Re: [rt-users] Need help getting REST API calls to work using WinHttpRequest from VBA

2016-04-18 Thread tim
By using the following code placed into a class called clsRT_Ticket I was
able to create RT Tickets within VBA successfully.  Hope this helps others
that have run into this issue with VBA.

'Must Include Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5 (winhttp.dll) in your

'NOTE: to call CreateTicket function from code
'Set RT_Ticket = New clsRT_Ticket
'With RT_Ticket
'.ProcessBar = Me.StatusBar
'.DisplayTicketInfoUponCreation = True
'.Body = sbody
'.PIDs = cPIDs
'.BankID_Old = sOrgReturnedCheck_BankID
'.BankID_New = ReturnedCheck.BankId
'End With
'Set RT_Ticket = Nothing

Private WinHttpReq As WinHttpRequest

Private Const multiPartBoundary As String = "--xYzZY"

Private mvarRT_URL As String
Private mvarRT_CreateTICKET As String
Private mvarRT_ShowTICKET As String
Private mvarRT_Auth_User As String
Private mvarRT_Auth_PWD As String

Private mvarSessionCookie As String
Private mvarCookieHolder As Variant

Private mvarBody As String
Private mvarRequestor As String
Private mvarSubject As String
Private mvarTicketNumber As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'create the WinHttpRequest object
Set WinHttpReq = New WinHttpRequest

mvarRT_URL = "https://(RT server):#"  'where # points to a valid
port if needed
mvarRT_CreateTICKET = mvarRT_URL & "/REST/1.0/ticket/new"
mvarRT_ShowTICKET = mvarRT_URL & "/REST/1.0/ticket/%ticket%/SHOW"
mvarRT_Auth_User = "(valid RT user name)"
mvarRT_Auth_PWD = "(valid RT user password)"
mvarRequestor = "(valid RT requestor name)"

mvarBody = ""
mvarSubject = ""
mvarTicketNumber = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set WinHttpReq = Nothing

End Sub

Public Function CreateTicket() As Boolean
Dim sMultiPartData As String
Dim sCustomFieldValue As String 'value to be placed into custom
field if used

mvarBody = "text to be displayed in body of "
mvarSubject = ""

'setup multipart/form-data to be passed to RT request
sMultiPartData = ""
sMultiPartData = multiPartBoundary & vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "Content-Disposition: form-data;
name=""content""" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "id: ticket/new" + vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "Subject: " + mvarSubject + vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "Text: " + mvarBody + vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "Requestor: " & mvarRequestor & vbCrLf

'had to include next statement twice to get custom field values to be
accepted in RT
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "CF-(name of custom field): " +
sCustomFieldValue + vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "CF-(name of custom field): " +
sCustomFieldValue + vbCrLf

sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "Queue: General" + vbCrLf
sMultiPartData = sMultiPartData + "--xYzZY--"

With WinHttpReq
If getValidSessionCookie Then   'get cookie from first call to RT
'Debug.Print .ResponseText

'2) create New RT ticket
.Open "POST", mvarRT_CreateTICKET
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0"
.setRequestHeader "Accept",
.setRequestHeader "Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"
.setRequestHeader "DNT", "1"
.setRequestHeader "Referer", mvarRT_CreateTICKET
.setRequestHeader "Cookie", mvarSessionCookie
.setRequestHeader "Connection", "keep-alive"
.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;
.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", CStr(Len(sMultiPartData))
.send (sMultiPartData)

If .Status = 200 Then
mvarTicketNumber = Trim(.responseText)
If InStr(mvarTicketNumber, "401 Credentials required") < 1
'get RT ticket number
mvarTicketNumber = Replace(mvarTicketNumber, Chr(10),
If mvarTicketNumber <> "" Then
'return just the RT ticket number
mvarTicketNumber = Mid(mvarTicketNumber,
InStr(mvarTicketNumber, "# Ticket ") + Len("# Ticket "))
mvarTicketNumber = Replace(mvarTicketNumber, "
created.", "")
End If

Debug.Print "RT Ticket #" & CStr(mvarTicketNumber) & "
Debug.Print .responseText
Debug.Print .getAllResponseHeaders
End If
Debug.Print .responseText
Debug.Print .getAllResponseHeaders
End If
'cannot establish a connection to RT server, so try again up to
3 attempts only
Debug.Print .responseText

Re: [rt-users] Need help getting REST API calls to work using WinHttpRequest from VBA

2015-05-04 Thread Guadagnino Cristiano
you will probably find what you need by looking at the source code of my 
RTChecker project.
Look here:

Hope this helps

On 05/01/2015 04:39 PM, Tim Elkin wrote:
Our goal is to create a Ticket in RT using VBA using the WinHttpRequest object. 
 We understand that there are 2 login pages involved with RT.

So, first we log into the first RT login page using using a POST request and 
passing the username and password using the SetCredentials function of the 
WinHttpRequest object.  This request appears to return a valid session cookie 
which we parse to use in our second WinHttpRequest request.

In making our second request we use a GET request setting the 2nd RT login 
username and password using the SetCredentials function and in addition we now 
are passing the session cookie (that is we send a portion of the session cookie 
returned from the previous request) info using the SetRequestHeader (as in 
SetRequestHeader Cookie, mvarSessionCookie ).  In this second request we are 
asking for an RT Ticket to be returned using https://(our 
url)/REST/1.0/ticket/(a ticket 
#)/showhttps://(oururl)/REST/1.0/ticket/(aticket#)/show.  However, we 
receive the 401 Authorization error instead.

Some sample code would be great.

Below is the code we are using presently to verify that the session cookie we 
receive from the 1st RT login page is valid by
using a second request to return an existing RT ticket (which is hard coded for 
testing purposes):

Private Const cnstBase_URL As String = https://[our RT url]

With WinHttpReq
'either of the following lines seems to work and return a cookie
.Open POST, cnstBase_URL

.SetRequestHeader User-Agent, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; 
rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
.SetRequestHeader Connection, keep-alive

'user name and password for 1st RT login page/url
.SetCredentials cnstRequestor, cnstPWD, 

On Error Resume Next

If Err.Number = 0 Then
If .Status = 200 Then
On Error Resume Next
output_Cookie = .getResponseHeader(Set-Cookie)
On Error GoTo 0

myCookie = Split(output_Cookie, ;)
If UBound(myCookie)  0 Then
'implicit conversion to string
mvarSessionCookie = myCookie(0)
End If
Debug.Print HTTP   .Status .StatusText
End If
Debug.Print Error   Err.Number Err.Source 
End If
On Error GoTo 0

End With

Set WinHttpReq = Nothing

If Trim(mvarSessionCookie) =  Then Exit Function

'perform second request
Set WinHttpReq = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
With WinHttpReq
'get ticket data
Dim TargetURL As String

'to test cookie, display a ticket
'hard coded for testing as this works from the Browser which I thought 
would be a good test
'to see if the Cookie variable works
TargetURL = https://[our RT url]/REST/1.0/ticket/96494/show

.Open GET, TargetURL, False

.SetRequestHeader User-Agent, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; 
rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
.SetRequestHeader Connection, keep-alive

.SetRequestHeader Cookie, mvarSessionCookie

'user name and password for 2nd RT login page/url
.SetCredentials cnstBasic_Auth_User, cnstBasic_Auth_PWD, 

On Error Resume Next

If Err.Number = 0 Then
If .Status = 200 Then
Debug.Print .ResponseText
Debug.Print .GetAllResponseHeaders
Debug.Print HTTP   .Status .StatusText
End If
Debug.Print Error   Err.Number Err.Source 
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Debug.Print .GetAllResponseHeaders

End With

Set WinHttpReq = Nothing

Thanks, in advance,

[rt-users] Need help getting REST API calls to work using WinHttpRequest from VBA

2015-05-01 Thread Tim Elkin
Our goal is to create a Ticket in RT using VBA using the WinHttpRequest
object.  We understand that there are 2 login pages involved with RT.

So, first we log into the first RT login page using using a POST request
and passing the username and password using the SetCredentials function of
the WinHttpRequest object.  This request appears to return a valid session
cookie which we parse to use in our second WinHttpRequest request.

In making our second request we use a GET request setting the 2nd RT
login username and password using the SetCredentials function and in
addition we now are passing the session cookie (that is we send a portion
of the session cookie returned from the previous request) info using the
SetRequestHeader (as in SetRequestHeader Cookie, mvarSessionCookie ).  In
this second request we are asking for an RT Ticket to be returned using
https://(our url)/REST/1.0/ticket/(a ticket #)/show.  However, we receive
the 401 Authorization error instead.

Some sample code would be great.

*Below is the code we are using presently to verify that the session cookie
we receive from the 1st RT login page is valid by *

*using a second request to return an existing RT ticket (which is hard
coded for testing purposes):*
Private Const cnstBase_URL As String = https://[our RT url]

With WinHttpReq
'either of the following lines seems to work and return a cookie
.Open POST, cnstBase_URL

.SetRequestHeader User-Agent, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
.SetRequestHeader Connection, keep-alive

'user name and password for 1st RT login page/url
.SetCredentials cnstRequestor, cnstPWD,

On Error Resume Next

If Err.Number = 0 Then
If .Status = 200 Then
On Error Resume Next
output_Cookie = .getResponseHeader(Set-Cookie)
On Error GoTo 0

myCookie = Split(output_Cookie, ;)
If UBound(myCookie)  0 Then
'implicit conversion to string
mvarSessionCookie = myCookie(0)
End If
Debug.Print HTTP   .Status .StatusText
End If
Debug.Print Error   Err.Number Err.Source
End If
On Error GoTo 0

End With

Set WinHttpReq = Nothing

If Trim(mvarSessionCookie) =  Then Exit Function

'perform second request
Set WinHttpReq = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
With WinHttpReq
'get ticket data
Dim TargetURL As String

'to test cookie, display a ticket
'hard coded for testing as this works from the Browser which I
thought would be a good test
'to see if the Cookie variable works
TargetURL = https://[our RT url]/REST/1.0/ticket/96494/show

.Open GET, TargetURL, False

.SetRequestHeader User-Agent, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0
.SetRequestHeader Connection, keep-alive

.SetRequestHeader Cookie, mvarSessionCookie

'user name and password for 2nd RT login page/url
.SetCredentials cnstBasic_Auth_User, cnstBasic_Auth_PWD,

On Error Resume Next

If Err.Number = 0 Then
If .Status = 200 Then
Debug.Print .ResponseText
Debug.Print .GetAllResponseHeaders
Debug.Print HTTP   .Status .StatusText
End If
Debug.Print Error   Err.Number Err.Source
End If
On Error GoTo 0

Debug.Print .GetAllResponseHeaders

End With

Set WinHttpReq = Nothing

Thanks, in advance,