[rt-users] Displaying Columns

2006-09-03 Thread leondutoit

I am working with our IT developers to customize RT. We are using 3.6.1

Logged in as the root user, I have experimented with colums displayed in 
RT at a glance.

I have deleted the locTake column displayed. If I want to now add the
column again, it is not available.

I know how to add the id field as a Take link, but the column is then
diplayed with the id number as a hyperlink, but I want it to display
Take as the title of the hyperlink.

Hope someone can assist.



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[rt-users] Displaying Columns

2006-09-03 Thread leondutoit

I am working with our IT developers to customize RT. We are using 3.6.1

Logged in as the root user, I have experimented with colums displayed in 
RT at a glance.

I have deleted the locTake column displayed. If I want to now add the
column again, it is not available.

I know how to add the id field as a Take link, but the column is then
diplayed with the id number as a hyperlink, but I want it to display
Take as the title of the hyperlink.

Hope someone can assist.



South Africas premier free email service - www.webmail.co.za


Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
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