[RollTideFan] impo-tint message for Krut

2004-08-13 Thread atticusjd

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[RollTideFan] (non) FARK headline

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen
Limbless woman sues airline. Legal experts say she doesn't have a leg to 
stand on

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] An observation or 2...

2004-08-13 Thread John R. Wodziak
Quoting M Laborde at 22:30 13-08-04:
from the Opening Ceremony (as of 9:30 PM CDT)
1. When the fuck did Palestine become recognized as a country?
When the fuck was Blow Job Clinton President of the USA? and Ally Gore
inventing the internet?
2. Australia has no black athletes
Shit, if you think we (Americans) treated the Injuns bad in the USA with the
polio infested blankets, and all, you haven't heard about what those British
criminoles did to the Abo's down under.
Americans were horrible to the Injuns, and imported blacks and were just as
horrible to them. But the Aussie folks (like the Georgia folks) were criminals,
and spent the last 200 years treating the Abo folks as 9th class people.
At least in the USA, us "enlightened" folks never had a policy of stealing
babies from Indians/Aboriginals and placing them with white "God Fearing"
folks, like you and me (sic). We Americans were above that, we just
killed them off.
3. Germany has no black athletes
But they do have some very ugly ass East German "women" swimming for them.
5. The opening ceremony is longer than the damn Academy Awards
And with Katie Kouric and Bob Costas neither has ever utter a sentence that
was worth more than any one I've ever uttered as a drunken fool.

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Re: [RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

2004-08-13 Thread John R. Wodziak
Quoting Joe Goodson at 22:28 13-08-04:
ACK!  That looks like a Joel!
Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it
to others.
-William Allen White
I done corrected your post before sleffy could see it.
I'll take my thanks in small unmarked US Treasury notes (10's or 50's)

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Re: Re[4]: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd
Go through your belongings and see how many
items you own that were made in China. Then
tell me who's supporting communism. I don't give
a good damn what Dell Harris does, or who he
works for. You feel differently, and that's fine also.

You also misplet 'seriously'. :-)

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: Re[4]: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

> Slef, why do you hate America and black Americans?
> Seriuosly dude, You can't be serious about not understanding just how wrong
> working for (ie. supporting) communists is.
> Javvy
> Friday, August 13, 2004, 10:42:51 PM, you wrote:
> JT> Oh, big fsckin' shit! They ain't got no
> JT> bluegums do they?
> JT> Slef E.
> __
> RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
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Re: [RollTideFan] Javvy...yore gonna shiite a brick!

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
Friday, August 13, 2004, 10:46:53 PM, you wrote:

JT> Phil and Blobber sittin in a tree...


A most uptight bunch of pricks. They are both pear shaped so I'll bet they 69
real well...

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Re: [RollTideFan] Javvy...yore gonna shiite a brick!

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
Friday, August 13, 2004, 10:46:53 PM, you wrote:

JT> Phil and Blobber sittin in a tree...


A most uptight bunch of pricks. They are both pear shaped so I'll bet they 69
real well...

RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List

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Re[4]: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
Slef, why do you hate America and black Americans?

Seriuosly dude, You can't be serious about not understanding just how wrong
working for (ie. supporting) communists is.



Friday, August 13, 2004, 10:42:51 PM, you wrote:

JT> Oh, big fsckin' shit! They ain't got no
JT> bluegums do they?

JT> Slef E.

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[RollTideFan] [Olympics] HO-LEEEE SHIT!

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
I swear to you I just saw a dude run into Olympic Stadium and light a most
gigantic joint as everyone cheered him on.

Maybe I'm just high...

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[RollTideFan] Javvy...yore gonna shiite a brick!

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd

Phil and Blobber sittin in a 
Slef E.
- Original Message - 
From: Phil Harbison 

To: BamaFans 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:19 PM
Subject: [BamaFans] [ADMIN] upcoming list changes for 
I would like to take a few moments of your time to inform 
you, themembers of Bama-Fans, about what I think are some exciting 
changesplanned for our list in the coming weeks.As the subject 
header implies, the first and most obvious changewill be a new name for the 
list.  When I created this list in 2001,the name "Bamafan" was already 
taken on Yahoo! Groups and was beingused to archive the original 
Bamafan.  I informed Yahoo! that therewas no longer a Bamafan to 
archive and asked them to make the nameavailable but received no 
reply.  I continued to monitor the statusof "Bamafan" and when the name 
became available last November Iclaimed it.  I have always considered 
this list to be the successorto Bamafan and I am very happy we can finally 
reclaim our name.Over the next week, you will receive an invitation to 
join Bamafan.You need only click on the link in the invitation message to 
confirmyour membership.  Yahoo! Groups has a limit of 50 invitations 
perday so it will take at least 3 days to invite our existing members.If 
you don't want to wait, or do not have a Yahoo! ID, you may alsojoin by 
sending a message to the following address.  
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Over the coming weeks we will be 
transferring the contents of theBama-Fans Files and Photos sections to the 
new list.  Unfortunately,there is no easy way to migrate the archives 
and polls.  For thenear future, it will be necessary to go to the 
Bama-Fans page tosearch the old archives.  The results of all polls 
related to listbusiness will be archived in the Files section of 
Bamafan.  For ashort time, I will arrange for any messages posted to 
the old listto also be broadcast to the new list.  As members migrate 
to thenew list, I will set them to "no mail" on the old list so they 
donot get duplicate messages.Another change will hopefully be some 
new but familiar faces on thelist.  Last week I suggested to the 
moderators that we invite themembers of the BamaFanForever list to reunite 
with us under our oldname.  We all agreed that it was time to extend 
the olive branch andmend fences.  I believe we will have a more active 
and interestinglist together than we ever had separately.  Over the 
coming week, Iwill be contacting key members of BFF and asking them to 
convey ourinvitation to join the list.  I hope everyone will join me in 
puttingaside any bad feelings and welcoming our fellow Bama fans.The 
final change has already begun with the installation of JasonHouston as our 
new moderator.  My goal when creating this list wasfor it to be a 
representative democracy with all decisions made bya panel of moderators 
elected by the members.  As list owner, I didnot want to double as a 
moderator, but initially there were not manyvolunteers for moderator 
duty.  Apparently the pay sucks.  I am happythat the management of 
the list is now in the hands of three verycapable moderators and I am only 
wearing one hat.I have always viewed having a list owner as a necessary 
evil.  Yahoo!requires that one and only one person own the list.  
The list owner isthe only person capable of deleting the list, a power I 
promise neverto exercise, and creating or removing moderators, a power that 
I willexercise only as instructed by the constitution.  All other 
authoritycan be and has been granted to the moderators.  When drafting 
theBamafan constitution, we intentionally limited the role of list 
ownerto supervising elections and referendums and installing new 
moderators.In the future, that will be my only involvement in the management 
ofthe list.  Of course I will still hang out on the list asking 
strangequestions (Who is Bill Dance?), posting the occasional B3ARCUB 
rantand prediction, and discussing football and barbeque (probably not 
inthat order).I hope these changes will result in a more active and 
enjoyable listand look forward to discussing football with y'all and 
cheering theCrimson Tide through a great season!  ROLL 
TIDE!-- Phil HarbisonBamafan list owner

Yahoo! Groups 



Yahoo! Groups Links

  To visit your group on the web, go to:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bama-fans/  

  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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Re: Re[2]: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd
Oh, big fsckin' shit! They ain't got no
bluegums do they?

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:40 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

> I'll type slowly fur ya:
> A m e r i c a n  D e l l  H a r r i s  i s  c o a c h i n g   C o m m i e  C h i
> n a  i n  b a s k e t b a l l.
> Friday, August 13, 2004, 9:44:18 PM, you wrote:
> JT> WTF are you talking about, Beavis?
> JT> Slef E.
> JT> - Original Message - 
> JT> From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> JT> To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'" <[EMAIL 
> JT> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 9:40 PM
> JT> Subject: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?
> >> Damn! He must be because he is coaching the Red Commie basketball team.
> >> 
> >> He's either a commie or Plainfield, IN is now Plainfield, MOTHERFUCKINGCHINA
> >> 
> >> I hope his US citizenship is revoked with no chance of ever getting it back. Let
> >> him fuckin' live there forever if he likes commies so much. Fucker.
> >> 
> >> I honestly can not believe that shit!
> __
> RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
> To join or leave the list or to make changes to your subscription visit 
> http://listinfo.rolltidefan.net

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Re[2]: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde

I'll type slowly fur ya:

A m e r i c a n  D e l l  H a r r i s  i s  c o a c h i n g   C o m m i e  C h i
n a  i n  b a s k e t b a l l.

Friday, August 13, 2004, 9:44:18 PM, you wrote:

JT> WTF are you talking about, Beavis?

JT> Slef E.

JT> - Original Message - 
JT> From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JT> To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'" <[EMAIL 
JT> Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 9:40 PM
JT> Subject: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

>> Damn! He must be because he is coaching the Red Commie basketball team.
>> He's either a commie or Plainfield, IN is now Plainfield, MOTHERFUCKINGCHINA
>> I hope his US citizenship is revoked with no chance of ever getting it back. Let
>> him fuckin' live there forever if he likes commies so much. Fucker.
>> I honestly can not believe that shit!

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Re: Re[2]: [RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd

- Original Message - 
From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:26 PM
Subject: Re[2]: [RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

> Friday, August 13, 2004, 9:28:59 PM, you wrote:
> JG> ACK!  That looks like a gorilla!
> =
> Nope. That there is a recent picture of Blobber Boyd.

AKA: Phat Phil II's bitch.

Slef E.

RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List

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Re[2]: [RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
Friday, August 13, 2004, 9:28:59 PM, you wrote:

JG> ACK!  That looks like a gorilla!


Nope. That there is a recent picture of Blobber Boyd.

RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] An observation or 2...

2004-08-13 Thread Jamie Watts

> from the Opening Ceremony (as of 9:30 PM CDT)
> 1. When the fuck did Palestine become recognized as a country?
   Did you hear the damn reception they got
> 2. Australia has no black athletes
> 3. Germany has no black athletes
  Bunches of countries didn't have darkies or even dark colored

> 4. Germany has no Jewish athletes (eheh...)
 I bet neither did any of them dune coon coountries

> 5. The opening ceremony is longer than the damn Academy Awards
   And almost as boringbut hell, there ain't nuttin' else onJamie

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[RollTideFan] Deer Florida aura-t-effers

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen



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[RollTideFan] [Olympics] Winninz 'Rasslin?

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
HELL YEA! Women's wrestling comes to the Olympics & SWEDEN has a team.


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd
WTF are you talking about, Beavis?

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

> Damn! He must be because he is coaching the Red Commie basketball team.
> He's either a commie or Plainfield, IN is now Plainfield, MOTHERFUCKINGCHINA
> I hope his US citizenship is revoked with no chance of ever getting it back. Let
> him fuckin' live there forever if he likes commies so much. Fucker.
> I honestly can not believe that shit!

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[RollTideFan] [Olympics] Del Harris is Communust?

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
Damn! He must be because he is coaching the Red Commie basketball team.

He's either a commie or Plainfield, IN is now Plainfield, MOTHERFUCKINGCHINA

I hope his US citizenship is revoked with no chance of ever getting it back. Let
him fuckin' live there forever if he likes commies so much. Fucker.

I honestly can not believe that shit!

RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] An observation or 2...

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd
Now I have THREE REASONS to watch 
the Olympics! YaY!

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 9:30 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] [Olympics] An observation or 2...

> from the Opening Ceremony (as of 9:30 PM CDT)

> 2. Australia has no black athletes
> 3. Germany has no black athletes
> 4. Germany has no Jewish athletes (eheh...)

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[RollTideFan] [Olympics] An observation or 2...

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
from the Opening Ceremony (as of 9:30 PM CDT)

1. When the fuck did Palestine become recognized as a country?

2. Australia has no black athletes

3. Germany has no black athletes

4. Germany has no Jewish athletes (eheh...)

5. The opening ceremony is longer than the damn Academy Awards

RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List

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Re: [RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

2004-08-13 Thread Joe Goodson
ACK!  That looks like a gorilla!
Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it
to others.
-William Allen White
- Original Message - 
From: "kurtrasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 4:52 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

> Jobu's gettin' a rest.
> http://us.news1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/rids/20040813/i/r2379402894.jpg
> kurt   <-s
> __
> RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
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RE: [RollTideFan] Hurrican Report

2004-08-13 Thread Charles
But they do hit Daytona Beach :(  We've been getting the leading rain bands
for 2 hours. 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Jamie Watts
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Hurrican Report

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms DO NOT hit the Tampa Bay areaThat is all

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[RollTideFan] Hurrican Report

2004-08-13 Thread Jamie Watts
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms DO NOT hit the Tampa Bay areaThat is all

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Re: [RollTideFan] Deer Jamie part III

2004-08-13 Thread M.M.'Red \" McCullough
Jamie was smart...all those folks that came to Orlando will be a real part of it
in about 1 hour..Charley is going to be right on top of us.


>  Ain't ya glad ya din't evecuate to parts south afterall?
> :)
> kurt
> __
> RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
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[RollTideFan] Deer Jamie part III

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen

 Ain't ya glad ya din't evecuate to parts south afterall? 



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[RollTideFan] from Bill Curry (0-0) to Bill Curry (0-1)

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen

Thursday, August 12, 2004
Updated: August 13, 12:36 PM ET
New coaches are perfect, for now
By Bill Curry
Special to ESPN.com

Zero and zero ... (0-0) ... bliss.

Nobody ever says much about it, but it sure is fun. Anyone who has ever coached in the 
cauldron of serious sport (which seems to begin at Little League these days) can 
testify to it. If one of us coaches should find a cure for cancer, settle the Middle 
East crisis, or be canonized by the church, we know still that upon our death none of 
those accomplishments will grace the first paragraph of our obituaries. Oh no, first 
there will be something else, something that will be indelibly imprinted on the public 
consciousness forever. Come on, you know full well what it is.

Yes, the parentheses! And within the accusatory little brackets, our coaching record, 
how we did in the most important thing in the history of the world. (DID HE WIN! OR 
LOSE?) Unless your name is Paterno or Bowden (uh, Bobby) you find yourself reliving 
all those wins that might have been. If only...

But the zero and zero days are so cool, so welcoming, and so wonderful one can 
actually enjoy them. Ask George O'Leary or Mike Price. It is redemption on the run and 
can be intoxicating. The first year head football coach is uniquely vulnerable. He has 
a long, long offseason, unless his name is Mike Shula.

Even if one is a veteran, the trap is seductive. The new coach, already a confident 
cuss, thinks all the love is caused by his personal charm and awesome potential. He 
thinks that marginal recruiting class really wowed the alums, and that the model for 
the new stadium is enough to increase season ticket sales. He thinks the former regime 
loaded up the schedule for all the right reasons, and goes about proclaiming, "We will 
probably win a few we shouldn't." This is extremely dangerous because the more he says 
such stuff, the more he believes it. (Writer's note: my first year at Georgia Tech our 
out-of-conference schedule was Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Florida, Notre Dame and 

There is one reason folks love the (0-0) coach, only one. There are no losses. Folks 
stay happy as long as there are no losses. Ask Terry Bowden.

The wealthy egocentric alumni froth at the mouth to get close to the new coach. On one 
occasion I was told, "You are harder to reach than the president of the United States! 
I want you to stay in our million dollar house on the beach this summer!" I indicated 
that I would be somewhat easier for him to reach in the future.

Three years later, when the record was not zero and zero, after many happy hours on 
the beach for the Currys, he marched into my office again. He announced, "I just left 
the athletic director's office, where I demanded that you be fired!" I asked the 
important question, "I guess the beach house is out of the question this summer?"

But back in the last hours of my zero and zero days, I walked onto Legion Field in 
Birmingham, Alabama where our Georgia Tech team was to play our first game against No. 
1 Alabama and their legendary coach, Bear Bryant. I had played for him in the Coaches' 
All-America game and he had been wonderful to me ever since.

As I stood in the 120 degree heat on the artificial surface during stretching, I could 
not for the life of me locate Coach Bryant. I knew there was some kind of hand shaking 
ritual with head coaches, but was not sure how to go about it. Before, he had always 
assumed his cross-legged lean onto the home team goal post, wearing his hound's tooth 
hat. But he was nowhere to be found.

At length I got distracted but then I felt more than saw the phalanx of photographers 
moving in my direction at a dirge-like pace. In the middle towered Coach Bryant, 
wearing a funny little white hat. He approached, grabbed me by the hand, and growled, 
"Hell son, can't you say hello to a fellow when you visit his place?" I said, "I could 
not find you, and besides, you have on the wrong hat."

He mumbled something about the other one being too hot, and then with surprising 
quickness grabbed my sansabelt slacks, began to affectionately yank me around, and 
insisted, "Coach Dodd put you up to that stuff about not finding me, didn't he?"

Here I was, just prior to our very first game, about to suffer "wardrobe malfunction" 
in front of seventy thousand people. And this was not Justin Timberlake who had ahold 
of my pants.

I managed to keep my britches on but lost the game. It was Alabama 26, Georgia Tech 3 
... The Coach was kind to us. I had gone from Bill Curry (0-0) to Bill Curry (0-1), 
and life was never quite the same again.

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[RollTideFan] Y'ALL BE QUIET!!

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen
Jobu's gettin' a rest. 

kurt   <-s
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[RollTideFan] A really tough Neighbors-hood

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen
A really tough Neighbors-hood
'Bama tackle found success
Tribune Staff Writer
Billy Neighbors was an anchor of the Alabama offensive and defensive lines.
Photo provided
Billy Neighbors "lived, dreamed and worked football" his first 2 1/2 
years at the University of Alabama.

He had no choice.
It was 1958 and Alabama had just been through three terrible seasons 
under nice guy coach J.B. Whitworth. In a drastic change of leadership, 
the university fired Whitworth and hired 44-year old Paul Bryant.

Neighbors was already committed to play for the Tide before Bryant was 
hired. That fall, Neighbors, a two-way tackle, and 107 other players 
arrived on campus for their freshman year.

"I never heard of him before," Neighbors said of Bryant. "It didn't take 
long to find out who he was."

Football was never so hard.
Neighbors' father passed away when he was 6. He remembers listening to 
stories his dad would tell about Alabama football, and he dreamed of 
playing for the Crimson Tide.

Those dreams became a nightmare under Bryant.
"Coach Bryant was rough as the devil when he first got there," Neighbors 
said. "He worked us unmercifully."

Neighbors was ready to quit early into his freshman year.
"I just didn't have anywhere to go," Neighbors said. "That's what my 
momma told me. I called her and told her I was coming home, and she said 
there is nothing here. You better stay there."

Neighbors was just one of nine guys who stuck it out in the class of 1961.
Freshman weren't the only guys who couldn't hack it. The day Neighbors 
arrived on campus, his brother, a senior, quit. Bryant asked him to lose 
two pounds and he refused.

Neighbors' senior year, Alabama won the first of six national 
championships under Bryant. That season Neighbors was an 
all-Southeastern Conference and consensus All-America selection. He was 
named the top lineman in the SEC, as well as most valuable player of the 
Senior Bowl.

Those credentials solidified his spot in the College Football Hall of Fame.
"I never thought (earning a spot in the College Football Hall of Fame) 
would happen to me," said Neighbors, who went on to play eight seasons 
in the NFL. "I was lucky I played on a great football team at Alabama. I 
played with some great players, and played for a great coach."

"He was a quiet guy but a good, terrific player," teammate and 1983 Hall 
of Fame inductee Lee Roy Jordan said. "He was one of the main reasons we 
won a national championship in 1961."

Neighbors can only recall two conversations with Bryant during his four 
years at Alabama. Once for skipping class and another for a bad game 
against Tulane.

"He chewed my (butt) out," Neighbors explained. "I thought I played well.
"I was so afraid of coach Bryant. He never said anything to me. He never 
got on me. Every time I saw him coming, I stayed out of his way."

October 15, 1960 was the day Alabama last lost a game in which Neighbors 
played. The Crimson Tide were beaten by host Tennessee, 20-7.

"That was the coaches' fault," Neighbors said. "Bryant admitted that. He 
chewed us out first, then the coaches, then himself."

Alabama was 8-1-2 that year, and 11-0 the following campaign.
In the middle of the 1960 season, Bryant stopped working the team so hard.
"We got good and I guess he saw that," Neighbors said. "We stopped doing 
drills and didn't scrimmage more than 10 minutes."

There was still running to stay in shape. Other than that, the team 
walked through new plays without pads and watched film.

During the national title year, Neighbors and the Alabama defense 
allowed just 25 points the entire season. The Tide posted six shutouts.

"It was magic," Neighbors said. "We knew we were going to win because we 
knew they couldn't score on us."

Alabama played Arkansas in the Sugar Bowl that year. A lot of the guys 
on the team came down with the flu that week.

"Probably the reason why we won was because of Billy Neighbors play," 
Jordan said. "It was just one of those deals that he took on himself. He 
hadn't been sick and that he could do some extra things."

In a 10-3 win, Neighbors and the defense kept Arkansas on its own side 
of the 50 in the first half.

In the summertime, Neighbors and Jordan, who was one class younger, 
worked in a paper mill together for extra money. The two are still good 

Neighbors now lives in Huntsville, Ala., with his wife. He is in his 
37th year as a financial advisor at Wachovia Securities.

Staff writer Steve Wiltfong:
(574) 235-6332
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Re: [RollTideFan] Barner Players Dropping Like Flies

2004-08-13 Thread Devonna Snuggs
oh, that's so sad!!!

- Original Message -
From: "M Laborde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:32 AM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Barner Players Dropping Like Flies

> http://www.ledger-enquirer.com/mld/ledgerenquirer/sports/9387488.htm
> Fri, Aug. 13, 2004
> Tigers lose two players: Irons tears ACL, Denson asks for release
> Staff Writer
> AUBURN, Ala. - Auburn took two major hits in the secondary during practice
Thursday morning, losing two of its top cornerbacks.
> David Irons, a junior competing for a starting spot opposite Carlos
Rogers, shredded the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of his left knee late
in the practice and likely will miss the entire season. Also, head coach
Tommy Tuberville said backup Courtney Denson will leave the team and
transfer to a school closer to his Miami home.
> Irons originally signed with the Tigers in 2001, but didn't make qualify
and went to Butler Community College in Kansas. A knee injury there forced
him to take a redshirt season, meaning he does not have one available for
this injury.
> After two years at Butler, Irons re-signed with the Tigers last year, but
came up just short of meeting the requirements and went back to Butler for a
final semester. He joined the Tigers in January.
> Denson, a redshirt freshman, switched from quarterback to the secondary
and it was anticipated he would receive ample playing time this season.
> "He just wants to move back closer to home," Tuberville said. "We're going
to release him. He's a good young man. He worked hard. It's just one of
those things where he felt like he needed to get closer to his family. We
hate to see him go."
> The loss of Denson and Irons means Kevin Hobbs may return to cornerback.
Hobbs started seven games at cornerback with 31 tackles and three
interceptions but moved to safety in the spring.
> With Rogers nursing a sprained knee, the Tigers will look to former
Loachapoka (Ala.) High School standout Montae Pitts to step up. Redshirt
freshman Patrick Lee and walk-on redshirt freshman Zach Gilbert should see
increased playing time.
> In addition to Irons, several other Tigers missed practice. Running back
Ronnie Brown sat out with a bruised knee, while freshman running back Jerald
Watson also sat out. Receiver Silas Daniels bumped his head trying to make a
catch and missed part of practice.
> Meanwhile, several players worked to get back onto the playing field.
> Rogers, said he was close to being back, as did tight end Cooper Wallace.
Wallace re-aggravated a hamstring he pulled during the final summer workout.
He sat for two weeks, allowing it to heal, but pulled it again on his first
route of the first Auburn practice.
> The Tigers practiced for more than two hours on the intramural fields.
Tuberville called it the team's best practice this fall and especially
pointed to the offense and the offensive line.
> "(Offense) had been dragging and getting their ears beat off by the
defense," Tuberville said. "But they came out with a better attitude than
defense. You've just got to buckle down sometimes and make it work."
> The Tigers practice today at 5:30 p.m. and will hold their first scrimmage
of the season -- weather permitting -- on Saturday morning at 10:30 at
Jordan-Hare Stadium.
> __
> RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
> To join or leave the list or to make changes to your subscription visit

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Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde
Friday, August 13, 2004, 12:34:07 PM, you wrote:

k> 145!! Ya better duck.


I'm so glad I moved from Florida.

That sumbitch could hit cat 5 before landfall.

Good luck Betsie, Jamie, et al...

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[RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

2004-08-13 Thread kurtrasmussen
145!! Ya better duck.
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Re: Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd

That's so funny, I'm not even going to
correct you.

Slef E.

- Original Message - 
From: "Joel Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

> Back of your truck or back of your boat?

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[RollTideFan] TGIF Groaner - (nonBama)

2004-08-13 Thread TIDE1

Subject: Car Problems...


A man was driving through west Texas one spring evening. The road was
deserted and he had not seen a soul for what seemed like hours.

Suddenly his car started to cough and splutter and the engine slowly
died away, leaving  him sitting on the side of the road in total

He popped the hood and looked to see if there was anything that he could
do to get it going again. Unfortunately, he had a limited knowledge
of cars, so all he could do was look at the engine, feeling

As he stood looking at the gradually fading light of his flashlight, he
cursed that he had not put in new batteries, like he had promised

Suddenly, through the inky shadows, came a deep voice, "It's your fuel

The man raised up quickly, striking his head on the underside of the
hood. "Who said that?" he demanded.

There were two horses standing in the fenced field alongside the road
and the man was amazed when the nearest of the two horses repeated,

"It's your fuel pump. Tap it with your flashlight, and try it again."

Confused, the man tapped the fuel pump with his flashlight, turned the
key and sure enough, the engine roared to life. He muttered a short
thanks to
the horse and screeched away.

When he reached the next town, he ran into the local bar. "Gimme a large
whiskey, please!" he said.

A rancher sitting at the bar looked at the man's ashen face and asked,
"What's wrong, man? You look like you've seen a ghost!"

"It's unbelievable," the man said and recalled the whole tale to the

The rancher took a sip of his beer and looked thoughtful. "A horse, you
say? Was it by any chance a white horse?"

The man replied to the affirmative. "Yes, it was! Am I crazy?"

"No, you ain't crazy. In fact, you're lucky," said the rancher,
"because the black horse don't know shit about cars!"
. . . . . . . . . .

I'm tired of "Groaners" and "Politics"... It's time for *ALABAMA CRIMSON

RollTideRoll - Cheers -vo-


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RE: Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

2004-08-13 Thread Joel Perry
Back of your truck or back of your boat?


 -Original Message-
Behalf Of Devonna Snuggs
Sent:   Friday, August 13, 2004 8:32 AM
To: RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
Subject:Re: Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

OMG Jamie, I just spit Coke all over my computer!

- Original Message -
From: "Jamie Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Only if'n he will let me hook his whellchair to the back of my truck so we
> can get out and go sightseeingJamie
> > Just to be on the safe side, you might
> > want to spend the weekend with Hughfus.
> > ---
> > Florida Warns 1 Million to Flee Hurricane
> > http://tinyurl.com/436n4

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Re: Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Jamie!

2004-08-13 Thread Devonna Snuggs
OMG Jamie, I just spit Coke all over my computer!

- Original Message -
From: "Jamie Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Only if'n he will let me hook his whellchair to the back of my truck so we
> can get out and go sightseeingJamie
> > Just to be on the safe side, you might
> > want to spend the weekend with Hughfus.
> > ---
> > Florida Warns 1 Million to Flee Hurricane
> > http://tinyurl.com/436n4

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Re: [RollTideFan] Hey Tampa Tiders!

2004-08-13 Thread Jamie Watts

have fun

  I'm going fishing 
  in the Bay this afternoon if anyone wants to go along.  They say the fish 
  should be jumpin' !net
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RE: [RollTideFan] Hey Tampa Tiders!

2004-08-13 Thread Tim Boozer

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Tim Boozer
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 8:32 AM
To: RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
Subject: [RollTideFan] Hey Tampa Tiders!

I'm going fishing in the Bay this afternoon if anyone wants to go along.
They say the fish should be jumpin' !

Whoops. Sorry 'bout the HTML.

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[RollTideFan] Barner Players Dropping Like Flies

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde

Fri, Aug. 13, 2004
Tigers lose two players: Irons tears ACL, Denson asks for release

Staff Writer

AUBURN, Ala. - Auburn took two major hits in the secondary during practice Thursday 
morning, losing two of its top cornerbacks.

David Irons, a junior competing for a starting spot opposite Carlos Rogers, shredded 
the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of his left knee late in the practice and likely 
will miss the entire season. Also, head coach Tommy Tuberville said backup Courtney 
Denson will leave the team and transfer to a school closer to his Miami home.

Irons originally signed with the Tigers in 2001, but didn't make qualify and went to 
Butler Community College in Kansas. A knee injury there forced him to take a redshirt 
season, meaning he does not have one available for this injury.

After two years at Butler, Irons re-signed with the Tigers last year, but came up just 
short of meeting the requirements and went back to Butler for a final semester. He 
joined the Tigers in January.

Denson, a redshirt freshman, switched from quarterback to the secondary and it was 
anticipated he would receive ample playing time this season.

"He just wants to move back closer to home," Tuberville said. "We're going to release 
him. He's a good young man. He worked hard. It's just one of those things where he 
felt like he needed to get closer to his family. We hate to see him go."

The loss of Denson and Irons means Kevin Hobbs may return to cornerback. Hobbs started 
seven games at cornerback with 31 tackles and three interceptions but moved to safety 
in the spring.

With Rogers nursing a sprained knee, the Tigers will look to former Loachapoka (Ala.) 
High School standout Montae Pitts to step up. Redshirt freshman Patrick Lee and 
walk-on redshirt freshman Zach Gilbert should see increased playing time.

In addition to Irons, several other Tigers missed practice. Running back Ronnie Brown 
sat out with a bruised knee, while freshman running back Jerald Watson also sat out. 
Receiver Silas Daniels bumped his head trying to make a catch and missed part of 

Meanwhile, several players worked to get back onto the playing field.

Rogers, said he was close to being back, as did tight end Cooper Wallace. Wallace 
re-aggravated a hamstring he pulled during the final summer workout. He sat for two 
weeks, allowing it to heal, but pulled it again on his first route of the first Auburn 

The Tigers practiced for more than two hours on the intramural fields. Tuberville 
called it the team's best practice this fall and especially pointed to the offense and 
the offensive line.

"(Offense) had been dragging and getting their ears beat off by the defense," 
Tuberville said. "But they came out with a better attitude than defense. You've just 
got to buckle down sometimes and make it work."

The Tigers practice today at 5:30 p.m. and will hold their first scrimmage of the 
season -- weather permitting -- on Saturday morning at 10:30 at Jordan-Hare Stadium.


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[RollTideFan] Hey Tampa Tiders!

2004-08-13 Thread Tim Boozer

I'm going fishing in 
the Bay this afternoon if anyone wants to go along.  They say the fish 
should be jumpin' !
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[RollTideFan] Shula pleased with Tide workout

2004-08-13 Thread M Laborde

Shula pleased with Tide workout
August 13, 2004

TUSCALOOSA -- In day three of fall camp, the University of Alabama football team 
donned shoulder pads for the first time and second-year head coach Mike Shula was 
pleased with the overall performance of his football team. 

"This was our first day in (shoulder) pads and the third day overall and for the most 
part things went pretty well," Shula said following the two-hour, 45-minute session. 
"We talk to our guys about showing up a little more now that the (shoulder) pads are 
on, and we did just that today. Overall, it was a pretty good day." 

The first day in shoulder pads brought on more contact work for the Crimson Tide. 
Shula noted the performances of freshman receivers DJ Hall and Ezekial Knight and 
junior defensive end Mark Anderson. 

The Crimson Tide will work again today at 2:45 p.m. and hold its first full pad 
workout on Saturday at 2:45 p.m. The first day of two-a-days is set for Sunday and the 
first scrimmage of the preseason is set for Monday afternoon at Bryant-Denny Stadium.



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[RollTideFan] Bama lands recruit from premier California school

2004-08-13 Thread Jeff Todd

Bama lands recruit from premier California school

Friday, August 13, 2004
News staff writer

Alabama went across the country to land its latest
football commitment. Jimmy Barnes, a 6-foot-5, 225-pound
quarterback from Los Alamitos High in California
committed to the Crimson Tide earlier this week.

Barnes, who chose Alabama over Notre Dame, North
Carolina State, Miami and Arizona, informed Alabama head
coach Mike Shula and offensive coordinator Dave Rader of
his decision while on a family vacation in Minnesota.

"It's nice to get it out of the way, but I just wanted
to make the right decision - which I did," Barnes said.

Barnes visited Alabama with his family this summer and
participated in a one-day camp. He hopes to take an
official visit during the season.

"The coaching staff was great, the campus was beautiful,
the atmosphere was awesome," Barnes said. "Playing in
SEC, me being from California, that's kind of cool."

Barnes threw for 2,346 yards and 20 touchdowns as a
junior at Los Alamitos. His father, John, is the head
coach at Los Alamitos, which is one of the premier
programs in California.

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