Hi Matthias, 

Le samedi 4 juin 2022 à 06:18:55 UTC+2, Matthias Koeppe a écrit :

> Videos from this week's Sage days are available at 
> https://researchseminars.org/seminar/SageDays112358


> if some of you happen to have video recordings, in particular for 
> tutorial-like material, it would be great if you could make it available.

There is a series of very nice tutorial videos about manifolds in Sage by 
Christian Bär:

There is also a video of some basic introduction to Sage (no manifolds!) 
that I've given on last March :
However, it is in French, being targeted to a French-speaking audience. 
The notebook on which it is based is in English though:
The video also presents some of the following notebooks:

Best wishes,


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