
I have a script (say a.py) which uses a function written in fortran 90.
Within the script I give the command to compile using -

os.system('f2py -c PD_evolve.f90 -m PD_evolve')

It works fine on my computer if I run the script using -

python a.py

However it doesn't work if I use -

sage -python a.py

and gives an error while compiling. The last lines of error message are -

/usr/bin/gfortran -Wall
/tmp/tmpBTbBKB/PD_evolve.o -L/home/rajeev/bin/sage/local/lib -lpython2.6
-lgfortran -o ./PD_evolve.so
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.5/libgfortranbegin.a(fmain.o): In function
(.text+0x27): undefined reference to `MAIN__'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.5/libgfortranbegin.a(fmain.o): In function
(.text+0x27): undefined reference to `MAIN__'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
error: Command "/usr/bin/gfortran -Wall
/tmp/tmpBTbBKB/PD_evolve.o -L/home/rajeev/bin/sage/local/lib -lpython2.6
-lgfortran -o ./PD_evolve.so" failed with exit status 1

I have compiled sage4.6.2 from source on Debian squeeze. I hope it makes
sense to ask this question here as the trouble is within sage.


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