I'm back!

2010-06-25 Thread Tim P
Hello all,

For various reasons although I've never left this list I've not
downloaded email for this account in a couple of years!  The account
still exists although it only seemed to know about email since April -
so I've not got years worth of email to catch up on!

Anyway, that's it, hope everyone is well (regardless of if I know you or not).


Re: ORSAM Show...

2003-10-28 Thread Tim P
> Am looking into options for getting down to the show at the weekend, but
> given it'd be a 900-odd mile round trip for me, wanted to verify that
> be a decent turn out - who all's going?

Not me either I'm afraid.  If I could do there and back in a day by train
then I'd have gone, and even had permission from 'er indoors.  The earliest
I could get there was something like 2 in the afternoon (or I could have sat
on a train station for around 8 hours between midnight and 8am - I think
not!)  Annoyingly had it been a weekday, the trains would have started
earlier I could have.  Bit of a cop-out I'm afraid.

Had it been in Quedgley mind you.. ;-)


FAQ (Was: Sam Coupe Scrapbook - new location)

2003-04-21 Thread Tim P
> You're not kidding when you say the FAQ is old in those pages...

Well Graham G used to do it, and then stopped (can't remember why) - since
all the information was already elsewhere, didn't seem worth adding to it.
Are there any "frequently" asked questions these days though?


Sam Coupe Scrapbook - new location

2003-04-20 Thread Tim P
Given mono.org's personal home pages have been gone so long that google
denies all knowledge of my pages, I thought time had come to get a domain
name I could use until the end of time.

Hence the "Sam Coupé Scrapbook" can now be found at
http://www.samcoupescrapbook.co.uk/ which should redirect to wherever I'm
keeping the pages that month (I resisted the urge to go for
www.samcoupe.info, or www.sam-coupe.info though).

I've given them a very light clean at the same time, odd snippets of new
hardware and Colin MacD's description of serial number generation.

Could people update any links they might have please.

(Now I just need to work out how to update the webring)


Re: passworts

2003-02-17 Thread Tim P
> Well, it's not coming through the list... otherwise we'd all have received

I was thinking more of emails pulled from list archives /  lists of members
on the web.  But looks like I'll have to scratch my head a bit longer

> It's quite amazing how easily email spam gets to people - I briefly had a
> Anytime account for fixed rate dialup before moving to ADSL, and I *NEVER*
> that email address - yet it got spam, spam and more spam.

> I have resorted to using Mailwasher (www.mailwasher.net) which can block
> bounce back all the spam - to deal with about 25+ spams a day I receive on
> main email address.

I've generally done quite well.  I've had this freeserve something like 4
years, and this is the first time I'm aware I've had any direct to me
(ignoring the stuff freeserve sends me!)  I've had [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more
like 7, and get something like 1 a month on average.

Oh well.



2003-02-16 Thread Tim P
Has anyone else been getting this a load of "passworts" spam recently?

The headers say it's coming direct to me, rather than via the list, but I'm
pretty careful about giving out my email address, and can't think where else
it might have come from.


Re: Freds wanted

2003-02-05 Thread Tim P

 sigs shouldn't be more than 4 lines long ;-)

I'm proud to say I have every fred, and the first 20 (the ones before I
subbed) where, urm, individually mastered for my personal collection (i.e.
At some point I gave Colin 20 blank disks, and got fresh copies of them all
as part of some bigger deal).  Of course, they where HD disks, so my Sam
didn't like half of them.  Hurrah for DSK.

Tim (who knows there was never a GamesMASTER game to beat EGGBuM)

Re: Moment of truth

2003-01-16 Thread Tim P

> There seem to be two groups, those who want the same and keep using it,
> those who have one sitting in a loft somewhere.  For those in the latter
> group, are you willing to sell on some bits and pieces to those who are
> still using theirs?  Sell them to a good home so to speak?  Or are you
> keeping it for nostalgia reasons.

Mine isn't for sale - I'm waiting it being worth thousands.  Or
alternativally, I'm awaiting the mythical future house with study large
enough to contain my (not over big) collection of computers, when I might
fiddle again.
It got boxed when I moved house, and never unboxed again

I do live in the "still play with SimCoupé" camp though.


Re: Moment of truth

2003-01-15 Thread Tim P
> 1) Do you have an actual Sam Coupe:


> 2) Does it work?

Last time I tried - Yes.

> 3) Do you still use it?


> 4) How many bits of sam software have you got?

Half a dozen games, a couple of bits of utility, lots of Fred

> 5) Do you still actively seek new sam bits and pieces?


> 6) Would you buy a new game for the sam coupe if the price was right?


> 7) What price would be right if you would?


> 8) Would you develop a title for the sam still?

Probably not

> 9) Would you help develop a title for the sam?

Probably not (though more likely than 8)

> 10) Do you think that all the work put in to keep the sam alive is a waste
of time?



Re: OT: Arch emulators (was RE: Linux Format)

2002-08-16 Thread Tim P

- Original Message -
From: "Simon Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thomas Harte wrote:
> > I don't suppose if someone with the magazine could check
> > quickly whether my small emulator, ElectrEm (it does the
> > Acorn Electron) is in there?
> The emulator articles (by Simon N Goodwin) have been running for around
> year I think, with the latest (and last?) covering more Z80-based
> machines.  I'd imagine ElectrEm will be in one of the previous issues,
> along with BBC emulators, though I don't know exactly which issue
> (Tim?).

Acorns were covered in the March 2002 issue.

ElectrEm got a mention, about a 1/6th ogf a page worht, although I can't
spot it on the cover disk (unless it has a non-obvious name).  The home page
for it was included in the links sections at the end of the article though.


Linux Format

2002-08-15 Thread Tim P
For those who don't read it,

this months Linux Format includes SimCoupe in the feature on Emulators,
giving it almost a full page and some good press.



Re: error 404

2002-07-06 Thread Tim P
> found that http://www.argonet.co.uk/users/sskardon is no longer valid.

Guessing that means Stewart Skardon, I've currently linked to:


(which is probably the "real" location of www.sam-coupe.co.uk, not to be
confused with www.samcoupe.co.uk or www.samcoupe.com).


Reading Sam Floppies

2002-05-12 Thread Tim P
Alas, neither SamDsk nor SamDisk seem to want to work on my shiney new PC
(running Windows XP).

Is it just me?
Is there another tool out there I'm missing that'll do the job?


Re: Goodsam

2002-03-18 Thread Tim P

-Original Message-

>do you think the people who rename the dumps are telepathic,
>if you've got bloody problems
>or want to bitch about thats not what you would have called it, then EMAIL
>the address IN THE README,

Urm, I was going to.  My whole point was to see if anyone knew who to
contact without me downloading the program and looking.  I'm kind of lazy
you see, and thought it might have been one of those nice community type
things where it was someone Sam related helping out with the lists.  Plus
the only email I still have lying around that mentions a site goes to one in
Polish(?), which I failed to learn at school.

I'm perfectly capable of finding these things out the long way, I was just
trying for the short way first.

Geez.  What is it with all the people on this list who just blow up out of
all proportion at the simplest request.  If you'd even bothered to read what
I originally wrote it would have been perfectly clear that my whole purpose
was to mail the guy and see if i could get him to change it.  What the hell
is wrong with that?

Sometimes I wonder why I still bother to read the complete crap that comes
out of this list.  How do you unsubscribe again ;-)


Re: Goodsam

2002-03-16 Thread Tim P

Fashoom! (1997) (Sad Snail Productions)

News to me :-)

Actually it is mine, but not what I'd have called it.  Anyone know who
compiles the list without me having to work to find it out?


Re: F16 Combat Pilot download

2002-03-09 Thread Tim P
From: Simon Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Was a bit of a bugger to convert too - took almost an hour!


Hurrah for Simon!


Re: Games

2002-03-09 Thread Tim P
From: Dean Woodyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>so why not embrace that not bitch about it, chances are EVERYONE on the
>group has sam related software that they shouldnt have, so stop being so
>bloody hypocritical.

I don't.

Hmm although I may have bought some software off a certain company who
it has been since been suggested may not have been in a position to legally
sell it.  Which possibly means I'm in receipt of stolen goods.

Perhaps I should just turn myself in now ;-)

I do wish a "History of the Sam" would come out one day.  Does MacD still
follow this list?


Re: A few things.

2001-11-20 Thread Tim P
>web   : http://www.sam-coupe.co.uk

Nothing happens for me when I stick my pointer over navigate - any chance of
less fancy navigation?

Win98/Mozilla0.94 Java/Javascript enabled.



2001-10-07 Thread Tim P
Amongst the joyous possibilities of SpeccyBob, I just thought I'd share my
sad news with you all.

6 months after moving house, I've finally admitted defeat and put my
post-move-still-boxedSam in the Loft.  I do hope I'll find the room to let
him come out again.




2001-02-27 Thread Tim P
Today, "Gavin Smith" did write about "Re: IRC":
> We do wander into #samcommunity now and then. Perhaps we should have a
> meeting once a week - say Monday night? :) Most IRC servers are very hard to
> connect to at the moment. Search theregister.co.uk or similar sites for the
> reason (those damn Russians!) - diemen.nl.eu.undernet.org seems to be the
> best bet at the moment, followed by london.uk.eul.undernet.org.

Well I'm there now, (on london), but would possibly try to make a regular
one (if I was about).


Re: Memory Lane

2001-02-27 Thread Tim P
Today, "Howard Price" did write about "Re: Memory Lane":
> Nobody seems to have voted for COLONY (Persona release), written by

I bought Colony from Fred, just before it become FredSoft, or something...

> D.Koselo, which could just as easily mean that I simply didn't understand
> it.  Whatever this strategy game (written in BASIC) was about, I always died
> for some unexplained reason in about 2 minutes!  Was I doing something
> wrong?
Better than me.  I never followed enough to bother trying to play it :-(


2001-02-25 Thread Tim P
IIRC someone always suggests being on an IRC channel at a certain time,
on a certain day.

I can't find the details and wondered if someone would remind me incase I
get the urge to come join in one night.


Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around - my summary

2001-02-20 Thread Tim P
Today, "Aley Keprt" did write about "Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around...":
> As far as I know, ILOVEYOU can't be activated by previewing received e-mail.
> If you read this somewhere, please let me know and I'll look too.
> I heard that there exist a 'virus' which is activated without clicking an
> attachment, but that 'virus' resides in e-mail, not in an attachment.

KAK worm?

I believe is a bit of javascript which will infect your computer if your
eamil reader displays the HTML version of the email and runs the
javascript.  Presumably a 'preview' pane is enough to run this.

This is one good reason why HTML formatted email should just be directed
to /dev/null at the mail server ;-)

I had an email the other day with KAK worm at the end.


Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around

2001-02-20 Thread Tim P
Today, "Aley Keprt" did write about "Re: [OT] Pass it on, spread it around":
> What would you do if you would find a suspicious bottle and there is
> hand-written "dear Johnna, drink this liquid, it's great."?
> You would drink it at once??? I bet you don't.

Keeping with cars.  If you drove into a petrol station, and the pump said
"unleaded petrol" that is exactly what you'd expect it to be, you wouldn't
expect it to be diesel, or liquid gas (what a daft name that is!).

So why shouldn't people expect that if the email they have has an
attachment called 'readme.txt' then that attachment is infact a text file
which will do no harm when they read it.

Personally I'm over paranoid, I could happy argue all day about reading
mail with a mail reader and not a HTML/javascript/vbscript interpreter,
about the pros and cons of using filenames to determine file types, and
far more.  At the end of the day people have a right to expect their
software not to do anything malicious without their consent.

(Unfortunately at the end of the day, far to many people are fussed about
style over content oh well)


Re: 1 Meg users

2000-12-10 Thread Tim P
On Fri, 8 Dec 2000, Howard Price wrote:
> Does anyone know how many people have 1 meg upgrades on their SAM?  I guess
> it's round about 50-80 regular users...  Gavin, maybe?

I have one, don't think I've really used it much though.


Re: SAM on eBay

2000-12-04 Thread Tim P
On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, Aley Keprt wrote:
> (imho. Messenger is a stupid piece of hardware which does only what could be
> done by a very simple software.)

I think the idea was that the problem most people had with the sam was
actually getting the games to load in the first place, running them after
that point was fine.  Therefore you loaded it on a spectrum, which was
more tolerant to old tapes, and then whizzed it down the wire to your Sam,
where it worked happily ever after.

I can't believe it's gone for 407quid.  Perhaps I should be making mine a
"named item" when I renew my insurance!


Re: Fred Magazine Web Pages

2000-10-29 Thread Tim P
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The Fred Web Pages are now completed with contents, screenshots and
> download links for issues 1-82.
> Not sure what else to do with them at the moment, any suggestions welcome.
>  http://www.podboy.demon.co.uk/coupe/fred

Can I mutter again about wouldn't it be nice if people made all old
software PD, so we can have a single CD with *every* sam disk as a .DSK
(or similar) on it?


Re: Fred Magazine Web Pages

2000-10-25 Thread Tim P
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, David L wrote:
> 82? Is that including the one I compiled (yes, it was me!) for George Boyle?
> If anyones got a copy...???

I got a copy.  However given my sub ran out on issue 80, and I'd just
resubscribed only to see the whole thing disappear, I was needless to say
hesitant about resubbing *again*.

All I remember of that disc was that it had an early version of
Bulgulators (which I already had from Lemmings being s late!), and
that the editorial seemed to be one long rant about how he'd had no
support in putting the disk out, had problems trying to get hold of a
members list, didn't have any of the contribution disks, etc, etc. and
pleaing for submissions.  I'd have been happy to buy an #83 if it had come
out, but was planning to only buy one at a time.

And least anyone claim I helped bring the downfall of Fred, there were at
least 2 copies of a disk, with several submissions on, which I suspect
went missing in the all the confusion.


Re: SAM 2000?

2000-10-24 Thread Tim P
On Tue, 24 Oct 2000, Aley Keprt wrote:
> Okay, it's 1:1. Who's next.?

2 Against.  

> Also, C is not so compatible too, since Watcom C - one of the best
> compilers - doesn't follow the standard of (all) other compilers.

Then it's not the best compiler.  Any decent C compiler should be ANSI
compilant.  That's the whole point of having an ANSI standard.  (Apart
from the fact I don't think there are any compilers compilant with the '99

> I wonder, how much Sam C is compatible.

It isn't.  It's a cut down version (based on small C for CP/M?).  It's
memory management sucks, it doesn't do floats, it doesn't have a lot of
the standard libraries, and probably lots more.

(But I liked it anyway, it was fun to play with).


happy Birthday....

2000-09-26 Thread Tim P
So, after the spectacular 10th Birthday celebrations, anyone got any plans
to do something this year?

(I was driven past the wickerman a few weeks ago, was almost tempted to go
there for lunch...)


Re: Console Coupe

2000-09-26 Thread Tim P
On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Dave Whitmore wrote:
> What are the chances of making a DSK or SAD image (or altering an
> existing one) so that when clicked on in Windows, it'll launch the
> emulator and autoboot? 

Good I'd hope.  It was certainly possible to associate a .DSK image with
the DOS SimCoupe and have the it run with the disk image specified on the
commandline.  Does Si's windows version have a similar commandline?

If so you just need to get it to autoboot.  I remember imc posting a patch
to the ROM image that would make it do just that.  I appear to have lost
the email now though.

So it was certianally possible at one point, and ought to be possible now.
(I'd fire up simcoupe and see, but that would require me to reboot!)


Re: Sam Coupe wake up call

2000-09-11 Thread Tim P
On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, Edwin Blink wrote:
> > I occasionally get this for no reason with my Sam.  I find pop the disk
> > out the drive, and press reset a few times.  Normally I get a nice
> > "crunch" sound come from the drive with one of the resets, plop the disk
> > back in and works no problem.
> > 
> > Of course, that's dark magic that may only work with my Sam
> Yes if you don't use a DPU then dark magic is really what you need ...

I always meant to get one of them, but always worried I might scar my Sam
for life if I risked taking a soldering iron to him.  (That's aimed at my
soldering skills, not at the DPU...)


Re: Sam Coupe wake up call

2000-09-10 Thread Tim P

> Doing some belated spring cleaning, I and my son felt eager to set up the 
> Sam Coupe and have a play around.  It hasn't been used for a few years and 
> when a software disk is put in and F9 is pressed I got error code 53 NO 
> DOS.  Tried several disks and got the same, does that mean that the 
> internal disk drive has died (never woke up)?

I occasionally get this for no reason with my Sam.  I find pop the disk
out the drive, and press reset a few times.  Normally I get a nice
"crunch" sound come from the drive with one of the resets, plop the disk
back in and works no problem.

Of course, that's dark magic that may only work with my Sam


mono.org / sam coupe scrapbook

2000-07-27 Thread Tim P
Incase anyone misses it

mono.org is physically moving home this weekend, so the web service is
likely to disappear.  It'll have "reduced bandwidth/service" for a while
afterwards, so that may mean the web server is lower down the list of
things to be restored.


Re: scads

2000-07-03 Thread Tim P
On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Andrew Gale wrote:
> Wow... looking back, it's hard to believe how much optimism people had
> in the Sam market, isn't it?! I remember that Graham Burtenshaw used to sell
> something like 200 of each issue of Enceladus and made a tidy packet
> (well, enough to make an A' level student feel rich). Am I the only
> Sam user that didn't make any cash?!

I made about 4 quid out of EGGBuM, urm, until you offset costs ;-)

Re: Games (Colony and F16)

2000-07-01 Thread Tim P
On Fri, 30 Jun 2000, James R Curry wrote:
> By judicious use of monkeys and typewriters, Gavin Smith came up with:
> > 2) We were talking a while back about the F16 Combat Pilot demo that 
> > was on Crash - didn't someone say they had a copy of it or am I 
> > misremembering? I'd love to see it - I know it turned out to be slow 
> > in the end, but still!
> I have the tape, but it's back in England so not much good.  I'd ask Graham to
> pay a visit to my parents and locate it, but he is regrettably now living in
> Manchester, so there's not very much I can do...  :(

WOS appears to have a TZX of it, although how to load that into a Sam 
I have no idea (at least a TZX was on the WoS extras CD I got this


Re: Floppy

2000-06-25 Thread Tim P
On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, D.A. Fulton wrote:
> > I Got another question, a friend of mine has a sam without diskdrive , where
> > can he get one or adapt a pcfloppy to the sam ?
> An original sam drive will be hard to find I would imagine.  It used to be
> possible to get a kit that let you adapt a pc floppy, but that was from
> Bob Brenchley / Format who seem to have disappeared (although a friend of
> mine who lives in Gloucester says the shop is still trading).

Urm, If you mean the one down from KFC, I suspect it's unrelated ;-)

(There is one in Chelt too, it sells a mix of PC games, jigsaws, a few
board games, packs of cards, trading cards, and hand puzzles.  I've never
noticed anytihng sam related, or Bob, in them!)

I did see Bob at Picnic in the Park one year (It's a chelt thang), the
next one is next w/e I think so I'll keep an eye out for him.


Re: Shows etc

2000-06-18 Thread Tim P
On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, David L wrote:
> How many people on this list would actually be bothered to go to another SAM
> Show, if there was such a thing...?

Depended how accessable a location it was for someone who'd have to rely
on public transport ;-)

Did anything happen for the 10th birthday?

Re: Web Sites

2000-06-14 Thread Tim P
On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Stoned Design wrote:
> I'm thinking of buying a program to do web sites.
> What do people use on this list?

I just use my favourite text editor.

I find with a little effort to learn the tags, (the basics easy to pick
up, it's worth looking at page source to see how they do things), you can
do some wonderful stuff.

Doing it by hand means your more likely to produce something that degrades
well, and doesn't try to force the page to look exactly how you want it.

(The Sam Coupe Scrapbook was all done by hand, except a few lists which
were produced using a script, but the template was hand done)

One of my friends had a lot of trouble with some design program.  I sent
him an email with some basic help in, and since then he's been a "by hand"
convert as well, just using a designer to work out things like tables.

I wouldn't pay for a product either, You see to get a lot dished out for 
free with various magazines, (and presumably download).


Re: Following on from Sam forsale

2000-03-29 Thread Tim P
On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Stephen Longhurst wrote:
> Anyone got a gold chip jobbie?

I have a frames gold ASIC.  I've not dared try to fit it to my machine

The text below my ASIC claims it's from a limited edition of 40, and has
Bruces signature as well.

Is a gold ASIC really worth that much?  If so I got it for a bargain price
and will be contacting my insurers shortly!


Re: Spotted on c.s.s - Sam for sale

2000-03-27 Thread Tim P
On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Dave Whitmore wrote:
> Fully working SAMs are becoming more rare, and I'm beginning to see
> them in a similar way to how people might look at vintage cars. I'd
> say people who sell them cheap aren't really doing themselves any
> favours.

Or us.

The more people sell there Sams for, the more ours are worth when we come
to sell^H^H^H^Hinsure them.



Re: Introducing Myself

2000-03-14 Thread Tim P
On Tue, 14 Mar 2000, Steve Longhurst wrote:

> stands at the Royal Horticultural Halls back then?  My one claim to fame in
> the Sam community is that I went to Southampton University a couple of years
> before Tim Paveley and once sold my Sound Sampler to him.


I do believe it was you who possibly introduced me to nvg and the mailing
list. :-)

Cor, doesn't time fly eh?


Re: Computer Shopper Feb 2000

2000-01-12 Thread Tim P
Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> What on earth for? The robot that is, not the computer or your old
> school friend.

It's in a collage(sp?) as part of some sort of millennium article.

oooh-oooh I wonder who owns the copyright, and if they gave permission?

> Is it out now? (Why do mags come out a month early??) If so I'll pop
> down the newsagent and leaf through it annoying the newsagent as
> normal.  Which page?

Still on the shelves locally - Page 563 - and he's drunk ;-)


Computer Shopper Feb 2000

2000-01-11 Thread Tim P
has a picture of Sam in it.  The robot that is, not the computer or my
old school friend.


Re: Christmas Greetings, etc.

1999-12-21 Thread Tim P
James R Curry wrote:
> > Seconded, thirded, forthded...  Etc!!  ;-)
> Sign me up for some of those Season's Greetings, too.

While we're at it, me too.

Infact, I'll wish Sam a happy 10th birthday as well.  It must be around

Re: b-dos docs

1999-12-05 Thread Tim P
Martijn Groen wrote:
> I'll try to make a B-DOS 1.6d doc file as soon as possible and send it
> to Andrew Collier, ready for downloading.

Any chance of putting it on ftp.nvg as well if it isn't already?
