[rules-users] Running on z/OS...

2007-06-14 Thread jdepaul

Is anyone running DROOLS on z/OS on a mainframe?!  Any reason why it would
NOT run on it?!


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Re: [rules-users] Running on z/OS...

2007-06-14 Thread jdepaul

Mark Proctor wrote:
  ...as long as you are running on a compliant jvm. 

The z/OS 1.8 has a 64Bit Java 1.5, but due to older applications there is
also older Java 1.4.2 and 1.3.2 - so how does that sound?!  Hopefully there
is no need for anything higher than 1.5 at this point.
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[rules-users] Tracking non-matches...

2007-04-17 Thread jdepaul

I was hoping for some opinions on the following:

Client will have many rules (about 1000) per RuleBase.  The primary goal is
to assert Facts and find Matches in one or more rules.  The secondary goal
may be to keep track of those Facts that did not produce Matches.  I was
wondering what the best solution may be in this case?!

The benefit in keeping track of the non-matches would be periodic analysis
of the non-matches to discover patterns and perhaps provide some proactive
monitoring and notification.   An additional benefit may be to spot a trend
and setup additional rules to reduce the number of non-matches.  

So I would need to not only spot the no-match condition, I also need to
persist the no-match event in the database for tracking and later reporting.

One way I can see is to assert a new Match fact the instance a single rule
is matched and then test for the presence/absence of the Match() fact. 
Efficiency and speed are paramount in our case, so I'm wondering if there is
an alternate approach that would work here.


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[rules-users] RE: Tracking non-matches...

2007-04-17 Thread jdepaul

Thanks Michael - 

That should work just fine.  

Michael Rhoden wrote:
 Store all rules with a unique id (rule id) and keep dates of when rules 
 were put in/out of production. Store your net matches in a database, 
 after a run, and you can easily pull the delta to show what didn't 
 match on a particular day. 

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Re: [rules-users] Dynamic property names...

2007-04-09 Thread jdepaul

I'm looking to modularize and re-use as many rule components and functions as

I wanted to ask about a concept of a Template in Drools - is there a notion
of a Rule Template for LHS or RHS that I could user?  I'm thinking of a
RuleTemplate that a user customizes:  they'd specify the field property and
select a pre-defined Template - the Template would defined prescribed
behavior and operation for that property.  I.e. you specify the property
name and the template will include the code to do mapping and object saving
actions for you substituting field name where appropriate - anything like
that available, or is that something that a custom front-end application
would need to implement?

I was intrigued when I noticed that one of the Drools IDE views had a button
to Show/Hide Templates - not sure what that means in this case, but
hopefully it's just what I'm after... hehe.


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[rules-users] Fetching Facts from WM...

2007-04-09 Thread jdepaul

Suppose my client code initially asserts two Facts into WorkingMemory
instance:  one Source object and one TargetOne object.  As the rules get
applied, some of the rules may assert additional Target facts into WM.   How
can I retrieve all of the Target facts (however many were created) from the
WorkingMemory after fireAllRules() method was called (regardless of how many
Target objects were created as a result)?!

I will not know the concrete type of the target object types that were
asserted into WM instance, as they can be as many as 7 class sub-types
(TargetOne, TargetTwo, TargetThree), though they will all share a common
super-class (com.mypackage.Target).  Can someone show an example on how to
fetch the resulting Target objects after fireAllRules() is called and filter
out the Target objects? 

Thanks in advance - 

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[rules-users] Dynamic property names...

2007-04-05 Thread jdepaul

Hi all - 

I have the following challenge with data mapping.  I'm trying to decide if
DROOLS is the appropriate solution to this problem - please help me decide.

I have a Source object and Target object.  Both objects have the same field
names - the goal is to map data across from Source object to Target object
by apply a set of rules to object's fields.  More than one rule may need to
be activated for each field.  Results of previous mapping operation may
affect later mapping operations further 'downstream' - so it's important to
process fields in a specific sequence and for each field evaluate rules in a
specific order - (not sure, can rule Salience accomplish both?)

About the rules:  There may be several rules in affect for each field -
which must be executed in specific order top to bottom.  Rules should be
applied until the target field is mapped - until the target field is
non-blank.  Same rule may be applied to more than one field from the Source
object.  Rules will be maintain by a Customer Service Reps and will change

I would envision the rule setup to be something like this:
Rule Setup variables
$source : SOURCE (rec_type == PARTNER, $s_loc : location,
$s_op : operator, $s_wo : workorder)
$target : TARGET  ($t_loc : location, $t_op : operator, $t_wo :
   do nothing

# Simple mapping for Location field...
rule Location
   $target($t_loc == )  // if blank

# Simple mapping for Operator field...
rule Operator
   $target($t_op == )  // if blank...

... rules continue for the rest of the fields...  There are about 150-200
fields to map.  Some rules will define simple straight across mappings,
other rules will need to fetch values from objects from DB (using 'from'
keyword).   Here are some questions:

1)  Opinion please:  Would the outlined approach work in this case given the
number of fields to process and the required sequence for processing.  Seems
that rule management may be a bit difficult...

2)  Is there a way to define functions that could take field names, and then
apply common operations using dynamic field names - i.e. function
simple_map(fieldName) would source data from Source.fieldName and map it to
Tartget.fieldName  - this would require that get/set methods be dynamic - is
that possible?

3)  Is there another approach that would be better suited in this case that
you'd recommend?


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[rules-users] RE: RE: RE: Struggling with Rule syntax - please help...

2007-03-28 Thread jdepaul

Perfect!   This is exactly what I needed - for me the key was understanding
that CodesList must extend java.util.ArrayList object... it all fell into
place from there...   Thanks very much Michael for all your help - here's my
sample rule definition which I've successfully tested in a test harness:

rule This rule works! 
$MILT_CUSTNO : LookupListDOM ( name == MILT_CUSTNO )  // extends
$MILT_SHPRNO : LookupListDOM ( name == MILT_SHPRNO )  // extends
$gateIN : GATE_IN( 
$sh_code : SH_CODE, 
$fo_code : FO_CODE,
( ( $MILT_CUSTNO.contains($sh_code) ) || (
$MILT_SHPRNO.contains($fo_code)  ) )
System.out.println(Matched Customer Rule!  About to inovke 
//myService.sendNotification($event, Constants.CUSTOMER_MATCH);

Thanks again for helping me resolve this important issue.


Anstis, Michael (M.) wrote:
 Something like this?
 rule doing something
   Customer( $custCode : customer_code )
   $codes1 : Codes1List()
   $codes2 : Codes2List()
   $codes3 : Codes3List()
   customer_code == $custCode, 
   $sc : ship_code, 
   $dc : deliver_code, 
   $pc : port_code,
   ( $codes1.containts($sc) || $codes2.containts($dc) ||
 $codes3.containts($pc) )
   // do something

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Re: [rules-users] Changing rules at runtime

2007-03-21 Thread jdepaul

I don't have an application in PROD yet, I'm just working on a Proof of
Concept with Drools 3.1.0M1 and Spring 1.2.8 but I have a similar situation
as you in that I'll need to periodically reload Rules without restarting the
App.  This is what I've discover will work for us - not sure in your case,
but here it is:

I have objects called EventRuleBase objects which basically wrap RuleBase
objects.  Each instance of EventRuleBase object is tied to a resource (*.drl
file on the file system for now, but in the future it may come from a DB). 
I then have a notion of RuleBaseManager object which is in charge of
managing the collection of EventRuleBase objects.  I use Spring to
initialize and load all EventRuleBase objects individually and then register
themselves with the RuleBaseManager object which records their instances in
HashMap.  The RuleBaseManager implements several methods: 
getWorkingMemory(...) and ruleChange(newEventRuleBase).  The RuleBaseManager
is a Singleton and the EventRuleBase objects are NOT singletons

In my testing, I've discovered that when it's time to reload rules (some
type of triggering mechanism must invoke this), I can ask Spring for a new
instance of the EventRuleBase object by name (i.e.
appContext.getBean(LOAD_rulebase) - it will fetch a brand new object which
it will automatically reload from the underlying Resource (on the
filesystem) - note that singleton=false bean configuration in Spring
config is key for this.   I can then hand the new instance of the new
EventRuleBase object to the ruleChange(newEventRuleBase) method which it
will then synchronize and 'swap-in' the new object into the HashMap it
maintains.  The clients that invoke subsequent getNewWorkingMemory() methods
on the new EventRuleBase object will then start getting references to new
object with NEW rules.  I figured I'll need to protect the integrity of the
hashmap using the JDK 1.5 implementation of ConcurrentHashMap which is very
much possible using Spring 2.x - check out the documentation.

Hope this helps.
Regards - 

Carlos Henriquez wrote:
 We want to change rules at runtime without redeploying the whole

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[rules-users] Struggling with Rule syntax - please help...

2007-03-15 Thread jdepaul

I'm having trouble figuring out syntax for my rules - could someone please
steer me in the right direction - it's been a frustrating few days and no
luck.  I need to check existence of various attributes from the
SHIPMENT_MOVE fact against a list of values (same list) I fetch from the

Get $valuesList from a DAO - then...

If SHIPMENT_MOVE.customer_code = abc and SHIPMENT_MOVE.reference_code
exists in $valuesList
SHIPMENT_MOVE.customer_code = abc and SHIPMENT_MOVE.shipping_code exists
in $valuesList
SHIPMENT_MOVE.customer_code = abc and SHIPMENT_MOVE.partner_code exists in

I have the following rule working fine:

$shipment SHIPMENT_MOVE(customer_code = abc)
LookupTableResult ( resultValue == 1 ) from lookupDAO.getLookup(...)

But I'm having real problems with writing a rule like this:

SHIPMENT_MOVE(customer_code == abc, $list contains ship_code) OR
SHIPMENT_MOVE(customer_code == abc, $list contains deliver_code) OR
SHIPMENT_MOVE(customer_code == abc, $list contains port_code)

Your guidance will be appreciated - 


I'm using Drools 3.1.0M1
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[rules-users] RE: Rules with Lookup Tables...

2007-03-07 Thread jdepaul

I have configured 3.1.0M1 on my local machine with the corresponding IDE... 
now I need help with the rule syntax.  I have configured a DAO which will
return an ArrayList of values representing a list of values from the lookup
table - I tried this, but I'm having problems...:

rule GATE-IN Match

// This rule should match IF:
//  CUSTOMER_REFERENCE_NUMBER starts with 'HX', and 
//  ACTIVITY_LOCATION starts with US 
//  SH_CODE exists in lookup table idenfied by key MILT.CUSTNO

$list : (from
lookupDAO.getLookupValues(MILT.CUSTNO)) contains $GateIN.getSH_CODE()  )
   System.out.println(Matched 001695568GP GATE-IN Match Rule - about to
inovke Service...);


Anstis, Michael (M.) wrote:
 I don't have the syntax at hand but Edson has previously posted about
 using from in similar circumstances.

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[rules-users] RE: Rules with Lookup Tables...

2007-03-06 Thread jdepaul

I need to clarify myself:

I intend to try out the from Conditional Expression.  I understand that it
is only available in Drools versions higher than 3.0.5 (which is what I have
today).  Can you please tell me the best location (preferably Maven2
repository) where I can get the proper version of Drools engine that will
support the from keyword that I'm after?


  The from CE (conditional expression) is not
  available  in the current released jboss rules
  (3.0.5) and you probably have to use the nightly
  to use it.

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[rules-users] Rules with Lookup Tables...

2007-03-01 Thread jdepaul

I need to evaluate a set of Rules with some of the operators comparing values
from Facts against a changing Lookup Table - for instance:

Some Partners may have several lookup tables defined like this:

NISSAN has partner_ids = {, , , 6} and port_locations =
{ABC, EFG, GEE, FDD...}  - these values are stored in the database and need
to be evaluated at run-time.

I suppose one way I could do this is to write a rule like this (sorry,
syntax probably off a bit)...:

rule partner and port match
$shipment: Shipment(customerName== NISSAN, partnerID== 
 || customerName==NISSAN,
 || customerName==NISSAN,

 || customerName==NISSAN,
 || customerName==NISSAN,
 || customerName==NISSAN,
System.out.println(Found the right one!);

Trouble is that the values in these lookup tables change frequently, so I
would like to create a rule that references a lookup table that does a DB
lookup to evaluate the values at run-time - something like this:

rule partner and port with lookup-table 
$shipment: Shipment(customerName== NISSAN, partnerID in $(partner_ids
) )  -- db lookup here

 || customerName==NISSAN, portLocation in
$(port_locations))  -- db lookup here
System.out.println(Found the right one!);

I know this is probably a stretch in this case - just wondering if anyone
else was able to solve such a problem?!  If so, how - 


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Re: [rules-users] Example of contains operator...

2007-02-13 Thread jdepaul

Ok thanks - that worked when partnerList was an ArrayList, how would I code
my contains condition if the parternList was a HashMap!?  

Michael Neale wrote:
 contains works on the Collection interface. So if parnerList is a
 of String, then you could do:  parnerList contains 2900

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Re: [rules-users] Example of contains operator...

2007-02-13 Thread jdepaul

That worked just fine - thanks very much for clarification - I'm starting to
understand how that works now... example is worth a thousand lines of
documentation text... :)

Marcus Ilgner wrote:
 You could write an accessor in your model called getPartnerListKeys()
 which returns getPartnerList().keySet() and then use (partnerListKeys
 contains 2900) in your rule.

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[rules-users] Short-circuit rules by group?!

2007-02-13 Thread jdepaul

I have several rules defined in groups by Customer, so I have number of rules
for Walmart, some rules for NIKE, more rules for SomeCustomer...  When one
of the rules matches for a given customer I need to send an event
notification.  I need to make sure that I send only ONE event notification
per Customer (regardless of how many rules were matched), thus after finding
the very first match in the Walmart group, I'd like to activate a rule, and
then short-circuit and Skip to the next group of rules for NIKE - to see
if any of the matches are found in the next group.  

I've implemented this functionality using a Match object, which I assert
into WorkingMemory whenever I find a match for customer, then all my rules
check for absence of Match for given customer...

This works, but I wonder if there is a better way to do it - using Agenda
Groups, maybe - once I find ONE match for Walmart, skip to the next Agenda
Group?!  Could someone comment on this?

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Re: [rules-users] How to inovke a Service...

2007-02-08 Thread jdepaul

I've done a little research since my first post and have been experimenting
with the AgendaEventListener interface...   I can register a component in
WorkingMemory that will 'listen' and be notified afterEventFired event -
this could be a good place from which to invoke my serivce, however, the
problem I'm having is that the event delivered doesn't seem to pass the
original Fact that caused the Event to fire, only the rule that got
activated is sent...  How could I get the Fact that caused this event to
fire from that event object?


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