Bernard Lidicky reported me the following issue with method is_line_graph.
I don't know how to fix that and I opened ticket

sage: g = Graph('O{e[{}^~z`MDZBZBkXzE^')

sage: g.is_line_graph()


Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-2-6f1d1161d3c4> in <module>()

----> 1 g.is_line_graph()

line_graph.pyx in sage.graphs.line_graph.is_line_graph (build/cythonized/

*    220*     if g.is_connected():

*    221*         try:

--> 222             R, isom = root_graph(g)

*    223*             if certificate:

*    224*                 return True, R, isom

line_graph.pyx in sage.graphs.line_graph.root_graph (build/cythonized/sage/

*    621*

*    622*     if not is_isom:

--> 623         raise Exception(error_message)

*    624*

*    625*     return R, isom

Exception: It looks like there is a problem somewhere. Youfound a bug here ! 
Please report it on sage-devel,our google group !

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