[RollTideFan] This year, I pledge to...

2003-08-14 Thread Joel Perry
1) Support the team by never leaving early.
2) Never boo the play calling.
3) Clap when the opposing team enters the field.
4) Congratulate the fans of teams we may lose to.
5) Not get in a fight or otherwise molest the fans of other teams.
6) Drink responsibly.
7) Be more relaxed and laid back at the games.
8) Not catch the dumpster on fire with used charcoal.
9) Be respectful of others sitting around me.
10) Take dance lessons before attempting to dance with every pretty female
who walks by the tailgate area.
11) Listen to the cop when he tells me to stop throwing the mascot of the
other team into the road for cars to run over.
12) Not pee behind that bush at the corner of the building. (See #11, same
13) Keep the sound level of my music down so as to not bother those around
us at the tailgate. (See #12, #11. Yep.)
14) Keep the faith, even as all hell breaks loose..

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Re: [RollTideFan] This year, I pledge to...

2003-08-14 Thread sonja524
1.  Agree
2.   Agree
3.  Disagree.  They are the enemy.
4.  Yeah, I always do that.  
5.  Never have; never will.
6.  Always.
7.  Agree.
8.  I am not allowed to play with sharp objects or fire.
9.  As always.
10. I do not dance or otherwise act like a fool in public...anytime.
11. NEVER!
12. How about spewing?  
13. I do not think we should have music at the tailgate at all.
14. Agree.


> From: "Joel Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/08/12 Tue PM 02:10:32 EDT
> To: "'BamaFanForever'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>   "'RollTideFan'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [RollTideFan] This year, I pledge to...

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