RE: Re ASIC chip

2002-10-05 Thread Samsboss
> Samsboss

Nice try Nev.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.


Re: Re ASIC chip

2002-10-05 Thread samsboss
On Fri, 04 Oct 2002 22:51:50 +, "Fred Bloggs"

> No - apparently I'm Bob Brenchley, and I'm hiding behind a pseudonym!!
> Or so Andrew Vincent would have you believe...

Lets not start all that again :-)


Re: Fw: Can anyone help this chap out from CSS???

2000-03-08 Thread Mr Samsboss
On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 21:13:12 +0100 "Robert van der Veeke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Yes, if i can't win then resort to blaming their age and that must grow up
> now.
> BTW: 370 original postings and a 4700 wordmatches on
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is rather a lot for somebody who has been
> seriously ill in the past months, oh and zero on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But as I've said before, I don't post to usenet under this name.

And being seriously ill is not a bar on using the internet, the main hospital 
here has an internet room to help the sick pass the time. 
> Robert van der Veeke aka RJV Graphics
> Currently listening to : The Bone Collector - OST
> > > I don't know for what purpose this list was created??? Spectrum die...
> > Nah - best not to dye them, they look so much better in black and rubber
> - David L in reply to a troll on Comp.Sys.Sinclair

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others. 

Re: Stupid suggestion

1999-10-16 Thread Mr Samsboss
> OK, so here's my stupid idea for the day:
> Step 1: Everyone still on this mailing list should set up a new web-mail
> account, using the service of their choice.
> Step 2: Email addresses should be set as some variation on the 'Format'
> "Sam(s)Boss@(webmail provider).com"
> Step 3: Set up a new mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Step 4: argue ad infinitum/nauseum (delete as applicable) about the true
> identities of Sam(s)Boss, 'cos they're spread out all over the country,
> with the slightest bias towards the north...
> Maturity? That's for suits, man!
And for good cheese :)

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others. 

Re: What The Hell Is Going On?

1999-10-12 Thread Mr Samsboss
> Mr Samsboss wrote:
> ..
> > And my name is not Dolly :)
> > 
> I'd hazard a guess that many here think you might be on 'personal' terms
> with her, though ;-)
Not Welsh, not at uni anymore, so not into sheep.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others. 

Re: What The Hell Is Going On?

1999-10-10 Thread Mr Samsboss
> At 12:15 pm +0100 10/10/99, Mr Samsboss wrote:
> >My inbox gives me 48 messages from the SAM mailing list since Tuesday.
> >That looks about normal. What did everyone else get?
> 138 - now sod off again, clone.
Got out the wrong side of the bed again?

And my name is not Dolly :)

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others. 

Re: What The Hell Is Going On?

1999-10-10 Thread Mr Samsboss
> Reverbarations about to take place (After tremors in the form of multiple
> complaints!) hehe
> Nothing todo with me but i thought i'd been mail bombed! but when i realised
> it was the SAM-USER mail-list, i thought that had been bombed, so what is
> really going on then?
> Fortunately for the group, i DON'T KNOW how to cut out of this newsgroup, so
> i'll keep hanging in here.

My inbox gives me 48 messages from the SAM mailing list since Tuesday. That 
looks about normal. What did everyone else get?

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others. 

Re: Erk!

1999-10-10 Thread Mr Samsboss
> Well, that was.. erm.. "fun".
> Is everyone still with us?


Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others. 

Re: Format

1999-07-06 Thread Samsboss

| Nice to see u back Bob

Don't you start that again.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.

Re: Sam -year 2000-The Secretary

1999-07-06 Thread Samsboss

| On Sat, 3 Jul 1999 16:30:22 +0100 Sat,  3 Jul 99 17:04:50 BST,
| >
| >
| >
| >| Has anyone got a fix for the Secretary wordprocessor to make understand the
| >| year 2000
| >
| >
| >I think it is MasterDOS that needs a patch.
| Waste of time anyway. Who the hell would want to use that crap in this
| day and age?

Are we talking MasterDos or Secretary?

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.

Re: Sam -year 2000-The Secretary

1999-07-03 Thread Samsboss

| Has anyone got a fix for the Secretary wordprocessor to make understand the
| year 2000

I think it is MasterDOS that needs a patch.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.

Re: Format

1999-07-03 Thread Samsboss

| The last issue was dated October 1998 and that was received during
| March/April 1999.sine then I have sent a letter to Bob but again no reply
| and when you phone him there is a  recorded message with up to 30 callers on
| it. I say its goodbye to format and maybe the end of the line for Sam as
| Format have all the spares as well. Maybe somebody know different.
| -Original Message-
| From: Dave Whitmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: 
| Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 11:17 AM
| Subject: Format
| What's the story with Format these days. Any news - anybody?
| Dave

If you have read my past messages you will know that Bob hopes to restart Format
very soon. Try sending him a direct email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.

RE: Bob is missing

1999-04-25 Thread Samsboss

| Surely, someone on here is his friend, what about Samsboss and
| Bill Ritman? Won't they tell him?
| Jut.

Last time I spoke to him he was still rather ill but fighting to get
another issue of Format out. I do know his new email address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if that helps anyone.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.

Re: Outlet magazine

1998-09-04 Thread Samsboss

| Do other SAM users remember OUTLET disk magazine, published by Brian and
| Cavers of Leicester?
| OUTLET was originally Spectrum-based, and soon catered for SAM in the
| days. Before long, Brian and Ron produced a SAM-specific version, and
| good it was too, even if a bit pricey. Some very good SAM programs
appeared in
| OUTLET, and huge amounts of techie stuff which gave me headaches. I
| particularly liked the letters, which were well-written and informative,
| if some were just a bit critical of the FORMAT/INDUG empire. (Honest!
| people seemed to have grievances against INDUG now and again.)
| Brian and Ron always seemed to be busy, as they ran OUTLET in its various
| formats for profit. I found them obliging and helpful, and willing to
| encouragement to other SAM and Spectrum users and groups.
| I'm not sure if OUTLET is still copyright, or if there's any chance of
| persuading Brian and Ron to relinquish copyright. I have most issues of
| OUTLET, and they are safely under lock and key at an unspecified
location. If
| OUTLET was ever made PD, I could unearth the disks easily.
| Phil Glover.

I think you will find that the Sam version of Outlet was sold to Fred
Publishing a couple of years ago.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.

Re: I'm new here.

1998-09-01 Thread Samsboss

| > | >There is BDOS, which seems from what I've heard, to be good is some
| > | >respects
| > | >but fails because it does not allow you to use the hard drive as one
| > | space.
| > |
| > | But what it loses in that, it gains in the fact that it uses existing
| > | commands instead of CALL's.
| >
| > Fine, if you don't want to use a hard drive like a /real/ hard drive.
| Yawn! It is hard work isn't it, to type one command.

My point exactly, typing a few calls could hardly be considered difficult,
at least with HDOS you have full use of the drive.

Okay, BDOS may be good in other respects, but you have to agree that it is
still not the ideal hard dos.

I look forward to the day that we have a fully working Hard DOS.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: I'm new here.

1998-08-31 Thread Samsboss

| >| Is there any operating system that supports hard disk?
| >
| >HDOS is good, but could be better, and because of the lack of
| co-operation
| >from
| >people on this list there seems little hope of any advance in the near
| >future.
| Sorry, SAMSBOSS, but it's not OUR problem. We're not paid to write YOUR
| software, remember?

All I pointed out, and it is something that you cannot deny, is that if
just a
few of the people on this list had provided Nev with even a little bit of
the HDOS would be a lot better than it is.
| >There is BDOS, which seems from what I've heard, to be good is some
| >respects
| >but fails because it does not allow you to use the hard drive as one
| space.
| But what it loses in that, it gains in the fact that it uses existing
| commands instead of CALL's.

Fine, if you don't want to use a hard drive like a /real/ hard drive. It
require calls, but at least HDOS takes the right approach.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: I'm new here.

1998-08-31 Thread Samsboss

| Oh come on do you still think that anyone on this list believes this crap
| that you are spewing. And as usual you are again trying to mislead people
| by spreading incorrect information about various software and hardware
| is for sale or being developed.


| Not to mention that FREEWARE has the same effect on you as sunlight has
| a vampire.


Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: NSSS date change???

1998-08-31 Thread Samsboss

| At 1:14 pm +0100 30/8/98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| >I've just had an email from someone I know who was going to the NSSS
| >on
| >the 19th Sept. He has heard that the show has been moved to November.
| It was never the 19th! Previous adverts had said the 12th September,

You are correct, my mistake.

| but it
| does appear to have been changed to 28th November. Apparently there have
| been adverts sent out, with the new date.

Bit late to change it isn't it? Although late November is a better date
| There was even a message sent to sam-users about it on Thursday 20th
| August. It claimed to be sent from the address [EMAIL PROTECTED] - but that
| address doesn't exist. It also claimed to be a "public service
| announcement" but IMHO it was an advert bordering on a spam - whoever
| posted it obviously doesn't subscribe here under their real name,
| they'd have answered when I initially questioned the discrepancy.

I missed that one, must have skipped it somehow.
| Andrew

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: I'm new here.

1998-08-30 Thread Samsboss

| Hello!
| I am SAM user since 1991. I'm now not up to date about SAM. I
| want to ask some questions.
| How many SAM users have hard disk (except me)?

Quite a few, SD's system has sold well.
| Is there any operating system that supports hard disk?

HDOS is good, but could be better, and because of the lack of co-operation
people on this list there seems little hope of any advance in the near
There is BDOS, which seems from what I've heard, to be good is some
but fails because it does not allow you to use the hard drive as one space.
| I saw SAMDOS, MasterDOS and PRODOS. Are there more of them?
| I want spread my programs (they are CP/M comptibile system and
| ZX Spectrum emulator with ZXVGS) as Shareware. Where to send
| them?

I'm not sure if SAM-PD are still going, does anyone else know?
| How many active SAM users are in Poland?

Not the faintest idea.
| Yarek.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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NSSS date change???

1998-08-30 Thread Samsboss
I've just had an email from someone I know who was going to the NSSS show
the 19th Sept. He has heard that the show has been moved to November.

Has anyone had confermation of this?

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: Bwah?

1998-08-22 Thread Samsboss

| Andrew
| PS. All my power supplies have been in white cases. Ian's is in a white
| case. All the power supplies I remember seeing at Gloucester shows were
| white cases. Allan's is in a black case... anyone else got a black PSU?

And if you scratch the white paint you will find the black (dark gray) case

under the paint.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: Bwah?

1998-08-22 Thread Samsboss

| I don't know what modulator might have been used for the Amstrad.

Astec UM1804, same (I think) as some Spectrums.
| imc

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: Letter

1998-08-16 Thread Samsboss

| Can I just ask - if the DOS and existing software doesn't work
| with the two drives from one controller set up, how do users
| of the two-drive SAM Elite manage?
| Andy

ISTR that when West Coast put forward the idea that an Elite with only one
controller was going to be produced, it was pointed out that certain
would not work (I assume because the software was accessing the controller
direct) so the idea was dropped.

'bout time we had a new disk contoller anyway.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: Format

1998-08-08 Thread Samsboss

| > > New issue is out, and arrived here this morning. That's in the
| > > section, answering (IIRC) Guy Inchbald.
| > Wasn't Guy the chap who Alan Miles made acting Educational
| SAMCo...?
| Possibly. I just remember him for writing a version of Go for SAM. :)
And don't forget the JoyPad, that was his.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: Letter

1998-08-08 Thread Samsboss

| 'nothing like a real SAM' - yeah, nothing like all the shit you face
| if your drive goes down... a PC drive = about a tenner.. How much for
| a SAM drive, eh? eh?  Phew.. I seem to be blowing a gasket or
| something.. better calm down, eh? :-)

Sam drive prices are the same as the PC Dave, cos they are PC drives now.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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Re: PC keyboard interface

1998-08-06 Thread Samsboss

| Whilst we're talking about PICs, I did make and (I think - it
| was quite a while ago) get working a PC keyboard interface for
| the SAM - totally hardware, so it's compatible with all software.
| It used a PIC16c84 and a few other chips. I haven't touched it in ages,
| but if anyone's interested then I might get off my arse and
| esign a PCB. Any thoughts?
| Andy

Both Bob and Nev have a good PCB design package from what I hear.

Samsboss - The One And Only.
Accept No Others.
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