Good morning,

I am currently trying to customize RTs Action Listing in the top of the Ticket 
Display (Comment, Correspond, Forward, Resolve). I am using callbacks, but they 
do not invoke as expected. As a basic idea I have been using the example of 
Dirk Pape, specifically

The code I am actually using looks like this:

if ($Ticket) {
        # overwrite the default Action for Resolve to Correspond
        if ( $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') && ( $Ticket->Status 
ne 'resolved' ) ) {
                $actions->{'G'}->{'path'} = 

        # Set To Test
        if ( $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket') && ( $Ticket->Status 
ne 'test' ) ) {
                $actions->{'T'} = {
                        title => 'Test',
                        path => 
                                . $Ticket->id };

        # Add as Watcher
        if ( $Ticket->CurrentUserHasRight('Watch') ) {
                $actions->{'W'} = {
                        title => loc('Watch'),
                        path => 
                                . $Ticket->CurrentUser->id
                                . '=Cc&id='.$Ticket->id };

# $actions->{'ZZ2'} = { title => 'test2', path => 'test2' };
$Ticket => undef
$actions => undef

The callback actually gets called, if I uncomment the "ZZ2" entry, it gets 
shown as expected. Unfortunately, the $Ticket object is undefined and thus 
breaks the entire idea.

I am using RT 3.8.8 installed from Debian packages, the callback has been 
placed into 

I would appreciate any hints, why this does not work.

Best regards,
Torben Nehmer
Torben Nehmer
Diplom Informatiker (FH)
Business System Developer
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Messerschmittstr. 20
89343 Scheppach
Tel.: +49 8225 - 996-1118
Fax: +49 8225 - 996-41118<><>
CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Scheppach
HRB 10653 Memmingen
Geschäftsführer: Martin Mayr, Tobias Hörmann
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