Re: [rust-dev] std::num::pow() is inadequate / language concepts

2014-07-25 Thread Jason Fager
For the specific issue of exponentiation, you might be interested in

On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Gregor Cramer wrote:

  Hi Marijn,

  Firstly, blanket statements like This makes generic programming

  impossible and it does not allow proper software design are

  unneccesary hyperbole, and do not help the discussion in any way.

 You're not right, my statement wasn't blanket, it was my result

 after I tried to overwork the big integer library, and I have mentioned

 I gave up at all. (I'm doing software design and implementation since

 more than 30 years, and I never accept compromises, this is the way

 how to develop magnificient software).

  Traits provide a more well-defined, easier to reason about alternative

  to overloading. They do require the author of an algorithm to decide

  ahead of time whether this algorithm needs to be specializeable, which

  I guess C++-style overloading does not.

 Yes, the traits are great, I'm impressed, as I said before, and in fact

 is really great, despite a few facts, otherwise I wouldn't subscribe to

 this mailing list. And my goal is to be constructive, don't worry if I'm

 a bit euphoric, such things happens. Nethertheless, it gave up to overwork

 the big integer libary because I cannot specialize std::num::pow(). There

 no way to proceed with a proper design.

  Whether that is a good or a

  bad thing is debatable, but it is not true that Rust lacks a feature

  for specialization.

 There is a lack in the current language concept, std::num::pow()

 is inadequate due to this language concept, and std::num::pow() is

 only one example for this fact.

 I will repeat the problem with signatures. Currently pow() is declared

 as following:

 pub fn powT: One + MulT, T(mut base: T, mut exp: uint) - T;

 That't 100% ok. The user will call this function in this way:

 pow(a) // a is i32

 Perfect. Now I need a specialized function for BigInt:


 pub fn pow(base: BigInt, mut exp: uint) - T;

 There's a problem (beside the missing overloading feature): the

 specialized version requires a reference. Same problem if I'm

 calling this function:

 pow(a) // a is BigInt

 The user has to know how to call a function, depending on the type.

 But a proper function specialization would be:


 pub fn pow(base: BigInt, mut exp: uint) - T;

 And so the function call is as expected, like with other numeric types:

 pow(a) // a is BigInt

 But there is now a problem in this function definition, BigInt is given as

 a copy, and this is a software design issue (superfluous memory

 And this currently happens if the user is calling std::num::pow() with a

 numeric type like BigInt (apart from other performance penalties in pow()).

 That's what I've mentioned that the compiler should decide whether an

 argument is given by reference or by value. In this way the latter approach

 works. And in the case that a function willl modify an argument (in-out

 value), for example:

 fn mul_vec(acc : mut [BigDigit], base: mut [BigDigit], mut exp:uint)

 the call of this function would be:

 mul_vec(a, b, exp)

 This concept will not change, because here it has to be clear that an

 will be changed (furthermore the compiler should give a warning if a

 is not changing a mutable argument). I think that this approach is even

 superior to the 'const' concept of C++, and it fit's with the great overall

 concept of Rust (especially with the owner/borrower concept).

 I try to show the problems if function specialization (overloading) is not

 supported. A stable software design is problematic. Adding a new module,

 which will use existing function declarations, is impossible in some cases.

 Currently I cannot implement a specialized version of pow() for BigInt,

 a new function for a different numeric type is only a hack, and moving this

 function into a trait is not solving the general problem, because pow() is

 only one example. (Beside: it's not my decision to move pow() into a



 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Anyone in NYC?

2014-03-14 Thread Jason Fager
I'd be in.

On Thursday, March 13, 2014, Clark Gaebel wrote:

 Hey I'm in NYC and think some sort of rust meet-up would be neat. Anyone
 out there?

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] reader.lines() swallows io errors

2014-02-19 Thread Jason Fager
Can you point to any scripting langs whose lines equivalent just silently
ignores errors?  I'm not aware of any; even perl will at least populate $!.

I opened a little while ago
about if_ok!/try! not being usable from main and the limitations for simple
use cases that can cause.  Forgive a possibly dumb question, but is there a
reason main has to return ()?  Could Rust provide an 'ExitCode' trait that
types could implement that would provide the exit code that the process
would spit out if it were returned from main?  IoResult's impl would just
be `match self { Ok(_) = 0, Err(_) = 1 }` and your example would look like

fn main() - IoResult~str {
for line in io::stdin().lines() {
print!(“received: {}”, try!(line));

On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 5:50 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 On Feb 19, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Lee Braiden wrote:

 Then we could introduce a new struct to wrap any Reader that translates
 non-EOF errors into EOF specifically to let you say “I really don’t care
 about failure”.

 It sounds like a very specific way to handle a very general problem.
 People like (modern, complete) scripting languages because they handle this
 sort of intricacy in elegant, ways, not because they gloss over it and make
 half-baked programs that don't handle errors.  It's just that you can, say,
 handle IOErrors in one step, at the top of your script, except for one
 particular issue that you know how to recover from, six levels into the
 call stack.  Exceptions (so long as there isn't a lot of boilerplate around
 them) let you do that, easily.  Rust needs a similarly generic approach to
 propagating errors and handling them five levels up, whether that's
 exceptions or fails (I don't think they currently are flexible enough), or
 monads, or something else.

 In my experience, exceptions are actually a very *inelegant* way to
 handle this problem. The code 5 levels higher that catches the exception
 doesn’t have enough information about the problem in order to recover.
 Maybe it just discards the entire computation, or perhaps restarts it. But
 it can’t recover and continue.

 We already tried conditions for this, which do let you recover and
 continue, except that turned out to be a dismal failure. Code that didn’t
 touch conditions were basically just hoping nothing went wrong, and would
 fail!() if it did. Code that did try to handle errors was very verbose
 because conditions were a PITA to work with.

 As for what we’re talking about here. lines() is fairly unique right now
 in its discarding of errors. I can’t think of another example offhand that
 will discard errors. As I said before, I believe that .lines() exists to
 facilitate I/O handling in a fashion similar to scripting languages,
 primarily because one of the basic things people try to do with new
 languages is read from stdin and handle the input, and it’s great if we can
 say our solution to that is:

 fn main() {
 for line in io::stdin().lines() {
 print!(“received: {}”, line);

 It’s a lot more confusing and off-putting if our example looks like

 fn main() {
 for line in io::stdin().lines() {
 match line {
 Ok(line) = print!(“received: {}”, line),
 Err(e) = {
 println!(“error: {}”, e);

 or alternatively

 fn main() {
 for line in io::stdin().lines() {
 let line = line.unwrap(); // new user says “what is .unwrap()?”
 and is still not handling errors here
 print!(“received: {}”, line);

 Note that we can’t even use try!() (née if_ok!()) here because main()
 doesn’t return an IoResult.

 The other thing to consider is that StrSlice also exposes a .lines()
 method and it may be confusing to have two .lines() methods that yield
 different types.

 Given that, the only reasonable solutions appear to be:

 1. Keep the current behavior. .lines() already documents its behavior;
 anyone who cares about errors should use .read_line() in a loop

 2. Change .lines() to fail!() on a non-EOF error. Introduce a new wrapper
 type IgnoreErrReader (name suggestions welcome!) that translates all errors
 into EOF. Now the original sample code will fail!() on a non-EOF error, and
 there’s a defined way of turning it back into the version that ignores
 errors for people who legitimately want that. This could be exposed as a
 default method on Reader called .ignoring_errors() that consumes self and
 returns the new wrapper.

 3. Keep .lines() as-is and add the wrapper struct that fail!()s on errors.
 This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because the struct would only ever
 be used with .lines(), and therefore this seems worse than:

 4. Change .lines() to fail!() on errors and add a new method
 .lines_ignoring_errs() that behaves the way .lines() does today. That’s
 kind of verbose though, and is a specialized form of suggestion 

Re: [rust-dev] Proposal: Change Parametric Polymorphism Declaration Syntax

2014-02-02 Thread Jason Fager
I'm not a huge fan of this proposal.  It makes declarations longer, and it
removes the visual consistency of FooT,U everywhere, which I think
introduces its own pedagogical issue.

The recent addition of default type parameters, though, makes me think
there's a reasonable change that increases consistency and shortens
declarations in a few common cases.

From what I understand, the reason we can't just have

impl TraitT for FooT,U

is because it's ambiguous whether T and U are intended to be concrete or
generic type names; i.e.,

implT TraitT for FooT,U

tells the compiler that we expect U to be a concrete type name.

Our new default type parameter declarations look like:

struct FooT,U=Bar

So what if to actually make generic types concrete, we always used the '='?

struct FooT,U=Bar
impl TraitT for FooT, U=Derp

This saves a character over 'implT TraitT for FooT, Derp', solves the
greppability problem, and makes intuitive sense given how defaults are

It also has a nice parallel with how ':' is used - ':' adds restrictions,
'=' fully locks in place.  So what is today something like

implT:Ord TraitT for FooT, Derp

would become

impl TraitT:Ord for FooT, U=Derp

The rule would be that the first use of a type variable T would introduce
its bounds, so for instance:

impl TraitT:Ord for FooZ:Clone, U=Derp

would be fine, and

impl TraitT for FooT:Clone, U=Derp

would be an error.

More nice fallout:

struct FooA,B
impl FooA,B=Bar {
fn one(a: A) - B
fn two(a: A) - B
fn three(a: A) - B

means that if I ever want to go back and change the name of Bar, I only
have to do it in one place, or if Bar is actually some complicated type, I
only had to write it once, like a little local typedef.

I'm sure this has some glaring obvious flaw I'm not thinking of.  It would
be nice to have less syntax for these declarations, but honestly I'm ok
with how it is now.

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Corey Richardson wrote:

 Hey all,

 bjz and I have worked out a nice proposal[0] for a slight syntax
 change, reproduced here. It is a breaking change to the syntax, but it
 is one that I think brings many benefits.


 Change the following syntax:

 struct FooT, U { ... }
 implT, U TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
 fn fooT, U(...) { ... }


 forallT, U struct Foo { ... }
 forallT, U impl TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
 forallT, U fn foo(...) { ... }

 The Problem

 The immediate, and most pragmatic, problem is that in today's Rust one
 easily search for implementations of a trait. Why? `grep 'impl Clone'` is
 itself not sufficient, since many types have parametric polymorphism. Now I
 need to come up with some sort of regex that can handle this. An easy
 first-attempt is `grep 'impl(.*?)? Clone'` but that is quite
 inconvenient to
 type and remember. (Here I ignore the issue of tooling, as I do not find
 argument of But a tool can do it! valid in language design.)

 A deeper, more pedagogical problem, is the mismatch between how `struct
 Foo... { ... }` is read and how it is actually treated. The
 left-to-right reading says There is a struct Foo which, given the types
 has the members  This might lead one to believe that `Foo` is a single
 type, but it is not. `Fooint` (that is, type `Foo` instantiated with type
 `int`) is not the same type as `Foounit` (that is, type `Foo`
 with type `uint`). Of course, with a small amount of experience or a very
 simple explanation, that becomes obvious.

 Something less obvious is the treatment of functions. What does `fn
 foo...(...) { ... }` say? There is a function foo which, given types ...
 and arguments ..., does the following computation: ... is not very
 It leads one to believe there is a *single* function `foo`, whereas there
 actually a single `foo` for every substitution of type parameters! This
 holds for implementations (both of traits and of inherent methods).

 Another minor problem is that nicely formatting long lists of type
 or type parameters with many bounds is difficult.

 Proposed Solution

 Introduce a new keyword, `forall`. This choice of keyword reads very well
 will not conflict with any identifiers in code which follows the [style

 Change the following declarations from

 struct FooT, U { ... }
 implT, U TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
 fn fooT, U(...) { ... }


 forallT, U struct Foo { ... }
 forallT, U impl TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
 forallT, U fn foo(...) { ... }

 These read very well. for all types T and U, there is a struct Foo ...,
 all types T and U, there is a function foo ..., etc. These reflect that
 are in fact multiple functions `foo` and structs `Foo` and implementations
 `Trait`, due to monomorphization.


Re: [rust-dev] let mut - var

2014-01-30 Thread Jason Fager
3 extra characters isn't doing anything to stop consenting adults.
 Nobody's saying get rid of mutable variables, just that it seems like a
waste of limited resources to figure out how to streamline them when in
general their use should be limited to where necessary.

Python isn't busy trying to figure out how to make 'look before you leap'
easier.  They have a culture of discouraging it and favoring 'forgiveness
over permission'.  Consenting adults can do all the looking they like, but that
doesn't mean Python is going to bend over backwards to make it pleasant for

On Thursday, January 30, 2014, Donaldo Fastoso

 I like python's rational of consenting adults: Give people the tools
 to do the right thing, if they still want to hurt themselves, they may
 have a good reason, or they are better of dead! ;-)

 I would argue, that people choosing Rust over C/C++ are choosing it
 BECAUSE of safety measures like immutability and wouldn't need
 overbearing lectures.

 In all honesty it's not the TYPING of three additional chars let mut,
 but the READING. It interrupts the flow of reading, or better: it's
 a bump in the flow of scanning. Source-Code is not prosa, you have to
 actively follow the train of thought and guess the intentions of the
 author. So improving READABILITY would really be nice, especially
 for people coming from other languages. They would probably try to
 learn by reading the source from experienced programmers.

 In this case i would also advice against the use of var, instead
 of let mut, but omitting let and leave it to mut would be much
 easier to read and understand.

 let mut x, y;

 would become:

 mut x;
 let y;

 which would take a possible interpretation-ambiguity away from the
 single let mut x, y, which can be read either as let mut for x
 and y, or let mut x and let y!

 So imho let mut has at least two pitfalls:
 1) read-bump
 2) ambiguity.

 AFAIK you did a remarkable good job so far, and i have all the faith
 you are considering all arguments before coming to a decision.

 Even if some thoughts of the thoughts come form the bad smelling
 lurker-fraction, which do nothing but making comments about things they
 possible can't understand! ;-)

 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] let mut - var

2014-01-29 Thread Jason Fager
You *should* get sick of writing 'let mut' all over the place, not just b/c
of the syntax but b/c you're using mutable variables all over the place.
 Casual mutability kills maintainability.

Affordances matter.  I'm convinced that the reason Option.unwrap() is used
so frequently is b/c it's the shortest method name and requires the
fewest explicit decisions, and so is the easiest thing to reach for.  If it
were unwrap_or_fail(reason), forcing you to both type more and to think
about a fail message, unwrap_or and unwrap_or_else wouldn't look as
difficult in comparison.  or and or_else would be even better, or
'do' syntax now that the keyword's free again.

Make the Right Thing the easy thing, and don't put effort into making the
Wrong Thing as easy or easier.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014, Samuel Williams wrote:

 I agree that it is syntactic salt and that the design is to discourage
 mutability. I actually appreciate that point as a programmer.

 w.r.t. this specific issue: I think what concerns me is that it is quite a
 high burden for new programmers (I teach COSC1xx courses to new students so
 I have some idea about the level of new programmers). For example, you need
 to know more detail about what is going on - new programmers would find
 that difficult as it is one more concept to overflow their heads.

 Adding var as a keyword identically maps to new programmer's
 expectations from JavaScript. Writing a program entirely using var
 wouldn't cause any problems right? But, could be optimised more
 (potentially) if using let for immutable parts.

 Anyway, I'm not convinced either way, I'm not sure I see the entire
 picture yet. But, if I was writing code, I'd certainly get sick of writing
 let mut over and over again - and looking at existing rust examples, that
 certainly seems like the norm..

 On 30 January 2014 15:59, Samuel Williams{}, 'cvml', 

 I guess the main gain would be less typing of what seems to be a
 reasonably common sequence, and the formalisation of a particular semantic
 pattern which makes it easier to recognise the code when you visually
 scanning it.

 On 30 January 2014 15:50, Kevin Ballard javascript:_e({},
 'cvml', ''); wrote:

 On Jan 29, 2014, at 6:43 PM, Brian Anderson 
 bander...@mozilla.comjavascript:_e({}, 'cvml', '');

  On 01/29/2014 06:35 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:
  On 1/29/14 6:34 PM, Samuel Williams wrote:
  Perhaps this has been considered already, but when I'm reading rust
  let mut just seems to stick out all over the place. Why not add a
  var keyword that does the same thing? I think there are lots of
  and bad reasons to do this or not do it, but I just wanted to propose
  the idea and see what other people are thinking.
  `let` takes a pattern. `mut` is a modifier on variables in a pattern.
 It is reasonable to write `let (x, mut y) = ...`, `let (mut x, y) = ...`,
 `let (mut x, mut y) = ...`, and so forth.
  Having a special var syntax would defeat this orthogonality.
  `var` could potentially just be special-case sugar for `let mut`.

 To what end? Users still need to know about `mut` for all the other uses
 of patterns. This would reserve a new keyword and appear to duplicate
 functionality for no gain.

 Rust-dev mailing list javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] RFC: New Rust channel proposal

2014-01-23 Thread Jason Fager
open() feels like the clear winner here.  Channel::new_pipe is annoying
because it's long and because channels and pipes are different things (,

And aren't we down to naming? I thought the design sounded mostly settled
from the last conversation, and brson revived the thread specifically
responding to a question about naming.

On Thursday, January 23, 2014, Tony Arcieri wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Benjamin Striegel

 And Chan::open() doesn't map to anything that's as intuitive.

 Like File::open? :P

 Tony Arcieri

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] RFC: New Rust channel proposal

2014-01-23 Thread Jason Fager
Also, +1 for source and sink, I still get port and channel mixed up.

On Thursday, January 23, 2014, Jason Fager wrote:

 open() feels like the clear winner here.  Channel::new_pipe is annoying
 because it's long and because channels and pipes are different things (,

 And aren't we down to naming? I thought the design sounded mostly settled
 from the last conversation, and brson revived the thread specifically
 responding to a question about naming.

 On Thursday, January 23, 2014, Tony Arcieri wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Benjamin Striegel wrote:

 And Chan::open() doesn't map to anything that's as intuitive.

 Like File::open? :P

 Tony Arcieri

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-31 Thread Jason Fager
If you're pushing to an unbounded vec in a tight loop you've got
fundamental design issues.  If you're pushing to a channel, you've got
something like a server under load.  Use cases matter.

About the deadlock scenario, why aren't non-blocking sends sufficient to
address that concern? I'd personally argue just as strenuously as for
bounded channels that robust systems shouldn't have
senders that block indefinitely (nothing like waking up to a production
server that's hung on a socket someone removed the timeout from).

Also, again:  unbounded channels aren't, their bound is just arbitrary and
they fail catastrophically when it's hit.

Even if you don't OOM, channels that are too large are themselves a major
problem.  If you actually use your hardware you only have so much capacity.
 If your channel's getting backed up it's probably for a reason; when that
reason gets resolved you're going to need to go back to handling your
normal load plus everything you've been back-logging on your unbounded
channels.  That's one of the main things you tune with bounded channels:
how backed up can this reasonably be before I just can't catch up anymore?

In a browser, users might not want you to throw away events, but they
probably don't want to deal with their browser OOMing, or pausing for five
minutes and then machine-gun responding, either.  Again, anytime consumers
lag producers, you're screwed.  The question is, how can you respond to

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013, Patrick Walton wrote:

 On 12/31/13 3:15 PM, György Andrasek wrote:

 On 12/31/2013 10:41 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:

 Unbounded channels have defined behavior as well. Undefined behavior has
 a precise definition and OOM is not undefined behavior.

 OOM is not a behavior. It's a DoS attack on the rest of the system.

 When we speak of eliminating undefined behavior in Rust, we aren't
 speaking of taming code like:

 let mut v = ~[];
 loop {

 Eliminating this hazard simply isn't one of the goals of the language.


 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-19 Thread Jason Fager
I work on a system that handles 10s of billions of events per day, and we
do a lot of queueing.  Big +1 on having bounded queues.  Unbounded
in-memory queues aren't, they just have a bound you have no direct control
over and that blows up the world when its hit.

The only reason to have a queue size greater than 1 is to handle spikes in
the producer, short outages in the consumer, or a bit of out-of-phaseness
between producers and consumers.  If your consumers habitually can't keep
up with your producers, you're screwed regardless, but unbounded queues
make your problem grow from simply being 'consumer can't keep up' to
'consumer can't keep up, I'm OOMing, and I just lost a boatload of
messages'. If the only option that's available are unbounded queues, there
are going to be a lot of explicit semaphores sitting around in production
Rust code.

I would also hope that Rust doesn't decide to silently drop messages on the
floor.  It's very true that systems that can tolerate dropped messages are
more robust, but not all messages are created equal, and not all messages
can just be dropped (i.e., if they come from a 3rd party).  I need to have
control over what happens to a message that I can't send, whether that
means slow-pathing it to something on-disk, passing an error back to my
source, or just deciding to drop it.

The twitter conversation has discussion of blocking sends leading to
deadlocks:  yes, blocking indefinitely is also bad, so don't do that.  If
it's blocking it should have a timeout, or as others have mentioned you can
keep the sends non-blocking and just have them fail if the queue is full.

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 9:29 PM, Tony Arcieri wrote:

 Some context:

 As someone who knows a lot of people who use Erlang in production (Erlang
 has unbounded mailboxes), and the maintainer of my own actor-based
 concurrency framework (Celluloid, which started with unbounded mailboxes
 and is in the process of moving to bounded ones), I have come to the Hard
 Won Knowledge(TM) that unbounded queues/mailboxes/channels are a bad idea.

 In terms of production users of these sorts of systems, my personal
 experience is that nobody likes unboundedness and most have experienced
 some sort of production outage because of it. This isn't just a minor
 nitpick. This is the sort of decision that makes or breaks the reliability
 of systems under load.

 The main problem with unboundedness is that users systems based on
 unbounded queues fail to adequately build mechanisms for providing
 backpressure into their code. They then start flooding their systems with
 messages, and get confused why they're performing so poorly when the answer
 is they have a huge backlog of unprocessed messages. Processes overloaded
 with too many messages will slow down and grow in memory until they
 eventually exhaust system resources and crash.

 Adding bounds to a channel doesn't require that sends block, and I think
 Rust is doing the Right Thing(TM) here in regard to non-blocking sends and
 I would never ask you to change that. There are other options for bounding
 channels which don't involve a blocking send though:

 1) Drop messages on the floor: This falls into the category of at most
 once message semantics that actor systems are typically described as
 having (although there's a fun discussion about this right now on the friam
 mailing list). My personal opinion is that systems that can tolerate the
 loss of messages are more robust by design

 2) Crash the sender: This works similarly to the above in that it results
 in the messages being discarded, but can loop in Erlang-style fault
 tolerance to recover from an overloaded system. I definitely find this less
 preferable than simply dropping messages on the floor though. This is a
 particularly invasive option that I think doesn't translate well to
 distributed systems.

 3) Make sends to a full channel an error: I'm really not a fan of this
 option at all but I'm listing it for completeness. We could make everyone
 check every message send for success. Ick. No thanks.

 Bounded channels offer a lot of advantages over unbounded ones, IMO.
 Fixed-size data structures confer a natural performance advantage over
 elastic ones that need to be resized to accomodate growing numbers of
 messages. Depending on what data structure you use, you either take an
 up-front performance hit to provide variable capacity, or take an invisible
 performance hit whenever you hit some cap and need to resize. Adding a
 bound makes it easier to reason about the use cases and requirements and
 will generally allow you to leverage better data structures (e.g. ring
 buffers) that will confer maximum performance.

 Tony Arcieri

 Rust-dev mailing list


Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-19 Thread Jason Fager
Okay, parallelism, of course, and I'm sure others.  Bad use of the word
'only'.  The point is that if your consumers aren't keeping up with your
producers, you're screwed anyways, and growing the queue indefinitely isn't
a way to get around that.  Growing queues should only serve specific
purposes and make it easy to apply back pressure when the assumptions
behind those purposes go awry.

On Thursday, December 19, 2013, Patrick Walton wrote:

 On 12/19/13 6:31 AM, Jason Fager wrote:

 I work on a system that handles 10s of billions of events per day, and
 we do a lot of queueing.  Big +1 on having bounded queues.  Unbounded
 in-memory queues aren't, they just have a bound you have no direct
 control over and that blows up the world when its hit.

 The only reason to have a queue size greater than 1 is to handle spikes
 in the producer, short outages in the consumer, or a bit of
 out-of-phaseness between producers and consumers.

 Well, also parallelism.


 Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Unbounded channels: Good idea/bad idea?

2013-12-19 Thread Jason Fager
So what do you do when you OOM?  A network traffic spike beyond a
particular threshold is exactly why you want a bounded queue, b/c it gives
you an opportunity to actually handle it and recover, even if the recovery
is just drop messages I can't handle.

Backpressure doesn't make sense on an edge server handling traffic you
don't control, but spill-to-disk or discarding messages does.

Having a bound on your queue size and statically allocating a gigantic
channel buffer are orthogonal issues.  You can bound a linked list.

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 1:23 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 Here’s an example from where I use an infinite queue.

 I have an IRC bot, written in Go. The incoming network traffic of this bot
 is handled in one goroutine, which parses each line into its components,
 and enqueues the result on a channel. The channel is very deliberately made
 infinite (via a separate goroutine that stores the infinite buffer in a
 local slice). The reason it’s infinite is because the bot needs to be
 resilient against the case where either the consumer unexpectedly blocks,
 or the network traffic spikes. The general assumption is that, under normal
 conditions, the consumer will always be able to keep up with the producer
 (as the producer is based on network traffic and not e.g. a tight CPU loop
 generating messages as fast as possible). Backpressure makes no sense here,
 as you cannot put backpressure on the network short of letting the socket
 buffer fill up, and letting the socket buffer fill up with cause the IRC
 network to disconnect you. So the overriding goal here is to prevent
 network disconnects, while assuming that the consumer will be able to catch
 up if it ever gets behind.

 This particular use case very explicitly wants a dynamically-sized
 infinite channel. I suppose an absurdly large channel would be acceptable,
 because if the consumer ever gets e.g. 100,000 lines behind then it’s in
 trouble already, but I’d rather not have the memory overhead of a
 statically-allocated gigantic channel buffer.


 On Dec 19, 2013, at 10:04 AM, Jason Fager wrote:

 Okay, parallelism, of course, and I'm sure others.  Bad use of the word
 'only'.  The point is that if your consumers aren't keeping up with your
 producers, you're screwed anyways, and growing the queue indefinitely isn't
 a way to get around that.  Growing queues should only serve specific
 purposes and make it easy to apply back pressure when the assumptions
 behind those purposes go awry.

 On Thursday, December 19, 2013, Patrick Walton wrote:

 On 12/19/13 6:31 AM, Jason Fager wrote:

 I work on a system that handles 10s of billions of events per day, and
 we do a lot of queueing.  Big +1 on having bounded queues.  Unbounded
 in-memory queues aren't, they just have a bound you have no direct
 control over and that blows up the world when its hit.

 The only reason to have a queue size greater than 1 is to handle spikes
 in the producer, short outages in the consumer, or a bit of
 out-of-phaseness between producers and consumers.

 Well, also parallelism.


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Re: [rust-dev] select on std::comm::Port and different types

2013-11-15 Thread Jason Fager
I solved these problems somewhat clunkily using an enum:

It's not pretty but it gets the job done until the various issues around
this get worked out.

On Thursday, November 14, 2013, Diego Ongaro wrote:

 Hi all,

 My program starts a bunch of tasks, then I want the main task to both
 receive ctrl-c signals and receive results from the children. The
 signal will come from a std::rt::io::signal::Listener's port, which is
 an std::comm::PortSignum. The child results will come from a

 My first problem is that std::comm::Port doesn't implement
 std::select::Select. It looks like std::rt::comm::Port does, and
 std::comm::Port is just a small wrapper around that, but
 std::comm::Port makes its internal std::rt::comm::Port private. Is
 there any way to select on a std::comm::Port? (And what's the
 difference between a std::rt::comm::Port and a std::comm::Port?)

 My second problem is that std::select::select() doesn't seem to
 support selecting from ports with different types. Naively, I tried
 select([p1, p2]), but that expects p1 and p2 to have the same type:
 error: mismatched types: expected
 `std::rt::comm::Portstd::rt::io::signal::Signum` but found
 `std::rt::comm::Port~[uint]` (expected enum
 std::rt::io::signal::Signum but found vector)
 It'll need dynamic dispatch, so I tried: select([p1 as Select, p2 as
 Select]). However, this doesn't work since Select doesn't implement
 error: failed to find an implementation of trait std::select::Select
 for std::select::Selectno-bounds

 There's some commented out code that may be related in,
 though it's hard for me to know where this stands:
 /* FIXME(#5121, #7914) This all should be legal, but rust is not
 clever enough yet.

 impl 'self Select for 'self mut Select {
 fn optimistic_check(mut self) - bool { self.optimistic_check() }
 fn block_on(mut self, sched: mut Scheduler, task: BlockedTask) -
 bool {
 self.block_on(sched, task)
 fn unblock_from(mut self) - bool { self.unblock_from() }

 How can I select on two ports of different types?

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[rust-dev] About owned pointer

2013-11-07 Thread Jason Fager
Let me ask another way:  what's wrong with thinking of ~ just as meaning
allocate to the heap and subject to move semantics?  When would that
simplification bite me in the ass regarding owned boxes vs strs/vecs?

I get that I should very rarely want that for things that aren't dynamic
containers or recursive data structures.  But beyond that, am I ever going
to get myself in trouble not remembering the details of the difference
between how ~T works vs ~[T]?

On Thursday, November 7, 2013, Daniel Micay wrote:

 On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 7:49 PM, Jason Fager wrote:

 Can you speak a little to the practical differences between owned boxes
 and ~[T]/~str?  How does the difference affect how I should use each?

 I wrote the section on owned boxes in the tutorial currently in master, so
 I would suggest reading that. It's very rare for there to be a use case for
 an owned box outside of a recursive data structure or plugin system (traits
 as objects).

 The coverage in the tutorial of vectors/strings is not only lacking in
 depth but is also *incorrect*, so I understand why there's a lot of
 confusion about them.

 Vectors/strings are containers, and aren't connected to owned boxes any
 more than HashMap/TreeMap/TrieMap. I would prefer it if the syntactic sugar
 didn't exist and we just had generic container literals, because it seems
 to end up causing a lot of confusion.

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Re: [rust-dev] If and pattern match

2013-09-23 Thread Jason Fager
Doesn't seem like enough bang for the buck to me.  In your first example you
save 3 vertical lines but get a really wide one in return, and lose
some indentation
levels but add more syntax and conceptual overhead to the language.

Might be my lack of imagination, but the feature doesn't seem to expand out
to many other use cases, either.

Your second case you could write as:

let foo = get_option(foo);
let bar = get_option(bar);
if foo.is_some()  bar.is_some() {
use(foo.unwrap(), bar.unwrap());

On Monday, September 23, 2013, Oren Ben-Kiki wrote:

 A question / proposed syntax... How about allowing writing something like:

 if (Some(foo), Some(bar)) ~~ (get_option(foo), get_option(bar)) {
 use(foo, bar);

 Instead of having to write the more combersome:

 match (get_option(foo), get_option(bar)) {
 (Some(foo), Some(bar)) = {
 use(foo, bar);
 _otherwise = {},

 Not to mention:

 let foo_bar: bool = (Some(_foo), Some(_bar)) ~~ (get_option(foo),

 match (get_option(foo), get_option(bar)) {
 (Some(foo), Some(bar)) = {
 use(foo, bar);
 _otherwise = {},

 Instead of the very cumbersome:

 let foo_bar: bool =
 match (get_option(foo), get_option(bar)) {
 (Some(_foo), Some(_bar)) = true,
 _otherwise = false,

 So, in general allow `pattern ~~ expression` to be a boolean expression
 and if it is used in an if statement allow it to introduce the matched
 variables to the then scope.

 The operator doesn't have to be ~~, it could be anything unique (though
 using ~ for matching has a lot of precedence in other languages).


 Oren Ben-Kiki

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Re: [rust-dev] Proposal for clarifying the iterator protocol

2013-08-04 Thread Jason Fager
Not confused, I understand your point about for loops not caring about what
happens with additional 'next' calls.

But as a user of an iterator, I have the expectation that a for loop
exhausts the elements available from an iterator unless I return early or
break.  Designing an iterator that intentionally sidesteps that expectation
seems like a bad idea.  Principle of least astonishment, etc.

And yes, of course, iterators already return Option.  But they return
Option to satisfy the *iterator protocol*, not the use cases you
described.  I'm talking about adding another layer of Option

So say I want to implement non-blocking io that plays nice w/ the iterator
protocol.  Using an implementation taking advantage of option#3 look
something like:

loop {
for i in iter {
// other stuff
if(noReallyImDone) {

While hoisting the Iterator's type into another layer of Option looks like:

for i in iter {
match i {
Some(i) = foo(i);
None = {
   //other stuff

The outer Option allows the iterator protocol to work as expected, i.e.
iterate over all available elements in the iterator, and the inner
implements the non-blocking protocol you're looking for.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 8:12 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 I suspect you're confused about something.

 The for loop doesn't care in the slightest what an iterator does after
 it's returned None. All 3 approaches work equally well as far as the for
 loop is concerned.

 And I'm not sure what you mean by design Iterators that would take
 advantage of the undefined behavior. If an iterator defines how it behaves
 after returning None, then it's defined behavior. If you're using iterators
 and you know your entire iterator pipeline, then you can use whatever
 behavior the iterators involved define. You only need to restrict yourself
 to what the iterator protocol defines if you don't know what iterator
 you're consuming.

 I also don't understand your suggestion about using Option. Iterators *
 already* return an Option.


 On Aug 4, 2013, at 4:45 PM, Jason Fager wrote:

 Of course.  I think I'm reacting more to the possible use cases you
 described for option 3 than the actual meaning of it.  It seems like a
 really bad idea to design iterators that would take advantage of the
 undefined behavior, not least b/c it's unexpected and not supported by the
 most pervasive client of the iterator protocol (the for loop, in the sense
 of actually iterating through all elements available through the iterator),
 but that doesn't mean option 3 is in itself the wrong thing to do.

 But addressing the use cases you mentioned, if you need that kind of
 functionality, shouldn't you be hoisting the iterator's return type into
 its own Option?  i.e., an IteratorT should be become an

 On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

 The new for loop works with all 3 of these. Your output shows that it
 queried .next() twice, and got a single Some(1) result back. Once it gets
 None, it never calls .next() again, whereas the 3 behaviors stated
 previously are exclusively concerned with what happens if you call .next()
 again after it has already returned None.


 P.S. I changed the email address that I'm subscribed to this list with,
 so apologies for any potential confusion.

 On Aug 4, 2013, at 6:18 AM, Jason Fager wrote:

 The new for loop already assumes #2, right?

 let x = [1,2,3];
 let mut it = x.iter().peek_(|x| printfln!(*x)).scan(true, |st, x| { if
 *st { *st = false; Some(x) } else { None } });

 for i in it {
 printfln!(from for loop: %?, i);

 Which produces:

 from for loop: 1

 On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 1:49 AM, Daniel Micay danielmi...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 9:18 PM, Kevin Ballard
  The iterator protocol, as I'm sure you're aware, is the protocol that
  defines the behavior of the Iterator trait. Unfortunately, at the
 moment the
  trait does not document what happens if you call `.next()` on an
  after a previous call has returned `None`. According to Daniel Micay,
  intention was that the iterator would return `None` forever. However,
  is not guaranteed by at least one iterator adaptor (Scan), nor is it
  documented. Furthermore, no thought has been given to what happens if
  iterator pipeline has side-effects. A trivial example of the
  problem is this:
  let x = [1,2,3];
  let mut it = x.iter().peek_(|x| printfln!(*x)).scan(true, |st, x|
 { if
  *st { *st = false; Some(x) } else { None } });
  This results in `(Some(1), None, None)` but it prints out
  After giving it some thought, I came up with 3 possible definitions for
  behavior in this case:
  1. Once `.next()` has returned `None

Re: [rust-dev] deriving Clone on a struct with a static vector

2013-07-06 Thread Jason Fager
Yeah, that is a cool feature.  They're called newtype structs, after
newtypes in Haskell, discussed in the tutorial at

btw, updated that gist w/ a hacky impl of Clone that uses copy, which I
think I've heard is going away in the near future.  Works for me for now,

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Ashish Myles wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Jason Fager wrote:
  I've started implementing traits for fixed-length vectors with a few
  I don't have Clone yet, but it should be easy to add.

 As a side note, looking through your code, this is cool:
 struct Foo([u8,..2]);
 I had no idea one could define single-item/wrapper structs that way;
 i.e. like an anonymous member. This is going in my cool tidbits


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