Is this one of Saddam's mobile bio-weapons labs?
WND obtains photos of unit capable of producing WMDs
Posted: October 6, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
[Photos can be seen by clicking on URL at bottom of article]
By Aaron Klein
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

A trailer found by the U.S. in Northern Iraq last year likely was used by
Saddam Hussein's regime as a mobile biological weapons laboratory, and not
to fill hydrogen balloons as some in Britain and the U.S. have charged, a
view supported by exclusive photos obtained by WorldNetDaily that for the
first time offer inside views of the trailer components.

Kurdish forces seized the trailer in April 2003 at a checkpoint near Mosul
in northern Iraq. At the time, the unit was hailed as the closest U.S.
forces may have come to finding a "smoking gun" in their search for weapons
of mass destruction inside Iraq.

But initial swab tests of the mobile unit, which seemed to have been washed
thoroughly with a strong decontaminating substance, yielded no traces of
biological or chemical agents, leading many critics to conclude the trailer
could have been used for legitimate medical purposes.

Some in British and American intelligence groups charged the trailers were
used for the production of hydrogen to fill artillery and weather balloons.

However, photos obtained by WorldNetDaily from a U.S. Army source in Iraq
offer a rare glimpse inside the trailer, which indicates the most likely use
for the mobile unit was the production of biological agents and not

The internal components provide the kind of mobile biological weapons
laboratory described to the United Nations' Security Council by U.S.
Secretary of State Colin Powell before the conflict began, and match in
design and configuration the mobile weapons labs U.S. intelligence learned
about several years ago from an Iraqi scientist.

The photos, more than 30 of which were of the inside trailer components,
were verified by several military sources and were independently reviewed by
intelligence sources familiar with pre-Gulf War Iraqi weapons programs.

The images show a large fermenter, several cylinders to supply clean air for
production, canisters to "feed" biological agents, industrial heating
machines and a system to capture and compress exhaust gas to eliminate
traces of residue - a function not normally used for legitimate biological
processes and certainly not for hydrogen production, analysts told

A large stainless steel brewing canister can be seen toward the front of the
laboratory, and would be used in the initial stages of agent production,
analysts said.

Large pistons are connected to a compressor atop a storage tank that would
hold the growing product and maintain a certain pressure on the system
required to grow the bio agent at an advanced rate.

The agent would then be pumped into a large canister connected to several
tanks that provide "food" from which the agent would "feed," and which apply
large amounts of fluid and temperature regulation for the contents of the
holding canister. This feature is rarely set up in such a manner in ordinary
labs, analysts told WorldNetDaily.

The photos also reveal an industrial heating pump the width of almost the
entire trailer. The size of the heating and cooling system was of particular
interest to analysts, who said such systems would be used to superheat or
supercool strong agents in a pressurized system.

Iraqi defectors have reportedly told the U.S. that an accident on a similar
trailer killed 12 during a production run in 1998. The incident, a report
says, shows "Iraq was producing [biological-weapons] agent at that time."
The Iraqis later altered the design, installing the heating and cooling
system visible in the photos to prevent overheating, an analyst said.

Close-ups of the exterior portions of the trailer show several areas in
which the steel plating of the unit, which is almost an inch thick, is
dented, most likely during laboratory use and trailer transportation.

Analysts said the back of the trailer could be attached to a secondary
mobile unit that would collect the finished product for transportation.
There are indications another trailer was dragged into this lab unit at the
receiving end, which houses coils through which tubing would likely be
placed for the agent to be pumped into a receiving canister. Several of the
laboratory components have serial numbers that were traced to German
companies, where some of the parts were manufactured. One device, a
generator coming from one of the pumps, was made by General Electric.

The trailer itself has a metal plaque that says it was manufactured in 2001
by Iraq's Al-Naser Al-Adheem - a munitions company controlled by Saddam
Hussein - and inspected in 2002.

A large collection and compression pipe is visible at the anterior section,
which is not commonly used in regular laboratories and would find little use
in the production of hydrogen. The system is designed to capture and
compress exhaust gas to eliminate any telltale signature of which kinds of
agents were produced, analysts told WorldNetDaily.

When the trailer was found last April it was immediately swabbed for traces
of biological weapons agents. Military analysts were particularly hopeful
about a large holding canister connected to piping that drains the agent and
which was at a height that may have left residual agent at the bottom of the

But they found the entire mobile unit had been thoroughly cleansed and
decontaminated with a strong caustic agent that rid the trailer of traces of
whatever material had been produced.

Official spokesmen for the Department of Defense in the U.S. and Iraq could
not comment before press time.

Vice Admiral Jake Jacoby, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, has said
an informant had told the U.S. military similar mobile facilities had
previously been used to make three illicit agents, believed to be anthrax,
botulism and staphylococcus.

Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Steve Cambone said, "What we have
here is what ... the Secretary of State talked about, along with other
things, in his presentation to the United Nations."

A U.S. Army Intel officer in Iraq said he was convinced the trailer was used
to make biological weapons: "There are too many indications this was used
for biological weapons. The tubing, the heating system, the exhaust system
are specific to the kind of military-grade production we saw before the
first Gulf War. Also, when you're conducting legitimate laboratory work, you
want to do it in the most stable environment possible. Why would scientists
work from a trailer?"

Aaron Klein is WorldNetDaily's special Middle East correspondent, whose past
interview subjects have included Yasser Arafat, Ehud Barak, Shlomo Ben Ami
and leaders of the Taliban.


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