Hello Giannis.

I have to apply some corrections to my claim, sorry.

Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in
 |Also, if i say "? set mailcap-disable" and then

Actually unnecessary, ~/.mailcap is inspected as a second step.

 |  set pipe-application/pdf='@*=mupdf $MAILX_FILENAME_TEMPORARY'

This should be "?*=++? mupdf $MAILX_FILENAME_TEMPORARY" then.
Important is ? not @ (has been deprecated long ago, hmm), and the
++ to delete the file backing $MAILX_FILENAME_TEMPORARY, otherwise
your $TMPDIR will fill.

Or just use an according entry in ~/.mailcap.
What could really make sense is an environment variable that is
passed to ~/.mailcap tests, so that those know the actual command
(i.e., mimeview or print).  Hmm.

 |mupdf(1) will be spawned even for "print".

Ciao, and greetings to Greece!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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