[sage-support] Re: Symbolic convolution usage Sage

2009-12-25 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Dec 22, 5:08 pm, Maxim  wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm trying to do something which I haven't seen any examples so far :
> symbolic convolution. I know I can use lists or Piecewise defined
> functions to do a convolution, but here my interest is the symbolic
> solution.
> To illustrate an example, I would like to make a function that would
> do something like that :
> def conv(func1,func2):
>     # variable change
>     var('t')
>     h(tau)=func1(tau)
>     x(tau)=func2(-tau+t)
>     # proper convolution returns y(t)
>     y(t) = integrate(h(tau)*x(tau),tau,-infinity,+infinity)
>     return y(t)

I do not know sage well enough, but can't one in Sage just pass the
independent variable, say "t", as an additional argument to the conv()
function and inside the conv() function, simply write the definition
of the convolution integral?

This is the convolution of your 2 given functions

unit_step(t),   exp(-0.5*t)*unit_step(t)

So, in Mathematica, I write the following 4 lines of code:

f1[t_] := UnitStep[t]
f2[t_] := Exp[-0.5*t]*UnitStep[t]
conv[f1_, f_, t_] := Integrate[ f1[tao]* f2[t - tao],  {tao, -
Infinity, Infinity} ]

(*now do the convolution*)
conv[f1, f2, t]

Out[11]=  (2. - 2./E^(0.5*t))*UnitStep[t]

The above is y(t).

Can't the above be translated to Sage?


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[sage-support] Re: how to scroll down more when doing ?? for long listing?

2009-11-24 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On the scroll part: I think it is my error.

My eyes are trained to look for closing end if and some sort of end of
function indicator. So I assumed there is more code to follow since I
saw an 'if' and no closing for the 'if'

After I posted this, I realized that the listing is all there is, and
this is, like,  pyhton, duh,  and it has no end if, and end def, but
uses indentation to indicate the structure of the code.

silly me.

I find it nice that one can list the source code.

> I also find it strange that I could not use wild card for searching, I
> keep forgetting name of commands. It would nice if one in sage can
> write
> *solve*?
>     No object '' currently defined.
> to get listing of all functions in which the word 'solv' is in its
> name, as I can do in Mathematica:
> *solve*?
> System`
> DSolve  LinearSolveFunction     NSolve  SolveAlways
> FrobeniusSolve  MainSolve       RSolve  SolveDelayed
> LinearSolve     NDSolve Solve
> AbstractAlgebra`Master`
> RingSolve
> May be this can be added for a future release as it is really useful
> to have.
> --Nasser

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[sage-support] how to scroll down more when doing ?? for long listing?

2009-11-24 Thread Nasser Abbasi

I have 2 questions below:

I created an account on sagenb.org, and when I do


I get the listing, but it does not list the whole code, and there is
no way for me to look below what is shown on the screen (there is no
scroll bar for use to scroll down more).  My browser ofcourse has
scroll down bar, but not for the listing itself.

Is this a feature of the server or a bug?

I also find it strange that I could not use wild card for searching, I
keep forgetting name of commands. It would nice if one in sage can


No object '' currently defined.

to get listing of all functions in which the word 'solv' is in its
name, as I can do in Mathematica:


DSolve  LinearSolveFunction NSolve  SolveAlways
FrobeniusSolve  MainSolve   RSolve  SolveDelayed
LinearSolve NDSolve Solve


May be this can be added for a future release as it is really useful
to have.


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[sage-support] http://www.sagenb.org/ keeps crashing when using search box

2009-11-23 Thread Nasser Abbasi


when I go here


login as guest, then I type something in the search box, the server
will crash or give me an internal error.


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[sage-support] Re: Something like Mathematica's `Interact`?

2009-11-22 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Nov 21, 3:53 pm, William Stein  wrote:

> I have the impression that Maplets are somewhat different than
> Mathematica's Manipulate and Sage's @interact.  I'm not so familiar
> with them -- I read about them online just now, and it seems like they
> are basically a Maple interface to a subset of the Java Swing GUI API.
>   I *just* tried to use one from the official Maple website, and it
> promptly completely crashed Firefox (latest version, on OS X).
> Luckily gmail saved my message so I didn't loose this email!

There is also Google's Mapplets, not to be confused with Maple Maplets


Wonder if MapleSoft can bring a lawsuit against google for name
infringement here?
This is one way Maplesoft can make few easy millions of dollars? :)

Notice when searching for "maple maplets", google suggests a name
correction to "mapplets". Very smart.

I do not dare touch a Maple maplet any more, since every time I tried,
all sort of Java errors popup in my browser, many times freezing it or
worst. I never did like Maplets myself. I need to try sage interact
more sometime. But I do like Mathematica Manipulate. It is complicated
and it takes time to learn.

> William


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[sage-support] Re: Something like Mathematica's `Interact`?

2009-11-22 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Nov 21, 3:53 pm, William Stein  wrote:

> I have the impression that Maplets are somewhat different than
> Mathematica's Manipulate and Sage's @interact.  I'm not so familiar
> with them -- I read about them online just now, and it seems like they
> are basically a Maple interface to a subset of the Java Swing GUI API.
>   I *just* tried to use one from the official Maple website, and it
> promptly completely crashed Firefox (latest version, on OS X).
> Luckily gmail saved my message so I didn't loose this email!

There is also Google's Mapplets, not to be confused with Maple Maplets


Wonder if MapleSoft can bring a lawsuit against google for name
infringement here?
This is one way Maplesoft can make few easy millions of dollars? :)

Notice when searching for "maple maplets", google suggests a name
correction to "mapplets". Very smart.

I do not dare touch a Maple maplet any more, since every time I tried,
all sort of Java errors popup in my browser, many times freezing it or
worst. I never did like Maplets myself. I need to try sage interact
more sometime. But I do like Mathematica Manipulate. It is complicated
and it takes time to learn.

> William


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[sage-support] Re: Benchmarks w.r.t Matlab

2009-10-22 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Oct 22, 11:59 am, William Stein  wrote:

> Here's a benchmark (the first thing I tried):
> sage: a = random_matrix(RDF,2000)
> sage: timeit('a*a')
> 5 loops, best of 3: 1.8 s per loop
> sage: b = matlab('rand(2000)')
> sage: timeit('b*b')
> 5 loops, best of 3: 3.4 s per loop
> Sage is twice as fast.  


how do you run matlab command from sage like this above? I have sage
4.1.2 and matlab 2008b installed on my windows XP PC, but when I run
the above, it tells me it can't start matlab:

a = random_matrix(RDF,2000)
5 loops, best of 3: 2.17 s per loop

b = matlab('rand(2000)')

TypeError: Unable to start matlab

I assume I need to do some 'configuration' documented somewhere which
I did not even try to look for. may be because iam student and using
student version of matlab?

But when I run the above inside my matlab itself, then this is what I

If I understand what timeit() does above, I just had a quick look at
its documentaion, is that it ran b*b 5 times, took the mean, then
repeated this 3 times, then at the end it took the lowest (best) of
all the means found?

if so, then I get 1.03 seconds with matlab, which is twice as fast as
sage? if my above understanding of timeit() is wrong, I could redo
this: (there is no timeit() in matlab, so had to write few lines of
code to emulate it)

for i=1:3
for j=1:5
tic; b*b; times(j)=toc;

timesall =


Using Mathematica 7.0, I did the same, and I get 1.14 seconds

In[1]:= b = Table[RandomReal[UniformDistribution[{0, 1}]], {2000},
timesall = Table[0, {3}];
times = Table[0, {5}];

For[i = 1, i <= 3, i++,
For[j = 1, j <= 5, j++,
   times[[j]] = Timing[b . b][[1]]
timesall[[i]] = Mean[times];

Out[6]= 1.14380001

ps. I am using the notebook interface with sage with sun virtual box.
may be this adds more delay? should I run the sage command from the
sage command line?

all on same PC, no other apps runnings at the same time. Intel 2 core
Due E6850@ 3 Ghz , 3 GB ram, windows XP sp2

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[sage-support] Re: maximum

2009-10-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

> Suppose I write a program in Mathematica 7.0 that happens to use a
> variable Foo.  Then Mathematica 8.0 comes out and Foo is a function
> name that Mathematica decided to use.  Does that mean my program is
> now broken?
> William


In theory, Yes. But one could, if they want to, Unprotect
Mathematica's Foo[] function first, and then they can define their own
function to be called Foo[].

That is why it is common knowledge in the Mathematica community that
no one would define a function name or symbol or variable that starts
with UpperCase.


"There is a convention that built-in Mathematica objects always have
names starting with uppercase (capital) letters. To avoid confusion,
you should always choose names for your own variables that start with
lowercase letters."

Small price to pay for consistency and avoiding problems such this one
here. Would you not agree?

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[sage-support] Re: maximum

2009-10-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Oct 20, 8:44 am, finotti  wrote:
> Sorry...  My fault.  I had a "max=20", which made "max?" give me:

This is really bad that one can redefine a system function just like

This is also a problem in other systems such as Matlab, which causes
confusion specially for new users who do not know that there is a
system function or a constant called say pi or int or sum or max or
etc.., and then they overwrite by making a variable of the same name.

I was hoping that Sage would have been designed to prevent such silly
things errors by having system functions and symbols be protected from
being redefined. But this might not be possible due to the nature of
the system and language used.

In Mathematica, one thing I like about it, is that all its functions
and symbols are protected by default (and they all start with
Uppercase), so one can not do such a trivial mistake.

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[sage-support] Re: shift-return, shift-enter, click-mouse-on-evaluate. on evaluating a cell in a notebook

2009-04-22 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Apr 21, 3:13 am, Minh Nguyen  wrote:

> My laptop has only ENTER. To do what you're suggesting, I have to hold
> down the key "FN" and press ENTER.

Since you said you are using Mathematica, and on your laptop there is
no ENTER key, only the RETURN key, and so you had to suffer and hit
SHIFT-RETURN each time to evaluate a cell (like with SAGE now), then
you could edit the Mathematica key binding file on your installation,
and configure another key to send SHIFT-RETURN, so you would only need
to press one key after that.

I just found about this file myself.

For example on how to use, Please see 
or google the file name.

The file name is called keyEventTranslations.tr and I think this is as
of version 6 of Mathematica.

I think this solution is something that SAGE could adopt.

i.e. Have a keyEventTranslations.tr type file with SAGE installation,
and have it set to work as default as things act now. Then one could
edit this file to reconfigure key binding.  This way one would not
need to resort to outside scripts or buy programmable keyboards and

ps. When I use my laptop, which also has no ENTER key, I never use the
laptop own keyboard, I always attach my standard USB keyboard to the
laptop and use that. It is much easier to use the large keyboard than
those tiny keyboards that come build-in with laptops and the USB
keyboard has the ENTER key as well, so I never noticed this problem
you mentioned.

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[sage-support] Re: shift-return, shift-enter, click-mouse-on-evaluate. on evaluating a cell in a notebook

2009-04-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Apr 21, 4:57 am, kcrisman  wrote:
> Hi Nasser,
> Just out of curiosity, what about Shift-Return (as opposed to Shift-
> Enter)?  If I use my thumb, I can even press both with the same
> finger, though usually I use 2nd and 3rd fingers.   Or does that not
> work with your keyboard configuration?
> Hope we can help you resolve this soon!
> - kcrisman

Yes. SHIFT-RETURN could be done with one hand because as you said, the
RETURN key is in a very close proximity to the SHIFT key (on my
keyboard at least).

The problem though, to do this with one hand, one must twist the thumb
in 90 degree angle as one it hitting on RETURN key with the index
finger, (I do not think I could press both keys with just one finger),
and my thumb has a bit of arthritis which makes hard to bend it too
much. It is also a bit awkward to hit a key with a finger twisted in
this fashion. I just tried it.

But it is a good suggestion and shows imagination and thinking outside
the box.

I think another solution would be to get one of those programmable
keyboards and program it to send SHIFT-RETURN when hitting some F key
which is not used. And use that F key for SAGE only.

Meanwhile, I have to continue to reach out and use both hands in order
to evaluate a SAGE cell.

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[sage-support] Re: shift-return, shift-enter, click-mouse-on-evaluate. on evaluating a cell in a notebook

2009-04-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Apr 21, 1:40 am, Minh Nguyen  wrote:

> > But it would be much easier to have ONE key.  In Maple, the RETURN key
> > will cause evaluation, and in Mathematica the ENTER key.

> That statement about Mathematica is very strange to me. With an
> install of Mathematica 6 out of the box and not fiddling with
> anything, I have to use Shift-ENTER or Shift-RETURN to evaluate in the
> worksheet. But I assume that you've done some fiddling with your
> Mathematica settings to get it just evaluate upon hitting ENTER or

Are you on a mac?

I've done no fiddling. On windows, if one hits the ENTER key in
Mathematica, the cell is evaluated.

The ENTER key is that key in the numeric keypad group, usually to the
right side of the keyboard. The RETURN key is that (usually) big key
in the main keyboard group.

RETURN is usually called CR (Carriage return) ascii code 13
ENTER is line feed , ascii code 10

After I wrote the above, I searched wikipedia, and there is a article
with pic which explains the difference. It seems from this article,
that this difference is not on all keyboards. I use standard PC
keyboard, and this is always how it worked.

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enter_key

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[sage-support] shift-return, shift-enter, click-mouse-on-evaluate. on evaluating a cell in a notebook

2009-04-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi


It is a bit annoying having to hit 2 keys (i.e. reach out and use both
hands) each time in order to evaluate a cell in sage notebook.

I am using windows, and I have to hit SHIFT-ENTER, or SHIFT-RETURN, or
I could use the mouse, point it to the little 'evaluate' link below
the cell, which is also annoying.

But it would be much easier to have ONE key.  In Maple, the RETURN key
will cause evaluation, and in Mathematica the ENTER key.

Can one tell sage to use the ENTER key only (without the shift) to
cause cell to evaluate? and have the RETURN key just starts a new line
(i.e. as in Mathematica). May be with some options or some
configuration setting somewhere?

I think Mathematica got it right here. In Maple, to start a new line
and not cause evaluation, one hits SHIFT-RETURN

(again, this is using the notebook interface, i.e. via the browser

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[sage-support] sage interact. Can one run it on the web?

2009-04-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

Simple question I hope. I see a number of interesting sage interaction
code here:

Right now, to run any, I copy the code to my open notebook in the
browser (I am on windows, so I am using VMWare and access sage via
browser), then I evaluate the code copied to be able to actually
interact with the code.

Is there a way for someone to do such an interaction and post it on
the web for others to use directly from the web, without having to
have sage installed and without having to do what I am doing now?
(i.e. copy code etc...)

If so, this would be really cool. If not, any plans to have this
feature in the future in sage? It would be like running a applet
inside the browser in a way.

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[sage-support] Re: A simple question about solve()

2009-04-15 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Apr 15, 3:34 am, Diravan  wrote:
> I need to solve a very simple equation x^2 + 1 = 0 and I don't want
> any complex solutions.
> I tried this
> x = var('x')
> assume(x,'real')
> solve(x^2 + 1 == 0)
> but the output is [x == -1*I, x == I]
> Does exist any solution in order to avoid this ?

The assumption is taken on 'x' in the equation itself to be real. So,
if x IS real, then the solution is AS SHOWN.

You are NOT telling sage to assume that the SOLUTION is real. You are
telling sage that the 'x' in the equation itself which is yet to be
solved IS real. Do you see the difference?

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[sage-support] Re: Problem Sage 3.4 windows XP

2009-04-15 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Mar 18, 1:33 pm, William Stein  wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM,   wrote:
> > I am also having a problem running Sage 3.4 on windows XP.   Vmware
> > starts up, but when I run the notebook command it flashes the IP
> Just out of curiosity, has *anybody* successfully used
> sage-vmware-3.4.zip?  Maybe it is seriously broken?
> William

I downloaded sage-vmware-3.4.zip on my XP SP2, and doubled click on
the vmx and it starts up with no problem, and the I am using it now
from firefox.

4 GB RAM, the VM player I am using is 2.5, build=118166


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[sage-support] very basic sage question on objects and methods

2009-04-14 Thread Nasser Abbasi

I create a list, using


Now, I wanted to find the length of 'v'. I did help(list) and do not
see a method to find the length of a list object.

Then looking more around, I found I can type


to find the length of 'v'.  But this is not OO?  Why is there no
method to find the length of a list (I mean as a method in the class
itself). I was expecting to type  object.len() or something like this.

I am using 3.4 version

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[sage-support] Re: silly question? how to read sage source code? (on windoz)

2008-11-14 Thread Nasser Abbasi

Thanks for the replies. I did not know spkg was tar file also.

This is a small bash script which extracts the source code. It looks
like everything is in the /standard folder

$ cat extract_source.sh

cd sage-3.1.4/spkg/standard
for i in $( ls *.spkg ); do
echo extracting file $i
tar -xjf $i

This below is listing of the above. I only show it because I saw
couple of errors from some of the packages in case someone wants to
looks into it.

- extract sage source on windows under cygwin 

$ ./extract_source.sh
extracting file atlas-3.8.1.p3.spkg
extracting file blas-20070724.spkg
extracting file cddlib-094b.p3.spkg
extracting file clisp-2.46.p7.spkg
extracting file conway_polynomials-0.2.spkg
extracting file cvxopt-0.9.p7.spkg
extracting file cython-
extracting file doc-3.1.4.spkg
extracting file docutils-0.5.spkg
extracting file eclib-20080310.p7.spkg
extracting file ecm-6.1.3.p0.spkg
extracting file elliptic_curves-0.1.spkg
extracting file examples-3.1.4.spkg
extracting file extcode-3.1.4.spkg
extracting file f2c-20070816.p0.spkg
extracting file flint-1.0.13.p0.spkg
extracting file flintqs-20070817.p3.spkg
extracting file fortran-20071120.p5.spkg
bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
extracting file freetype-2.3.5.p0.spkg
extracting file gap-4.4.10.p10.spkg
extracting file gd-2.0.35.p1.spkg
extracting file gdmodule-0.56.p4.spkg
extracting file genus2reduction-0.3.p3.spkg
extracting file gfan-0.3.p4.spkg
extracting file ghmm-20080813.spkg
extracting file givaro-3.2.13rc2.spkg
extracting file gmp-4.2.2.p1.fake.spkg
extracting file gnutls-2.2.1.p1.spkg
extracting file graphs-20070722.spkg
extracting file gsl-1.10.p1.spkg
extracting file iml-1.0.1.p11.spkg
extracting file ipython-0.8.4.p0.spkg
extracting file ipython1-20070130.spkg
extracting file jinja-1.2.spkg
extracting file jmol-11.6.rc8.spkg
extracting file lapack-20071123.p0.spkg
extracting file lcalc-20080205.p2.spkg
extracting file libfplll-2.1.6-20071129.p5.spkg
extracting file libgcrypt-1.4.0.p2.spkg
extracting file libgpg_error-1.6.p0.spkg
extracting file libm4ri-20080909.spkg
extracting file libpng-1.2.22.p8.spkg
extracting file linbox-1.1.6.spkg
extracting file matplotlib-0.98.3.p2.spkg
extracting file maxima-5.16.3.spkg
extracting file mercurial-1.01.p1.spkg
extracting file moin-1.5.7.p2.spkg
extracting file mpfi-1.3.4-cvs20071125.p7.spkg
extracting file mpfr-2.3.2.spkg
extracting file networkx-0.36.p1.spkg
extracting file ntl-5.4.2.p4.spkg
extracting file numpy-1.2.0.p0.spkg
extracting file opencdk-0.6.6.spkg
extracting file palp-1.1.p1.spkg
extracting file pari-2.3.3.p0.spkg
extracting file pexpect-2.0.p1.spkg
extracting file polybori-0.5rc.p5.spkg
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux: Cannot mkdir:
Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/
stepbystep.install: Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/
get_sat_table.sh: Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/
beautify_units.sh: Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/check_mem.sh:
Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/timeout.sh:
Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/Skeleton.h:
Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: polybori-0.5rc.p5/src/polybori-0.5rc/polybori/aux/release.sh:
Cannot open: Not a directory
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
extracting file polytopes_db-20080430.spkg
extracting file pycrypto-2.0.1.p2.spkg
extracting file pygments-0.11.1.spkg
extracting file pynac-0.1.p0.spkg
extracting file pyprocessing-0.52.spkg
extracting file python-2.5.2.p8.spkg
extracting file python_gnutls-1.1.4.p3.spkg
extracting file quaddouble-2.2.p9.spkg
extracting file r-2.6.1.p21.spkg
extracting file readline-5.2.p4.spkg
extracting file rubiks-20070912.p8.spkg
extracting file sage-3.1.4.spkg
extracting file sage_scripts-3.1.4.spkg
extracting file scipy-20071020-0.6.p4.spkg
extracting file scipy_sandbox-20071020.p3.spkg
extracting file scons-0.97.0d20071212.spkg
extracting file setuptools-0.6c8.p1.spkg
extracting file singular-3-0-4-4-20080711.p1.spkg
extracting file sphinx-0.5.0svn66624.p0.spkg
extracting file sqlalchemy-0.4.6.p0.spkg
extracting file sqlite-3.5.3.p3.spkg
extracting file symmetrica-2.0.p2.spkg
extracting file sympow-1.018.1.p5.spkg
extracting file sympy-0.6.2.spkg
extracting file tachyon-0.98beta.p6.spkg
extracting file termcap-1.3.1.p0.spkg
extracting file twisted-8.1.0.p1.spkg
extracting file weave-0.4.9.spkg
extracting file zlib-1.2.3.p4.spkg
extracting file zn_poly-0.9.p0.spkg
extracting file zodb3-3.7.0.p1.spkg


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[sage-support] silly question? how to read sage source code? (on windoz)

2008-11-14 Thread Nasser Abbasi

I've just wanted to look at the source code on my PC. (I know I can
browse it on net).

I am using cygwin on windoz. I know building sage on cygwin is not
supported. I just wanted to look at the source code.

So, I've download the source code tar file and extracted.

$ ls
sage-3.1.4  sage-3.1.4.tar

However, all the source is in spkg packages.

I do not want to build it, just wanted to extract the source code from
these packages.

The makefile does not seem to have a target to allow one to extract
the source code.

I really do not want to go removing source code from each spkg file.

Is there an easy way to do this? why not have a target in makefile to
just extract the source code?

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[sage-support] Re: Mathematica 7 coming

2008-11-14 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Nov 14, 3:41 pm, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > * New computable data, including genomic data, protein data, and
> > current and historical weather data
> Cool.   I wonder what the license issues are with making such data
> available?  Can somebody look into this?

It is possible they are using federally supported websites, which are
free to the public. There are many sources for such biological
databases out there at government  and academic sites, which requires
no  license to download the data and use. (I am talking about US based
sites here). There are also microarray data, which is public domain.

Matlab bioinformatics toolbox for example, has functions that one can
call to download such data from these databases on the net.  The
format of database scheme is all public domain, so anyone can develop
code to do the same. I assume Mathematica 7 is doing the same type of


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[sage-support] small observation on range(i,j)

2008-11-10 Thread Nasser Abbasi


I was just browsing something to learn about sage, and noticed this on
this web site

where it says:

"sage: [f(i) for i in range(1, 11)]
[g(1), g(2), g(3), g(4), g(5), g(6), g(7), g(8), g(9), g(10)]

(note that the endpoint of the range is not included). "

The above struck me as something that would be confusing and will lead
to many programming errors.   I do not program in Python and played
with sage very little. But it seems (to me) strange that when one
write range(i,j) that the sequence will stop at j-1.

Do other who worked with sage more not find this is a bit odd?


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[sage-support] Re: question on using integral() in sage. Fourier transform of unit step function.

2008-09-22 Thread Nasser Abbasi

On Sep 21, 10:34 pm, Nasser Abbasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let me rewrite what I wrote in last post again, since it did not
> format well.

I think it is still not clear, so I wrote it in latex via SW, here it
is again as screen image and PDF file



I hope this is more clear.

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[sage-support] Re: question on using integral() in sage. Fourier transform of unit step function.

2008-09-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

Let me rewrite what I wrote in last post again, since it did not
format well.

I think it does converge.

int( exp(-I 2 Pi f t),{t,0,infinity) =

   1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  exp(-I 2 Pi f t) }

Let f be complex in general, say  (a+ I b) then the above becomes

1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  exp(-I 2 Pi (a +I b) t) }


1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  exp(-I 2 Pi a t)  exp (2 Pi b t) }

Since b<0 (this is the assumption that Im(f)<0 ),  then the above

1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  0 - 1 }


1/(I 2 Pi f)


 -I/(2 Pi f)

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[sage-support] Re: question on using integral() in sage. Fourier transform of unit step function.

2008-09-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

> On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 11:58 PM,NasserAbbasi<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello;
> > I am a sage  newbie. I'd like to find out how to make Sage give me
> > this same result that I get in Mathematica.
> > This is what I typed (I do not know how to cut/paste from the VMWare
> > player console to her yet, so if there is a typo it is because of
> > this).
> > f=var('f')
> > assume(f>0)
> > integral(  e^(-I * 2 * pi * f * t), t , 0 , Infinity)
> > The answer I get starts with
> > limit(sin(2*pi*f*t),t,   etc...etc...
> > Is there a way to tell Sage to give me this answer I get from
> > Mathematica?
> > Assuming[Im[f] < 0, Integrate[Exp[(-I)*2*Pi*f*t], {t, 0, Infinity}]]
> > -(I/(2*f*Pi))
> > Thanks,
> >Nasser

On Sep 21, 2:49 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This integral doesn't converge. Why do you think Sage should return
> what Mma does?

I think it does converge.

int( exp(-I 2 Pi f t),{t,0,infinity) =

1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  exp(-I 2 Pi f t) }

Let f be complex in general, say   (a+ I b) then the above becomes

1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  exp(-I 2 Pi (a +I b) t) }


1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  exp(-I 2 Pi a t)  exp (2 Pi b t) }

Since b<0,  then the above becomes

1/(-I 2 Pi f)  *   [  0 - 1 }


1/(I 2 Pi f)


-I/(2 Pi f)

which is what Mathematica gave.

Did I make a mistake in the above somewhere?  Could you explain why
you think the integral does not converge?


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[sage-support] question on using integral() in sage. Fourier transform of unit step function.

2008-09-21 Thread Nasser Abbasi

I am a sage  newbie. I'd like to find out how to make Sage give me
this same result that I get in Mathematica.

This is what I typed (I do not know how to cut/paste from the VMWare
player console to her yet, so if there is a typo it is because of

integral(  e^(-I * 2 * pi * f * t), t , 0 , Infinity)

The answer I get starts with

limit(sin(2*pi*f*t),t,   etc...etc...

Is there a way to tell Sage to give me this answer I get from

Assuming[Im[f] < 0, Integrate[Exp[(-I)*2*Pi*f*t], {t, 0, Infinity}]]


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