Re: [rules-users] [Planner] CachedMoveFactory drive to Corrupted undo move

2011-11-15 Thread npiedeloup
If someone got the same problem : I think i've found my problem.

As i write it my undoMove was : (*new PlanMove(assigment, fromDay)*)

Read : my fromDay was set in constructor and then it was set to the initial
During solving assigments are plan on other days, but the undoMove always
return to initial state. 

Example :
Assigment1 is create at the DayFutur
At init phase i create a cached move :
Assigment1(DayFutur) to Day1
and i set the fromDay to DayFutur

Then at runtime every times i do this move i create a undoMove :
Assigment1 to DayFutur
whatever the true old day was.

Thanks for your help
Best regards,

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Re: [rules-users] [Planner] CachedMoveFactory drive to Corrupted undo move

2011-11-14 Thread npiedeloup
I have test in TRACE mode, and I don't know what I can do with this error.
In this test I have activated some Constraints.

I've got a "The presumedScore (0hard/-500soft) is corrupted because it is
not the realScore  (0hard/-450soft)"

I've got some questions :
- When this error was launch ? 
- In Move classes could I use the same PlanningEntity instance in the move
itself and his undomove ? or should i clone it ? 
- Are the causes of IntConstraintOccurrence important for delta score
computing ?

I will try to get the simpliest test case of this problem, to test it


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Re: [rules-users] [Planner] CachedMoveFactory drive to Corrupted undo move

2011-11-10 Thread npiedeloup
Thanks for your response.

I'have juste test you proposition of method on assigment, and i've got the
same error.
I also test with a simplier rule set :

Juste 1 rule : (and the two for scoreCalculator of course)
rule "notPlannified" 
$assigment: Assigment()
insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence("notPlannified",
ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT, 50, $assigment));

I desactivate the solverScope.calculateScoreFromWorkingMemory(); call in UI,
juste in case.

I check my cloneSolution : i juste clone the assigment object and copy the
equals and hashcode are ok on assigment and move object.
No overrided equals and hashcode on other facts, but since i don't recreate
nor clone them, i think it's unnecessary. (In fact i don't really understand
where hashcode and equals was really necessary since the working memory keep
same instances).

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[rules-users] [Planner] CachedMoveFactory drive to Corrupted undo move

2011-11-09 Thread npiedeloup

I'm almost new to Drools Planner, and i run into some problems.
One of them, I really want to understand is that my Planner works well until
i try to use a CachedMoveFactory instead of my MoveFactory, then i've got
"Corrupted undo move" at step 2.

Assigment are my PlanningEntity, Day are facts

My MoveFactory is like this : 
for (final Assigment assigment: mySolution.getAllAssigments()) {
for (final Day day : mySolution.getAllDays()) {
moveList.add(new PlanMove(assigment, day));
And my doMove is like :
final FactHandle factHandle = workingMemory.getFactHandle(assigment);
workingMemory.update(factHandle, assigment);

The UndoMove is really simple (new PlanMove(assigment, fromDay)) , so I
pretty sure this part is correct. 

I have add a false day(future=true) which mean "not plannified yet" and all
assigment start at this day.
I have a rule like :
rule "notPlannified"
$assigment: Assigment( day.future  )
insertLogical(new IntConstraintOccurrence("notPlannified",
ConstraintType.NEGATIVE_SOFT, 50, $assigment));   

My logs show : 
INFO  Phase construction heuristic finished: step total (0), time spend
(255), best score (0hard/-18750soft).
DEBUG Step index (0), time spend (2175), score (0hard/-18700soft), new
best score (0hard/-18700soft), accepted move size (1000) for picked step
([A148@[UNAFFECT]] ==> [12/11]).

Someone can explain me what I miss ?


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