Re: [rt-users] REST API for Assets

2016-12-06 Thread Stephen Switzer

   I also need a REST api for assets, so I decided to take a stab at 
writing one myself. The files are here:

   This is my first contribution to RT. To install and test, place the 
files default and links into a new directory: 

Then run:
rm -Rf /opt/rt4/var/mason_data/obj/*; service apache2 reload

I have working asset "show", "new" and updates. It used the same format 
as tickets:

$ curl 

RT/4.4.1 200 Ok

id: asset/1
Name: testing
Description: The test description is here
Catalog: 1
Status: allocated
Created: 2016-12-06 02:25:17
LastUpdated: 2016-12-07 04:05:57
Owner: myuser


CF.{NCentralAssetID}: 34512

Custom fields are working, links work (show only) and updates work 
(mostly). I'm currently having trouble with the Contacts and HeldBy 
fields not removing entries for users that are no longer on the list 
when posted. I get an error from RT::Record::Role::Roles, when it's 
clearly listed when I query. Even more odd, the first time I try to 
remove a member, it acts without error. It's only on the second attempt 
that it shows an error. This suggested that maybe it's removing 
*something*, but not all. Appears to be a bug in other PMs.

If this helps someone as-is, then great! If others can contribute, I 
welcome it.
Anyone know if our pull request should go against master when we're 

Anyone willing to trust the code? LOL


On 2016-12-04 5:38 pm, Bart Bunting wrote:


I may be able to get our company to contribute something, although I'm
afraid it wouldn't be too much.

We are tossing up between updating owr own existing solution or using
RT to manage assets.

Given the lack of an API it makes RT integration with our customer  

problematic.  This is likely to push us away from RT and to just write
our own specific implementation.

If there is a commitment from Bestpractical to get the API implemented
and funds were the only issue we would consider how we could help.

Kind regards


Josh Tackitt  writes:

Hi Bart,

Unfortunately there is no REST API for Assets.  I've heard rumors that
maybe they're working on it but pretty sure I've not seen anything 

Is anyone out there interested in combining funds to pay for the
development of this much needed feature?  I'm sure we could convince
BestPractical to roll it into 'core' so that everyone would benefit.


On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Bart Bunting 



Is there a REST API for assets in RT?

I can't find any documentation for it.

Can anyone shed any light on if it exists or is in the works?

Kind regards

Bart Bunting - URSYS
PH: 02 87452811
Mbl: 0409560005
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

Reed College
Computer Hardware Services
ETC 114


RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

Re: [rt-users] Adding ticket "Description" to the top of the page

2016-12-06 Thread Parish, Brent
Total shot in the dark here, but one idea might be to create a custom field (of 
type: “text”), and copy the initial request into that upon ticket creation (via 
a  Scrip).
You could probably truncate the text to keep it fairly small, with a “more” 
link that hyperlinks to the initial question.  To do this, I’m betting you 
would need to run the Scrip in batch mode though, so you would have access to 
the new ticket number and transaction id (e.g.
If you wanted to get really fancy, you could look into incorporating a gist-ing 
routine instead of merely truncating – that would be very [geeky] cool!

-  Brent

From: rt-users [] On Behalf Of 
Chris McClement
Sent: Sunday, December 4, 2016 6:26 PM
Subject: [rt-users] Adding ticket "Description" to the top of the page

By default, I sort ticket History so that the newest entry is at the top. 
However, I would like to be able to have the original request visible when I 
first open a ticket. Does anyone have any suggestions for achieving this? In 
other words, the Display tab of a ticket would have a section containing the 
first comment/description, but the History section would still be sorted with 
newest item at the top of the list.
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

Re: [rt-users] Issue With ExternalAuth

2016-12-06 Thread Martin Wheldon

Hi Claude,

Yes, your problem seems to be a little odd.

I believe that this is the code that is rejecting your authentication 


   # If we got here and don't have a user loaded we must have failed to
   # get a full, valid user from an authoritative external source.
   unless ($session->{'CurrentUser'} && $session->{'CurrentUser'}->Id) 

   $session->{'CurrentUser'} = RT::CurrentUser->new;
   return (0, "No User");

Do you have multiple external auth mechanisms configured??
Would you be able to post your full RT configuration, with sensitive 
information obfuscated obviously?

Best Regards


On 2016-12-06 11:37, Claude EDUMA wrote:


It request only the "dn" attribute because the user is not internal.
once user is created, it will request the others attributes.

I have seen our ldap administrator and for him all is OK. Accounts are
well binded with LDAP.
It seem like after binding account it request another validation wich

My question is why RT retreive all attributes on LDAP but still fail
to grant acces to users ?

I'm sorry to take your presious time and thank you once more.


[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: 20005528 , service: My_LDAP
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] == Filter:
(&(objectClass=privperson)(uid=20005528)) == Attrs: co,cn,mail,uid,uid
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]:
RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth called by RT::User
/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/ 699 with  : Disabled: , EmailAddress:
, Gecos: 20005528, Name: 20005528, Privileged: 1
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: Attempting to get user info
using this external service: My_LDAP
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use this
canonicalization key: Name (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] == Filter:
(&(objectClass=privperson)(uid=20005528)) == Attrs: co,cn,mail,uid,uid
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [info]:
RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth returning Country: ,
Disabled: , EmailAddress:,
Gecos: 20005528, Name: 20005528, Privileged: 1, RealName: JONATHAN
LAIGLE (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [error]: Couldn't create user
20005528: Email address in use
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: Autohandler called
ExternalAuth. Response: (0, No User)
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for 20005528
from (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/


2016-12-06 12:04 GMT+01:00 Martin Wheldon

Hi Claude,

OK from your logs you can see successful lookup from LDAP of the
user and a successful validation.
So we can rule out issues with communication with the LDAP server
and user credentials.

The following line however is an issue as you seem to be only
getting/requesting the dn attribute returned. I'm not quite certain
which :)

"... == Attrs: dn"

[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] [1] == Filter:
(&(uid=20005528)(objectClass=privperson)) == Attrs: dn

This is what I get on my test system:

"... == Attrs:


The configuration you sent earlier is expecting uid,mail,cn and co:

'attr_map' => {
'Name' => 'uid',
'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
'RealName' => 'cn',
'Gecos'=> 'uid',
'Country'  => 'co',

 Is your ldap search account able to get this information from the

Best Regards


On 2016-12-06 10:25, Claude EDUMA wrote:


But even if it'is a new user, user is create but I still have LOGIN

below log with a new user


[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: Trying external auth
service: My_LDAP
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] [1] == Filter:
(&(uid=20005528)(objectClass=privperson)) == Attrs: dn
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: Found LDAP DN:
uid=20005528,ou=people,ou=GO-LM, [1] [1]

[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::GetAuth External Auth OK ( My_LDAP
20005528 (/opt/rt4

Re: [rt-users] Issue With ExternalAuth

2016-12-06 Thread Martin Wheldon

Hi Claude,

OK from your logs you can see successful lookup from LDAP of the user 
and a successful validation.
So we can rule out issues with communication with the LDAP server and 
user credentials.

The following line however is an issue as you seem to be only 
getting/requesting the dn attribute returned. I'm not quite certain 
which :)

"... == Attrs: dn"
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] == Filter: 
(&(uid=20005528)(objectClass=privperson)) == Attrs: dn

This is what I get on my test system:

"... == Attrs: 

The configuration you sent earlier is expecting uid,mail,cn and co:

'attr_map' => {
'Name' => 'uid',
'EmailAddress' => 'mail',
'RealName' => 'cn',
'Gecos'=> 'uid',
'Country'  => 'co',

Is your ldap search account able to get this information from the 

Best Regards


On 2016-12-06 10:25, Claude EDUMA wrote:


But even if it'is a new user, user is create but I still have LOGIN

below log with a new user


[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: Trying external auth
service: My_LDAP
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] == Filter:
(&(uid=20005528)(objectClass=privperson)) == Attrs: dn
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: Found LDAP DN:
uid=20005528,ou=people,ou=GO-LM, [1]
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP::GetAuth External Auth OK ( My_LDAP ):
20005528 (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth/
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: LDAP password validation
result: 1 (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Authen/
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: Password Validation Check
Result:  1 (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Authen/
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [debug]: Autohandler called
ExternalAuth. Response: (0, No User)
[4110] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:44 2016] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for 20005528
from (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use external
auth service: My_LDAP
[4109] [Tue Dec  6 10:22:50 2016] [debug]: Calling UserExists with
$username (20005528) and $service (My_LDAP)

2016-12-06 11:12 GMT+01:00 Martin Wheldon

Hi Claude,

Seems you already have a user in the RT database with the same email
address, but different user name.

[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [error]: Couldn't create user
20006583: Email address in use

Best Regards


On 2016-12-06 08:05, Claude EDUMA wrote:
Hi Martin,

Thank you for your response.

File permissions for my CA.cert are "rw-r--r-".

below rt.log


[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use
auth service: My_LDAP
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Calling UserExists with
$username (20006583) and $service (My_LDAP)
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: 20006583 , service: My_LDAP
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] [2] == Filter:
(&(objectClass=privperson)(uid=20006583)) == Attrs:
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]:
RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth called by RT::User
/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/ 699 with: Disabled: , EmailAddress:
Gecos: 20006583, Name: 20006583, Privileged: 1
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Attempting to get user
using this external service: My_LDAP
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use this
canonicalization key: Name (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [1] [2] == Filter:

(&(objectClass=privperson)(uid=20006583)) == Attrs:
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [info]:
RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth returning Country: ,
Disabled: , EmailAddress:, Gecos:
20006583, Name: 20006583, Privileged: 1, RealName: CLAUDE EDUMA
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [error]: Couldn't create user
20006583: Email address in u

Re: [rt-users] Issue With ExternalAuth

2016-12-06 Thread Martin Wheldon

Hi Claude,

Seems you already have a user in the RT database with the same email 
address, but different user name.

[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [error]: Couldn't create user 
20006583: Email address in use

Best Regards


On 2016-12-06 08:05, Claude EDUMA wrote:

Hi Martin,

Thank you for your response.

File permissions for my CA.cert are "rw-r--r-".

below rt.log


[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use external
auth service: My_LDAP
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Calling UserExists with
$username (20006583) and $service (My_LDAP)
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: UserExists params:
username: 20006583 , service: My_LDAP
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [2] == Filter:
(&(objectClass=privperson)(uid=20006583)) == Attrs: co,cn,mail,uid,uid
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]:
RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth called by RT::User
/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/ 699 with: Disabled: , EmailAddress: ,
Gecos: 20006583, Name: 20006583, Privileged: 1
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Attempting to get user info
using this external service: My_LDAP
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Attempting to use this
canonicalization key: Name (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: LDAP Search ===  Base: [2] == Filter:
(&(objectClass=privperson)(uid=20006583)) == Attrs: co,cn,mail,uid,uid
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [info]:
RT::User::CanonicalizeUserInfoFromExternalAuth returning Country: ,
Disabled: , EmailAddress:, Gecos:
20006583, Name: 20006583, Privileged: 1, RealName: CLAUDE EDUMA
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [error]: Couldn't create user
20006583: Email address in use
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [debug]: Autohandler called
ExternalAuth. Response: (0, No User)
[3605] [Tue Dec  6 07:58:02 2016] [error]: FAILED LOGIN for 20006583
from (/opt/rt4/sbin/../lib/RT/Interface/

Thank you one more time.


2016-12-05 23:35 GMT+01:00 Martin Wheldon

Hi Claude,

Your english is much better than my french :)
I've cc'd the RT users list as they may have additional suggestions.
The short answer is no I don't believe your problem is caused by TLS

You seem to be mixing up the new RT 4.4 LDAP configuration syntax
with the older RT::Authen::ExternalAuth syntax.

If you are using RT 4.4.x then you don't need the following, because
it is the old style syntax:

Set($LDAPFilter, '(&(objectClass=person))');
Set($LDAPMapping, {
Name=> 'uid',
EmailAddress=> 'mail',
RealName=> 'cn'

The following option should also be removed when using RT4.4.x

'ssl_version'  => 3,

Is RT able to read your CAcert file? Please could you check the file
Do you see any errors in the logs?

Best Regards


On 2016-12-05 13:22, wrote:

Hi Martin,

I try to configure LDAP authentication but it don't work.
I'm sure all my config is correct (see below). I tried with
ladapsearch and all it's OK. I look my ldap's server logs and i
users correctly. Do you thinks it's TLS bugs ?

(sorry for my english I'm french)
Thank you.

Set($LDAPFilter, '(&(objectClass=person))');
Set($LDAPMapping, {
Name=> 'uid',
EmailAddress=> 'mail',
RealName=> 'cn'

# Use the below LDAP source for both authentication, as well
as user
# information
Set( $ExternalAuthPriority, ["My_LDAP"] );
Set( $ExternalInfoPriority, ["My_LDAP"] );
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 1);

# Make users created from LDAP Privileged
Set( $UserAutocreateDefaultsOnLogin, { Privileged => 1 } );

# Users should still be autocreated by RT as internal users if
# fail to exist in an external service; this is so requestors
# are not in LDAP) can still be created when they email in.
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 0);

# Minimal LDAP configuration; see
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::LDAP for
# further details and examples
Set($ExternalSettings, {
'My_LDAP'   =>  {
'type' =>  'ldap',
'server'   =>  'ldaps://MYLDAPSERVER',
'user' =>  'MYUSER',
'pass' =>  'MYPASS',
'base' =>  'MYBASE',
'filter'   =>  '(objectClass=privperson)',
'tls'  => { verify => "requi