On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 10:16 AM, Utpal Sarkar <doe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found some strange behaviour of the Hilbert class field of a
> quadratic number field when the class number is 1, so the Hilbert
> class field is equal to the ground field:
> sage: K.<w> = QuadraticField(-5); KX.<X> = K[]; H.<h> =
> K.hilbert_class_field()
> sage: (X + w + 1).base_extend(H)
> X + w + 1
> No problem: the Hilbert class field is a proper extension, and the
> polynomial remains the same.
> sage: K.<w> = QuadraticField(-1); KX.<X> = K[]; H.<h> =
> K.hilbert_class_field()
> sage: (X + w + 1).base_extend(H)
> X + 1
> In this case the Hilbert class field is equal to K, and the part of
> the polynomial that is not in QQ disappears.

You've found a bug in the coercion in the special case of a relative
extension of degree 1.
Here's some simpler code to illustrate it:

sage: K.<w> = QuadraticField(-1)
sage: KX.<X> = K[]
sage: H.<h> = K.extension(X-1)
sage: H(w)

The internal function responsible for the bug is:

sage: H._NumberField_relative__base_inclusion(w)

We are tracking this bug here:



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