Re: 128 compatibility - some technical details

2000-07-19 Thread Andrew Gallagher
Andrew Gale wrote:
> 128 peripherals may not like working at a 6MHz clock. 

That reminds me of an idea I had - quite often the sound in Speccy games
being played on the sam is horrible because of the different clock
speeds. What would be involved in making a software-controllable clock?
For example, a small piece of logic which reads a rate from a particular
port and controls an adjustable clock circuit appropriately? Would it be
worthwhile? (I could see its use in speccy emulation) And could you then
write a program which fried your hardware? :-)

Andrew Gallagher
Computer Support, Dept. of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
Queen's University of Belfast, BT7 1NN, N. Ireland

Re: [OT] Re: Web Sites

2000-06-16 Thread Andrew Gallagher
Gavin Smith wrote:
> Queens?! Another Northern Ireland man? Or are you an English imposter or
> something? :)

Hey, watch it.

> Blimey, that makes a grand total of five people who I've
> across who have had an interest in the SAM at one time or another ;)

I think I spoke to you before - years ago this would be. Briefly! *8O)
Anyway, my SAM sits in the corner beside the TV with its dust cover on -
just don't have the time to play with it these days. *sniff*

Andrew Gallagher
Computer Support, Dept. of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
Queen's University of Belfast, BT7 1NN, N. Ireland

Re: Web Sites

2000-06-15 Thread Andrew Gallagher
> Stoned Design wrote:
> While we are talking about web sites etc.
> I'm thinking of buying a program to do web sites.
> What do people use on this list?

Nedit for *nix - my favourite text editor!

I have used StarOffice in the past though - I like the way you can
switch between wysiwyg and source code editing at will. 

Andrew Gallagher
Computer Support, Dept. of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
Queen's University of Belfast, BT7 1NN, N. Ireland

Re: Linux vs. Win32 SimCoupe - must I fight?

1999-06-16 Thread Andrew Gallagher
Thomas Harte wrote:

> > Frankly I'm amazed you're giving him such hassle. I might have thought
> > you'd actually be pleased that someone was taking the time and trouble to
> > port SimCoupe to your favourite platform.
> Even more so since DOS compatibility is apparently 'out' as far as
> windows 2000 is concerned.

Yes and no - it depends on which version of W2K you mean.

There are Win2K Server and Win2K Workstation which are just NT5
Server/Workstation rebranded and are therefore of course not DOS-compatible.
There is however Win2K Personal Edition which is essentially the third
instalment of Win95,Win98,... and which is backwards-compatible, presumably with
DOS too. This came about because of a change of heart on the part of Microsoft,
which originally wanted people to switch from Win98 to NT5 (hence the
rebranding) but then relented and decided to make another straight upgrade.
Confusing, eh?

Andrew Gallagher

Re: Getting those encrypted games in a SIM Coupe-able format

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew Gallagher
David Laundon wrote:

> AFAIK the SAM Elite is basically just the same as a SAM Coupe except that :
> A: There is a parallel printer interface built in (don't ask me where
> though!)

In the white top part of the case, just behind the number keys. It is a
BBC-style connector and there is a ribbon cable inside connecting it to an
interface which (correct me if I'm wrong) I think plugs into one of the disk
drive slots...(?)

> B: They were (are?!) only released as 512K versions.
> C: The disk drive(s) were the 'new style' (I think).
> Dave Laundon.

Andrew Gallagher

Sir Clive to reenter computing market!

1999-04-30 Thread Andrew Gallagher

Andrew Gallagher

Re: New Argument about COPYING (WAS CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright )

1999-04-20 Thread Andrew Gallagher
Paul Walker wrote:

> > lent, hired, copied or exhibited in public without the express written 
> > consent
> In public. That refers to (for example) showing a video-tape in a branch of
> Dixons without permission, it's got nowt to do with lending a CD to a friend.

"LENT, hired, copied or exhibited in public" I said...

Andrew Gallagher

Re: New Argument about COPYING (WAS CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright )

1999-04-20 Thread Andrew Gallagher
Frode Tenneboe wrote:

> > > I'm getting quite confused about this whole thing are we saying that
> > > we can't transfer floppy software to hard drive, cos if so, that's
> > > completely crap. If you ask me, there's a halfway house between
> > > "backing-up" and "copying" - and that's "transferring". If I buy
> > > some software, I expect to be able to run it from whatever storage
> > > media I choose.
> >
> > You are only alloud to run software on the media you purchased it. That
> > music , you are not alloud to copy from CD to Tape even for your own use ,
> > like in your car etc, this is Illegal copying off media.
> Sorry, TONO, the local CISAC, has stated that copying music is legal
> in any form as long as nobody makes money out of it, it is private and
> it is on a small scale. This means that you are allowed to make a copy
> of a CD and give this to your friend if you do not take money from it
> and this is done only a small number of times.
> This is how the current law in Norway and as far as I know the rest
> of Europe, except for Denmark. There it is explicetly forbidden to
> make private digital copying in general (with all the new criminals
> this creates).
> This is analog for all copyright material as far as I can see.
>  -Frode

In the UK, you are not allowed to copy music and give it to your friends. You
are not even technically allowed to lend the original to your friends either.
Most works come with a standard notice along the lines of "This may not be
lent, hired, copied or exhibited in public without the express written consent
of the publisher etc.etc." These rules are, of course, flouted, but small-scale
non-profit instances would usually be overlooked.
When it comes to software, most licence agreements state that you are allowed
to make backup copies for your own use (indeed most software publishers
recommend this). I don't know whether there is a specific law or not.
Books and printed matter may not be copied or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever except for educational or review purposes.

Andrew Gallagher

wanted: spectrum +2 cheap

1999-01-19 Thread Andrew Gallagher
I just switched my old 48K+ on the other day - it bleeped concerningly
and the screen gave weird characters. I think something has become fried
but can't think how. I suspect it has just taken too much abuse and
given up the ghost. (I hope the Messenger interface which was plugged in
at the time is OK)

Does anyone know where I could get a 128K+2 (grey) and power supply
cheap? No other accessories necessary, but in good working order... I
remember there used to be adverts in Format for a warehouse which had
old Sinclair stuff but I haven't seen them in years. Anyone know what
happened to them?

Andrew Gallagher

Re: Missing disk error.

1998-12-04 Thread Andrew Gallagher

> In a message dated 03/12/98  17:31:45, you write:
> >
> >  > >
> >  > I thought the drive light doesn't go out on a Sam drive until you
> >  > put a disk in.
> >
> >  perhaps one day when you get around to using your Sam you might find
> >  differrntly
> Moves to other side of room.
> Switch on Sam. Both drive lights on.
> Insert disk in drive 1, disk spins, light on drive 1 goes out, light on drive
> 2 stays on (and will until a disk is inserted).

That sort of thing sometimes happens to mine. I usually reset and that fixes
it.Does your motor spin when the light is on?

Andrew Gallagher