Re: [rules-users] Multiple DSL files with Eclipse IDE

2013-03-06 Thread George Zhou
Coming from ILog JRule background, I start to use Drool 5.5 final version for
a new project and find this is still an issue for Eclipse drool plugin to
have multiple DSLs for one dslr. Not sure why JBRULES-1615 is closed. My
logical guess is that they closed from knowledge builder view, not eclipse
ide plugin view.

After seeing the source code and did a quick fix, it works perfectly for me.
Like to share my changes to contribute back this wonderful community since I
get a lot from this in early days.

Here assumes you use drools 5.5.0 final plugin, the other version should
work the same way
#1. backup eclipse-dir/plugins/org.drools.eclipse_5.5.0.Final.jar to
#2. unjar eclipse/plugins/org.drools.eclipse_5.5.0.Final.jar to a work-dir
#3. replace the org.drools.eclipse.dsl.editor.DSLAdapter.class to the
following class in work-dir
#4. re-jar back to jar cvfm ../org.drools.eclipse_5.5.0.Final.jar
META-INF\MANIFEST.MF * in work-dir
#5. cp ../org.drools.eclipse_5.5.0.Final.jar from work-dir to
#6. start your eclipse, it should support multiple DSL files in eclipse IDE

Extra surprise is found that if you have multiple dslr files, instead of
each file has expander mydsl1.dsl; expander mydsl2.dsl; ...  you can define
all dsl expander into package file, whose name doesn't matter, but the file
ext must be .package, e.g. "dsl.package"

 * Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.drools.eclipse.dsl.editor;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.drools.eclipse.DroolsEclipsePlugin;
import org.drools.eclipse.builder.Util;
import org.drools.eclipse.editors.completion.DSLTree;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLMapping;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLMappingEntry;
import org.drools.lang.dsl.DSLTokenizedMappingFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;

 * This holds the DSL configuration for an editor instance.
 * When loading, it will find the DSL file, and load the applicable lists.
 * This provides a link between the editor and the DSL features of the rule
 * It will look for a DSL configuration, as named in the rule file, in the
same directory as the rule file.
 * Failing this, it will search one directory above the rule file. 
 * Failing that, it will search the root of the project in the workspace.
public class DSLAdapter {

private String dslConfigName;
private boolean valid = false;
private List conditionProposals = new ArrayList();
private List consequenceProposals = new ArrayList();
private DSLTree dslTree = new DSLTree();

//to dig out the expander, without using the parser.
private static final Pattern EXPANDER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(
| Pattern.MULTILINE );
// # george change #1 BGN - ADD
private static final Pattern SINGLE_LINE_EXPANDER_PATTERN =
Pattern.compile( "\\n\\s*expander\\s*(.*)\\.dsl" );
// # george change #1 END - ADD

 * This will sniff out the DSL config file name from the content.
 * It will then use the IFile input to search around for the file
 * TODO: provide an alternative that just loads off a stream (for non
IDEs workbenches like jlibrary).
 * @param content Rule source
 * @param input File from the FileEditorInput
public DSLAdapter(String content, IFile input) throws CoreException {
dslConfigName = findDSLConfigName( content, input );
if (dslConfigName == null) {
loadConfig( input );

/** Get a reader to the DSL contents */
public static Reader getDSLContent(String ruleSource, IResource input)
throws CoreException {
// # george change #2 BGN - CHANGE
String[] dslFileNames = findDSLConfigNames( ruleSource, input );
if (dslFileNames == null || dslFileNames.length == 0) {
return null;
if (dslFileNames.length == 1) {
IResource res = findDSL

[rules-users] Multiple DSL files with Eclipse IDE

2012-06-07 Thread gboro54
I would like to add more then one DSL file to a DSLR file. I understand that
semantically the knowledge base will allow this but is there away to allow
eclipse the ability to view the DRL when multiple DSLs are being used? I
found JBRULES-1615 but I am not sure if this was actually resolved or just


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