[sage-support] Re: Which python for sage?

2010-07-04 Thread Greg Kuperberg
On Jul 3, 8:33 am, William Stein  wrote:
> Sage can't switch to Python 3 until every single Python package in
> Sage is ported to Python 3.
> This is far from done.  It's possible that for some packages, nobody
> is even working on doing a port. In such cases, our only hope is to
> either do the port ourselves or remove the package from Sage, which
> may both be incredibly difficult.    I've heard Twisted may be an
> example of such a package, but there might be others.   Even numpy
> hasn't been ported to Python 3 yet, though at least there work is
> rumored to be in progress.

Of course, you understand these issues better than I do.  I didn't
consider that Sage has so many third-party libraries at the Python
So yeah, I can see that it could take a long time to do such a

Even so, I would suggest a more developed policy than just that you
do it right now.  Certainly at first glance, Python 3 looks a really
good idea.  Maybe at second glance, the conversion cost is very high
many projects and you could estimate that it will take many years for
the world to switch.  (But note that the same was true of a really
editor called NEdit and Unicode, and the result in the long run was
it hurt NEdit a lot.)

In any case the all-or-nothing answer cannot be completely true.
After all,
you have interface support for packages written entirely in C or
other language.  So how could it be that if you were in Python 3, then
Python 2.* would be the one language that you can't support at all?
What would you do if you wanted to support a Python 3 package?

0 Greg Kuperberg
01234 Professor of Mathematics
02413 University of California, Davis
03142 http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~greg/
04321 g...@math.ucdavis.edu

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[sage-support] Re: Which python for sage?

2010-07-03 Thread Greg Kuperberg
On May 26, 3:06 pm, William Stein  wrote:
> No.  Sage uses python 2.6, and will for at least the next year.

You can add my support for changing Sage to Python 3.  I know that it
would be a ton of work to switch and I also don't mean to ask
But I think that it will just get more and more important over time.
Python 3 has a lot of long overdue simplifications to Python.  Guido
Rossum is still on top of his game.

00000 Greg Kuperberg
01234 Professor of Mathematics
02413 University of California, Davis
03142 http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~greg/
04321 g...@math.ucdavis.edu

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[sage-support] Re: Strange construction in autogenerated Python

2009-03-27 Thread Greg Kuperberg

On Mar 27, 1:39 pm, simon.k...@uni-jena.de wrote:
> Side note: In order to change to the latest sage version, it is not
> needed to compile from scratch again. Just do
>   sage -upgrade
> on the command line. Provided that you are connected with internet, it
> will retrieve the changes from sage 3.2.3 to the latest version and re-
> compile (only) the necessary bits. So, this is much faster than
> compiling from scratch.

That's a good suggestion.  But I just did that, and it still took 90
minutes, although starting the process was trivial.

On the bright side, in Sage 3.4, the Integer(Integer(n)) bug is

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[sage-support] Re: Strange construction in autogenerated Python

2009-03-27 Thread Greg Kuperberg

1) I am using sage 3.2.3, which was current when I installed it in
January.  It was convenient for me to compile it from scratch, but it
then takes a long time to install.

2) Here is my sage code.  The program estimates the probability of
ever getting a 6-way tie if you repeatedly roll a die and count the
number of times that you get each result.

n = 100
s = 0.
for k in xrange(1,n+1):
t = float(factorial(6*k)/factorial(k)^6/6^(6*k))
s += t
print k,s,float(t),t*float(k)^(2.5)
c = sqrt(6.)*float(2*pi)^(-2.5)
print "Limit by Stirling's approx:",c
tu = 2*c/3.*float(n)^(-1.5)
print "Tail upper bound:",tu
s += tu
print "Total upper bound:",s
print "Estimate for chance ever:",s/(1.+s)

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[sage-support] Strange construction in autogenerated Python

2009-03-26 Thread Greg Kuperberg

Hi.  I see that when I make file called foo.sage, sage precompiles it
into another file called foo.py.  The code statement in this file is:

_sage_const_2 = Integer(Integer(2))

Surely this is wrong?  Maybe it does not matter if this Python code is
only executed once.  But still it looks strange.

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[sage-support] Re: MatrixGroup bug or feature?

2009-02-11 Thread Greg Kuperberg

But it already computed that the group is not infinite!  You have to
call this a bug.

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[sage-support] Re: Generating a Lie algebra over a univariate polynomial ring

2009-02-11 Thread Greg Kuperberg

On Feb 11, 8:10 am, William Stein  wrote:
> By echelon form do you mean Hermite Normal Form over that base ring,
> or do you mean echelon form over the fraction field?  If you just want
> the dimension, is their any chance you can specialize one of the variables and
> compute the rank there -- if you do this for enough values it's likely
> to give you the correct rank, and of course is very fast.

Yes, I meant Hermite Normal Form.

The code that I have now basically specializes the (lone) variable d.
I make 14x14 matrices e[0] through e[6] and then the last two lines of
the code are this:

L = gap.LieAlgebra('Rationals',e)
print 'Dimension:',gap.Dimension

What I really wanted to say in the paper is that L is the full 14x14
matrix algebra for all real values of d with |d| >= 2.  I was already
90% sure that this is true.  I wanted to use SAGE to provide a
computational proof, because if I worked out a human proof then I
would have to digress into a topic for a later paper.  The problem, I
realized, is that with this code SAGE cannot provide a proof for all
relevant d, only for specific values of d.  (Moreover there exist
algebraic values of d for which L is smaller.)

In truth, SAGE is missing two things for what I wanted.  First, there
is no equivalent of gap.LieAlgebra.  Second, the submodule method of
the FreeModule class is not implemented for Euclidean domains, even
though it is implemented for ZZ.  Of course, if gap.LieAlgebra worked
over a Euclidean domain, that would also solve the problem, but I
don't think that it does.

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[sage-support] Re: Generating a Lie algebra over a univariate polynomial ring

2009-02-11 Thread Greg Kuperberg

On Feb 11, 2:11 am, daveloeffler  wrote:
> Yes, as William points out, I wrote a generic Smith normal form
> implementation which has been in Sage since version 3.2.2 a couple of
> months back.

Oh okay, cool.  Yes, my matrices would be sparse.

> I didn't 100% follow what it was that you wanted to do, so I'm not
> quite sure if this answers your question. Did you just want Smith form
> of one matrix, or were you after some sort of simultaneous Smith form
> of multiple matrices?

I am generating a Lie algebra inside 14 x 14 matrices, and I want to
know its dimension for different specializations of the ground ring's
variable d.  So one way to do this is to flatten matrices in the Lie
algebra so that they become vectors of length 196.  Then you can stack
these vectors to make a matrix which is 196 x (something), and then
find the SNF of that matrix.  196 x 196 is a lot though.

Actually even better than SNF, or good in addition to SNF, would be
echelon form.

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[sage-support] Generating a Lie algebra over a univariate polynomial ring

2009-02-10 Thread Greg Kuperberg

For a certain reason, I am interested in the Lie algebra generated by
the generators of the Temperley-Lieb algebra, in its natural Catalan-
dimensional representation.  In other words given the T-L algebra with
2n strands, I am looking at a C_n x C_n matrix algebra quotient, where
C_n is the nth Catalan number.  Then in this quotient, the 2n-1
Temperley-Lieb generators also generate a Lie algebra.  I only need 8
strands for the problem that I am studying.  Thus it's a question in
14 x 14 matrices.

I wrote a SAGE/Python program to compute the matrices of the Temperley-
Lieb generators, and then I gave them to GAP from SAGE.  It isn't all
that fast, because GAP does not use the fact that the matrices are
sparse, but it works.  Sort of.   The problem is that the Temperley-
Lieb algebra has a parameter d, and I want to know the answer for all
d.  My code can give me the answer for a specific d working over QQ.
But if I want the answer for all d, I should be working over the
polynomial ring QQ[d].

Note that it is not hard to rephrase the question as a module question
in R^(14^2), where R is the ground ring.  I can write down the Lie
adjoint action of the Temperley-Lieb generators on 14 x 14 matrices
expressed as vectors.  I can generate an invariant submodule, and I am
then interested in the Smith Normal Form of this submodule, or
equivalently the isomorphism type of the quotient module.  I have to
think a bit about keeping the number of generators of the module under
control, but maybe there is a way.

My impression is that both GAP and SAGE can easily understand the
question when it is posed over a field, but not over a univariate
polynomial ring as I actually want.  Am I wrong and is there a
reasonable way to do this?

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