[Bug 15163] rsync timeout non-effective and incorrect behaviour

2022-12-13 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

--- Comment #6 from roland  ---
nobody has a clue?

i think proper rsync timeout handling is important.

i have had whole nightly backup procedures hung for the whole night because
rsync got stuck and didn't get timeout, i.e. machines did not get proper backup
because of this. 

i would like to help making this more reliable. i think i have provided some
useful input for it.

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[Bug 15163] rsync timeout non-effective and incorrect behaviour

2022-09-11 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

--- Comment #5 from roland  ---
apparently, this is causing the problem:

if (am_receiver) {

if i comment out the return statement, things work again.

@wayne, what is the reason that timeout checking is being skipped when
"am_receiver" = true ? 

I don't understand the code well enough 

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[Bug 15163] rsync timeout non-effective and incorrect behaviour

2022-09-11 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

--- Comment #4 from roland  ---
here with debug=all

working correctly
# /root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=5 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/' --exclude='/sys' --debug=all --msgs2stderr  
root@ /zfspool/backup/
opening connection using: ssh -l root rsync --server --sender
-vlogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu --msgs2stderr --timeout=5 . /iscsipool  (12 args)
(Client) Protocol versions: remote=31, negotiated=31
Client negotiated checksum: md5
receiving incremental file list
[Receiver] send_msg(0, 36)
[Receiver] io timeout after 6 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)
[Receiver] _exit_cleanup(code=30, file=io.c, line=197): about to call exit(30)

hang forever
# /root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=5 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/' --exclude='/sys' --debug=all --msgs2stderr  
root@ /zfspool/backup/ 2>&1 |head -n50
opening connection using: ssh -l root rsync --server --sender
-vlogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu --msgs2stderr --timeout=5 . /  (12 args)
(Client) Protocol versions: remote=31, negotiated=31
Client negotiated checksum: md5
receiving incremental file list
[Receiver] send_msg(0, 36)
[Receiver] got msg=0, len=0
[Receiver] got msg=0, len=30051
get_local_name count=25 /zfspool/backup/
[Receiver] change_dir(/zfspool/backup/
generator starting pid=9452
delta-transmission enabled
recv_files(25) starting


[receiver] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] got msg=0, len=0

[generator] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] send_msg(0, 0)
[generator] send_msg(0, 0)

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[Bug 15163] rsync timeout non-effective and incorrect behaviour

2022-09-11 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

--- Comment #3 from roland  ---
ah, getting a clue

in io.c

static void check_timeout(BOOL allow_keepalive, int keepalive_flags)
time_t t, chk;

/* On the receiving side, the generator is now the one that decides
 * when a timeout has occurred.  When it is sifting through a lot of
 * files looking for work, it will be sending keep-alive messages to
 * the sender, and even though the receiver won't be sending/receiving
 * anything (not even keep-alive messages), the successful writes to
 * the sender will keep things going.  If the receiver is actively
 * receiving data, it will ensure that the generator knows that it is
 * not idle by sending the generator keep-alive messages (since the
 * generator might be blocked trying to send checksums, it needs to
 * know that the receiver is active).  Thus, as long as one or the
 * other is successfully doing work, the generator will not timeout. */
if (!io_timeout)

t = time(NULL);

if (allow_keepalive) {
/* This may put data into iobuf.msg w/o flushing. */
maybe_send_keepalive(t, keepalive_flags);

if (!last_io_in)
last_io_in = t;

if (am_receiver)

chk = MAX(last_io_out, last_io_in);
if (t - chk >= io_timeout) {
if (am_server)
msgs2stderr = 1;
rprintf(FERROR, "[%s] io timeout after %d seconds --
who_am_i(), (int)(t-chk));

so , apparently when syncing "/" instead of "/iscsipool", keepalive messages
come into the play

i see keepalive messages getting sent, but the are NOT replied by the remote
rsync machine, as strace shows. there is only sshd process actively processing

 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
[pid 131555] 09:57:47.454101 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [], NULL, NULL) = 1 (in
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.455771 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.455887 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.455963 read(4, "\0\0\0
16384) = 44
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.456064 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [10], NULL, NULL) = 1 (out
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.456225 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.456745 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.456950 write(10, "\0\0\0\7", 4) = 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
[pid 131555] 09:57:50.457163 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [], NULL, NULL) = 1 (in
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.459934 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.460391 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.460602 read(4, "\0\0\0
16384) = 44
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.460817 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [10], NULL, NULL) = 1 (out
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.461023 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.461221 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.461314 write(10, "\0\0\0\7", 4) = 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
[pid 131555] 09:57:53.461526 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [], NULL, NULL) = 1 (in
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.463410 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.463858 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.464211 read(4, "\0\0\0
16384) = 44
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.464336 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [10], NULL, NULL) = 1 (out
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.464684 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [CHLD], [], 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.464915 rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [], NULL, 8) = 0
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.465239 write(10, "\0\0\0\7", 4) = 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
[pid 131555] 09:57:56.465354 select(14, [4 5 11 13], [], NULL, NULL^Z
[1]+  Angehalten  strace -f -p 131431 -tt -e write=all

root@debian:~# ps -ef|grep 131555
root  131555  131431  0 09:57 ?00:00:00 sshd: root@notty
root  131562  131555  3 09:57 ?00:00:02 rsync --server --sender
-vlogDtpre.iLsfxCIvu --timeout=5 . /
root  131565  131540  0 09:58 pts/100:00:00 grep 131555

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[Bug 15163] rsync timeout non-effective and incorrect behaviour

2022-09-11 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

--- Comment #2 from roland  ---
here is another bugreport, where timeout is not effective/working


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[Bug 15163] rsync timeout non-effective

2022-09-10 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

--- Comment #1 from roland  ---
here is some strace from the backup host to show the difference

if i set timeout=60 , rsyncing "root@" hangs forever:

08:25:30 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (in [3], left
{tv_sec=0, tv_usec=316390})
08:26:00 read(3, "\0\0\0\7", 32768) = 4
08:26:00 select(5, [3], [4], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=94})
08:26:00 write(4, "\0\0\0\7", 4)= 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
08:26:00 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:26:30 select(5, [3], [4], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=95})
08:26:30 write(4, "\0\0\0\7", 4)= 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
08:26:30 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:27:00 select(5, [3], [4], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=94})
08:27:00 write(4, "\0\0\0\7", 4)= 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
08:27:00 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:27:30 select(5, [3], [4], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=94})
08:27:30 write(4, "\0\0\0\7", 4)= 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
08:27:30 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:28:00 select(5, [3], [4], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=94})
08:28:00 write(4, "\0\0\0\7", 4)= 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
08:28:00 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:28:30 select(5, [3], [4], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=94})
08:28:30 write(4, "\0\0\0\7", 4)= 4
 | 0  00 00 00 07    |
08:28:30 select(4, [3], [], [3], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}

mind that tv_sec=30 is half of the timeout. if i set timeout=10 , tv_sec is 5. 

rsyncing only /iscsipool also hangs, but times out .   for my curiosity setting
60s timeout leads to 90s timeout, but not 60s. apparently, half of the timeout
is being added to the real timeout.

# time /root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=10 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/' --exclude='/sys'  root@
receiving incremental file list
[Receiver] io timeout after 10 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)

real0m15.356s  <- !!!
sys 0m0.005s

# time /root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=60 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/' --exclude='/sys'  root@
receiving incremental file list
[Receiver] io timeout after 60 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)

real1m30.440s  <-!!!
sys 0m0.003s

 | 0  72 65 63 65 69 76 69 6e  67 20 69 6e 63 72 65 6d  receiving increm |
 | 00010  65 6e 74 61 6c 20 66 69  6c 65 20 6c 69 73 74 0a  ental file list. |
-1, 0) = 0x7f74e5536000
-1, 0) = 0x7f74e54f5000
08:35:49 select(6, [5], [4], [5], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 1 (out [4], left
{tv_sec=29, tv_usec=95})
08:35:49 write(4, "$\0\0\7\7\0\0\0- /proc\7\0\0\0- /dev/\6\0\0\0- "..., 40) =
 | 0  24 00 00 07 07 00 00 00  2d 20 2f 70 72 6f 63 07  $...- /proc. |
 | 00010  00 00 00 2d 20 2f 64 65  76 2f 06 00 00 00 2d 20  ...- /dev/-  |
 | 00020  2f 73 79 73 00 00 00 00   /sys |
08:35:49 select(6, [5], [], [5], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:36:19 select(6, [5], [], [5], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:36:49 select(6, [5], [], [5], {tv_sec=30, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
08:37:19 write(2, "[Receiver] io timeout after 60 s"..., 50[Receiver] io
timeout after 60 seconds -- exiting
) = 50
 | 0  5b 52 65 63 65 69 76 65  72 5d 20 69 6f 20 74 69  [Receiver] io ti |
 | 00010  6d 65 6f 75 74 20 61 66  74 65 72 20 36 30 20 73  meout after 60 s |
 | 00020  65 63 6f 6e 64 73 20 2d  2d 20 65 78 69 74 69 6e  econds -- exitin |
 | 00030  67 0a g.   |
08:37:19 rt_sigaction(SIGUSR1, {sa_handler=SIG_IGN, sa_mask=[],
sa_flags=SA_RESTORER, sa_restorer=0x7f74e4965400}, NULL, 8) = 0
08:37:19 rt_sigaction(SIGUSR2, {sa_handler=SIG_IGN, sa_mask=[],
sa_flags=SA_RESTORER, sa_restorer=0x7f74e4965400}, NULL, 8) = 0
08:37:19 wait4(27237, 0x7ffda918da9c, WNOHANG, NULL) = 0
08:37:19 getpid()

[Bug 15163] New: rsync timeout non-effective

2022-09-05 Thread just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync

Bug ID: 15163
   Summary: rsync timeout non-effective
   Product: rsync
   Version: 3.2.0
  Hardware: All
OS: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P5
 Component: core
  Assignee: wa...@opencoder.net
  Reporter: devz...@web.de
QA Contact: rsync...@samba.org
  Target Milestone: ---

there seem to be circumstances, where timeout param is not effective

if i do

/root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=10 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/'  root@ /zfspool/backup/

it hangs forever , as soon as rsync tries to traverse some suspended/hanging
/iscsipool on the remote machine (as this results in locked process as it's in
non-interruptible syscall)

if i do
/root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=10 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/'  root@ /zfspool/backup/

i.e. if i try to rsync the "hung/stalled" directory directly,  i'm getting
proper timeout behaviour:

receiving incremental file list
[Receiver] io timeout after 10 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)

so, apparently there seem to be circumstances where the timeout detection is
not effective

i tried to have a look with strace but don't get a clue what's the problem, as
in both cases rsync gets stuck in /iscsipool

if i run rsync locally on the machine containing the hung/stalled dir, it
behaves like this:

# rsync -av --timeout=1 --dry-run /iscsipool /tmp
sending incremental file list
[Receiver] io timeout after 1 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)

i have seen rsync hang in my scripted backup solution on other situations, e.g.
stale nfs mount etc and since i have a repro-case now, i decided to open a
bugticket for it 

also see https://www.mail-archive.com/rsync@lists.samba.org/msg33555.html

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BUG?: rsync timeout non-effective

2022-09-04 Thread Roland via rsync

apparently, it must be a bug

if i do

/root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=10 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/'  root@ /zfspool/backup/

it hangs forever , as soon as rsync tries to traverse the
suspended/hanging /iscsipool on the remote machine

if i do
/root/rsync/rsync-3.2.5/rsync -avi --timeout=10 --exclude='/proc'
--exclude='/dev/'  root@

i.e. if i try to rsync the "hung/stalled" directory directly,  i'm
getting proper timeout behaviour:

receiving incremental file list
[Receiver] io timeout after 10 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)

so, apparently there seem to be circumstances where the timeout
detection is not effective

if i run rsync locally on the machine containing the hung/stalled dir,
it behaves like this:

# rsync -av --timeout=1 --dry-run /iscsipool /tmp
sending incremental file list
[Receiver] io timeout after 1 seconds -- exiting
rsync error: timeout in data send/receive (code 30) at io.c(197)


root@debian:~# zpool status
  pool: iscsipool
status: One or more devices are faulted in response to IO failures.
action: Make sure the affected devices are connected, then run 'zpool
   see: https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/msg/ZFS-8000-HC

    iscsipool UNAVAIL  0 0 0 insufficient
      wwn-0x  UNAVAIL  4 1 0

errors: No known data errors

Am 01.09.22 um 17:45 schrieb Roland:

there is connection timeout and I/O timeout

i'm using the I/O timeout.

for "--timeout" manpage is "if no data is transferredthen rsync
will exit"

no data is being transferred for hours, but it doesn't exit.

so, what's the problem here ?

  This option allows you to set a maximum I/O timeout in
seconds.  If no data is transferred for the specified time then rsync
will exit.  The default is 0, which means no timeout.

  This option allows you to set the amount of time that
rsync will wait for its connection to an rsync daemon to succeed.  If
the timeout is reached, rsync exits with an error.

Am 01.09.22 um 17:32 schrieb Kevin Korb via rsync:

You are using rsync over ssh.  The connection timeout (and port)
options don't matter if rsync isn't doing the networking.

On 9/1/22 08:49, Roland via rsync wrote:


i do some backup via rsync/ssh and pull data from remote machine to
local machine.

whenever on remote machine there is some network attached subdir
"stuck" (i.e. read/write is blocking, eg. by suspended zfs pool because
of error), rsync backup also hangs forever.

i wonder what's the purpose of "--timeout" then.

local machine:  3.1.2
remote machine: 3.2.3

rsync -avi --stats --delete --delete-excluded --inplace --numeric-ids
--out-format=%-15i %-15b %-15l %-20M %n%L --timeout=900
--rsync-path=export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH;rsync
--exclude-from=/zfspool/backup/myhost/rsync.exclude root@myhost:/

what can i do to make this more robust ?

rsync should not hang, as it's getting started via script and the hang
blocks backup of other hosts.


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To unsubscribe or change options: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync
Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Re: rsync timeout non-effective

2022-09-01 Thread Roland via rsync

there is connection timeout and I/O timeout

i'm using the I/O timeout.

for "--timeout" manpage is "if no data is transferredthen rsync will

no data is being transferred for hours, but it doesn't exit.

so, what's the problem here ?

  This option allows you to set a maximum I/O timeout in
seconds.  If no data is transferred for the specified time then rsync
will exit.  The default is 0, which means no timeout.

  This option allows you to set the amount of time that
rsync will wait for its connection to an rsync daemon to succeed.  If
the timeout is reached, rsync exits with an error.

Am 01.09.22 um 17:32 schrieb Kevin Korb via rsync:

You are using rsync over ssh.  The connection timeout (and port)
options don't matter if rsync isn't doing the networking.

On 9/1/22 08:49, Roland via rsync wrote:


i do some backup via rsync/ssh and pull data from remote machine to
local machine.

whenever on remote machine there is some network attached subdir getting
"stuck" (i.e. read/write is blocking, eg. by suspended zfs pool because
of error), rsync backup also hangs forever.

i wonder what's the purpose of "--timeout" then.

local machine:  3.1.2
remote machine: 3.2.3

rsync -avi --stats --delete --delete-excluded --inplace --numeric-ids
--out-format=%-15i %-15b %-15l %-20M %n%L --timeout=900
--rsync-path=export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH;rsync
--exclude-from=/zfspool/backup/myhost/rsync.exclude root@myhost:/

what can i do to make this more robust ?

rsync should not hang, as it's getting started via script and the hang
blocks backup of other hosts.


Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list.
To unsubscribe or change options: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync
Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Re: rsync timeout non-effective

2022-09-01 Thread Kevin Korb via rsync
You are using rsync over ssh.  The connection timeout (and port) options 
don't matter if rsync isn't doing the networking.

On 9/1/22 08:49, Roland via rsync wrote:


i do some backup via rsync/ssh and pull data from remote machine to
local machine.

whenever on remote machine there is some network attached subdir getting
"stuck" (i.e. read/write is blocking, eg. by suspended zfs pool because
of error), rsync backup also hangs forever.

i wonder what's the purpose of "--timeout" then.

local machine:  3.1.2
remote machine: 3.2.3

rsync -avi --stats --delete --delete-excluded --inplace --numeric-ids
--out-format=%-15i %-15b %-15l %-20M %n%L --timeout=900
--rsync-path=export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH;rsync
--exclude-from=/zfspool/backup/myhost/rsync.exclude root@myhost:/

what can i do to make this more robust ?

rsync should not hang, as it's getting started via script and the hang
blocks backup of other hosts.


Kevin Korb  Phone:(407) 252-6853
Systems Administrator   Internet:
FutureQuest, Inc.   ke...@futurequest.net  (work)
Orlando, Floridak...@sanitarium.net (personal)
Web page:   https://sanitarium.net/
PGP public key available on web site.

Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list.
To unsubscribe or change options: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync
Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

rsync timeout non-effective

2022-09-01 Thread Roland via rsync


i do some backup via rsync/ssh and pull data from remote machine to
local machine.

whenever on remote machine there is some network attached subdir getting
"stuck" (i.e. read/write is blocking, eg. by suspended zfs pool because
of error), rsync backup also hangs forever.

i wonder what's the purpose of "--timeout" then.

local machine:  3.1.2
remote machine: 3.2.3

rsync -avi --stats --delete --delete-excluded --inplace --numeric-ids
--out-format=%-15i %-15b %-15l %-20M %n%L --timeout=900
--rsync-path=export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH;rsync
--exclude-from=/zfspool/backup/myhost/rsync.exclude root@myhost:/

what can i do to make this more robust ?

rsync should not hang, as it's getting started via script and the hang
blocks backup of other hosts.


Please use reply-all for most replies to avoid omitting the mailing list.
To unsubscribe or change options: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync
Before posting, read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html