Re: Diff problem

2007-11-21 Thread alex loutrbringa'
Thanks very much, Matt and Paul.

Indeed, time with format --time-style=+%s revealed some difference of 30
seconds ...
so i configure : --modify-window=60 and after that when i launched a new
dry-run i was
seeing all my directories with t difference (obvisouly --modify-window
doesn't apply on directories).
I applied -O option (without understanding everything i should say) then i
get nothing to synchronize (that was initally the target : since the
synchronisation was done by checksum).

All is working now.

Thanks again and have a nice day.


2007/11/20, Matt McCutchen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I would like to elaborate a bit on Paul's response:

 On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 18:10 +0100, alex loutrbringa' wrote:
  When i launch my rsync command with -i option, i see all my binary
  files like this :
  f..T downloads/binaries/
  I understood well that T means mtime are different

 The T means that the mtimes differ and you still aren't asking rsync
 to preserve mtimes.  You need to pass -t/--times (or -a/--archive ,
 which implies it).

  even if mtime seems to be exactly the same
  on both servers (assuming that mtime is the time printed by ls -l

 Yes, but use ls -l --time-style=+%s to see the times in full precision
 and rule out timezone issues.

  Maybe the f letter? Do you know what it means ?

 That the file is a regular file.


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Re: Diff problem

2007-11-20 Thread alex loutrbringa'
Hi Matt,

thank you for your answer, this is very useful.
When i launch my rsync command with -i option, i see all my binary files
like this :
f..T downloads/binaries/
I understood well that T means mtime are different even if mtime seems to
be exactly the same
on both servers (assuming that mtime is the time printed by ls -l
If i pass the argument --modify-window 2 to the command with a --dry-run, i
have all my files listed with f..T filename.

Maybe the f letter? Do you know what it means ?

Thanks again.

2007/11/18, Matt McCutchen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 16:37 +0100, alex loutrbringa' wrote:
  Until know i synchronized a few directories full of binaries with
  --checksum options, it took each time a lot
  of time since rsync mdsum each file contained in my directories.
  Then I decided to skip --checksum option to let rsync work only of
  files size and files mtime and speed up the process but when i launch
  a dry-run : rsync wants to resynchronize a lot of my files.
  I don't understand because my 2 remote directories are already exactly
  the same (same files which have same sizes and same mtime).

 Are you certain that the mtimes are the same?  Pass -i to see why rsync
 wants to retransfer the files; a t indicates a difference in mtime.
 If you did ask rsync to preserve mtimes, it may be that the destination
 filesystem has low-resolution mtimes and you need to use
 --modify-window .


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Diff problem

2007-11-16 Thread alex loutrbringa'
Hi everybody,

Until know i synchronized a few directories full of binaries with
--checksum options, it took each time a lot
of time since rsync mdsum each file contained in my directories.
Then I decided to skip --checksum option to let rsync work only of files
size and files mtime and speed up the process but when i launch
a dry-run : rsync wants to resynchronize a lot of my files.
I don't understand because my 2 remote directories are already exactly the
same (same files which have same sizes and same mtime).

Where i'm wrong ?

Thanks very much for your help.
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Problem with --exclude command

2007-11-15 Thread alex loutrbringa'
Hi everybody,

i want to exclude a set of directories of a rsync synchronization but i have
a problem :
serv-dev:~/scripts_Admin# RSYNC_PASSWORD= /usr/bin/rsync -vv --checksum
--recursive --links --exclude .svn/ --exclude test/ /var/www/ssl/
opening tcp connection to port 873
opening connection using --server -vvlrc . ssl/
building file list ...
[sender] excluding directory .svn because of pattern .svn/
[sender] excluding directory test because of pattern test/
[sender] excluding directory downloads/test because of pattern test/
total: matches=0  tag_hits=0  false_alarms=0 data=0

sent 1166 bytes  received 16 bytes  472.80 bytes/sec
total size is 66022402  speedup is 55856.52
So downloads/test is excluded from the rsync but i just want my ./test/
folder being excluded from the transfer, not my downloads/test/ folder.

I've simplified but all my exclusions are generated from a command like `ls
-F | grep -v downloads/` so it should be compatible with the syntax used by
ls output.

I've search on rsync man but i'm a little bit lost/

Thanks very much for your help.

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