Hi there.

I was just trying to get my feet wet with Sage by generating some SVG files of 
graphs for use with my LaTeX documents, but I noticed a problem:

In the following session, with Sage 5.4.1 (actually, 
sage-5.4.1-linux-32bit-ubuntu_12.04.1_lts-i686-Linux) running on a Debian sid 
machine, I get a strange error:

g = graphs.PetersenGraph()
g.plot().save('petersen.png') # generated OK
g.plot().save('petersen.pdf') # also generated OK
g.plot().save('petersen.svg') # not OK

In the case of the SVG file, the edges of the graph are OK, as with the PNG and 
PDF format (when viewed with Gnome's eog), but all the vertices are collapsed 
on the top left corner of the figure.

BTW, my original intention was to generate some drawings of graphs with Sage so 
that I could shift back and forth between SVG and tikz (via Inkscape), once 
they are created by Sage, but that strategy didn't work. :(

Is this a known bug?


Rogério Brito.

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