[rt-users] problem with basic configuration of rt-3.8.7 stripping domainname from incoming emails and setting default values

2009-12-21 Thread Jeroen Baten

I have 2 probably very simple questions:

question 1:
I have a basic auth working with autocreate users.
The usernames are without domainname. It works, I'm happy.

I have a form that does ticket creation via email.
Users are automaticcally created but with the domainname in them. This
make me not so happy :-)

I tried these settings:
Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressMatch, '@onvz\.nl$');
Set($CanonicalizeEmailAddressReplace, '');

To strip the incoming domainname but it does not work.
What am I missing here?

question 2:
How can I configure RT so that autocreated users (via email form
submission or REMOTE_USER authentication) will have a username 'user'
and an email adres 'u...@domain'?

please help, it's driving me nuts and I have been reading the
mailinglist archives all day sofar.

kind regards,

Kind regards,
ONVZ Healthinsurance

Jeroen Baten
IT Staff dept.

De Molen 66
Postbus 392
3990 GD  Houten

Tel: +31 30 639 65 08
Fax: +31 30 639 63 25

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[rt-users] how to check for existence of user from scrip

2009-09-28 Thread Jeroen Baten

I am making a script that does an auto-assignment based on the contents
of the email.

How can I check in a scrip whether a certain userid already exists?

kind regards,

Met vriendelijke groet,
ONVZ Zorgverzekeraar

Jeroen Baten
Stafmedewerker Automatisering

De Molen 66
Postbus 392
3990 GD  Houten

Tel: 030 639 65 08
Fax: 030 639 63 25

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