ad. 1. It turned out that indeed I had installed the most recent version of 
jedi. Installing 0.17.2 fixed the problem - thank you very much!

ad. 2. I see - I am new to conda and I only used it to install sage; thanks 
for your explanation.

On Monday, January 4, 2021 at 6:38:01 PM UTC+1 wrote:

> 1.  Did you by any chance accidentally update the jedi package? This is 
> not really a sage problem, but ipython 7.19.0 is incompatible with the most 
> recent version of jedi 0.18.0.  In your sage environment you can run "conda 
> list" to see what packages you have installed.  If jedi 0.18.0 is listed 
> then you can run "conda install jedi==0.17.2".
> 2.  That's kinda the whole point behind anaconda/miniconda.  You can put 
> different python projects into different environments so that their 
> dependencies don't contaminate one another.  If you want to have your sage 
> environment always loaded you can activate it in your .zshrc file or you 
> can do something like 
> >> alias sage="whatever your path to the conda sage binary is".
> On Monday, January 4, 2021 at 8:48:28 AM UTC-5 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I encountered the following problems with sage:
>> 1. It crashes when I am using tab auto completion - report attached.
>> 2. Each time I want to use sage (by command 'sage') after restarting the 
>> system I need to type 'conda activate sage'. Otherwise command sage is 
>> not recognized ('-bash: sage: command not found').
>> I run Sage 9.2 on MacOS Big Sur 11.1 (Macbook Pro) which was installed by 
>> Conda.
>> Best,
>> Maciek

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