New York Times
January 31, 2005
Occupation Authority Did Not Properly Monitor Spending of Iraqi Money, U.S.
Audit Says

The American occupation authority that governed Iraq until mid-2004 did not
properly monitor the spending of $8.8 billion in Iraqi money, opening the
door to possible corruption, the federal watchdog agency for Iraqi
reconstruction said in a report released yesterday.

As it disbursed money to Iraqi ministries to pay salaries and finance
development projects, the occupation authority, known as the Coalition
Provisional Authority, failed to establish financial controls and
transparency, said the report by the watchdog agency, the Special Inspector
General for Iraqi Reconstruction. As a result, the report said, "there was
no assurance that the funds were used for the purposes mandated."

In a written response included in the report, the former chief of the
occupation authority, L. Paul Bremer III, strongly disputed its conclusions.
He said the inspectors had seemed to assume that "Western-style budgeting
and accounting procedures could be immediately and fully implemented in the
midst of a war."

The report does not cite direct evidence of corruption with the Iraqi
ministries but notes, among other examples, that one ministry received money
to pay 8,206 guards while the presence of only 602 guards in that ministry
could be verified.

Allotments of hundreds of millions of dollars were repeatedly given to
ministries that had not presented detailed budget plans to explain how the
money would be used, the report said.

The new report covers money given to Iraqi ministries between the American
invasion of early 2003 and the transfer of sovereignty to an interim Iraqi
government in mid-2004. During that time, according to a United Nations
resolution, the occupation authority was responsible for disbursing Iraqi
oil money, leftover receipts from Iraq's oil-for-food relief program, and
seized assets, which were combined into the Development Fund for Iraq.

A large share of the money was transferred to Iraqi ministries, while
several billions more were spent directly by the Americans for fuel imports
and construction projects.

An international auditing agency has questioned the occupation authority's
management of the Iraqi money it spent directly, charging a lack of
oversight and overuse of non-competitive contracts.

Formal responsibility over Iraqi finances, which are continually replenished
by the country's large oil exports, shifted last year to the interim Iraqi

Other American and international auditors have warned that weak financial
controls are a continuing problem in Iraqi ministries, opening the door to
possible fraud, kickbacks and misuse of funds.

In his comments on the new report, Mr. Bremer said the authors had failed to
understand the political context at the time and the initial disarray within
the Iraqi government. Of the questioned payments for ministry guard units,
for example, he said, "It would have been dangerous for security - ours and
Iraq's - to stop paying armed young men."

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