Re: Sam compatible mode in Sprinter

2002-05-13 Thread Mac Buster

Simon Owen wrote:


Do you own one

 Not yet :( Tried to buy it once, but had to use money on other things.
I'm planning to write an OS for Sprinter, and going to buy the machine
before end of summer.

or know anyone who does?

 I know some Sprinter owners. Try contact Davide Bartlotti, master of
speccy4ever site (

I'd be interested to hear some
direct feedback about it, on top of the details I've read on the
Sprinter forum.  I couldn't find many other comments on the the web or

 There are link from main page of Peters' web site to site of a magazine
where was published kind of Sprinter review.


Re: Sam compatible mode in Sprinter

2002-05-12 Thread Mac Buster

Simon Owen wrote:

Anyone know if contention is fully supported too?

 ZS Scorpion 256k also has centetion and it is emulated well in Sprinter.
So I think emulation of original Spectrums has contention support too.

I suppose the CPU is compatible,

 There are Z84C (regular Z80CPU with some additional things inside: SIO,
PIO, etc).

and the display modes and paging shouldn't really be a problem, though

it'd need an SAA 1099 in there for sound too.

 Yes, this will be most difficult thing to do. But they did AY emulation,
and so they have some experience with PSGs :)

so I hope it's more flexible than I imagine!

 It is! Design anything you want, program PLM and you'll have a ready to
use device. No soldering, no PCB, no waste of time ;)


Sam compatible mode in Sprinter

2002-05-09 Thread Mac Buster


 What do you think about Sam Coupe compatible mode in Sprinter ? Is
this worth doing ? Would you like to buy Sprinter with such mode ? :)

Re: Sam compatible mode in Sprinter

2002-05-09 Thread Mac Buster

Matthew J Craven wrote:

I think it was one of the original printers that would work with the 
SAM. I cannot remember what brand it is or anything (maybe 
Citizen?). But I'm probably wrong ;-)

 You're =) Sprinter is a computer with flexible architecture. Because of
this Sprinter can emulate (at hardware level!) other computers. Check
site - for more info.

Re: speccy bob

2001-10-05 Thread Mac Buster

Andrew Gale wrote:
 Full Sam compatibilty isn't going to be trivial to add at all.

 Yes. It doesn't sound too difficult to put all SAM logic into
a PLM using just technical manual and articles from magazines.
I've got no idea about current PLM prices though. The most
difficult thing I see there is to find these FDC and PSG chips.


Re: SAM Games

2001-08-28 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 So I think being put to Polland isn't as bad as being put to the southern
 Russia. ;-)

 Some time ago I've been talking to americans using IRC and discovered that
Czech, Slovakia, Romania, Poland and Germany (!) ARE part of Russia =) Yeah,
Russia is big country, but it is not THAT big!


Re: Sam Copue - good or bad desing [Was: Re: Sam CPU timing]

2001-08-03 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 To make things much simpler, I said that it would be nice to have just one
 thing: divided memory into fast ram and videoram. btw. This is used on Amiga
 as well, doesn't matter that it is 16bit, because memory is the same
 regardless of number of bits.

 Do not you think it will be much better to redesign circuit in the same
manner as it done in russian clone of ZX Spectrum 128k called Pentagon 128k
where videocontroller does not distrub CPU, and CPU operates with highest
possible peformance (NO wait-states).

 Of course today it not too hard to find disk controller specs on internet,
 but that time NOBODY in whole Czechoslovakia (our republic) knew anything
 about it. Anything!

 Wasn't it very well described in one of issues of Mikrobaze magazine back in
1990 or 1991 ? I can bet I saw it there.


Re: Sam Copue - good or bad desing [Was: Re: Sam CPU timing]

2001-08-03 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 The question is what is Mikrobaze? Shall I know it?

 Hmmm... Amateur radio and home computers (both 8bit and 16bit) magazine
from Czechoslovakia. you can see, even if it was there, I can't knew it...

 That's strange because it was very nice magazine.



2001-07-05 Thread Mac Buster


 May be someone knows that in next month (August) in St.Petersburg
(Russia) will be a demo party called CC01. The party for Amiga, PC,
Speccy and BK. I am going to visit the party and to show some SAM
demos under emulator there (if possible). Can you tell me what is
worth to be shown to party visitors ?


2001-06-27 Thread Mac Buster


 Seems like I was unsubscribes from the list in the last week of
April. So I know nothing what happened here since then =( Please
remind me URL of the list messages archive (if it still exists).


2001-06-20 Thread Mac Buster

 Am I unsubscribed from the SAM Users mailing list ?!??

Re: MESS Sam Coupe emulation

2001-04-20 Thread Mac Buster

Simon Owen wrote:
  2. Updated Sam Coupe to use WD179x code (same as WD1772).

 WD179x far not the same as WD1772!


Re: Virtual party

2001-04-13 Thread Mac Buster

Howard Price wrote:
 Very nice!  I especially like your recurring textures bit and flying over
 the hills.  You just don't get this sort of thing on the SAM any more - time
 that changed again don't you think??!

 We're moved to Amiga some years and, but last year we did have not released
something because of some reasons. If you have an Amiga with some fast memory
and at least 030, I can tell you URL where we have all our releases.

 What I mean is - SAM's got a fair few sound cards/hardware samplers for it:
 EdDAC, Blue Alpha, Quazar.  Stefan Drissen's MOD player can translate PC
 MODs to SAM instantly, too.  I'd be really worried if my poxy Protracker II
 chipmusic was up against these big boys!!  (No offense meant to BZYK)

 Both digital and synth music has its advantages and disadvantages. So it is
not possible to tell what is better always.

 Don't get me wrong - did you intend a multiplatform Speccy/SAM/other
 crossover party?  I read it as SAM only.

 I think the party have to be SAM only party. At least first one.


Re: Virtual party

2001-04-10 Thread Mac Buster

Howard Price wrote:
 First Association - 1.5Mb on the Speccy?

 Yep :) But the demo itself isn't as good as its size :|

  What does it come on, 2 C90s?

 You can use 2 C90s of course, but as far as I know usually it was
spread on a single MB-02 disk (~1.8MB per disk).


Re: Virtual party

2001-04-09 Thread Mac Buster

Howard Price wrote:
 Hi all. Did we get any further with this idea?

 Not yet. I was very busy.

 It sounds like a goodie, seeing as real demo parties are pretty hard to
 whip up without lots of money/time/space/support.

 I need at least one or better two people who will help me with party
rules. And of course we need at least three entries for each of main

 - demo (or 4k intro)
 - graphics
 - music

 Anyone know a good universal music player and picture viewer (as BestView
on ZX-Spectrum) for SAM which can be used as V-party tools ?

 I'm definitely up for this, after getting loads of *fabulous* demo stuff
 from World of Spectrum.

 There are much more demos on Demotopia site :)


Re: Possibly New Keyboard membranes

2001-03-26 Thread Mac Buster

Frans van Egmond wrote:
 I don't think I can sell 100 membranes, I'll see if I can find a cheaper 
 but don't get your hopes up...

 You may ask people send you messages with their names, amount of membranes they
would like to have and a price they can pay per each membrane. After this you'll
know how many membranes you many order and is this worth it.

 Frans van Egmond

Re: Music database [was: Re: Memory Lane]

2001-03-09 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 There's absolutely no reason for strictly following AZX specs. The only
 think you definitely do is that users won't be able to simply distinguish
 between Sam and ZXS music files and many of them will be confused because
 their player will say: This file's unknown format. Is this what you really

 Read the specs first.

 Special portable?

 A portable player especially for this format.


Re: Music database [was: Re: Memory Lane]

2001-03-08 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 I don't know AZX. How you can use it? For AY data, or SAA data. If you would
 like to use it for SAA data, there's no reason of using it. AZX is not for

 Really ? Why ? You've just told you do not know what is AZX, didn't you ?
Sure, AZX files are LARGE compared against AY files, but what can stop you
from developing your own custom blocks format especially for Sam ? Just do
not forget to follow rules from basic AZX format specifications.

 It is like asking whether it is better to have your MOD, S3M, IT, XM files
 as they are, or to convert them to MP3. Is this conversion needed? I don't
 think so.

 This is just one side of question. I've got slightly different opinion. But
in ANY case we need a special portable player for SAM tunes for the format
we choose.

Re: Memory Lane

2001-03-01 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 And, PLEASE, don't use .TD0 teledisk files at all!!!

 Mail me off the list if you want to have sources of td0 to trd
disk image converter.



2001-02-27 Thread Mac Buster

Gavin Smith wrote:
 [those damn Russians!]




2001-02-27 Thread Mac Buster

Gavin Smith wrote:
 I knew you'd pick up on this ;) I was only winding you up Mac Buster ;)

 And you did it very well.

 Basically, a few of the big IRC networks have been hit with Denial of
 Service attacks on the servers and the ISPs hosting those servers.
 Therefore, a lot of the servers have been dying because the ISPs no longer
 want to be attacked and because it's cost them a fortune. Therefore IRC (or
 at least Undernet) is shit slow at times and hard to get on.

 I know. I use it sometimes. Same was five years ago when I started use it.

 Last I heard, the people doing the attacks apparently came from Russia but
 I'm not sure that was confirmed.

 I bet they came THROUGH Russian hosts, instead of FROM Russia. Something
like that happened around one year ago. One IRC Network from Sweden told
that they are closing their service because they are tired of Russian Amiga
owners attacks. Well, that IRCN did not knew that Russian Amiga Community is
very strong and simply can't do this. We investigated this case and found some
facts that attacks were made from another country. Then we found phone and
address of that person who did it. He thought noone may find him. It wasn't
as difficult as people think.

 No offence intended, honest :)

 Ghm... Be careful.


Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around

2001-02-19 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 btw. How can be ILOVEYOU activated?  You must run (click) it manually, or not?

 Some browsers and mail readers 'click' it without your permission when you open
the message. Some mail readers do not allow you disable this 'incledible useful'

Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around

2001-02-19 Thread Mac Buster

Frode Tenneboe wrote:
 If you can't do that, you should not drive a car!

 Look at computer traders. The most often thing they say to someone
who wants to buy a computer is everything is very easy, you don't
have to know something special. Look at OS box'es there are the same
note. Now check what an ISP says.


Re: Errr (Or who would like a game of bobbings!!)

2001-02-18 Thread Mac Buster

Robert van der Veeke wrote:
 Well his Royal Fatness also mumbled something about writing software should
 be done in a organised manner and such, well organised and stuctured
 projects that people worked on.

 Ghm... Does it mean dynamic programming style does not exists at all ? :)
What about evristic programming and machines to write programs ? They're
probably out of his knowledges, despite to fact they are exist since 195x.

 Butt off course it would usefull software then, not something to satisfy the
 ego?s of democoders for five minutes.

 Just been watching some old Amiga demos made by Andromeda in 1992-93 and liked
them very much. Long five minutes, isn't it ;)

 It has been a while ago since we saw Bossy, Billy and Bobby. The offer still
 stands to make me look like a fool for what i said about them.

Virtual party

2001-02-18 Thread Mac Buster


 There are organised a virtual party on the Speccy scene. Why we can't do
something like that ? Lets make a party with four competitions: 4k intro,
single disk demo, music, graphics. After a deadline all entries will be
uploaded to the net and every visitor may watch/listen to them using real
SAM or an emulator (this must be noted in the votesheet). So do you like
this idea ?

Re: Errr (Or who would like a game of bobbings!!)

2001-02-17 Thread Mac Buster

Luke Trevorrow wrote:
 I think the letter was in reply to something he said about Demo coders being
 a complete waste of space and that these people should be writing something
 useful for the SAM.

 What a strange point of view he had(s). I guess demo coders wrote a lot of
different really useful things for SAM, just like data and screen crunchers,
own assemblers and debuggers, music editors, graphics editors, etc. Something
like that sometimes pops up on Speccy too. But it usually fast passes away,
because someone ask that persona who told about waste of space:

 - Do you use HRIP archiver ?
 - Yes I do
 - Do not use it anymore, because it was made by demo coders for their own
   purposes. Same about LaserCompact screen compressor; Hrum data cruncher;
   Sound Tracker, Sound Tracker Pro, Pro Tracker, Fast Tracker, Professional
   Music Creator music editors; and so on.


Re: SC 6 nearly ready - about ZXVGS

2001-02-15 Thread Mac Buster

Frans van Egmond wrote:
 I'm in the process of ordering a Sprinter,

 Really ? Did they answered you ? I thought they do not have e-mail
access now. Tell me your impression when you'll own Sprinter :)

 what is a KAY-1024k ?

 Another Speccy clone with external Beta 128 disk interface board,
external HDD controller board (may work with Connor HDDs, not more
than 540Mb), 1Mb of memory which may be used in two modes: Scorpion
256k compatible, and full 1024k access, non contendend memory areas,
decent 7Mhz turbo mode. There are an external PC Keyboard (XT) and
mouse controller board, but they are all sold already.


Re: SC 6 nearly ready - about ZXVGS

2001-02-14 Thread Mac Buster

PERFEKT wrote:
  -  someone  constructs  a  multicompatible  hardware combination (big
 and expensive)

 Ghm... I do not think it will be big and expensive. Lets take a Sprinter
for example. Firstly it has small main board. And secondly you can change
it's internal hardware to be compatible with everything you want, even
with your very own things. Price of Sprinter main board = 90USD, price of
KAY-1024k main board = 85USD. So this is not as expensive as you think.

Re: 1st International Sinclair and SAM day

2001-01-23 Thread Mac Buster

Gavin Smith wrote:
 Wolfgang sent me a bit about the above event in Holland in May - it's up on
 the SC website with maps and details.

 Are you sure it is there ?

 Any of you lot thinking of going? Assuming the money situation improves, I'm
 thinking about it.


2001-01-04 Thread Mac Buster

Marcelo Ortega wrote:
 I'm really considering to purchase one

 Ghm... As far as I know 100% of Sprinter's software and docs is in
russian language only. Do you know russian language ?


New Year

2000-12-31 Thread Mac Buster


 The New Year is here already! And I wish you all the best :)

Re: TCP/IP now!

2000-12-27 Thread Mac Buster

Gavin Smith wrote:
 Okay, we've got a hard drive and we've got oodles of RAM compared to some
 8-bits, and yet we don't have a TCP/IP stack yet. Your challenge for the
 first quarter of 2001 is to get the SAM on the net. Come on Edwin! (Or are
 there any challengers to Edwin?) Can't some talented peeps port a TCP/IP
 stack from some other pathetically under powered computer?

 Why not just use Speccy's TCP/IP stack ?!

 Gavin (drinking too much Stella)

Re: 1 Meg users

2000-12-11 Thread Mac Buster

Howard Price wrote:
 Thanks for the replies, people!:
 Fake Full Motion Video in 3D on the SAM?

 In which mode ?

 It may even be feasible.

 Hm, I see nothing what makes it imposible.

 0.5 to 1K for each frame, 12 frames per second = minute long silent movies
 with extra memory.  But let's not get overoptimistic, it doesn't work yet.

 If you wish you can take a look how we did this on Speccy. Sure there are
no 50fps too. This techniqe called Direct disk animation. The idea is very
simple - you're writting an amination is preprocessed format. Then eash fps
you're reading one sector from disk (this takes ~29.000 t-states for 256 bytes
sector). Each frame of amination may take different amount of sectors because
it is depends on method of how animation was preprocessed (it may be packed,
pixelised, etc). After reading all sectors of frame were readed you're doing
what you need to convert it into normal picture and show it on the screen
then. Most such animations on Speccy has 5...10 fps :) For example you can
watch our demo called ReFresh ( or PowerUP from same
site (dowload disk versions only). For those interested I can say where to
download and what to do with disk image which is actually video disk for
Speccy. There are famous animation converted to Speccy.


Re: Filesystem for HDD

2000-12-04 Thread Mac Buster

Aley Keprt wrote:
 I would like to get something like Norton Commander.
 I have seen several similar programs, but they were simple.
 Could anybody make a real NC for Sam?

 Could you tell me a sectret why people always choose such a
ugly file managers like NC ?!?!? Have you ever seen something
like decent commander ? Take a look at Directory Opus 4 or 5
on Amiga for example.

Keyboard membranes

2000-11-21 Thread Mac Buster


 For a long time I see only questions about where to find Sam keyboard
membranes, but I do not seen anything what may help in producing new
ones. Why not take check now much membranes needed and not ask for help
some small company which does such kind of layers for other devices
(security systems, cell phones, handhelp computers, etc) ? I am sure if
there will be something like hundred of membranes, such company may help
us. In other case there are a lot of such companies in any country. You
can also add order for different models of Speccy membranes (48k, 128k,
+2 and +3 ones). Just post a request to c.s.s. and I am sure you'll have
a lot of orders! For example I know a man who does not only absolutely
new membranes but whole keyboards for local Spectrum clones. It includes
membrane, plastic keys, spirals, and even external keyboard's case! Of
course price may be a little bit more than we all want, but real Sam
keyboard worth it, isn't it ? So, if someone have camera, scanner,
working or non working Sam membrane and some spare time, please, make
pictures of keyboard and membrane, split membrane into layers, take
ruller and check all sizes between tracks, then, write something like
diagram with all these sizes (in Mm and Cm). And upload that diagram
and photos to the Net (on Nvg or on your own site). May be someone will
find a company and then we'll have new working membranes. I can ask
that man who does Speccy keyboards for help. I am sure membrannes will
be cheap (~4UKP each), but shipping of such small and light weighted
thing may cost 5 or even 10 UKP, because sort of protection required
(seems like international post does not cares about final parcel's
state, they only have to deliver).

Re: Big disk

2000-10-12 Thread Mac Buster

Jarek Adamski wrote:


 TR-DOS is also media-related filesystem (people who have
 harddisk under TR-DOS divide it into 640kB partitions, too).

 No! There are three modes in HDD controller. In one of these modes
you really can split partially or whole HDD space onto set of 640k
partitions. But this mode is for compatibility with old software only.
There are two more mores with absolutely different layout (including
whole HDD space as ONE large disk).

 So the diskimages are usually 640kB *.TRD files (there's also
 compressed form *.SCL).

 Theose .SCL fires aren't disk image. They are made to hold files of
just one program, while .TRD will have a lot of unused space. That
compressed form of .TRD images called Flexible size TRD. It is
the same TRD with unused space removed.

 Sometimes *.$? files are used to every file separately (only for

 Do you mean Hobeta files ? I hope not much people use them now. This
awful file format was invented in 1991!


Re: Format

2000-06-24 Thread Mac Buster

Edwin Blink wrote:
 Yes it Loads and Saves SAM disks with Windows95/98. But as with SAMDISK.EXE
 you need a FORMATTED SAM disk (I didn't get my format code to work yet)

 I am using FFormat DOS utility to format disks before write disk images to
real disks. Very nice thing, worth to use and to register your copy :) Tool
can be found there: 

 HP - (russian only, but there are some pictures)
 FFormat2.98B - (latest official release)
 FFormat3.04A - (recommended for fast CPU)

 Edwin Blink


2000-06-24 Thread Mac Buster

 Hi its me again (the pane in the ass newbie)
 Where can i get a basic user guide, better yet a sam userguide ?

 There (LARGE!)-

 i noticed the existence of a def proc in basic can anyone tellme how it works
 is it alА qbasic stile ?

 Read that PDF...


Re: Format

2000-06-23 Thread Mac Buster

Andrew Collier wrote:
 There are suitable disk images at and
 also quick instructions for the basics of using a Sam.
 You'll need samdsk.exe (a program running on a PC) to transfer that image
 file to a real floppy disk. If you don't manage to get that working, send
 me an email with your postal address and I'll get something to you.

 What about Sam Disk Image Manager, isn't it better now ?


Re: Wincoupe again...

2000-05-26 Thread Mac Buster

Si Owen wrote:
 It got archived away around New Year and was completely untouched until the
 middle of last month.  A few people were interested in it, so I apologise to
 them, but it sounded like it was too much of a threat to the real SAM for
 people to be interested in it.  The responses to the Millennium Poll asking
 how often is was used seemed to confirm the general lack of interest, so I
 lost all motivation to work on it and stopped.

 You're very wrong here. After my article in Speccy related magazine there
are very high interests to Sam Coupe appeared here in Russia. Each month I
got several requests on 'where to find decent Sam emulator and software'.
Some people even asked me about coding details :)

 btw, my personal e-mail address has changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to

 Ah :)

Re: Diskimage Manager

2000-05-23 Thread Mac Buster

Edwin Blink wrote:
 For those who'll like to see what the diskimage manager will look like have
 a look at:

 Very nice :) What about an action buttons (e.g. like in Amiga DOpus 4) ? ;)

 Edwin Blink

Re: Diskimage Manager

2000-05-23 Thread Mac Buster

Edwin Blink wrote:
  Very nice :) What about an action buttons (e.g. like in Amiga DOpus 4) ?
 Thanx.  Amiga DOpus 4 ? Don't know it

 DOpus 4 for Amiga is the best dual-panel file manager ever (DOpus 5 is the
best multi-panel manager - Except of its other features,
DOpus also allows to user to configure his own action buttons. You can find
pictures of BeOS port of DOpus 4 there -

Re: SDF format files

2000-05-20 Thread Mac Buster

Chris White wrote:
 wow what connection/isp do you have , even on my 33.6 i get 3.1kbs ?

 16Mbit ISP (thru satellite), 57.6 connection. Cps depends on server
load and channel route. Where is that server located ?


Re: SDF format files

2000-05-19 Thread Mac Buster

Chris White wrote:
 Fixed em , why is the internet case sensitive , surley this is would reduce
 duplicates if it wasn't ?
 Oh and added Martin's Tech manual as well :)

 Argh! And I can not download all these things because this server is _too_
slow for me (less than 50cps) and server does not allows resuming =( Could
someone re-upload it to server which can support resuming ?

Re: Real Sam Users list 17/05/2000

2000-05-18 Thread Mac Buster

Doore, Dan wrote:

 Well, of course Mac Buster isn't my real name, but I wold like
to be known under this nick in Sam Users mailing list. So you
can put it into 'name' field of Sam Users members list.

Re: SDF format files

2000-05-17 Thread Mac Buster

womoteam wrote:
 Income message: 12.5.2000
 Now it╢s 17.5.2000 and no-one had answered Dan. I couldn╢t, but are also
 interested in what kind of file format SDF is.
 So this message is to remember for Dans questions.
 Bye, Wolfgang from WoMo-Team

 I think I've got a SDF description (C structure) somewhere. Mail me off the

Re: Looking for SCADS manual

2000-05-17 Thread Mac Buster

Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
 Ive got the SCADS manual... and can scan it in for someone to pdf/ocr
 it.  But I've just done scanning in the entire tech manual,

 Great! 8)

 so, well, I want a break :)...  I'll get in done nexdt week sometime
 (Im moving house this weekend, so its a bit impossible to do it now
 anyway :)
 Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ#11077801

Re: Another one bites the dust

2000-05-05 Thread Mac Buster

Andrew Gale wrote:
 I have had an IBM-PC keyboard interface working on my SAM
 for a long time now (about 3 years) but I haven't made it
 available because 1) I didn't have access to a PCB designer
 (but I do now!) and 2) I didn't think there was enough interest
 to make it viable. One of the components needs to be bought
 in 25+ quantities in order to get it to a reasonable price, and
 I dount that there are 25 SAM owners wanting such a device.

 Why not post something like 'preorder form' to css ? You'll
know exact amount of those who want it.

 The interface could be easily modified to work with the spectrum,
 so perhaps making a speccy variant would help make numbers up
 to 25.

 There are at least three different devices of such kind for
Speccy already. One made in Germany, one in UK and one in Russia
(this one can also use standard PC mouse to emulate Kempston
mouse interface).


Re: Sam Tech manual needed

2000-04-21 Thread Mac Buster

Chris White wrote:
 Might scan it in over weekend , would that help ?

 Could you please upload it somewhere and make it publically
downloadable ? There are not only Frans van Egmond need it :)

Re: SAM Coupe Screen Viewer

2000-04-07 Thread Mac Buster

Edwin Blink wrote:
 A win 32 proggie to view and extrack SAM screens
 from a .dsk or .sad disk. Have a look at:

 Nope, you better have a look at:


Re: SAM Coupe Screen Viewer

2000-04-07 Thread Mac Buster

Edwin Blink wrote:
 Incidentally, you're not planning on making a Win32 DSK management tool are
 Well I'll will enhanche the Screen viewer in the near future so bitmaps
 may be added to a image. So if you lot send your ideas and request to me.
 Maybe I will.

 Hmmm... Why not invent special format to store Sam files on other platforms ?
I mean this format must have header for all SamDOS values (e.g. BASIC ones).
That DSK management must allow to save several files into one file of such
format. There are similar thing in Speccy emulation range called .scl (used
to store several files of Beta 128 interface in one .scl) which allows to have
whole data of program sectors (some sectors may have texts located in unused
parts of sector). Here is my offer of how to organise format structure:

 - such format may have extension .scf - SamCoupe File(s)
 - all files must be stored as copy of all its sectors (independently is it
   used completely or not)
 - fields of .scf format (revision 0.01) are as follow:


 Offset  Size  Purpose
  0x00   0x0A  The SamCoupe Files ASCII text
  0x0A   0x01  End of File terminator - 0x1A byte
  0x0B   0x01  Major version number (0x00 currently)
  0x0C   0x01  Minor version number (0x01 currently)
  0x0D   0x01  DOS identificator (0x01 == SamDos, 0x02 == MasterDOS, etc)
  0x0E   0x01  Ammount of files stored in this .scf file (N)
  0x0F   0x01  Write enabled/disabled flag (0x00 == enabled, 0x01...0xFF == 
  0x10   0x??  Header of 1-st file in .scf format (+2 bytes of CRC)
  0x??   0x??  Header of N-th file in .scl (+2 bytes of CRC)
  0x??   0x04  CRC overall


 Edwin Blink

Re: Doh!

2000-04-03 Thread Mac Buster

Stephen McGreal wrote:
 Being the stupid muppet I am I deleted the intro message I was sent when I
 subscribed so I don't know how to unsubscribe. What do I need to do?

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list,
 send the following command in email to


 Or you can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following
 command in the body of your email message:

 unsubscribe sam-users


Re: SamDOS file descriptor

2000-04-02 Thread Mac Buster

Gasson wrote:
 Certainly. Here is an extract from the SAM Coupe Technical Manual
 version 3.0 (pages 78-81):

 Thanks! Do you have other pages of Technical Manual typed too ? :)

 I think that about covers it.

 Seems like it is :)

 Why do you ask, by the way?

 I am thinking to make small .dsk files manager for BeOS r5 (free
release), if this will work on my hardware =)

 James Gasson

Re: SamDOS file descriptor

2000-04-02 Thread Mac Buster

Andrew Collier wrote:
 You might want to have a look at

 Thanks! That source code can be useful.


SamDOS file descriptor

2000-04-01 Thread Mac Buster


 Could someone explain me what is where in SamDOS file descriptor ?

Re: Fred 78

2000-03-31 Thread Mac Buster

Doore, Dan wrote:
 Would anybody be interested in a Fred web page with screen shots of the
 issues, contents and links to NVG as now I have WinCoupe up and running at a
 half decent speed I can put a bit of time into it.

 I am very interested in such site :) And actually it would be nice to upload
dsk images to some other site than NVG, because NVG is too slow for me :(


Re: Win Coupe

2000-03-30 Thread Mac Buster

Doore, Dan wrote:
 Si/Dave if you have any issues with this then I'll happily remove it.

 As long this is not final release, this version should not be send to
people who is not on this list, and may not be distributed in any way.


Re: What about WinCoupe?

2000-03-29 Thread Mac Buster

Dave Hooper wrote:
 Not only is it possible to compile WinCoupe without my sound support ... my
 sound support is a separate DLL. So compiling WinCoupe is an entirely
 different project to compiling my SAASound emulation. (Not that it /should/
 be this way, necessarily. However, I know for a fact that my emulation
 support currently only builds as a WIN32 dll and, more than that, the sound
 emulation probably only compiles under VC++5.  The majority of the source is
 probably portable, it should only be the DLL export stuff that needs
 rewriting for different OSes).

 Anyone tried to build board with SAA1099 chip, which can be used along with
emulators when connected to LPT ? There are one similar board (but with AY
sound chip on it) used with several Speccy emulators. Using of such board
gives much better sound than any emulators, I think. Also this board can be
used on any machine which has standard LPT port.

 d a v e

Re: What about WinCoupe?

2000-03-29 Thread Mac Buster

 You obviously have not heard Dave's emulated sound support!

 You're wrong, I've heard it. But there was no digital sound.


Re: Spotted on c.s.s - Sam for sale [F2e3]

2000-03-27 Thread Mac Buster

Andrew Collier wrote:
 PS - MacBuster, any news after Forever2e3?

 Ghm... The man who bring Sam to party said that organizers weren't
able to demonstrate Sam Coupe entries on party =( They even did not
tried to attach Sam to check the entries. I still waiting for what
organizers will say about this strange thing. But I know there were
more than two entires (yours and mine), some people from Poland and
Czech bring their demos too. I do not understand organizers why say
about collecting entries for compo, asking man who lives for around
600km from party place to bring machine to the party and to do show
it ? =(

Re: SimCoupe

2000-03-19 Thread Mac Buster

Jarek Adamski wrote:
 Dnia 00-03-18 Mac Buster pisze:
  Its is possible to format track w/o any ID at all :)
 Right, is possible on 1793 type FDC, but not on 765A vel 8272
 (the one used by IBM in its primitive computer).

 This is possible and I know several copy-protection system on
PC which uses such scheme. The main idea is very simple. You're
formatting a track and write there standard IDs, next, you can
used combination of write track and force interrupt to do
a trick called short format.

  But you can not read them back =)
 Only with #E0 command in 1973 type FDC. Then you have to check
 CRC, because the data can be inverted.

 Inverted ? Strange... I know sector data might be shifted on 1 or
2 bytes (called time slice), but inverted...

  But it is almost impossible to read disks with incorrect side
  marks, etc.
 Almost impossible means it is possible, but not via INT 13h.

 Almost impossible means that it is possible to read it only on
some machines - other machine may not read it.

 I had recently the same problem with TOS A.2 disks. But finally
 I made it without such special tricks.
 It would be better to fix format code in Beta 128...

 This is dangerous. Almost all turbo-loaders use direct FDC programming
and direct sub-routines addressing. If you change something in TRDOS
rom then you may have disk format instead of load program. Also
TRDOS v5.xx in Beta 128 does not use complete track format and there
are no special sector in beginning of each track.

 That is what I meant.

 Any idea where to find GCR decoding description ?

  If you're working with standard disks only readed into .
 I use 820kB disks with my SAM... ;) With 1kB sectors.



Re: SimCoupe

2000-03-18 Thread Mac Buster

Jarek Adamski wrote:
 Dnia 00-03-17 Mac Buster pisze:
 Not exactly. You can't only read whole track and format a sector
 without ID or with bad ID.

 Its is possible to format track w/o any ID at all :) But you can
not read them back =) But it is almost impossible to read disks 
with incorrect side marks, etc. E.g. standard Beta 128 disk can't
be readed w/o special tricks (preliminaly formatting on PC and 
writting the data on Beta 128, and reading image on PC).

 And of course you can't read GCR, but 1793 type controllers can't
 too (I think, but must try...).

 May be GCR can be readed by read track and decoded manually then ?

 Heh, not always better. ;)

 If you're working with standard disks only readed into .


new site

2000-03-17 Thread Mac Buster


 I've just uploaded title picture of my site dedicated to Sam Coupe.
Can't say how much time will take development of other parts, but the
site will be oriented to demo coders and general programming on Sam.

Re: SimCoupe

2000-03-17 Thread Mac Buster

Gasson wrote:
 I thought I read somewhere that the disk drives only work on the Linux
 version (is that right?) An emulator's not going to be much use to me
 unless the disk drives work.

 Well, FDC in PC is very bad and can't be used to read non-standard disks
for most of 8-bit machinas. However it is much faster and better to work
with disks images (.dsk files) readed from real disks with help of several
utilities, e.g. SamDisk which does the work very well.

 James Gasson


2000-03-15 Thread Mac Buster


 Tell me please how to write .dsk images back to real disk with using of
PC ? It is needed for Forever 2e3 organizers to show Sam entries on the
party. Help please!

Re: Help!

2000-03-15 Thread Mac Buster

Gavin Smith wrote:
 Samdsk.exe is what you need mate. It's on NVG, it's no problem to use.

 Thanks! It's really working (at least on my PC, dunno about the one on
the party place).

 Can you upload any demos or whatever?

 Hmmm... I can upload my entry (small intro), but shy do it. There are
really nothing to see because it was done in less than one hour time,
only to send it to party and show that there are something happening on
the Sam Coupe demo scene.

 Apolgoies if I read your mail wrong,

 Its all fine.

 I appear to have consumed a large quantity of alcohol.

 Let me doubt that there was really large quantity. The large one it is
when you don't see much differences between keyboard and mouse.


Re: Help!

2000-03-15 Thread Mac Buster

Dave Hooper wrote:
 Just be sure to tell yr friends that it was me who wrote it! (It's about the
 only SAM thing I ever did that actually made it onto nvg ... ). It works on
 almost all PCs so it should be ok at the party.

 Thanks for great utility. What about next versions ? E.g. with GUI :)


Forever 2e3

2000-03-15 Thread Mac Buster


 If someone got something to show on the Forever 2e3 demo party in
Sam Coupe demo compo then please send it faster! Today was the last
day to send entries but organizers will wait 'till 15:00 (Slovak
time). I will check e-mail tomorrow (16 March) only once, about 14:00
or 15:00 (+03:00GMT) and will forward all sent entries to party
organizers. Send your entries as .dsk images please. I probably
will not check e-mail another time because 16 March is my birthday :)

Re: Copyrights Q

2000-03-13 Thread Mac Buster

John wrote:
 Depends what you are using them for really...

 Bah, I didn't mentioned it... I am going to use them on my web site which
dedicated to Sam Coupe. The Sam in my previous message is that Sam robot,
not machine pictures (maybe picture of the keyboard will be used too).

 if its for a web page then I wouldnt worry about using them. dont think
 anyone will mind..

 I want to use the picture of Sam looking to the cable connector (on title
page of my site) and maybe some other pictures too (e.g. the one with Sam
and big magnifying glass).

 Officially since MGT is now defunct the copyright will now be held by the
 original artist (Mel Croucher).

 Ghm... Mel Croucher wrote text of the manual, Robin Evans drawn all the Sam
robot cartoons. The information about author name and copyright will be
included into image commentary (inside of .gif or .png).

 hope that helps..

Forever2e3 deadline

2000-03-13 Thread Mac Buster


 16th march is deadline for all Forever2e3 Sam Coupe entries.
Please inform me faster if you're going to take a part in Sam
demo competition. Please send at least simple demo intro to
Forever 2e3, party organisers already found the Sam for party
and will not be happy to see they've done useless searching.
Contact me for details about sending disk images, etc.

Re: Out with the old...

2000-03-13 Thread Mac Buster

The Mad Goose wrote:
 And I've got an original SAM here 512k with original floppy drive,
 PSU leads a manuals. It's be a shame to see the blighter go, but I've
 moved on and I can't really see a time when he'll be coming out of
 his box. Any offers - good homes only please...!

Hm, all I can offer is 10UKP for your Sam... Including p+p to Russia...
There are really no chance to find any Sam here in Russia... Also I can
add my thank you in my Sam demos which I am going to release with this
machine :)

Re: Spectrum Micro drive commands

2000-03-12 Thread Mac Buster

Trevor Ashby wrote:
 I have been clearing out the attic and found my Spectrum and Microdrive .
 Can anyone tell me the command line to save a programme to microdrive so
 that it starts up automatically when you hit the RUN key ?
 I can save and run programmes manually but Ive forgotten how to make it
 happen automatically.

 Try add the LINE NN after SAVE command, where NN is number of auto-start line.
Should work.

Copyrights Q

2000-03-12 Thread Mac Buster


 I am going to use several Sam images scanned from Sam Coupe user's
manual. Any ideas is it allowed ?

Forever 2e3

2000-03-03 Thread Mac Buster


 There are some rumours about party date changing :(

Sam Elite

2000-01-31 Thread Mac Buster


 Could someone tell me about Sam Elite ? All I know so far is name.
Which are differences to base model of Sam Coupe ? Year of release,
how much machines was released, its price, etc. Actually I've to
write 2nd article for magazine ( first was about Sam Coupe itself ) =)

new member

2000-01-29 Thread Mac Buster


 I am new in this mailing list and would like to know is
there any log file of this list ? I don't want ask same
questions if there are qnswers already. Also I wold like
to know about programming for Sam, is there any books,
references available yet ?

Re: new member

2000-01-29 Thread Mac Buster

Andrew Collier wrote:
 There is an archive of past sam-users messages at

 Thanks! I believe this may reduce ammount of annoying
questions ;)

 There was also Based On An Idea - a technical magazine with articles
 about various specific bits of Sam hardware and software. They only ever
 published two issues, but those were superb all the same.

 Very interesting. Is there anyone who can help find both issues ?


Re: new member

2000-01-29 Thread Mac Buster

Gavin Smith wrote:
 Mac Buster wrote:
 Hello and welcome Mac Buster (?? Does that mean you like Macs or hate
 them? :)

 Well, I don't remember ;) Back in Soviet Union times I was on biggest
computer show where some man presented me booklet and small book about
Macs. So I decided that I need no any PCs and wanted to buy Mac. Well,
I WANTED to buy untill descovered that any available Mac has smallest
price comparable to price of good heavy-armed helicopter :)

 Ian Collier keeps the archive of the list... the address you want.


 As for books, poor old SAM has never had many books, but you can make
 use of many of the Z80 programming books that are aimed at the Speccy -
 you might be able to pick these up cheap from second hand sales or try and

 People on usually leave phones and not e-mails there. It
is little expensive for me to phone to UK :) Those who leaves emails
usually became TOO scared when they ask where I am from and refuse send
things to me... Little strange reaction, especially when I agree to cover 
all packing and postage... However I do not need books about Z80 coding
because I know Z80 assembler very well.

 Apart from that, we have the BASIC (literally basic) manual that came
 with the machine, and also a technical manual which, apparently, isn't
 all that great.

 But this is better than nothing, I guess.

 The SAM ain't quite dead yet - the next issue of Crashed should have one
 or two new SAM columns in it

 Well, I sent ordinary letter to Crashed but the magazine changed its editor
and I never received an answer :( Perhapts my letter or their answer got lost
