[rt-users] How to use Apache authentication methods for NoAuth pages? (fastcgi and apache2 RT not respecting htaccess)

2010-03-21 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
I have some NoAuth pages I'd like to use with htaccess/htpasswd-style
Apache authentication but NoAuth pages served by Request Tracker don't
seem to respect my settings in Apache's configuration.

Additionally, the pages themselves aren't requesting a username and
password which I'd really like for a few of the NoAuth pages.  This
allows us to give people different summary views of ticket data
through our own templates to present RequestTracker tickets to
internal groups.  So that doesn't work and neither do protections that
Apache applies to those files, letting remote users request the
.htpasswd and .htaccess files off the filesystem in spite of my
configuration in Apache.

For example, I have the following in my httpd.conf:

Files ~ ^\.ht
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

So I imagine this means RT's fastcgi instance is taking over and these
requests aren't actually going to Apache, but I do see them in
Apache's log:

[20/Mar/2010:22:14:25 -0500] TLSv1 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
GET /NoAuth/helpdesk/.htaccess HTTP/1.1 15
[20/Mar/2010:22:35:52 -0500] TLSv1 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA
GET /NoAuth/helpdesk/.htaccess HTTP/1.1 15

Any ideas on what is happening?  I have no occurrence of AllowOverride
None in my httpd.conf.

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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8 and Apache 2, NoAuth pages not parsed by RT?

2010-03-05 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
 VirtualHost prod-interface-ipaddress:8383
 ServerName host.fqdn
 Alias /NoAuth/images/ /local/rt/rt-current/share/html/NoAuth/images/
 Alias /NoAuth/resnet/ /local/rt/rt-current/share/html/NoAuth/resnet/

 This rather explicitly tells apache *not* to pass the resnet pages
 through RT, so I'm hardly surprised that it is failing.

The only reason I tried that was because RT is not presenting
/NoAuth/resnet correctly.  When I remove that line and so that the
only non-SSL-related directives are:

VirtualHost ip.address:8383
   ServerName host.fqdn
   Alias /NoAuth/images/ /local/rt/rt-current/share/html/NoAuth/images/
   DocumentRoot /local/rt/rt-current/share/html
   ScriptAlias / /local/rt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi/

Location /NoAuth/images
   SetHandler default-handler

It doesn't allow a request for /NoAuth/resnet/index.html to be
processed at all -- I get an RT page that says the file isn't found.

If I just request /NoAuth/resnet/ it generates the page but doesn't
execute any of the perl needed to create the table like it does on our
production system.

This ( http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2769/4408373509_40b85ff521.jpg )
is a window-grab that shows a browser window of how it looks when
requesting /NoAuth/resnet/ from RT to better illustrate what I'm
seeing in the hopes that it shows something useful to you (or anyone else)!

If you don't want to view the image I'll paste what is generated:

 New  Open Resnet Tickets.
%PERL my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($user);
$tickets-LimitQueue(VALUE = 'resnet'); $tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE
= 'open'); $tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'new');
$tickets-OrderBy(FIELD = 'id', ALIAS = 'main', ORDER = 'DESC'); %
if ($tickets-Count) { %while (my $ticket = $tickets-Next) { %
$restrict = 1; %my $Field1 = $ticket-CustomFieldValues(13); % while
(my $Test1 = $Field1-Next()) { % $restrict = $Test1-Content; % }
%if($restrict ne 'True') { % $i++; % } % } % }

(and then the HTML table with %$ticket-Id% under ID,
%$ticket-Subject% under Subject, etc.

So it looks to me like the perl isn't being executed at all but I
don't know why.

This is the last blocker I have before I can deploy 3.8, I have
everything else working as before except for these pages.  Thank you
again for taking the time to assist.

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[rt-users] RT 3.8 and Apache 2, NoAuth pages not parsed by RT?

2010-03-04 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
I have done some additional troubleshooting and am still hitting a bit
of a snag.

I have pages created on our 3.6 RT install (apache 1.3) that read
similar to this:


my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($user);
$tickets-LimitQueue(VALUE = 'QUEUENAME');
$tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'open');
$tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'new');
$tickets-OrderBy(FIELD = 'id', ALIAS = 'main', ORDER = 'DESC');
% if ($tickets-Count) {

 mumble mumble

my $user = new RT::CurrentUser('guest');
my $queue = new RT::Queue($user);
my $i=0;
my $restrict;

This allows a user in our helpdesk to view a page of open issues in
this particular example.  We authenticate them via htaccess/htpasswd
and just let them cruise a page of open issues because we don't want
to expose the contents of the tickets to anyone that isn't a user in
the system.

I'm open to suggestions on other ways of handling this but this is the
way it has been done historically but our 3.8 install doesn't seem to
like it.  It doesn't actually execute any of the %PERL glue and just
spits it out into the contents of the page.  I am not sure if this is
an Apache configuration issue, an RT configuration issue, or both.

I do have mod_perl activated in httpd.conf and we are using fastcgi
and mason_handler.fcgi for the application itself.

In httpd.conf I have been trying out various directives but this is
what it looks like as of now for /NoAuth:

Location /NoAuth
satisfy any
SetHandler perl-script
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
Options +ExecCGI
allow from all

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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8 and Apache 2, NoAuth pages not parsed by RT?

2010-03-04 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
One more thing I forgot to add is that I can never access /NoAuth/ on
the same port as the RT application itself, it always returns me to
the login screen and gives a page not found error.

e.g. https://rthost.tld:8383/NoAuth/images/

Gives me an RT-generated The page you requested could not be found |
Please check the URL and try again page.  In the process of
troubleshooting this NoAuth page problem I've setup a vhost for the
NoAuth pages, which is where they don't execute.

I'm quite certain this is a simple matter but Ive been having a
difficult time with it.  What should the directives in Apache's
httpd.conf look like for proper access to pages under /NoAuth/

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Zuckercorn, Barry
zuckercorn.ba...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have done some additional troubleshooting and am still hitting a bit
 of a snag.

 I have pages created on our 3.6 RT install (apache 1.3) that read
 similar to this:


 my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($user);
 $tickets-LimitQueue(VALUE = 'QUEUENAME');
 $tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'open');
 $tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'new');
 $tickets-OrderBy(FIELD = 'id', ALIAS = 'main', ORDER = 'DESC');
 % if ($tickets-Count) {

  mumble mumble

 my $user = new RT::CurrentUser('guest');
 my $queue = new RT::Queue($user);
 my $i=0;
 my $restrict;

 This allows a user in our helpdesk to view a page of open issues in
 this particular example.  We authenticate them via htaccess/htpasswd
 and just let them cruise a page of open issues because we don't want
 to expose the contents of the tickets to anyone that isn't a user in
 the system.

 I'm open to suggestions on other ways of handling this but this is the
 way it has been done historically but our 3.8 install doesn't seem to
 like it.  It doesn't actually execute any of the %PERL glue and just
 spits it out into the contents of the page.  I am not sure if this is
 an Apache configuration issue, an RT configuration issue, or both.

 I do have mod_perl activated in httpd.conf and we are using fastcgi
 and mason_handler.fcgi for the application itself.

 In httpd.conf I have been trying out various directives but this is
 what it looks like as of now for /NoAuth:

 Location /NoAuth
        satisfy any
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
        Options +ExecCGI
        allow from all


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8 and Apache 2, NoAuth pages not parsed by RT?

2010-03-04 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Kevin Falcone falc...@bestpractical.com wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 03:47:21PM -0600, Zuckercorn, Barry wrote:
 One more thing I forgot to add is that I can never access /NoAuth/ on
 the same port as the RT application itself, it always returns me to
 the login screen and gives a page not found error.

 e.g. https://rthost.tld:8383/NoAuth/images/

 Gives me an RT-generated The page you requested could not be found |
 Please check the URL and try again page.  In the process of
 troubleshooting this NoAuth page problem I've setup a vhost for the
 NoAuth pages, which is where they don't execute.

 I'm quite certain this is a simple matter but Ive been having a
 difficult time with it.  What should the directives in Apache's
 httpd.conf look like for proper access to pages under /NoAuth/

 Have you tried the configuration directives from the README included
 with RT?  You shouldn't need any particular /NoAuth/ stanzas, other
 than the NoAuth/images one, which is really just for performance
 serving static files.

 Also, you want to pick mod_perl or fastcgi, not try to use both of

I did remove my mod_perl load and I have looked at the README included
with RT.  Under the fastcgi section the only reference to NoAuth is

   Alias /NoAuth/images/ /opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/images/

Which I have (though I changed the filesystem path to match my
install) in the Virtual Host configuration directive:

VirtualHost prod-interface-ipaddress:8383
ServerName host.fqdn
Alias /NoAuth/images/ /local/rt/rt-current/share/html/NoAuth/images/
Alias /NoAuth/resnet/ /local/rt/rt-current/share/html/NoAuth/resnet/
DocumentRoot /local/rt/rt-current/share/html
ScriptAlias / /local/rt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi/

...mumble mumble SSL configuration... logs.../VirtualHost

I added the /NoAuth/reset/ alias due to that url still not working.

If I try to go to https://host.fqdn:8383/NoAuth/resnet/index.html I am
getting a page that doesn't render correctly in 3.8 but did in 3.6
(but again I moved from mod_perl to fcgi and am not clear on the
impact this has on executing the perl inside the page)

Instead of building the nice HTML table with the open tickets for that
group to view it spits back the code:


Which used to fill a table cell with the ticket ID number.  Or  `%
print $CF1;`  where the IP address used to go, etc.

If this isn't a supported mechanism (I inherited this RT system) is
there a way to provide local users access to the same type of data in
a page that can be protected with htaccess instead of browsing full
ticket details inside of RT?

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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8 and Apache 2, NoAuth pages not parsed by RT?

2010-03-04 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
 Instead of building the nice HTML table with the open tickets for that
 group to view it spits back the code:


 Which used to fill a table cell with the ticket ID number.  Or  `%
 print $CF1;`  where the IP address used to go, etc.

 If this isn't a supported mechanism (I inherited this RT system) is
 there a way to provide local users access to the same type of data in
 a page that can be protected with htaccess instead of browsing full
 ticket details inside of RT?

I suppose I should include the full contents of the page so you can
see what we were/are actually doing:


link rel=stylesheet href=/NoAuth/webrt.css type=text/css
titleOpen Incidents at test.edu/title

h1 Open Security Incidents by Building/h1


my $tickets = new RT::Tickets($user);
$tickets-OrderBy(FIELD = 'id', ALIAS = 'main', ORDER = 'DESC');
$tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'open');
$tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'new');
$tickets-LimitStatus(VALUE = 'stalled');
% if ($tickets-Count) {


bIP Addressb

bNetwork Statusb


%   while (my $ticket = $tickets-Next) {

%   $status = 1;
%   $building = 1;
%   $restrict = 1;

%   my $Field1 = $ticket-CustomFieldValues(11);

%   while (my $Test1 = $Field1-Next()) {
%   $status = $Test1-Content;
%   }

%   my $Field2 = $ticket-CustomFieldValues(3);

%   while (my $Test2 = $Field2-Next()) {
%   $building = $Test2-Content;
%   }

%   my $Field3 = $ticket-CustomFieldValues(13);

%   while (my $Test3 = $Field3-Next()) {
%   $restrict = $Test3-Content;
%   $Test3 = 1; 
%   }

%   if($building eq $bid  $restrict ne 'True') {
%   $i++;

% if ($i%2) {

%   my $CF;
%   my $CFValue;
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(1); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF1=$CFValue-Content;}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(5); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF5=$CFValue-Content;}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(2); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF2=$CFValue-Content;}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(3); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF3=$CFValue-Content;}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(6); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF6=$CFValue-Content;}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(10); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF10=$CFValue-Content}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(7); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF7=$CFValue-Content;}
%   $CF =  $ticket-CustomFieldValues(12); while ($CFValue
= $CF-Next()){$CF12=$CFValue-Content};


% $ticket-CreatedObj-AsString %/TD
% print $CF1;
% print $CF5;
% print $CF6;

% print $CF2;
% print $CF3;
% print $CF10;
% print $status;
% print $CF7;

% print $CF12;
% ($CF5,$CF6,$CF2,$CF3,$CF4,$CF10,$CF7,$CF12) = (,,,);
% }
% }
% }


%if ($i == 0){
There are currently no disabled ports in this building.

$bid = undef


my $user = new RT::CurrentUser('guest');
my $queue = new RT::Queue($user);
my $i = 0;
my $status;
my $building;
my $restrict;
my $CF1; my $CF5; my $CF6; my $CF2; my $CF3; my $CF4; my $CF10; my
$CF7; my $CF12;


It would be great if we didn't need to develop a new set of pages to
get this type of view out to the helpdesk and building contacts, but
like I said I'm open to suggestions if there is a better way.  I'm
very curious as to why this doesn't work anymore in 3.8 with fastcgi

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[rt-users] Trouble with NoAuth pages and REST urls for email

2010-03-02 Thread Zuckercorn, Barry
I am in the process of moving from RT 3.6 to 3.8 and have managed to
get the database migration and upgrade process working smoothly.
We're using fastcgi successfully (which is much faster than our
production system and Mason)
I am however having a hard time getting our old NoAuth pages to work,
which in turn means I am having some problems with email interactions
with RT.
We are using Active Directory to authenticate users which is working
very well and have the following VirtualHost configuration:
// start
VirtualHost n.n.n.n:n
    ServerName fqdn.tld
    DocumentRoot /local/rt/rt-current/share/html
    ScriptAlias / /local/rt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi

Location /NoAuth/images
SetHandler default

Location /REST/1.0/NoAuth
        satisfy any
        allow from all
Location /NoAuth
        satisfy any
        allow from all
Location /NoAuth/images
        SetHandler default-handler
Location /rt/
        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
        SetHandler fastcgi-script
// leaving out ssl junk
// end
Trying to do a test email:
/local/rt/rt-current/bin/rt-mailgate: temp file is '/tmp/nWKJoWPqCW'
/local/rt/rt-current/bin/rt-mailgate: connecting to
not ok - Could not load a valid user
I also noticed that our old NoAuth pages for things like public ticket
overviews (so non-users of RT can view open tickets for a
building/site) are not being processed by RT any more.
The /NoAuth/ URL will 403, but our pages below that that work on the
old system do not get parsed and display the processed information.
The page will render with things like:

%ARGS $bid = undef %INIT my $user = new RT::CurrentUser('guest');
my $queue = new RT::Queue($user); my $i = 0; my $status; my $building;
my $restrict; my $CF1; my $CF8; my $CF2; my $CF3; my $CF5; my $CF10;
my $CF7; my $CF12;

showing to the user which I believe means that the fcgi isn't
processing it at all.

My RT log has the following recent events:

[Tue Mar  2 18:28:07 2010] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth.
Response: (0, No User)
[Tue Mar  2 19:53:36 2010] [error]: Couldn't find sender's address
[Tue Mar  2 19:53:36 2010] [error]: Could not record email: Could not
load a valid user
[Tue Mar  2 19:53:59 2010] [error]: Couldn't find sender's address
[Tue Mar  2 19:53:59 2010] [error]: Could not record email: Could not
load a valid user
[Tue Mar  2 19:54:05 2010] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth
service: Active_Directory
[Tue Mar  2 19:54:05 2010] [debug]: SSO Failed and no user to test
with. Nexting 
[Tue Mar  2 19:54:05 2010] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth.
Response: (0, No User)
[Tue Mar  2 20:02:58 2010] [error]: Couldn't find sender's address
[Tue Mar  2 20:02:58 2010] [error]: Could not record email: Could not
load a valid user

I was seeing this in Apache's log:

[Tue Mar 02 12:03:27 2010] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /local/rt/apache/htdocs/REST
[Tue Mar 02 13:03:27 2010] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /local/rt/apache/htdocs/REST

So I created a symlink to just see if it would have any impact at all
and the message was bounced back to me.  I believe it should have been
able to match my email address with the information available in the
directory as my account on RT has it there as well.

Any ideas on how to approach my NoAuth and REST problems?

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