[sage-support] Problem installing sage on Ubuntu.

2021-12-25 Thread Maarten Derickx
Hi all,

I tried installing sage on Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS by downloading 
from one of the mirrors, unpacking the tar.bz2 file and then starting sage. 
However this results in a broken sage. Anyone any idea what is causing this?

Below is just one command that doesn't work, but there are multiple things 
causing similar stack traces.


│ SageMath version 9.4, Release Date: 2021-08-22 │

│ Using Python 3.9.5. Type "help()" for help.│


sage: M = ModularSymbols(*79*) 

sage: S = M.cuspidal_submodule()   


KeyError  Traceback (most recent call last)

in sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject.getattr_from_category 

*838* try:

--> 839 return self.__cached_methods[name]

*840* except KeyError:

KeyError: '_ModularSymbolsAmbient__cuspidal_submodule'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)

in cuspidal_submodule(self)

*   1398* try:

-> 1399 return self.__cuspidal_submodule

*   1400* except AttributeError:

in sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject.__getattr__ 

*832* """

--> 833 return self.getattr_from_category(name)


in sage.structure.category_object.CategoryObject.getattr_from_category 


--> 848 attr = getattr_from_other_class(self, cls, name)

*849* self.__cached_methods[name] = attr

in sage.cpython.getattr.getattr_from_other_class 

*366* dummy_error_message.name = name

--> 367 raise AttributeError(dummy_error_message)

*368* cdef PyObject* attr = instance_getattr(cls, name)

AttributeError: 'MatrixSpace_with_category' object has no attribute 

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

SignalError   Traceback (most recent call last)


> 1 S = M.cuspidal_submodule()

in cuspidal_submodule(self)

*   1404* except AttributeError:

*   1405* pass

-> 1406 S = self.boundary_map().kernel()

*   1407* S._set_is_cuspidal(True)

*   1408* S._is_full_hecke_module = True

in kernel(self)

*714* []

*715* """

--> 716 V = self.matrix().kernel()

*717* D = self.domain()

*718* if not D.is_ambient():

in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.left_kernel 

*   4877* 

*   4878* tm = verbose("computing left kernel for %sx%s matrix" % (
self.nrows(), self.ncols()),level=1)

-> 4879 K = self.transpose().right_kernel(*args, **kwds)

*   4880* self.cache('left_kernel', K)

*   4881* verbose("done computing left kernel for %sx%s matrix" % (
self.nrows(), self.ncols()),level=1,t=tm)

in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.right_kernel 

*   4715* 

*   4716* # Go get the kernel matrix, this is where it all happens

-> 4717 M = self.right_kernel_matrix(*args, **kwds)

*   4718* 

*   4719* ambient = R**self.ncols()

in sage.matrix.matrix2.Matrix.right_kernel_matrix 

*   4316* if M is None:

*   4317* try:

-> 4318 format, M = self._right_kernel_matrix(algorithm=
algorithm, proof=proof)

[sage-support] Re: Problem installing sage on Ubuntu.

2021-12-25 Thread slelievre
Hi Maarten,

Binaries for Sage 9.3 and Sage 9.4 were prepared taking
advantage of too modern instruction sets not available
on older processors, so they only work with recent cpus.
The upcoming Sage 9.5 should work for everyone.

In the meantime, workarounds include

- build from source
- install via Conda
- build from source using prerequisites from Conda
- use Docker
- use SageCell
- use CoCalc

Good luck with your preferred solution.   --Samuel

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