Re: Merhabalar;

2001-12-14 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 14 Dec 2001 10:02:36 - Fri, 14 Dec 01 22:36:36 GMT,

>are we so quiet these days, that we need to respond to spam??? :)


Merry Christmas everybody!


Re: Who's Ken Elston?

2001-08-15 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 18:47:51 +0100 Wed, 15 Aug 01 19:18:40 BST, Nev
Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:05:37 +0100, "David Ledbury"
>> Any idea who Ken Elston is?
>> Just wondering as he seemed to share an  email address with "Samsboss"?
>IIRC Mr R P Brenchley's father.

Is Bob's real name Elston then? Or is he a real you-know-what-I-mean,
instead of someone who just acts like one? :-)

And was it you, or Bob who wrote to me telling me Samsboss' name was
'Brian'... haha.. almost had me fooled that did. It didn't sound like
Bob at all, unless he was exercising multiple personalities as well.



Re: Who's Ken Elston?

2001-08-15 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001 20:52:17 +0100 Wed, 15 Aug 01 21:14:18 BST, Gavin
Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wednesday, August 15, 2001, at 08:09  pm, Mark Sturdy wrote:
>> And Frank Broughton...?
>> Mark
>We did find this one out. A Welsh relation, possibly a cousin IIRC. A 
>couple of us even tried to track him down, I think we worked out he was 
>a farmer or something.

I think he's his brother-in-law in Exeter, or so Derek Morgan once
told me.


Re: Sam Prime

2001-08-15 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:27:03 +0100 Tue, 14 Aug 01 23:58:02 BST, "David
Ledbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Christ, I could almost hear strains of Sir Edward Elgar during that
>> little rant!
>Please elucidate?

Pomp and Circumstance. Or 'Land of Hope and Glory'.

Clear enough? :-)


Re: Sam Prime

2001-08-14 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 14 Aug 2001 20:58:58 +0100 Tue, 14 Aug 01 20:58:06 BST, "David
Ledbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> *I* created the SAM Newsdisk - with Alan Miles
>> *I* created PRIME when SAMCo went down... SAM Premier was the "working"
>> for the Newsdisk you see ;)
>> BTW - I still own all copyright on SAM Prime - and ONLY SAM Community has
>> permission to distribute the issues! (For that matter, as SAMCo never paid
>> me for all the work on the Newsdisk - it could be argued that I still own
>> the SAM Newsdisk - and Brenchley owes me loads of royalties!!!)
>Sorry if I sound a bit arrogant ... but I was always proud of my work with
>the Newsdisk and Prime ...

Christ, I could almost hear strains of Sir Edward Elgar during that
little rant!



Re: Sam CPU timing

2001-08-03 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001 00:00:08 +0100 Fri,  3 Aug 01 00:03:27 BST, "David
Ledbury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Apologies, I thought it might have. :-)


(have u got fed up with clara then?)

Re: Sam CPU timing

2001-08-03 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 21:53:29 +0100 Wed,  1 Aug 01 21:58:00 BST, "David

>Speaking of which - has anyone ever attempted to rehouse SAM into a PC box?

I bought a new case for a PC. I took it out of the box and put my SAM
in it. Does this count?


Re: Back... with assorted questions

2001-05-13 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 13 May 2001 00:15:38 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time) Sun, 13 May 01
00:25:43 BST, Mark Sturdy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>2. In connection with the above, I seem to remember years ago that Derek
>Morgan's SAM PD catalogue listed a program that converted files from
>various SAM word processors into PC-compatible files (Word etc).  Is my
>memory deceiving me?  If not, is there anywhere where I can still get it?

Yes, there is a very handy program that converts Word docs (even up to
XP Office). It is available at



Re: SimCoupé/Win32 updated to 0.81

2001-02-27 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001 00:58:39 - Tue, 27 Feb 01 01:02:13 GMT, "Simon
Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Yes indeed, believe you eyes, from our grip, at last you prise...
>a new Win32 version of SimCoupé!!!

Excellent - thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

One question - sorry if this seems ungrateful - what happened to


Re: Where are YOU now?

2001-01-22 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 15:11:28 -0800 Thu, 18 Jan 01 23:30:18 GMT, "Simon
Cooke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>(BTW: Generations 8.0 [which you'll see in stores in the UK] is MY baby ...
>and I accept no blame whatsoever for its bugs, given that I managed to fix
>over 200 of them for the latest release :))

My friend Geoffrey says "I now have the latest V8 Generations, and I
like it a lot. BUT it  refuses to produce the word 'Baptised' in
reports - I have to enter them all  'by hand'!"



Re: A little bit of history...repeating

2000-12-31 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 03:59:37 - Sun, 31 Dec 00 04:01:10 GMT, "David
>> So the people said 'this is year 1', even though it didn't happen? I
>> mean, I wasn't 1 until I'd lived a year. It still doesn't explain why
>> everyone celebrated it last year. Maybe they're all cretins?
>Yes, they probably are.

Do you know what I think (hic)? I think that it's all of those
Christians fault and those stupid hypocrit Romans. All this BC
rubbish. What's the real year, I'd like to know? 



Re: A little bit of history...repeating

2000-12-31 Thread Dave Whitmore

>Easy - no year 0 - and 2000 + 1 = 2001

So the people said 'this is year 1', even though it didn't happen? I
mean, I wasn't 1 until I'd lived a year. It still doesn't explain why
everyone celebrated it last year. Maybe they're all cretins?


Re: A little bit of history...repeating

2000-12-31 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 03:33:42 - Sun, 31 Dec 00 03:39:38 GMT, "David
>Good on you! At least you've got some great telly on at the mo :)

What am I missing?! Jesus, I've been sat here trying to suss the
intricacies of making VCDs all night and missing out on TV.

>> That half litre of
>> Whisky is doing the business though, so it shouldn't be too long b4 I
>> collapse. :-) 
>Best medicene!

Probably, but as long as I can still spell, I'm not getting there.
>> >IRC anyone? undernet, channel #samusers  ??
>> Bugger.. I haven't installed MIRC... Oh well. Another time maybe.
>Darn well, would have been nice eh?

Aye, never mind.

>> Happy New Year (for tomorrow) everybody.
>> Dave
>And happy new centuary from me too...!

Why is it that /some/ people insist that 2001 is the beginning of a
new century. Please explain the logic behind this argument, and tell
me why most of the world celebrated it last year?

Probably getting there (pour another... please forgive this rubbish -
sober people) - Dave

Re: A little bit of history...repeating

2000-12-31 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 03:23:49 - Sun, 31 Dec 00 03:26:13 GMT, "David

>Another sad soul up at silly hours :)

I'm not sad at all. I'm dying with a cold and I'm sparing the missus
the joys of my sniffing, coughing and spluttering. That half litre of
Whisky is doing the business though, so it shouldn't be too long b4 I
collapse. :-) 

>IRC anyone? undernet, channel #samusers  ??

Bugger.. I haven't installed MIRC... Oh well. Another time maybe.

Happy New Year (for tomorrow) everybody.


Re: A little bit of history...repeating

2000-12-31 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 19:17:49 -0800 Sun, 31 Dec 00 03:19:14 GMT, "Simon
Cooke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From: "Frans van Egmond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Still one question left; what happened to (any) leftover stock from West
>> Computers ?
>Bob ate it.

Bob told me once that there is a 'lock-up' garage or something
somewhere, where he suspected there was quite a bit of interesting SAM
gear. Nev might know something about that? PING Nev.


Re: Progress

2000-10-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 20 Oct 2000 00:07:04 +0100 Fri, 20 Oct 00 00:42:16 BST, "Colin
Macdonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think Mr Doore will be able to help with this, but while I'm remembering,
>I'm willing to allow the remainder of the copyrighted items I still own
>(Outlet, Enceladus, SCPDU, some games and utilities etc) go up for public
>domain only *after* some other old SAM companies have been persuaded to make
>their stuff PD.
>(I'm only doing this to try and give someone incentive to badger these
>people whose software is no longer available!)

Who needs persuading? Tell me their names and I'll get the gun out.


Re: Console Coupe

2000-09-28 Thread Dave Whitmore

I'll elaborate on my original question. What I was trying to say was,
would it be possible to alter a DSK image, to another filetype with a
different extension that could be recognised by Windows (or another
GUI O/S) to launch Sim Coupe, and in turn boot itself. In my mind, the
emulator (and maybe the ROM) would need to be patched in some way to
accept this, but wouldn't it be good - if for example if you could
click on an image and it could bypass the SAM startup and go straight
into a game or a SAM app.


Console Coupe

2000-09-26 Thread Dave Whitmore

What are the chances of making a DSK or SAD image (or altering an
existing one) so that when clicked on in Windows, it'll launch the
emulator and autoboot? 


Re: Games (Colony and F16)

2000-07-02 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 23:56:05 +0100, Gavin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Excellent! Any chance of a copy of the tape, or better still can you 
>get into a .dsk so I can make it available from the File Library and 
O stop it Gavs. You'll be wetting yourself.

Re: Big Trouble (in little SAM World)

2000-07-01 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 21:04:30 +0200, "Edwin Blink"

>> >to boot anyway do a CALL 229385 for a 256K SAM or a CALL 491529 to
>> >booting DOS
>> Don't you also need the older version of SAMDOS to be able to do that?
>No it works for any dos. you just boot a disk and when the no dos error
>occures you do the call.

Sorry, I wasn't aware of that. I just remembered the letter I got with
the replacement ROM that said yuo shouldn't use the new DOS with the
old ROM.

BTW, I love the new Disk Editor. Excellent stuff!


Re: Big Trouble (in little SAM World)

2000-07-01 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 1 Jul 2000 12:30:29 +0200, "Edwin Blink"

>> print peek 15 returns 10 !!!
>Yes you've got a version 1 rom which has a bug that causes the No Dos error
>to boot anyway do a CALL 229385 for a 256K SAM or a CALL 491529 to continue
>booting DOS

Don't you also need the older version of SAMDOS to be able to do that?


Re: Web Sites

2000-06-24 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000 22:26:50 +0100, "David L"

>> Yarr, Taycombe-Fallop.
>> Hannend.
>> Heath,
>E... right? !!!

Whatever :-)

Re: CD mag

2000-06-11 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 11 Jun 2000 09:22:37 +0100, "Stoned Design"

>The Cd mag will be a bit later than I said. Hopefully it will come out be 
>early July.
>So there is more time to send me any work to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there any chance of a brief idea about the contents?


RE: contact

2000-05-30 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 30 May 2000 18:59:55 +0100, "John"

>I dont remember a bob brenchley - who was/is he?

He was the proprietor and editor of Format magazine - the home of all
things Spectum and SAM, and if you didn't subscribe to it, there was
no way on earth you could ever be deemed a REAL SAM USER.


RE: contact

2000-05-30 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 30 May 2000 16:37:49 +0100, Justin Skists

>What gives you that impression, anyway

Just a guess. He isn't subbed to this group for example, and I can't
see any evidence tha the has an interest in the SAM scene anymore;
seeing how he failed to control us, and seeing how much everyone
despised his despot attitude.



Re: contact

2000-05-30 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 29 May 2000 18:50:04 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I've just bought a new PC and was about to sign up with ICQ, but maybe I 
>won't after all

Hiya Phil - long time no see.

No, I wouldn't let that put you off. I get the impression that he
doesn't want to bother with any of us anymore.



2000-05-29 Thread Dave Whitmore

Someone just pointed this out to me: Bob Brenchley's ICQ is 21064485

Just in case anyone is desperete to contact him. :-)


Re: Spotted on c.s.s - Sam for sale

2000-03-27 Thread Dave Whitmore

All this about £100 for a SAM being a rip-off is a bit daft IMO.

Fully working SAMs are becoming more rare, and I'm beginning to see
them in a similar way to how people might look at vintage cars. I'd
say people who sell them cheap aren't really doing themselves any

Just my opinion.


Re: SAM pic converter ?

2000-03-25 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 25 Mar 2000 20:41:58 +0100, Frans van Egmond

>Does anyone have a program for Amiga or PC to convert IFF or BMP or whatever 
>SAM Coupe and back?

Simon Cooke had (probably doesn't anymore) a program for making SAM
pictures into BMPs. It's probably in the NVG archive.

Ian Slavin (our very own 'Axe' - where the hell is he these days?) did
a pretty good IFF (ILBM) to SAM routine, but I don't know if it, or
anything like it, is up as a stand-alone program on NVG. However, I
think I put it on one of  the last of the SAM Adventure Club disks
(probably disk B of issue 13), and that is on NVG in the mags section
somewhere... I think.



Dave Whitmore

Re: The Millenium Poll

2000-03-10 Thread Dave Whitmore

Any results worth posting yet, Johnna?


Re: Happy New Year!

2000-01-01 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:02:02 -, "David L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Happy New Year!
>Best Regards
>David Ledbury!
Happy  new year Dame David - all the best. :-)

The rest of you too.

I just love these zero dates.


Re: Christmas Greetings, etc.

1999-12-23 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 18:49:17 +, Tim P

>James R Curry wrote:
>> > Seconded, thirded, forthded...  Etc!!  ;-)
>> Sign me up for some of those Season's Greetings, too.
>While we're at it, me too.

By the way everyone, Merry Christmas!

>Infact, I'll wish Sam a happy 10th birthday as well.  It must be around

Yep, I got my first SAM on the 19th of December '89. He's somewhere in
Scotland now, but SAM number 2 is still in a drawer upstairs. :-)


Re: Sam Keyboard Membrane wanted

1999-12-05 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 5 Dec 1999 19:00:57 - Sun,  5 Dec 99 19:19:38 GMT, "Trevor
Ashby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your name certainly rings a bell. Hmmm.. now where do I remember you



1999-11-27 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 14:41:38 -0400 Sat, 27 Nov 99 00:36:01 GMT, "James
R Curry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> On Fri, Nov 26, 1999 at 12:32:48AM +, Andrew Collier wrote:
>> > Indeed.
>> You seem to have forgotten to put a quotation of the entire previous
>> message including sig at the end of your mail.
>> imc
>Oh my...  I've had a headache this last week and that made me laugh 
>hard enough to cheer me up no end.  Thank you, Ian.

Got to agree there. I nearly covered the monitor and keyboard in beer.


Re: Let's get our act together...

1999-11-22 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 22 Nov 99 18:58:56 GMT Mon, 22 Nov 99 19:00:23 GMT, David
Ledbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> You're a star Colin! I'll take back all the nasty and horrible things
>> I ever said about you .
>What? All of them?
>Including that comment about the squirty cream, the banana and the nun?

Yep, even those. :-)

I'd like to be cheeky though and ask if it's not pushing it for all
the Enceladus and SAM Outlet issues to go up as well, so I'd better
take back all the treacherous and diabolical things as well. :-)


Re: Let's get our act together...

1999-11-22 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:30:10 EST Mon, 22 Nov 99 18:10:01 GMT,

>Indeed. Sounds good to me.
>I still have loose plans that one day I'll resurrect FRED, but I'd need to 
>sort out a few personal things, as well as get enough support drummed up to 
>ensure it lasted!
>In the meantime though, I don't see any problem with giving permission for 
>say, the first fifty (50) issues of FRED to be available for download from the 
>FTP site. I should add that copyright would still remain with original 
>persons, blah blah blah.

You're a star Colin! I'll take back all the nasty and horrible things
I ever said about you .


Re: [OFF] Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)

1999-11-22 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 21 Nov 1999 23:55:48 + Sun, 21 Nov 99 23:57:53 GMT, Gavin
Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> It's not permanent 0800 access, though, is it? ie 24/7?
>> If so, then I might consider using AOL. If I can find a way to dial up using
>> Linux.
>If it wasn't, I certainly wouldn't be using it ;) It is, 24/7, permanent
>connection - but, as I said, it was a trial they were running, whilst
>the trial proved unviable for them (i.e. I probably stayed connected day
>and night pissing them off!), they decided not to introduce it publicly
>- so only 100 people have got it. Sorry!

Damnit... my Clara freetime weekend funs out in less that 2 minutes!

You lucky git!


Dave (make that 1 minute)

Re: Money For Nothing...(but the chicks aren't free...)

1999-11-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 17:46:57 EST Sat, 20 Nov 99 00:19:11 GMT,

>You bunch of stupid demo coders.

So you were Bob all along!


Seriously Johnna, AOL!?

Oops - sorry Phil. :-


Re: Wincoupe

1999-11-14 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 20:58:32 - Sun, 14 Nov 99 22:49:19 GMT, "Maria
Rookyard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>And we didn't have fancy stuff like calculators either, we had to count
>things up on our fingers... if we wanted to do subtractions we had to have
>fingers amputated.

wen we wuz likkle we ad to lern ow to do fings rite and we'd get
prazed by the teecher.


1999-11-14 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 20:34:00 - Sun, 14 Nov 99 20:52:06 GMT, "David

>Any sign of Bob?

No - thank god! :)

Re: New WinCoupe alpha test version (Was: Re: Defender)

1999-11-11 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 02:00:55 - Thu, 11 Nov 99 02:09:36 GMT, "Si
Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Simon Cooke wrote:
>> Mr. Owen... pretty please... release a new beta? alpha? anything?
>Aw, go on then, as long as you promise the GPL goblins won't come and get
>me!  I've uploaded a new alpha test version to:

Fantastic! :-))

It's fast, it's cool and it works on my machine. 


Re: Greetz

1999-11-10 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 08 Nov 1999 20:17:35 +0100 Mon,  8 Nov 99 22:34:33 GMT,

>Hi evereyone, it`s me Martijn Groen.

Hello Martijn, great to see you here!



Re: SAM Community Newsletter Issue 2

1999-10-18 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 18 Oct 1999 13:10:20 +0100 Mon, 18 Oct 99 18:37:03 BST, Gavin
Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> >What makes it exclusive?
>> The simple fact that it excludes anyone who doesn't subscribe.
>Eh?! But surely that makes this list equally as exclusive, in that you
>have to subscribe. I'm not trying to be smart, I just don't follow you
>here - you don't get it unless you ask - is that what you are saying?!

My irrational problem is that I find it incredibly frustrating to
contemplate sending or receiving information through snail-mail
(farting about with stamps and envelopes, etc. It seems a bit
luddite), when the people who I'm communicating with are on the net.
For people whose only means of written communication is via
traditional post, fine, no worries. you'll be giving them a good
service. I'm obviously a fool for thinking this way because so many
others around here think it's such a good idea.


Re: SAM Community Newsletter Issue 2

1999-10-17 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 17 Oct 1999 14:37:25 +0100 Sun, 17 Oct 99 14:44:48 BST, Gavin
Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What makes it exclusive?

The simple fact that it excludes anyone who doesn't subscribe.

> Anyone can get it for next to nothing so I'm
>not sure how it's exclusive.

That's true, but it isn't really my point.

>Why do it? Originally it was to give news
>coverage to people like Persona and Quazar who I felt Format wasn't
>covering adequately (or at all in Persona's case) but of course we've
>only really got Quazar left. I dunno, I still enjoy farting about with
>the SAM, and I've found 30 like minded people so it isn't much hassle to
>stick a little newsletter together every couple of months. Nothing earth
>shattering in it, but there's always a few things available for the SAM
>every couple of months.

Granted there are people who don't have net access, but why not do an
email version for people online. You've already seen an example of the
difficulty faced by potential overseas subscribers.

I still enjoy 'farting about' with things concerning SAM to a certain
extent, and I'd even go as far as to say I'd like to see a newsletter
done along the lines of the speccy one by Andy Davies (an occasional
disczine in DSK format?). People like Persona and Quazar could put all
the advertising they wanted into something like that. That would
probably be a bit extreme though, so an occasional email attachment to
interested parties would probably suffice.

>This isn't a swipe either, btw, but there are a few people on this list
>who seem to just hang about to criticise other people and say "why do
>this?", "why do that?" Well why not? Of course it's a stupidly obscure

This was a genuine concern rather than a criticism. I can see how
you'd think otherwise though, and I'm sorry if you took it that way.

>computer, with stupidly little support, but I still enjoy it. I get a
>lot of letters from people happy with what I'm doing. *shrug* It's no
>big deal :) Anyway, I hate reading stuff from a computer screen, I'd
>much prefer to read it from paper.

Let's just put it this way then: you are here, and I am here, reading
each other. So what could you possibly tell me on a piece of paper
that I can't read onscreen? That's all I'm saying... carry on and have
fun! :-)


Re: SAM Community Newsletter Issue 2

1999-10-17 Thread Dave Whitmore


I'm having difficulty trying to understand the motivation behind a
printed newsletter. There obviously isn't any money to be made (from
what you are charging), and the only thing I can figure is that you're
aiming to start an exclusive club of sorts. This isn't a swipe, btw, I
just don't understand why people should bother with stamps and read
stuff on paper these days.


Re: Erk!

1999-10-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 9 Oct 1999 03:32:54 + Sat,  9 Oct 99 11:13:00 BST, "James
R Curry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Well, that was.. erm.. "fun".

Yeah, I thought it'd never stop.

>Is everyone still with us?

Good question.


Re: oops

1999-10-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 9 Oct 1999 00:57:37 +0100 Sat,  9 Oct 99 01:01:13 BST, Andrew
Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>I said 'disc!'. People believe me, I didn't mean it. :-)
>What's going on?! Is it just me, or has everybody got about 15 copies of
>this message so far?
>And the Recieved: headers are getting longer...

No, it's just DL making a complete and utter prat of himself. I didn't
mean to upset him, I just didn't like the way he was shouting. So he
gets all upset and.. oh this is so tedious.


Re: unsubscribe

1999-10-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999 23:37:25 +0100 Sat,  9 Oct 99 00:48:21 BST, "David


Just chill, you idiot. Flooding everyone's mailbox with shite isn't
gonna get you anywhere! Okay, what would you like me to say then -
SORRY? You were shouting in an authoritive tone so I reacted Now do it
properly and send your unsub to the right place.

Re: unsubscribe

1999-10-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999 23:34:08 +0100 Sat,  9 Oct 99 00:37:26 BST, "David

Now that wasn't a sensible way to unsub now - was it?

/Some people/



Re: SAM Community

1999-10-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 5 Oct 1999 22:26:12 +0100 Wed,  6 Oct 99 18:15:46 BST, "David

>> Well with the greatest respect, this is the first I've heard about it...
>I suppose it also reffers to the number of people who actually *bothered* to
>subscribe to SAM magazines... WHILE THEY STILL EXISTED!

Like most other people, I gave up buying or reading SAM related mags
when it became evident that there wasn't anything really left for
anyone to write about. You could probably fit everything that's
happened in the last five years into one disc-mag. So don't talk
fucking stupid.

Re: oops

1999-10-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 9 Oct 1999 00:57:37 +0100 Sat,  9 Oct 99 01:01:13 BST, Andrew
Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What's going on?! Is it just me, or has everybody got about 15 copies of
>this message so far?
>And the Recieved: headers are getting longer...

Then again, I just got two copies of this one. Some people are gonna
be unpleased when they get all this crap. :-/


Re: Sam's worst ever game

1999-09-22 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 22 Sep 1999 18:48:02 +0100 Wed, 22 Sep 99 19:34:18 BST, "Maria
Rookyard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It's nice to be back; anything exciting happened since the beginning of last

Yeah, another woman came in and stole your crown. :-)


Re: 5 1/4inch drives (was RE: MY MAGS)

1999-09-19 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 00:44:53 +0100 Sun, 19 Sep 99 10:38:28 BST, "Will
Easson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Is Kev Cooper on this list?!

If he isn't (he dips in and out of here), he can be mailed at



1999-09-18 Thread Dave Whitmore

I think Kev Cooper's got all your old disk mags - but he can't convert
them and probably wont part with them - unless you can be bothered
asking him? :-)

BTW - you deliberately spelt my name wrong . I'd email
you direct but I don't want to get caught in your kill filter. :)



Re: The SCART socket

1999-09-12 Thread Dave Whitmore

There used to be loads of info about things like SCART in ye olde Sam
Supplement. I wonder if Dave Tonks would have any objections to the
lot going up on nvg? Is anyone in contact with him these days?



1999-08-22 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 22 Aug 1999 20:01:30 +0100 Sun, 22 Aug 99 20:36:48 BST, Martin
Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Email to the above address only for 1 week - after that I'm off line
>> for good.
>Offline for good?! Jesus are you in the last stages of a terminal
>disease or something? Is the internet really that bad?

I don't think anyone would be that bothered about selling things and
money if that were the case. :-) 

He'll probably say it's none of our business, but it'd be interesting
to know why.


Re: Re : SUUG

1999-08-13 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Thu, 12 Aug 1999 01:03:03 +0100 Fri, 13 Aug 99 11:28:44 BST,
"michael sleight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Derek Morgan - That name rings a bell with me too - say more!!

Derek used to run 'SAM PD' and 'F9 Software' (the latter title
cunningly invented by me!). He was an agent for SAMCo and was (I
should say 'is' because as far as I know he's still alive!) a very
helpful chap regarding all things SAM. We regularly used to attend the
shows in Gloucester together (and before that at the AFF at Birmingham
and Haydock), but I haven't heard anything from him for ages. I should
really pick up the phone and see how he's doing, but he works funny

ISTR Derek saying that he was involved in the afore mentioned
'Unemployed Spectrum User Group' once or twice. Quite a hilarious
title, isn't it!? Can you imagine anything like that these days. :-)

Dave (Founding member of the unemployed CD Burners club)

Re: Re : SUUG

1999-08-12 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 11 Aug 1999 19:34:33 -0700 Wed, 11 Aug 99 23:35:44 BST,
"Robert Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Spectrum Unemployed User Group...

Didn't Derek Morgan have something to do with that too?



1999-08-12 Thread Dave Whitmore

Did anyone see Martin & Maria dancing naked in the moon shadow at
Marazion on the telly this (oh hang on) yesterday morning?



Re: Hello

1999-08-01 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 1 Aug 1999 20:33:35 -0700 Sun,  1 Aug 99 21:29:33 BST, "Robert
Wilkinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi to all Sam users.

>>From  Bob Wilkinson (Peterborough England)

Please send emails here as plain text or the others will start moaning
at you.

Welcome anyway. :)

Bye for now,


Re: SimCoupe : wide spread? (was New: SimCoupe 0.783a...)

1999-07-22 Thread Dave Whitmore

On the subject of autoboot, yep, I'm very much in favour so long as
it's optional. Ideally with a virtual hard drive if no disk is in fd1.
I don't think there's anything wrong in making improvments to an
emulated SAM in this way, so long as there are options to make it
behave authentically when needed.

Okay, someone yell at me. :-)

Bye for now,


Re: Sam -year 2000-The Secretary

1999-07-08 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 6 Jul 1999 20:51:23 +0100 Wed,  7 Jul 99 20:02:34 BST,

>| >I think it is MasterDOS that needs a patch.
>| Waste of time anyway. Who the hell would want to use that crap in this
>| day and age?
>Are we talking MasterDos or Secretary?

The Secretary.  Do you think it's wonderful then? :)

Bye for now,


Re: Sam -year 2000-The Secretary

1999-07-06 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 3 Jul 1999 16:30:22 +0100 Sat,  3 Jul 99 17:04:50 BST,

>| Has anyone got a fix for the Secretary wordprocessor to make understand the
>| year 2000
>I think it is MasterDOS that needs a patch.

Waste of time anyway. Who the hell would want to use that crap in this
day and age?

Re: Format

1999-07-06 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 3 Jul 1999 16:28:29 +0100 Sat,  3 Jul 99 17:04:49 BST,

>| What's the story with Format these days. Any news - anybody?
>| Dave
>If you have read my past messages you will know that Bob hopes to restart 
>very soon. Try sending him a direct email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And feelings of euphoria swept through the SAM universe.

Bye for now,



1999-06-17 Thread Dave Whitmore

What's the story with Format these days. Any news - anybody?


Re: Derek Morgan

1999-06-12 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 18:35:51 EDT Fri, 11 Jun 99 19:36:00 BST,

>Does anyone know if Derek Morgan is still active on the SAM scene, or if he's 
>joined the ranks of PC users?

Good question. The last time I spoke to Derek (seems like years ago)
he said he /might/ get a PC someday, but he seemed to be losing
interest in computers at the time.

>If nobody knows, I may have to (gulp)   write him a letter to find out.

Give him a phone call. If you want his number let me know.

Bye for now,


Re: Based on an idea

1999-06-10 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 20:25:24 -0700 Wed,  9 Jun 99 18:04:29 BST,
"jadams1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Does anyone have a spare copy of the above magazine I could buy as I would
>like to have a read of one.
>j adams

A good case of sporadic enthusiasm, if ever I saw one!

Bye for now,


Re: Anybody Know Dave W`s mail addr

1999-06-04 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 04 Jun 1999 18:17:28 +0100 Fri,  4 Jun 99 21:35:48 BST, Martin
Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



I'm afraid it isn't. :)

>...though he probably got your message on the list!!

That's true though.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] for now, but I might go to one of the free ones. It
seems daft throwing 11 quid a month away these days. Then again, I've
heard that there are trials running ATM by an ISP in Brum where you
pay a flat tenner a month and you can dial up free and stay on
(downloading MP3s and naughty pictures) for as long as you like.
Sounds good to me! :-)



Re: Manual

1999-05-27 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 24 May 1999 21:20:50 +0100 Tue, 25 May 99 18:47:01 BST, Thomas
Harte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I've got a spare manual here that I could rip up, but if you insist...
>   If you've got a spare manual, I don't suppose you feel like sending it
>to me?

Unfortunately, no. :)

BTW, if anyone feels like sending me a nice new 21 inch monitor... 


Re: Manual

1999-05-24 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 23 May 1999 23:10:14 +0100 Mon, 24 May 99 20:31:26 BST, Ian
Dalziel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Just wondering. Did anyone ever bother to OCR the standard SAM manual
>>(the one that Bob said he'd allow)?
>Er, well, in principle I'm doing it - there's a Sam manual sitting next
>to my scanner, and I've thrown the spiral binder away - I've been busy
>lately, and the hamster isn't looking well - Look, I'm going to do it,
>get off my back, OK? ...


I've got a spare manual here that I could rip up, but if you insist...

And make sure you do all the funky liddle cartoons as well. OK!




1999-05-23 Thread Dave Whitmore

Just wondering. Did anyone ever bother to OCR the standard SAM manual
(the one that Bob said he'd allow)?


Re: Leaving on a jet plane

1999-05-10 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 10 May 1999 17:35:57 +0100 Mon, 10 May 99 18:58:29 BST, Andrew
Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Thank you to one and all, and keep the faith with SAM in some form,
>>especially SIM Coupe, because if it wasn't worth it we wouldn't still
>>be here after ten baron years.

TTFN to Johnna. Is it back to the Isle of Man then? (I don't suppose
you'll see this anyway) 

>Hey, just make sure you stay around long enough for the tenth birthday, yes?

It'd be fun to have a bit of a 'deathbed vigil' like the people at
Commodore did with the Amiga. I can't see myself staying around after
December. It's funny but those ten years seem like a very long time in
terms of my interest in SAM, while everything else seems to have gone
so fast. Was I really only 30 back then?! :-) 

Dave (sticking around for a little bit longer)

Re: comp.sys.sinclair... jesus...

1999-05-08 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 7 May 1999 19:15:59 -0700 Sat,  8 May 99 12:31:18 BST, "Simon
Cooke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Hehe - if you work at Microsoft, say 'Hi' to the Mindcraft people for
>> me!
>Yeah, right. Like I'd know them.

You may well have done. :)

>There's 30,000 people at Microsoft in Seattle alone - not seven.

30,000.. Jesus... how often does the lightbulb need changing then?

>... and the Mindcraft people came here to use the test lab - nothing more.

If they visit again, you will make a point of walking up and saying
'Hi', though, won't you?



Re: Bob is missing

1999-04-21 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 10:44:43 +0100 Wed, 21 Apr 99 20:00:15 BST, Justin
Skists <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Surely, someone on here is his friend, what about Samsboss and
>Bill Ritman? Won't they tell him?

ISTR from a post he made recently that he wasn't feeling too well. I
can vouch for the fact that the stress of a crumbling empire can bring
on ill health. I've been there, and for what it's worth, and if that's
the case, then he has my genuine sympathy. No matter how we've argued
in the past. I wonder... can a duplicity condition be stress related?


Re: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & C

1999-04-21 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:43:44 +0100 Wed, 21 Apr 99 20:00:23 BST, "Si
Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> The SAM world can only survive if we start to pool our resources and
>> help to advance SIM Coupe ie. getting it running in WIn32 properly.
>My thoughts exactly, but one or more people on this list still see the
>emulator as a threat.

Only one person, as far as I can see. I used to think Bob was a
meglomaniac, but they're two of a kind really (ouch, I felt that


Re: Putting the whole boring argumet simply

1999-04-21 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 12:19:39 GMT+0 Wed, 21 Apr 99 20:00:18 BST, Psycho
Billy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>It's a choice as simple as that - support SIM Coupe, or kill off the 
>last connection many people will have to SAM, and effectively kill 
>off this little community of which we are all so fond.

I agree with a lot of that Johnna. The bugbear lies with people who
think they can still make a pot of money out of it. Chris was willing
to give his old stuff away for free - which might have lead to someone
fixing the games to run on SIM Coupe. I don't necessarily think they
should be 'free' when most of us bought the original games, but... ah
stuffit. It isn't worth the grief. :-) 


Re: New Argument about COPYING (WAS CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright )

1999-04-21 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:27:02 +0100 Wed, 21 Apr 99 20:00:12 BST, "Si
Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>SAM software disks could always be personalised with the details of the
>owner before being sent out, as people will be a lot less likely to
>distribute disks if their name and address is part of them.  The Spectrum
>emulator Z80 does (or at least _did_) this, and sections of code are
>decrypted using those details to stop a simple patching job from getting
>around it.  It wouldn't help the software already out there, but it'd be a
>start.  Selling the software on to someone else would be interesting tho!

That sounds like a good idea. In theory an installer program that
could only work with a personalised key; showing the purchaser's name
and address at the start of the game, etc. I guess that's where the
PIIIs ID number might be handy in future. However, I don't think Chris
would be interested in doing retrospective protection work for his old
games. :)


Re: New Argument about COPYING (WAS CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright )

1999-04-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 20 Apr 1999 18:20:37 +0100 Tue, 20 Apr 99 20:17:50 BST, "Paul
Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Why DO you keep PUSHing this thREAD, when the law DEFines that you are
>> wrong and I am right?
>Why do I get the feeling you're using a programmers editor?

I don't know what's happening (durrr)... there's a few new ones
happening too. I've never seen an editor that tokenises LAW, for
example. :-)


Re: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright

1999-04-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Tue, 20 Apr 1999 01:07:09 +0100 Tue, 20 Apr 99 18:04:15 BST, "Chris
White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>As for advocating Copying Tape to Disk , this was not the case as it stated
>that it was for BACKING UP you current Tape software to Disk. And should not
>be used as a COPYING DEVICE

Okay then, I see where you're coming from. However, if that's alright,
what's wrong with BACKING UP your current floppy software to a hard
disk? Why is it so taboo for us to contemplate playing your SAM
conversions of POP or Lemmings from a hard disk on an emulated SAM? It
seems like a natural progression on what everyone's been doing with
speccy games for years.

>What Hypocrisy is that, did i miss anything :)

Dunno. I must've missed it too! No, seriously Chris, just ease off on
the paranioa a bit! No one wants to do you any harm. Some of us just
want to be lazy and run everything from one box. :)


Re: COMPUTERMARKET Shows was The State of things

1999-04-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 00:15:45 +0100 Mon, 19 Apr 99 23:30:52 BST,
"Richard Jowett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Be careful with some of the HD's on sale. Especialy  the ones marked
>untested as I got 2 at about £8 each and only one works and that has a lot
>of sector errors. I reformated it but that only got rid of some errors and I
>don't trust the drive enough to use it.

Don't fall for it. A mate of mine was daft enough to buy five and all
of them were crap. This is a bad reflection on the fair organisers and
how they don't care - so long as they get the dosh. Just be careful.


Re: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright

1999-04-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 22:28:35 +0100 Mon, 19 Apr 99 23:31:01 BST, Martin
Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>maybe its like some walkie-talkies(1), i.e., its not illegal to own
>them, sell them, make them or whatever just use them is it
>actually illegal to do it? i mean what law are you breaking by simply
>producing a bit of circuitry? using it would be illegal though, cos
>then the purpose for which the thing was build is pretty explicit...
>martin fitzpatrick

The SAM was built on the success of a wonderful backup (read pirate)
device called the Plus D (based on the earlier DisCiple - did I get
the funky spelling/case right Bob?). Because the speccy was near the
end of its life as a money making games platform (due to the Amigas
and Ataris, and because unc Clive sold out) nobody really cared. MGT
used to advocate backing up tapes to disk (or disc - for Bob) and
certain publications would give out information on how to hack awkward
programs so that they would work from disk. But there appears to be an
unforgivable difference in us wanting to run floppy software from a
hard drive. The Hypocrisy sometimes aired in this mailing list is
killing me; but it's a fun way to die. :-)


Re: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright

1999-04-18 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sun, 18 Apr 1999 02:39:43 +0100 Sun, 18 Apr 99 11:42:51 BST,
"Richard Jowett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>According to a TV program It is illegal to chip and maybe even to own a
>chipped PSX (not sure if they said own). Yet loads of shops/people are
>offering this service, but nothing is really being done about them. If a
>company as big as Sony cannot stop this then Smaller companies don't stand
>much chance.

(sorry, I know this isn't 'PSX Users':))

Not only that. Have you seen those 'chip' cartridges available at the
shows for £8 upwards? Plugs in the stations parallel port and you
don't need to have the station chipped. They were selling them by the
bucketload(1) in at a show in Manchester yesterday. 

I think Sony are burying their heads in the sand over all this, or
something  more sinister. I mean,  I always thought that the strategy
was to make the money on the software and sell the machines as cheap
as possible. However, like the Amiga, it seems to be the availability
of pirate stuff  that drives people to buy the machine in the first
place. So they're selling more stations than ever, and the only people
who really suffer are the developers.

The thing is, if these chips are illegal, then most of the PSX owning
populace of the North West of England are criminals. Dunno about other

(1) Well, not literally. Just a handy excuse for a footnote. 


1999-04-17 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 17 Apr 1999 19:17:08 +0100 Sat, 17 Apr 99 20:05:27 BST, Andrew
Collier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>At 7:05 pm +0100 17/4/99, David  Ledbury wrote:
>Yeah, whatever. At least you've turned the HTML off this time...

Shall we kill him anyway?



Re: SAM floppy disk storage

1999-04-17 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 16:38:57 EDT Sat, 17 Apr 99 00:53:54 BST,

>centre. Among the crap CDs and discontinued cookery books was a display of 
>cassette, video and disk storage items. One that caught my eye was a 
>well-made unit holding up to 240 floppy disks. It takes the form of a rigid 
>box holding a draw with two rows of 120 spaces for disks. The overall look is 
>compact and tidy, but spacious. The beauty of this storage system is that 
>other units can be added on top of it, and secured by clips. They'll prove to 
>be very useful for me, as I can store hundreds of my disks neatly, at long 

Yes, I know about those kind of boxes. I got a couple a few years
back. What I'd like to do though is dump all my old disks (along with
squillions of tapes) in a skip and say 'hallelujah, bollox(1) and good
riddance!".  :-)


(1) I'd say that just for the hell of it.

Re: Sam Juggler (Re: SimCoupe & protected disks)

1999-04-17 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 20:42:26 +0100 Sat, 17 Apr 99 00:54:05 BST,
"David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>Is there any other stuff that doesn't work with SimCoupe? (disk protection
>>>excluded, for now)
>Defender - thank goodness!

He said "disk protection excluded" for christsakes!


Re: Using Sam on a SVGA Monitor

1999-04-15 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 21:00:11 +0100 (BST) Tue, 13 Apr 99 20:00:09 BST,
Andrew Gale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hmm... Sam users are not alone in this how-do-I-connect-a-monitor
>problem. Atari ST and Amiga users have the same problem (well,
>older Amigas certainly do - don't know about newer ones), and
>so my guess is that a good place to start would be to look in
>an Amiga magazine. Every time I pick up an Amiga mag there
>seem to be a plethora of adapters to connect PC equipment
>and I guess there are PAL-to-VGA adapters advertised there.
>The problem might be if they are somehow Amiga specific.

I could be wrong about this, but I don't remember any adapters that'd
let you run PAL on a SVGA monitor with an Amiga. There are adapters
that let you use PC monitors to run hi-res screen modes, but for most
PAL games/apps you'd have to revert to a TV or one of those C= lo-res
monitors ( I think Phillips made similar ones too). To get the best of
both worlds, Amigans had to use expensive multisync monitors. I have
one made by MicroVitec, which I still use on one of my PCs, but it
suffers at the high end - not allowing more than 800*600.


Re: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright

1999-04-10 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 10 Apr 1999 12:30:22 +0100 Sat, 10 Apr 99 13:02:03 BST, "Chris
White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>As a developer of software , which a present is costing over £250,000 to
>write a product for 18months on PSX , and will have to sell over 80,000

 Look for a safer platform to write for Chris!

Every kid around here has a 'chipped' station.

>@ the end of the day proceeds of cash you buy software go as follows

>40% -> Shop
>10-20% -> First Party (Nintendo,Sega,Sony etc.)
>5% -> Distrubutor (From Publihser to Shop)
>2% -> Developer

Sad, isnit?


Re: Copyright

1999-04-10 Thread Dave Whitmore
My view is that it is now impossible for anyone to control piracy.
It's so wide-spread now with CDR (people copying playstation games,
CD-ROM, music, etc), web and ftp sites (offering cracks, etc.), that
it's only a matter of time before the laws will need to be looked at
again - and changed in relation to how ineffective they are. Stealing
music or program/data, where the product isn't tangible, isn't viewed
by the average person as being the same as someone nicking a
touchy/feely object like a loaf of bread. If people have their own
media/storage - blank tape/CD, then they get the feeling that they can
put anything they want on it. They're very unlikely to get caught
and.. shrug.. you know the rest.

Look at the sales of blank CD recordable discs now. They're selling
millions at computer fairs every week. When I first started attending
them (about ten years ago), the punters were generally the archetypal
nerdy anorak/intellectual sort. Nowadays, I see gangs of lads who
would look more at home fighting outside a football ground - haggling
with traders to see how much discount they can get for a few thousand
blank CDs. And I see boxes upon boxes of CD recorders for sale, often
made by the same people who sell software and music. I didn't realise
that there was *so* much copyright-free music/data around!

The question is this: where's it all going to end, eh?

(neither moralising or cocking a snoot at the people who 'suffer')

Re: Real Sam Users List 30th March 1999

1999-04-09 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Fri, 9 Apr 1999 01:52:14 +0100 Fri,  9 Apr 99 18:15:42 BST, "Paul
Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Any objections to me putting this as part of my Sam pages on the Net?
>Yes. If you put the list online, remove my email address beforehand.

Mine as well please.

Re: SimCoupe & protected disks

1999-04-08 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Thu, 8 Apr 1999 18:13:08 +0100 Thu,  8 Apr 99 18:59:51 BST, "Chris
Pile" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Before Malcolm's untimely death he informed me that E-Copy (version 3 I think)
>failed to copy the protection I created for Defender...  I tried *all* the PC
>I could find and they failed too.

Have you tried Cyclone (using the cart) on an Amiga then? :-)


Re: sim-coupe

1999-03-20 Thread Dave Whitmore
On Sat, 20 Mar 1999 20:44:26 - Sat, 20 Mar 99 11:32:26 GMT, "Peter
Harkess" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Manic Miner.

I've got that as a Dsk.

>Prince of Persia
>Samtape4(lerm).(by the way who has the copyright to lerm software?)
>Wop Gamma

Not those though. The original of the first used non-standard sectors
so it won't copy (then again, the cracked version won't run on Sim
Coupe either). I don't know about the others, but they probably used
similar methods of protection.

Didn't Persona end up with the Lerm stuff?
