Dear all, I'm trying to plot an implicit function with a "y"-axis range 
three orders of magnitude greater than the range of the "x"-axis. 

If I use logarithmic scale, the resulting plot is the one shown in 
"sage0.png"... However, when a linear scale is used, the plot collapses 
(see the file "sage1.png")

I would say this is a BUG, because the expected result should be an 
automatic linear scaling of the "y"-axis. But I could be misusing the code.



sage: reset()
sage: var('MN', domain='positive', latex_name=r"M_N")
sage: var('Vtausq', domain='positive', latex_name=r"\left|V_{\tau N}\right|^2")
sage: var('MWR', domain='positive', latex_name=r"M_{W_R}")

sage: mmu     = 0.105  # GeV
sage: mtau    = 1.7    # GeV
sage: Eff     = 1      # To be scaled
sage: Nevents = 5      # Number of observed events
sage: Ntaus   = 4.9E8  # Taus generated on the experiment (ShiP??)
sage: npot    = 2E20   # Potential number of events
sage: xcc     = 4.5E-4 #
sage: BrDs  = 0.0554  # Branching ratio D_s -> tau + nu_tau
sage: Brtau = 1       # Branching ratio tau -> X + nu_tau
sage: BrN   = 0.036   # Branching ratio N -> mu + mu + nu
sage: BB   = BrDs * Brtau * BrN * (80.385/MWR)^4 * ( 1 - (MN/mtau)^2 ) * ( 1 - 
(2*mmu/MN)^2 ) * heaviside(MN - 2*mmu) * heaviside(mtau - MN) 
sage: edet = 8E-5 * MN^5 * 1E7 * (80.385/MWR)^4 * Eff
sage: eq = npot * 2 * xcc * BB * edet - Nevents
sage: eq

sage: G = Graphics()
sage: G = implicit_plot(eq, (MN,.1,2), (MWR,5E3,11E3), scale=('semilogy',2)) 
sage: G

sage: G1 = Graphics()
sage: G1 = implicit_plot(eq, (MN,.1,2), (MWR,5E3,11E3)) 
sage: G1

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