2021-03-22 14:19:09 UTC, Ilia:
> When defining a NumberFieldEmbedding for a relative number
> field and then applying it to the field generator, I get a result
> which is different from the specified generator image:

sage: from sage.rings.number_field.number_field_morphisms import 
sage: K.<sqrt2> = QuadraticField(2, embedding=1.414)
sage: L.<s> = K.extension(x^3 + (sqrt2/2 + 1/3)*x^2 + (2*sqrt2/5+3/7)*x - 1)
sage: my_embedding = NumberFieldEmbedding(L, QQbar, 
sage: my_embedding
Generic morphism:
From: Number Field in s with defining polynomial x^3 + (1/2*sqrt2 + 
1/3)*x^2 + (2/5*sqrt2 + 3/7)*x - 1 over its base field
To: Algebraic Field
Defn: s -> 0.5407496381556470?
sage: my_embedding.gen_image()
sage: my_embedding(L.gen())

> Of course, I would have expected the last two results
> to be equal. My configuration: SageMath version 9.1,
> running on Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (64-bit).
> This seems to stem from Sage somehow confusing the relative
> generator of L (over K) with the absolute generator of L (over QQ),
> even though I am not completely sure.
> Should I open a trac ticket for this?

Hi Ilia,

Could this have to do with one of the following existing tickets?

- Sage Trac ticket 22008
  complex_embedding on relative number fields is inconsistent with the base 

- Sage Trac ticket 17524
  polynomial for relative number field elements

Thanks for your report in any case.
Hope this can be solved.  --Samuel

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