
We have upgrade our installation from 3.6.6 to 4.0.1, and now all images will 
not be show inline in the webinterface: only the text "Message body not shown 
because it is not plain text." and a link to download the image.

In our config there is

        Set( $ShowTransactionImages, 1);


        Set( $MaxInlineBody, 12000);

but for my user this value is set to 0.

Any hint?

Luca Villani     -      Register.It S.p.A. - Dada Group

Tel: +39 055 20021517   Mobile: +39 335 8753086
ICQ: 76272621           Skype: luca.villani

2011 Training: http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html

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