Re: [rust-dev] issue numbers in commit messages

2014-02-17 Thread Scott Lawrence
Maybe I'm misunderstanding? This would require that all commits be 
specifically associated with an issue. I don't have actual stats, but briefly 
skimming recent commits and looking at the issue tracker, a lot of commits 
can't be reasonably associated with an issue. This requirement would either 
force people to create fake issues for each commit, or to reference 
tangentially-related or overly-broad issues in commit messages, neither of 
which is very useful.

Referencing any conversation that leads to or influences a commit is a good 
idea, but something this inflexible doesn't seem right.

My 1.5ยข.

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Nick Cameron wrote:

How would people feel about a requirement for all commit messages to have
an issue number in them? And could we make bors enforce that?

The reason is that GitHub is very bad at being able to trace back a commit
to the issue it fixes (sometimes it manages, but not always). Not being
able to find the discussion around a commit is extremely annoying.

Cheers, Nick

Scott Lawrence___
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] issue numbers in commit messages

2014-02-17 Thread Scott Lawrence
What about having bors place the hash of each commit merged into the 
auto-merge message? Then finding the PR, and any closed issues, consists of 
backwards-searching in git-log. (Having bors modify commit messages would 
probably cause major problems with hashes changing.)

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Nick Cameron wrote:

Adding a few chars to a commit is not onerous and it is useful. You may not
want it now, but perhaps you would if you had it to use. _I_ certainly want
it, and I think others would find it useful if it was there to use.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Steve Klabnik st...@steveklabnik.comwrote:

Yeah, I'm not into modifying every single commit, I basically only
want what bors already (apparently) already does.

Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Proposal: Change Parametric Polymorphism Declaration Syntax

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Lawrence

May as well throw my 2 cents in.

This is a pretty nice idea (I've always found 'implT' to be particularly 
confusing anyway). It does loose a nice property, though. Previously, there 
was a nice parallelism between

struct FooT


let foo: FooT

and so the syntax was quite obvious for beginners. The extra complexity of 
forall kills this. Of course, one could write

forallT:K,L struct FooT {

but that's just ugly.

On Sat, 1 Feb 2014, Corey Richardson wrote:

Hey all,

bjz and I have worked out a nice proposal[0] for a slight syntax
change, reproduced here. It is a breaking change to the syntax, but it
is one that I think brings many benefits.


Change the following syntax:

struct FooT, U { ... }
implT, U TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
fn fooT, U(...) { ... }


forallT, U struct Foo { ... }
forallT, U impl TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
forallT, U fn foo(...) { ... }

The Problem

The immediate, and most pragmatic, problem is that in today's Rust one cannot
easily search for implementations of a trait. Why? `grep 'impl Clone'` is
itself not sufficient, since many types have parametric polymorphism. Now I
need to come up with some sort of regex that can handle this. An easy
first-attempt is `grep 'impl(.*?)? Clone'` but that is quite inconvenient to
type and remember. (Here I ignore the issue of tooling, as I do not find the
argument of But a tool can do it! valid in language design.)

A deeper, more pedagogical problem, is the mismatch between how `struct
Foo... { ... }` is read and how it is actually treated. The straightforward,
left-to-right reading says There is a struct Foo which, given the types ...
has the members  This might lead one to believe that `Foo` is a single
type, but it is not. `Fooint` (that is, type `Foo` instantiated with type
`int`) is not the same type as `Foounit` (that is, type `Foo` instantiated
with type `uint`). Of course, with a small amount of experience or a very
simple explanation, that becomes obvious.

Something less obvious is the treatment of functions. What does `fn
foo...(...) { ... }` say? There is a function foo which, given types ...
and arguments ..., does the following computation: ... is not very adequate.
It leads one to believe there is a *single* function `foo`, whereas there is
actually a single `foo` for every substitution of type parameters! This also
holds for implementations (both of traits and of inherent methods).

Another minor problem is that nicely formatting long lists of type parameters
or type parameters with many bounds is difficult.

Proposed Solution

Introduce a new keyword, `forall`. This choice of keyword reads very well and
will not conflict with any identifiers in code which follows the [style

Change the following declarations from

struct FooT, U { ... }
implT, U TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
fn fooT, U(...) { ... }


forallT, U struct Foo { ... }
forallT, U impl TraitT for FooT, U { ... }
forallT, U fn foo(...) { ... }

These read very well. for all types T and U, there is a struct Foo ..., for
all types T and U, there is a function foo ..., etc. These reflect that there
are in fact multiple functions `foo` and structs `Foo` and implementations of
`Trait`, due to monomorphization.

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Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Proposal: Change Parametric Polymorphism Declaration Syntax

2014-02-01 Thread Scott Lawrence

It seems to use a '+' instead of ','.

On Sat, 1 Feb 2014, Benjamin Striegel wrote:

How about supporting type aliases as Scala does?

In theory I think that should be achievable today, using trait inheritance:

   trait MyT : Clone, Eq {} least, I *think* we allow multiple trait inheritance. Not sure what
the syntax is!

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Vladimir Lushnikov wrote:

Placing type bounds before the name of the thing you are trying to declare
feels unnatural to me. And the generic block is far too much boilerplate!

How about supporting type aliases as Scala does? So you write:

  type MyT = Clone + Eq
  fn fooMyT, U(t: T, u: U) - ...

and the 'type' is just an alias for any type that has Clone + Eq?

Obviously the above only solves repeating yourself for complex type

Also, reusing 'for' would be confusing as well, because you expect a loop
there, not a generic type bound. How about 'any':

any T: Clone + Eq, U fn foo (t: T, u: U) - ...


On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 11:06 PM, Benjamin Striegel


Another point in favor of this plan is that it would eliminate the need
to put type parameters directly after the `impl`, which to be honest *is*
pretty weird and inconsistent with the rest of the language. But I'm still
not sure how I feel about the look of it:

for T: Clone+Eq, U fn foo(t: T, u: U) - (T, U) {

If you choose *not* to wrap after the type parameters there, you're
really obscuring what the heck you're trying to declare.

Heck, maybe what we're really asking for is for the ability to have
generic blocks within which type parameters can be declared once:

for T: Clone+Eq, U {
fn foo(t: T, u: U) - (T, U) {

...but that's even *more* boilerplate!

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Benjamin Striegel


Yes, and I don't have a solution for that.

Well, it's not like we don't already stumble here a bit, what with
requiring :: instead of just . Not sure how much other people value the
consistency here.

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Corey Richardson co...@octayn.netwrote:

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Benjamin Striegel wrote:

First of all, why a new keyword? Reusing `for` here would be totally
unambiguous. :P And also save us from creating the precedent of



I'd be equally happy with for instead of forall.

Secondly, currently Rust has a philosophy of use-follows-declaration


the syntax for using something mirrors the syntax for declaring it).


would eliminate that.

Yes, and I don't have a solution for that.

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Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Lifetime required to outlive itself

2014-01-21 Thread Scott Lawrence
This code compiles successfully: . I believe this behavior is 
correct. Just so it's clear what this code does: f() takes a `mut int` and 
adds it to an array - the idea is that all of the `mut int` can be changed at 
some later time. Naturally, there's some fancy lifetime juggling involved in 
this (which I may have gotten wrong).

Uncommenting the commented parts (the method f() in the impl A, in particular) 
yields the error message shown at the bottom, which appears to say that the 
lifetime created in the second parameter of f() does not necessarily outlive 

Is there some especially complicated aspect of lifetimes as they interact 
with self, or is this indeed a bug?

Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Lifetime required to outlive itself

2014-01-21 Thread Scott Lawrence
Yup, that was pretty much it. (I suspected something like that might be 
happening.) Thanks!

To future generations of confused souls: when the impl is parameterized, the 
function probably doesn't need to be.

On Wed, 22 Jan 2014, Huon Wilson wrote:

On 22/01/14 12:41, Scott Lawrence wrote:
This code compiles successfully: . I believe this behavior 
is correct. Just so it's clear what this code does: f() takes a `mut int` 
and adds it to an array - the idea is that all of the `mut int` can be 
changed at some later time. Naturally, there's some fancy lifetime juggling 
involved in this (which I may have gotten wrong).

Uncommenting the commented parts (the method f() in the impl A, in 
particular) yields the error message shown at the bottom, which appears to 
say that the lifetime created in the second parameter of f() does not 
necessarily outlive itself.

Is there some especially complicated aspect of lifetimes as they interact 
with self, or is this indeed a bug?

I think it's the compiler tricking you: the 'a in `fn f'a(mut self, ...)` 
is shadowing the `impl'a A'a` i.e. they are different lifetimes that 
happen to have the same identifier. Changing it to `fn f(mut self, 'a mut 
int)` should work.

There's a bug open about warning on shadowed generics, because, as this 
demonstrates, you end up with hard-to-diagnose error messages:

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Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] sandboxing Rust?

2014-01-18 Thread Scott Lawrence

On Sat, 18 Jan 2014, Corey Richardson wrote:

Rust's safety model is not intended to prevent untrusted code from
doing evil things.

Doesn't it succesfully do that, though? Or at least with only a small amount 
of extra logic? For example, suppose I accept, compile, and run arbitrary rust 
code, with only the requirement that there be no unsafe blocks (ignore for a 
moment the fact that libstd uses unsafe). Barring compiler bugs, I think it's 
then guaranteed nothing bad can happen.

It seems to me that (as usual with languages like Rust) it's simply a mildly 
arduous task of maintaining a parallel libstd implementation to be used for 
sandboxing, which either lacks implementations for dangerous functionality, or 
has them replaced with special versions that perform correct permissions 
checking. That, coupled with forbidding unsafe blocks in submitted code, 
should solve the problem.

I could be completely wrong. (Is there some black magic I don't know?)

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Josh Haberman wrote:

Is it a design goal of Rust that you will be able to run untrusted
code in-process safely?

In other words, by whitelisting the set of available APIs and
prohibiting unsafe blocks, would you be able to (eventually, once Rust
is stable and hardened) run untrusted code in the same address space
without it intentionally or unintentionally escaping its sandbox?

(Sorry if this a FAQ, I couldn't find any info about it).

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Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] typing in rust

2013-11-13 Thread Scott Lawrence
I would think that `test()` (the function) is in scope for the duration of 
`let test =`, and then the new definition masks the old one. Similarly,

let x = 2;
let x = x + 2;

If you change the last line to /call/ test(), you should get an error.

On Wed, 13 Nov 2013, Philip Herron wrote:

Hey all

I am still learning but i just tried something which i expected to give an
error but works:

fn test () - int {

fn main () {
 let test = test ();
 println (format! ({}, test));

I guess on compilation the names are mangled against their types or
something so you can differentiate between test the function and test the
variable. Not sure would be nice to get some clarification what this
behavior is.



Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] How would you map one vector to a vector of a different element type?

2013-11-02 Thread Scott Lawrence

I would think:

let ports = do myvect.iter().map { |e| something(e) }

On Sat, 2 Nov 2013, Leah Hanson wrote:


I have a ~[~str]. I have code that will turn a ~str into a Portuint.

I want to end up with a [Portuint]. (or ~ or @ or whatever. I just want
to be able to iterate over the Ports later.)

Since I'm not sure what looping construct to use, I tried with a for-each

let ports = for s in myvect.iter() {
 let (pport, cchan) = stream();
 do spawn {

As you  might, expect I got an error:
error: mismatched types: expected `()` but found `std::comm::Portuint`
(expected () but found struct std::comm::Port)

From this, I take it that for loops must return `()`, rather than an actual

value. When I searched for a map function in the documentation, I only
found a Map type.

How would you map one vector to a vector of a different element type?


Scott Lawrence
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] average function

2013-09-24 Thread Scott Lawrence

Use NumCast::from(count).

You'll also want to be sure to initialize sum. I'd use the Zero instance.

use std::num::Zero;
fn averageT:Int(values:[T]) - T {
let count = values.len();
let mut sum:T = Zero::zero();
for v in values.iter() {
sum = sum.add(v);
return sum / NumCast::from(count);
fn main() {
println(fmt!(%d, average([1,2,3])))

On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, Andreas Zwinkau wrote:

I tried to write an average function, but so far failed to convince
the type checker.

fn averageT:Int(values:[T]) - T {
 let count = values.len();
 let mut sum:T;
 for v in values.iter() {
   sum = sum.add(v);
 return sum / count;

error: mismatched types: expected `T` but found `uint` (expected type
parameter but found uint)

The problem is that sum is the generic type T, but count is uint due
to the definition of the len function. Casting count as T should
work, i thought, but rustc seems to have another opinion?

Andreas Zwinkau

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Scott Lawrence
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