I don't see many posts about the @parallel decorator, but I'm having
a problem that I would think would be pretty common.  I want to
decorate a function that performs some action with an instantiated
class and returns the results of that class method, but when I try
to execute the generator returned from the decorated function, I get
error that the 'global' class cannot be found.

Here's an example:

class foo():
     def do_something(self, myargs):
          return myargs

def f(N):
     a = foo()
     return a.do_something(N)


NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/home/jlh/<ipython console> in <module>()

multiprocessing.pyc in parallel_iter(processes, f, inputs)

pool.pyc in next(self, timeout)

NameError: global name 'foo' is not defined

So anyway, the only examples I've found of sage + @parallel use
functions that
don't instantiate a user class.  They just use like def f(N):  return
N^2 and so on.
Thanks for any pointers to docs or examples that might help me use
this decorator.


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