which type of permissions available on
Winxx can be mapped onto ACL's which are available on Solaris or any other

I think I'm not the first one trying this. Can some kind soul please point
me to a discussion list/ressource where these kind of topics are discussed.


 As an example for others, consider the problem of syncronizing a
 tree of files from a Solaris machine to a Linux machine running a
 filesystem with no ACLs.  Then syncronize it back.  Now consider
 the question if the ACLs came back, where were they on the Linux
 machine? and what form were they in?.

 | Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | |

any news about rsync and acl's?

2001-07-12 Thread Obergehrer, Walter


we're using the newest samba version's features to implement a more fine
grained control of samba shares. I.e. ACL's (on Solaris) are used to map
parts of the Windows permissions.

The shares are synchronized via rsync to other servers. After synchronizing,
the Solaris ACL's are lost and only the usual user/group/other rights are
visible :-(

Does anybody know if rsync can be used in a way to preserve the ACL's?
If not, are there plans to implement it in the near future?
If not, are there other tools which can handle ACL's when synchronizing?
