[rust-dev] mod.rs.. in crate root?

2013-09-05 Thread Walter Walter
have i understood this correctly- 

with mod.rs in subdirectories, you can now make a rust module heirachy look 
exactly like the source directory tree  (nice..)

... but only so long as you dont have mutliple sources in the crate-roots' 
directory,just one main including each directory-module.
(thats certainly the way i'll set anything up i do from now on, if so..)

could this be extended to multiple sources in the crate 'root'/'root 
directory.. perhaps by using the same rule, if you start with mod.rs  as the 
crate root.

would it have any undesirable side effects.. does it seem more consistent or 
less consistent.. would there be any other better ways of doing that.. is this 
already possible perhaps.
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[rust-dev] impl restriction between crates

2013-09-01 Thread Walter Walter
r.e. impl's on a type outside its original library crate .. i understand this 
is to preclude inter-crate clashes, if 2 library writers attempt to over-ride 
the same function.

i might be barking up the wrong tree here- rust has obviously been designed 
with the benefit of a lot of experience behind it.

Would it be feasible to relax this error to a warning - or perhaps enable this 
behaviour with compiler options;
one compromise might be to only make it an error when compiling a library**.

potential use cases:-

[1] When writing code that is never going to be put into a library, you'd be 
able to extend existing types with greater ease (less traits to make.. naming 
is hard, the fewer things you have to name the better).
People writing smaller programs might make better use of existing types - 
especially while they're evolving.. and what doesn't evolve.. Any difference 
between usability of libary types and your own provides an incentive for NIH. a 
current example is the iterators which need the .iter() on the collection.. 
i've been tempeted to make workarounds to that.

Open-world is a big draw to rust, it's over half the reason for my interest in 
this language... looking for a solution to the way headers  classes interact 
badly in C++.

[2] Greater symetry between your own code where you may not have settled on 
libary/module divisons ..
lets say you seperate part of a program out after it  moves beyond a certain 
size, you'd have to start introducing extra traits... its just one more 
refactoring barrier.

[3] I just thought about this for trying to write anIDE plugin..
.. currently you must compile an entire crate when something changes, which is 
very slow.

But what if an IDE tool could divide the crate up into 1 crate per sourcefile, 
perhaps automatically generating an alternate 'main.rs' to pull these together. 

this is much like scenario [2]... this would involve having the same code 
compiling as either a multitude of crates, or being pulled together as one 
in particular node ID's are enumerated for the entire crate, demanding a 
'rebuild'. But I dont think you'd routinely/manually want to divide things up 
into one crate per sourcefile.

personally i think i would prefer the restriction not to exist at all, i 
wouldn't mind the potential for libary link errors appearing;

I read the opinion that it doesn't matter because you can submit changes to the 
original library code being opensource, but i think its *much* more feasible 
for members of the rust community to request changes or splits in eachother 
libraries versus submitting changes to the *standard* libaries, which, being 
used by more people are going to have greater momentum ,more disagreement, 
longer time to agree on the most widely accepted methods ... an individual 
library writer need merely be mindful of this hazrd.
Doesn't matter if something is opensource .. it can be hard to change - its a 
point of disagreement and individuals might not considerevery other use case.

In C++ I hear some people objecting to extention methods for the same reason, 
but this objection sounds unfounded to me because you can just make overloaded 
functions anyway already, and i've never ran into those being a problem. its 
just nicer to have the same a.foo(b) calling syntax available for everything ..

is it possible for the module system to assist disambiguating if clashes do 
occur? there's always some use directives around.. could those prioritize the 
use of one supplied method over another.

I know Go has a similar open world idea .. and a similar issue, no extending 
outside a package, just within sources of the same package, and there you have 
to make a new type to extend.. which is probably worse than making a new trait 
IMO. So perhaps rust is already the best balance here, i dont know. I do like 
the fact that in go methods aren't actually part of anything when defined, even 
less pre-planning going on, and their interfaces just gather them after they're 
written, but i prefer the inter-module behaviour of traits over what go does.

** .. you might say thats' inconsistent, different rules where the same source 
compiles, but you already have that by the fact this issue exists at all.
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