flatpak is designed for gui apps, registering a desktop icon and so on. To 
really make use of it we'd need at least a small gui app that then lets you 
start/stop the jupyter server and/or launch browser windows. 

If you just want to run Sage then there is already a one-liner podman / 
docker command to download and run it (and with podman any user account can 
do it, no permission setup needed):

 podman run  -it sagemath/sagemath

On Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 6:17:39 AM UTC+2 318...@gmail.com wrote:

> Flatpak is a format for packaging Linux desktop applications that can work 
> on most distros using a single binary.  Given the difficulty of packaging 
> Sagemath for each distro, and the difficulty of updating existing Sage 
> packages to work with newer versions of distros, I think having a flatpak 
> package of sagemath would make it easier to get the latest version of Sage 
> running on as many systems as possible.
> --Beth

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