[Samba] Joining a win2k3 ads fails

2007-11-09 Thread Lex Brugman


I'm trying to join a win2k3 ADS domain using a working config on a debian 
'Lenny' (arm processor)
from another machine running gentoo (x86 processor) (only changed the netbios 

Samba versions are 3.0.26a on both the machines.
I'm pretty sure this is not a kerberos or ldap problem, anyone has a clue what 
else it could be?

# net -d 3 ads join -U administrator
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/loadparm.c:lp_load(5039)
  lp_load: refreshing parameters
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/loadparm.c:init_globals(1438)
  Initialising global parameters
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(572)
  params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/loadparm.c:do_section(3778)
  Processing section [global]
[2007/11/07 23:31:01, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(572)
  params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
[2007/11/07 23:31:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81)
  added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
[2007/11/07 23:31:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81)
  added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
  Connected to LDAP server
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
administrator's password:
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
  Connected to LDAP server
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(222)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(593)
  ads_krb5_mk_req: krb5_cc_get_principal failed (No credentials cache found)
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(528)
  ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:net_ads] expiration Thu, 
08 Nov 2007 09:31:23 CET
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
  Connected to LDAP server
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(222)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(528)
  ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:net_ads] expiration Thu, 
08 Nov 2007 09:31:23 CET
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_start_connection(1509)
  Connecting to host=server2.thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_out(874)
  Connecting to at port 445
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(793)
  Doing spnego session setup (blob length=108)
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(818)
  got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(818)
  got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(818)
  got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(818)
  got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_spnego(826)
[2007/11/07 23:31:06, 2] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_session_setup_kerberos(613)
  Doing kerberos session setup
[2007/11/07 23:31:06, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(528)
  ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:cliconnect] expiration 
Thu, 08 Nov 2007
09:31:23 CET
[2007/11/07 23:31:06, 3] 

Re: [Samba] Re: XFS and inherit permissions bug?

2007-11-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here are some more informations.

General infos on my Samba configuration

The server is a Debian Etch with distro kernel  Samba package
(2.6.18-5-686  3.0.24-6etch4).
Users shell is set to /bin/false, they are only accessing this server
through Samba.

All files are owned by user root (Administrator) and group
smb-Administrators (Domain Admins). The basic rights are rwx for root
and smb-Administrators and nothing for other.
The inherit permissions parameter is set in smb.conf for Administrator
user and Domain Admins group to have access to all the files, the
inherit owner is set to have all files owned by user root, and all
folders are setgid to have all files owned by group smb-Administrators.

The users get their access rights using acls and the inherit acls
parameter is set in smb.conf.

The windows attributes (archive, hidden and system) are stored in
extended attributes.

Reproducing the problem

In the base dir of one of my shares I have:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # ll /srv/samba/data_inf/
total 436
drwxrws---+  7 root smb-Administrators .
drwxr-xr-x  16 root root   ..
drwxrws---+ 11 root smb-Administrators ARCHIVES_INF
drwxrws---+  5 root smb-Administrators BROUILLON_INF
-rw-rwx---+  1 root smb-Administrators DCI-INF-L-001-F.xls
drwxrws---+ 10 root smb-Administrators ESPACE_INF
drwxrws---+  6 root smb-Administrators ESPACE_INF_PUBLIC
drwxrws---+  2 root smb-Administrators MODELES_INF
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # getfacl /srv/samba/data_inf/
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: srv/samba/data_inf
# owner: root
# group: smb-Administrators

From a Windows client I create a new dir test1:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # ll /srv/samba/data_inf/
total 440
drwxrws---+  8 root smb-Administrators .
drwxr-xr-x  16 root root   ..
drwxrws---+ 11 root smb-Administrators ARCHIVES_INF
drwxrws---+  5 root smb-Administrators BROUILLON_INF
-rw-rwx---+  1 root smb-Administrators DCI-INF-L-001-F.xls
drwxrws---+ 10 root smb-Administrators ESPACE_INF
drwxrws---+  6 root smb-Administrators ESPACE_INF_PUBLIC
drwxrws---+  2 root smb-Administrators MODELES_INF
drwxrwx---+  2 root smb-Administrators test1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # getfacl /srv/samba/data_inf/test1/
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: srv/samba/data_inf/test1
# owner: root
# group: smb-Administrators

The test1 dir is owned by the group smb-Administrators because the . dir
is setgid, but it is not setgid.
From a Windows client I create a new dir test2 in dir test1:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # ll /srv/samba/data_inf/test1/
total 16
drwxrwx---+ 3 root smb-Administrators   18 2007-11-09 14:37 .
drwxrws---+ 8 root smb-Administrators 4096 2007-11-09 14:33 ..
drwxrwx---+ 2 root smb-DomainUsers   6 2007-11-09 14:37 test2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ # getfacl /srv/samba/data_inf/test1/test2/
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: srv/samba/data_inf/test1/test2
# owner: root
# group: smb-DomainUsers

The test2 dir is owned by group smb-DomainUsers (Domain Users) that is
the primary group of all users.

my smb.conf

#=== Global Settings ===


   netbios name = data
   workgroup = bme-fr
   server string = Samba %v

   smb ports = 139 445

   domain master = yes
   preferred master = yes

   wins support = yes
   name resolve order = wins bcast hosts

   time server = yes

   interfaces = eth1, lo
   bind interfaces only = yes


# One logfile per client
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

# Minimum logs in syslog, logs go to /var/log/samba/log.{smbd,nmbd}
   syslog = 0

   log level = 1
   max log size = 1000

# Do something sensible when Samba crashes: mail the admin a backtrace
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d

### Authentication ###

   security = user
   encrypt passwords = true
   domain logons = yes
   passdb backend = tdbsam
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers

   guest account = nobody
   map to guest = bad password

## Printing ##

   disable spoolss = yes

### File sharing 

   browseable = no
   read only = yes
   guest ok = no

   inherit owner = yes
   inherit permissions = yes
   inherit acls = yes

   map archive = no
   map hidden = no
   map system = no
   store dos attributes = yes

   unix charset = utf8
   dos charset = 850


# Most people will find that this option gives better performance.
# See smb.conf(5) and /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/speed.html
# for details
# You may want to add the following on a Linux system:
;   socket options = 

[Samba] User connexions stats

2007-11-09 Thread Emmanuel Lacour
Dear samba users/developpers,

I would like to make stats on user desktop login/logout and I ask myself
if it's possible to do this on the samba PDC. But it doesn't seems to be
so easy.
Maybe parsing logs or using smbstatus?

Is there anyone who did something like this and who can share he's
knowledge ;)

Or maybe it's ... impossible to get accurate datas about this, I don't
know exactly the smb protocol so I'm not sure that the connexion between
client and server is maintained during the whole user session.

Well, many doubts and not a lot of idea ... any hint would be welcome ;)

Emmanuel Lacour
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[Samba] SMB Shares with subversion backing store

2007-11-09 Thread Ross S. W. Walker
To all,
I was wondering if it was possible to setup samba shares that use subversion as 
a backing store for the files.
Whenever a new file is created it is added to the subversion tree, whenever a 
file is opened it is checked out of the subversion tree, and whenever it is 
deleted it is removed from the subversion tree.
The idea is that one could use subversion to retain previous versions of files 
and the subversion tree can be replicated using subversion replication tools.
This would avoid costly COW operations for volume snapshots, provide better 
file control and auditing and allow files to be replicated in a consistent 
A bonus would be allowing access to previous subversion versions using the 
Previous Versions feature.

Ross S. W. Walker
Information Systems Manager
Medallion Financial, Corp.
437 Madison Avenue
38th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 328-2165
Fax: (212) 328-2125
WWW: http://www.medallion.com http://www.medallion.com/  


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Re: [Samba] User connexions stats

2007-11-09 Thread Francis Galiegue
Le vendredi 09 novembre 2007, Emmanuel Lacour a écrit :
 Dear samba users/developpers,
 I would like to make stats on user desktop login/logout and I ask myself
 if it's possible to do this on the samba PDC. But it doesn't seems to be
 so easy.
 Maybe parsing logs or using smbstatus?
 Is there anyone who did something like this and who can share he's
 knowledge ;)
 Or maybe it's ... impossible to get accurate datas about this, I don't
 know exactly the smb protocol so I'm not sure that the connexion between
 client and server is maintained during the whole user session.
 Well, many doubts and not a lot of idea ... any hint would be welcome ;)

(c'est connection en anglais ;))

Unfortunately, no, there's no such thing as a logon/logoff sequence. You can 
scan for entries telling that someone has initiated a connection to the 
[profiles] as user some user here, that would be the most accurate you can 
guess. But you cannot tell when the person logs off AFAIK.

Francis Galiegue, One2team - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+33178945552, +33683877875, http://www.one2team.com
40 avenue Raymond Poincaré - 75116 PARIS
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Fwd: [Samba] SMB Shares with subversion backing store

2007-11-09 Thread John Drescher
On Nov 9, 2007 10:05 AM, Ross S. W. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To all,

 I was wondering if it was possible to setup samba shares that use subversion 
 as a backing store for the files.

 Whenever a new file is created it is added to the subversion tree, whenever a 
 file is opened it is checked out of the subversion tree, and whenever it is 
 deleted it is removed from the subversion tree.

 The idea is that one could use subversion to retain previous versions of 
 files and the subversion tree can be replicated using subversion replication 

Have you looked at svnfs? A fuse module that makes a filesystem for
accessing subversion repositories.



John M. Drescher
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RE: [Samba] SMB Shares with subversion backing store

2007-11-09 Thread Ross S. W. Walker
John Drescher wrote:
 On Nov 9, 2007 10:05 AM, Ross S. W. Walker 
  To all,
  I was wondering if it was possible to setup samba shares 
 that use subversion as a backing store for the files.
  Whenever a new file is created it is added to the 
 subversion tree, whenever a file is opened it is checked out 
 of the subversion tree, and whenever it is deleted it is 
 removed from the subversion tree.
  The idea is that one could use subversion to retain 
 previous versions of files and the subversion tree can be 
 replicated using subversion replication tools.
 Have you looked at svnfs? A fuse module that makes a filesystem for
 accessing subversion repositories.

I just looked at it now.

I am not really looking to use it outside of samba, so a linux
pseudo-filesystem is more overkill for me. It may turn out helpful
later though for providing a point in time snapshot of the svn
tree, that could be used via the existing Previous Versions
feature, or for backup/restore purposes.

I was wondering if there was a samba plug-in module for this already,
it would be a big boon for compliance over here because it would
provide a track-changes log of activity that couldn't be modified by
the user.



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[Samba] De-duplication vfs plug-in?

2007-11-09 Thread Charles Marcus


I've been looking at differnet options for implementing this, and was 

How hard would this be to do as a vfs plug-in in Samba?

Or, is anyone aware of any stable FLOSS options on a Linux platform?


Best regards,

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[Samba] Re: tdb search optimization

2007-11-09 Thread Bruno Gomes Pessanha
Is it possible to split the ntprinters.tdb in many 
parts as print queues quantity?

Sorry if I asked something too far from reality
 but I was wondering if could make things work faster.

Bruno Gomes Pessanha

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Re: [Samba] Re: tdb search optimization

2007-11-09 Thread Volker Lendecke
On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 03:56:48PM +, Bruno Gomes Pessanha wrote:
 Is it possible to split the ntprinters.tdb in many 
 parts as print queues quantity?
 Sorry if I asked something too far from reality
  but I was wondering if could make things work faster.

You might try to do a tdbbackup -n 1 ntprinters.tdb
and replace the ntprinters.tdb by its backup file. The -n
1 sets the new hash table size to 1, much more than
the default 131.


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RE: [Samba] hide unreadable files

2007-11-09 Thread Diego Alejandro Cheda

Hi Charles! Thanks for your ideas! 
I read this post http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2007-July/133723.html and 
found some similarities with the behavior of my configuration. For example, 
sometimes a user can delete files or directories with r-x permissions. Then, 
I upgrade to samba 3.0.26a. I don't know if this is a good idea, but at least 
users can't delete files/directories now (I think).
However, the problem still existing with the hide unreadable = Yes option. I 
understand now the behavior. For example, I have two directories in a share 
directory groups with the following ACL entries:
# file: groups# owner: root# group: rootuser::rwxgroup::r-x
# file: dir1# owner: root# group: 
# file: dir2# owner: root# group: rootuser::rwxgroup::---other::---And I have a 
user joe that belongs to the group users. Then, if joe map the share 
directory, he can see only dir1 and dir2 is not visible for his. Also, joe 
should not see dir1. 
Now, if I change the ACL permissions of dir2 to the following:
# file: dir2# owner: root# group: 
joe can see (incorrectly) both directories. Believe me, I don't understand. I 
don't know if this errors are for a bad configuration or what...
I'm using: debian etch 4.0r1 amd64, kernel 2.6.18-5-amd64, samba 3.0.26a, XFS 
file system with acl support and quotas and LDAP for user authentication.
This is my smb.conf:
workgroup = NT-DEQ
server string = %h server
obey pam restrictions = Yes
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd '%u'
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
printcap name = cups
add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -a -m -k '%u'
delete user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-userdel -r '%u'
add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p '%g'
delete group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupdel '%g'
add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m -k '%u' '%g'
delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x '%u' '%g'
set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-usermod -g '%g' '%u'
add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w '%u'
dns proxy = No
ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=upc,dc=es
ldap group suffix = ou=groups
ldap suffix = dc=upc,dc=es
ldap ssl = no
ldap user suffix = ou=users
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
invalid users = root
profile acls = Yes
map acl inherit = Yes
hide unreadable = Yes
map hidden = Yes

comment = Home Directories
valid users = %S
read only = No
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
browseable = No
comment = Grups Files
path = /home/groups
read only = No Thank you very much!!!Diego 
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[Samba] A device attached to the system is not functioning.

2007-11-09 Thread Adam Williams
Windows XP w/ SP2 is giving me that error message when I'm trying to log 
into my domain:

A device attached to the system is not functioning.

error log:

[2007/11/09 10:21:01, 1] 

 _net_sam_logon: user TEST\testuser has user sid S-1-1-0
  but group sid S-1-5-21-3536689092-529281149-710501220-513.
 The conflicting domain portions are not supported for NETLOGON calls

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
 unix charset = LOCALE
  workgroup = TEST
 netbios name = GOMER
 server string = Samba Server %v on gomer
#  interfaces = eth0, lo
 interfaces =
 bind interfaces only = Yes
 hosts allow = 10.8.
 passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://gomer.mdah.state.ms.us
 enable privileges = Yes
 username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
 log level = 1
 syslog = 0
 log file = /var/log/samba/%m
 max log size = 50
 name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
 time server = Yes
 printcap name = CUPS
 show add printer wizard = no
 add user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -a -m %u
 delete user script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-userdel %u
 add group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupadd -p %g
 delete group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupdel %g
 add user to group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -m %u %g
 delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -x %u %g
 set primary group script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-groupmod -g %g %u
 add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w %u
 logon script = scripts\logon.bat
 logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
 logon drive = X:
 domain logons = Yes
 preferred master = Yes
 wins support = Yes
 ldap suffix = dc=gomer,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us
 ldap machine suffix = ou=People
 ldap user suffix = ou=People
 ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
 ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
 ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=gomer,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us
 idmap backend = ldap:ldap://gomer.mdah.state.ms.us
  idmap uid = 1-2
  idmap gid = 1-2
 map acl inherit = Yes
 printing = cups
 printer admin = root, awilliam
 ldap passwd sync = yes
  winbind separator = +
# use uids from 1 to 2 for domain users
  idmap uid = 1-2
# use gids from 1 to 2 for domain groups
  idmap gid = 1-2
# allow enumeration of winbind users and groups
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
# give winbind users a real shell (only needed if they have telnet access)
  template homedir = /home/winnt/%D/%U
  template shell = /bin/bash

winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes

  winbind use default domain = no
 comment = Home Directories
 valid users = %S
 read only = no
 browseable = No

 comment = Accounting Files
 path = /data/accounts
 read only = No

 comment = network logon service
 path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
 guest ok = Yes
 locking = No

 comment = Profile Share
 path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
 read only = No
 profile acls = Yes

 comment = Printer Drivers
 path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
 browseable = yes
 guest ok = no
 read only = yes
 write list = root, awilliam

and the user exists in ldap:

ldapsearch -D 'cn=Manager,dc=gomer,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us' -b 
uid=testuser,ou=People,dc=gomer,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us -w x -x

# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base uid=testuser,ou=People,dc=gomer,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us 
with scope subtree

# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# testuser, People, gomer.mdah.state.ms.us
dn: uid=testuser,ou=People,dc=gomer,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us
uid: testuser
cn: test user
telephoneNumber: 5766888
roomNumber: IS
homePhone: 3738042
givenName: test
sn: user
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
objectClass: shadowAccount
objectClass: sambaSamAccount
loginShell: /bin/bash
uidNumber: 501
gidNumber: 101
homeDirectory: /home/testuser
gecos: test user,IS,5766888,3738042
sambaSID: S-1-1-0
sambaLMPassword: xxx
sambaAcctFlags: [U]
sambaNTPassword: xxx
sambaPwdMustChange: 1194624706
shadowLastChange: 0
shadowMax: 9
shadowWarning: 7

sambaPwdLastSet: 1194624832
userPassword:: xx

# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success

any ideas?
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1

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[Samba] samba writes to disk each 5 minutes...

2007-11-09 Thread Kai Schäfer
I am using samba on a NAS. I use hdparm to put my disk to standby.
Unfortunatelle the disk wakes up appr. each 5 minutes and I get entries in
/var/cache/samba and /var/log
Is there a way to disable the cache and the logging? I did not find anything
in the smb.conf.
Thx in advance
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Re: [Samba] User connexions stats

2007-11-09 Thread Emmanuel Lacour
On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 04:23:10PM +0100, Francis Galiegue wrote:
 (c'est connection en anglais ;))

merci ;)

 Unfortunately, no, there's no such thing as a logon/logoff sequence. You can 
 scan for entries telling that someone has initiated a connection to the 
 [profiles] as user some user here, that would be the most accurate you can 
 guess. But you cannot tell when the person logs off AFAIK.

Ok, that's what I worried :(


Emmanuel Lacour
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[Samba] multi-subneted network browsing problem

2007-11-09 Thread Dmitriy Chumack
Hi *

I have a question about windows network browsing from linux box in a
multi-subneted network. I have such network topology: my subnet is, there are 10 boxes in my subnet; also there are
several other subnets -,, ...,, ...,, ...

In our network we have one wins server with ip that very
likely configured as a domain controller and several domains, that
spans across several subnetworks: DOMAIN1, DOMAIN2, DOMAIN3.

When I config my samba server not be a local master browser, than all
my subnet doesn't have access to local network, because no one other
box wants to become a LMB (I've tried to wait about 2 hours).

When I config my samba server as a LMB, than I and all boxes in my
subnet could see only our DOMAIN2 and only boxes from our subnet in

In this case samba log says, that:

Unable to find the Domain Master Browser name DOMAIN11b for the
workgroup DOMAIN1

So how can I properly config my samba server to see all domains and
all computers?

Here is my smb.conf:

Samba version 3.0.25b

   workgroup = DOMAIN2
   server string = My Server
   security = share
   hosts allow = ALL
   load printers = no
   log file = /var/log/samba/samba.%m
   max log size = 50
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   interfaces = eth0
   local master = yes
   domain master = no
   preferred master = yes
   wins support = no
   wins server =
   wins proxy = yes
   dns proxy = no
   name resolve order = wins host bcast
   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = yes
   path = /home/samba
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

Thanks in advance
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Re: [Samba] hide unreadable files

2007-11-09 Thread Charles Marcus

On 11/9/2007, Diego Alejandro Cheda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

profile acls = Yes
map acl inherit = Yes
hide unreadable = Yes
map hidden = Yes

Do you really have these in the Global section?

1. The 'Yes' is supposed to be 'yes' - but don't know if 'case' is a 
problem with these settings, I've always just used them the way they are 
in 'the book' (yes/no, not Yes/No).

2. profile acls = yes should only be added to the profiles share, and 
only if you are using roaming profiles - but this is NOT intended to be 
on ALL shares, and may be causing you weird problems.

3. The 'hide unreadable = yes' should be under your [groups] section, 
but maybe it should still work in the global section...

Maybe some of this helps...


Best regards,

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[Samba] Mapped username then gets mapped to Anonymous

2007-11-09 Thread Luke Pittman

Hi Everyone,

I have setup a Samba share to work on our local network with a username 
map to accommodate Windows XP usernames with spaces, but it seems that 
Samba maps the username correctly but then immediately changes it to an 
Anonymous request.  Am I missing something?  Clip from log file:

[2007/11/09 09:58:49, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(995)
 Domain=[OFFICE]  NativeOS=[Windows 2002 Service Pack 2 2600] 
NativeLanMan=[Windows 2002 5.1] PrimaryDomain=[]

[2007/11/09 09:58:49, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:reply_sesssetup_and_X(1010)
[2007/11/09 09:58:49, 3] smbd/map_username.c:map_username(54)
 Mapped user Luke to lpittman
[2007/11/09 09:58:49, 3] smbd/sesssetup.c:check_guest_password(136)
 Got anonymous request
[2007/11/09 09:58:49, 3] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(221)
 check_ntlm_password:  Checking password for unmapped user [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
with the new password interface

[2007/11/09 09:58:49, 3] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(224)
 check_ntlm_password:  mapped user is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My smb.conf file:
#workgroup = Hewlettpackard
workgroup = C22
server string =
netbios name = Server2
security = share
wins support = no
log level = 1
load printers = no
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
log level = 3
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
os level = 2
time server = yes
encrypt passwords = yes

# log size in Kb
max log size = 500

public = no
path = /raid0
valid users = cflatman
read only = no
writeable = yes

public = no
path = /raid1
valid users = cflatman
read only = no
writeable = yes

Any ideas/help/advice/links would be great - I've been searching for 
hours and have not found anything.

Thanks a bunch!

Luke Pittman

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Re: [Samba] SMB Shares with subversion backing store

2007-11-09 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 10:05:34AM -0500, Ross S. W. Walker wrote:
 To all,
 I was wondering if it was possible to setup samba shares that use subversion 
 as a backing store for the files.
 Whenever a new file is created it is added to the subversion tree, whenever a 
 file is opened it is checked out of the subversion tree, and whenever it is 
 deleted it is removed from the subversion tree.
 The idea is that one could use subversion to retain previous versions of 
 files and the subversion tree can be replicated using subversion replication 
 This would avoid costly COW operations for volume snapshots, provide better 
 file control and auditing and allow files to be replicated in a consistent 
 A bonus would be allowing access to previous subversion versions using the 
 Previous Versions feature.

You'd need to get a VFS written to do this. It's not
difficult, but requires custom programming. There
are various Samba support companies available that
could do this on contract.

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Re: [Samba] Joining a win2k3 ads fails

2007-11-09 Thread herman
Hmm, you have a whole bunch of stuff in smb.conf that I would not put 
there.  Some of them may be obsolete and won't matter, but whether it 
will break things is hard to tell.  I think you should look at the 
Official Howto and pare the settings down to the bare necessities, then 
try again. 

Also have a look my guide here:

I have found that KISS is a very important principle with ADS.  Make an 
OU for your Linux users, define your groups and users in that OU, then 
apply security policies to the OU and don't reference anything outside 
the OU.

Also note that it is possible to do things in ADS that you are not 
supposed to do, which can cause Winbind to get its balls in a twist.  In 
general, don't rename records, don't drag records from one OU to another 
OU, don't make a user in one OU a member of a group in another OU.  You 
are not supposed to do those things and it may cause ADS to complain, 
but while WinXP clients will still work, Winbind will blow up.  The only 
way to fix it is to find the offending records and delete them, but how 
to find them?  It is a situation that is best avoided!



Lex Brugman wrote:


I'm trying to join a win2k3 ADS domain using a working config on a 
debian 'Lenny' (arm processor)
from another machine running gentoo (x86 processor) (only changed the 
netbios name).

Samba versions are 3.0.26a on both the machines.
I'm pretty sure this is not a kerberos or ldap problem, anyone has a 
clue what else it could be?

# net -d 3 ads join -U administrator
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/loadparm.c:lp_load(5039)
  lp_load: refreshing parameters
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/loadparm.c:init_globals(1438)
  Initialising global parameters
[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(572)
  params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file 

[2007/11/07 23:31:00, 3] param/loadparm.c:do_section(3778)
  Processing section [global]
[2007/11/07 23:31:01, 3] param/params.c:pm_process(572)
  params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file 

[2007/11/07 23:31:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81)
  added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
[2007/11/07 23:31:01, 2] lib/interface.c:add_interface(81)
  added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
  Connected to LDAP server
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:02, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
administrator's password:
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
  Connected to LDAP server
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(222)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_krb5_mk_req(593)
  ads_krb5_mk_req: krb5_cc_get_principal failed (No credentials cache 

[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(528)
  ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:net_ads] 
expiration Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:31:23 CET

[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1489)
  get_dc_list: preferred server list:, thuis.local
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
  Connected to LDAP server
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 48018 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 2 840 113554 1 2 2 3
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(213)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got OID=1 3 6 1 4 1 311 2 2 10
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libads/sasl.c:ads_sasl_spnego_bind(222)
  ads_sasl_spnego_bind: got server principal name = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[2007/11/07 23:31:05, 3] libsmb/clikrb5.c:ads_cleanup_expired_creds(528)
  ads_cleanup_expired_creds: Ticket in ccache[MEMORY:net_ads] 
expiration Thu, 08 

[Samba] Joining a win2k3 ads fails

2007-11-09 Thread Lex Brugman

Please note that the same configuration works on another box in the same 
network (same win2k3 PDC)
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RE: [Samba] SMB Shares with subversion backing store

2007-11-09 Thread Ross S. W. Walker
Jeremy Allison wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 10:05:34AM -0500, Ross S. W. Walker wrote:
  To all,
  I was wondering if it was possible to setup samba shares 
 that use subversion as a backing store for the files.
  Whenever a new file is created it is added to the 
 subversion tree, whenever a file is opened it is checked out 
 of the subversion tree, and whenever it is deleted it is 
 removed from the subversion tree.
  The idea is that one could use subversion to retain 
 previous versions of files and the subversion tree can be 
 replicated using subversion replication tools.
  This would avoid costly COW operations for volume 
 snapshots, provide better file control and auditing and allow 
 files to be replicated in a consistent fashion.
  A bonus would be allowing access to previous subversion 
 versions using the Previous Versions feature.
 You'd need to get a VFS written to do this. It's not
 difficult, but requires custom programming. There
 are various Samba support companies available that
 could do this on contract.

Thanks Jeremy,

I suppose I could contract it out to a development firm, but
to put something like that together myself. Would the anti-virus
VFS filter that's floating around provide a good enough framework
for creating something like this?

I don't know if the anti-virus VFS filter calls out to external
applications or if it uses a library API, but even if I had to
adapt it to an API (in fact a better approach) I could always
use John Madden's FUSE svnfs as an example of how to write for
that API.

Even if I do decide to contract it out, I still need to get a
feeling for the amount of work it will take so I don't get
bilked on the job costs.


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[Samba] Joining a win2k3 ads fails

2007-11-09 Thread Lex Brugman
The problem described in my post occurs on a debian box running on an ARM processor and is using the 
same configuration as on an Gentoo box running on a x86 processor (where it works fine). Both are 
running the same version of samba (3.0.26a).

David kacuba wrote:

no what do you mean

*/Lex Brugman [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

Please note that the same configuration works on another box in the
same network (same win2k3 PDC)
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Re: [Samba] Joining a win2k3 ads fails

2007-11-09 Thread herman
Hmm, I hear you, but since MS Windows is involved that doesn't mean 



Lex Brugman wrote:
Please note that the same configuration works on another box in the 
same network (same win2k3 PDC)

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[Samba] help with Nitrobit Policy

2007-11-09 Thread Roylan Suarez Reyes
Hello friends

  Someone on this list uses nitrobit policy?

Roylan Suarez Reyes
Admin. Redes JC. Vinales
Telef: 793210

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Re: [Samba] Joining a win2k3 ads fails

2007-11-09 Thread herman
I have seen things behave differently between identical boxes and 
eventually the problem was solved on the server side, by rolling ADS 
back to a previous version.  So, you got to make things as simple as 
possible in order to rule out as many weird interactions as possible.  
Bear in mind that Windows is not a finite state machine - actually, I 
think Heisenberg used to work for Microsoft...



Lex Brugman wrote:
The problem described in my post occurs on a debian box running on an 
ARM processor and is using the same configuration as on an Gentoo box 
running on a x86 processor (where it works fine). Both are running the 
same version of samba (3.0.26a).

David kacuba wrote:

no what do you mean

*/Lex Brugman [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

Please note that the same configuration works on another box in the
same network (same win2k3 PDC)
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[Samba] Re: tdb search optimization

2007-11-09 Thread Bruno Gomes Pessanha
 You might try to do a tdbbackup -n 1 ntprinters.tdb

But, this makes tdb bigger, right? Sorry, but I didn't understand why increasing
the hash would make search operations faster.

Bruno Gomes Pessanha

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Re: [Samba] Re: tdb search optimization

2007-11-09 Thread Volker Lendecke
On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 09:07:26PM +, Bruno Gomes Pessanha wrote:
  You might try to do a tdbbackup -n 1 ntprinters.tdb
 But, this makes tdb bigger, right? Sorry, but I didn't
 understand why increasing the hash would make search
 operations faster.

Well, then you have to find other solutions.

Sorry for the noise then.


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Re: [Samba] Re: tdb search optimization

2007-11-09 Thread simo

On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 21:07 +, Bruno Gomes Pessanha wrote:
  You might try to do a tdbbackup -n 1 ntprinters.tdb
 But, this makes tdb bigger, right?


 Sorry, but I didn't understand why increasing
 the hash would make search operations faster.

Should make a lot less collisions, therefore each search should have
more probability to be fullfilled with one lookup without needing to
down a list of matches that have the same hash.


Simo Sorce
Samba Team GPL Compliance Officer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] Re: binary does not run on samba-3.0.26a

2007-11-09 Thread Henrik Carlqvist
hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I built the samba from source samba-3.0.26a on FC6. But when I run
 nmbd -F --debuglevel=5 --configfile=/home/test/smb.conf
 --log-basename=/home/test/log.txt, nothing happens. The process is
 not there, the log file is not created. What could I be missing here?

Not really samba-specific, but whenever I need to track down errors like
this on any program I usually try strace to see what is missing. Something

strace nmbd -F --debuglevel=5 --configfile=/home/test/smb.conf

The above will show you any files it is trying to open and might give a
clue why it doesn't work. If strace is not enough you might also try
strace -f to follow forked processes.

regards Henrik
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[Samba] Heartbeat and secrets.tdb

2007-11-09 Thread Henrik Carlqvist
I'm configuring a HA-cluster to share disks using heartbeat from

Two machines, lets call them server1 and server2 share the same disk with
an ocfs2 file system. However, the two machines have separate disks for
their OS installations. The two physical servers have two gigabit nics
each and on those nics I place four virtual IP addresses which heartbeat
makes sure is working as long at as least one server is up. Lets say the
four IP addresses get host names samba1, samba2, samba3 and samba4.

When both servers are up and running it looks something like this:

samba1server1, eth0:0
samba2server1, eth1:0
samba3server2, eth0:0
samba4server2, eth1:0

If one server would go down, either for a planned maintenance or by
accident heartbeat will rearrange the configuration to something like

samba1server2, eth0:1
samba2server2, eth1:1
samba3server2, eth0:0
samba4server2, eth1:0

Once the failed server gets back heartbeat will again distribute the IP
addresses over both servers in an active/active configuration.

Smb.conf look the same on both servers and all four IP adresses are listed
as interfaces on both machines. This works fine, when a server takes over
IP addresses from the other server samba immediately works on those
addresses without need for any restart.

My problem is that the samba servers use security=domain. I have used net
join to join the domain and all works fine for a while. However, after
some time the servers get locked out from the domain and I don't really
know why. 

Is it because samba use several IP addresses on the same machine and the
same secrets.tdb? If so, would it work better if I used four different
smb.conf, one for each IP address pointing to different secrets.tdb? Would
this work with local copies of secrets.tdb on the two servers?

Is it because the same IP adresses move between two different machines
with different secrets.tdb? If so, would it work better if secrets.tdb
would be placed on a ocfs2 file system shared between the two servers?

regards Henrik
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Re: [Samba] Re: binary does not run on samba-3.0.26a

2007-11-09 Thread herman

Did you remember to run 'testparm'?


Henrik Carlqvist wrote:

hce [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I built the samba from source samba-3.0.26a on FC6. But when I run
nmbd -F --debuglevel=5 --configfile=/home/test/smb.conf
--log-basename=/home/test/log.txt, nothing happens. The process is
not there, the log file is not created. What could I be missing here?

Not really samba-specific, but whenever I need to track down errors like
this on any program I usually try strace to see what is missing. Something

strace nmbd -F --debuglevel=5 --configfile=/home/test/smb.conf

The above will show you any files it is trying to open and might give a
clue why it doesn't work. If strace is not enough you might also try
strace -f to follow forked processes.

regards Henrik

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Re: [Samba] SMB Shares with subversion backing store

2007-11-09 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 02:48:11PM -0500, Ross S. W. Walker wrote:
 I suppose I could contract it out to a development firm, but
 to put something like that together myself. Would the anti-virus
 VFS filter that's floating around provide a good enough framework
 for creating something like this?
 I don't know if the anti-virus VFS filter calls out to external
 applications or if it uses a library API, but even if I had to
 adapt it to an API (in fact a better approach) I could always
 use John Madden's FUSE svnfs as an example of how to write for
 that API.
 Even if I do decide to contract it out, I still need to get a
 feeling for the amount of work it will take so I don't get
 bilked on the job costs.

Indeed. An anti-virus VFS would be a possible start point,
but you'll need a more complete VFS implementation than
just virus scanning.

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[Samba] smbldap-passwd fails

2007-11-09 Thread Bernhard D Rohrer

Hi folks

I am getting this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/admin# smbldap-passwd testuser
Changing UNIX and samba passwords for testuser
New password:
Retype new password:
I cannot generate the proper hash!

uncle google was rather quiet on the subject :(

what do you need config file wise?



Graylion's Fetish  Fashion Store
Goth and Kinky Boots, Clothing and Jewellery
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[Samba] winbind doc error?

2007-11-09 Thread Guido Lorenzutti
Hi People: In the how to posted on ..

The docs says several times to the option -B in the winbindd , but I
can't find anything on the manpage about that switch and I can't notice
any difference by using it.

The docs are outdated? or my 3.0.24 dosen't have this feature?

Tnxs in advance.
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[Samba] get_sam_group_entries: Failed to enumerate domain local groups!

2007-11-09 Thread Guido Lorenzutti
Hi People: I run into a problem when I upgrade my sarge proxy to etch.
My winbind now, with the same smb.conf that use to have, know tells me
that can't find the groups with winbind.

When I do a wbinfo -g gives me:

Error looking up domain groups

I google a lot and I can't find a way to solve this. The problem is that
if this dosen't work, It seems that the samba is unable to know the
group of the users, and I have policies by group that I can't apply.

Any light on these would be great...

Tnxs in advance.

PS: This is my smb.conf

workgroup = DOMAIN
netbios name = PROXY
security = DOMAIN
passdb backend = tdbsam
restrict anonymous = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
domain master = No
dns proxy = No
wins server =
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
winbind separator = \  
load printers = no
winbind enum users = Yes
winbind enum groups = Yes
winbind use default domain = Yes

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Re: [Samba] winbind doc error?

2007-11-09 Thread John H Terpstra
On Friday 09 November 2007 23:13, Guido Lorenzutti wrote:
 Hi People: In the how to posted on ..

 The docs says several times to the option -B in the winbindd , but I
 can't find anything on the manpage about that switch and I can't notice
 any difference by using it.

 The docs are outdated? or my 3.0.24 dosen't have this feature?

 Tnxs in advance.

Yes, the docs had suffered bit-rot and were outdated. I have removed the info 
regarding the -B option.  Give the system a day or two to stablize, then 
please check that I have not missed any -B references.  Please let me know if 
you find I have goofed.  Thanks for the heads-up.

John H Terpstra
Samba-Team Member
Phone: +1 (650) 580-8668

The Official Samba-3 HOWTO  Reference Guide, 2 Ed., ISBN: 0131882228
Samba-3 by Example, 2 Ed., ISBN: 0131882221X
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
Other books in production.
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Make him dance

2007-11-09 Thread alexej

Oh man this thing is cool. Try it.



svn commit: samba r25909 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 08:22:21 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25909


Fix the snprintf checks, and fix a typo in pointer indirection.
These fixes are needed for a working getaddrinfo etc. replacement.
Fixes from Wayne Davison [EMAIL PROTECTED] from rsync.


from v3-2-test commit 494bf6293bedbda4b10aa2eae452377b8130cd01

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/getaddrinfo.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/getaddrinfo.c 2007-11-09 07:52:32 UTC 
(rev 25908)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/getaddrinfo.c 2007-11-09 08:22:21 UTC 
(rev 25909)
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
for(pptr = hp-h_addr_list; *pptr; pptr++) {
-   struct in_addr ip = *(struct in_addr *)pptr;
+   struct in_addr ip = *(struct in_addr *)*pptr;
struct addrinfo *ai = alloc_entry(hints, ip, port);
if (!ai) {
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
if (ret == 0) {
/* Name looked up successfully. */
ret = snprintf(node, nodelen, %s, hp-h_name);
-   if (ret == -1 || ret  nodelen) {
+   if (ret  0 || (size_t)ret = nodelen) {
return EAI_MEMORY;
if (flags  NI_NOFQDN) {
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@
p = inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)-sin_addr);
ret = snprintf(node, nodelen, %s, p);
-   if (ret == -1 || ret  nodelen) {
+   if (ret  0 || (size_t)ret = nodelen) {
return EAI_MEMORY;
return 0;
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
if (se  se-s_name) {
/* Service name looked up successfully. */
ret = snprintf(service, servicelen, %s, se-s_name);
-   if (ret == -1 || ret  servicelen) {
+   if (ret  0 || (size_t)ret = servicelen) {
return EAI_MEMORY;
return 0;
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
/* Otherwise just fall into the numeric service code... */
ret = snprintf(service, servicelen, %d, port);
-   if (ret == -1 || ret  servicelen) {
+   if (ret  0 || (size_t)ret = servicelen) {
return EAI_MEMORY;
return 0;

svn commit: samba r25910 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/system: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 08:24:36 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25910


Try and fix the Solaris build by adding a missing define
(from Jerry).

merge from v3-2-test commit a68bbea0d42cc64b9fa731ab2a1da82ef30937c6

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/system/network.h
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/system/network.h  2007-11-09 
08:22:21 UTC (rev 25909)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/system/network.h  2007-11-09 
08:24:36 UTC (rev 25910)
@@ -247,6 +247,11 @@
 #include getaddrinfo.h
+/* Needed for some systems that don't define it (Solaris). */
+#ifndef ifr_netmask
+#define ifr_netmask ifr_addrs

svn commit: samba r25911 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 08:40:05 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25911


Remove more fstring/pstring bad useage. Go talloc !

merge from v3-2-test commit 2a0173743d2cf615d52278f3dd87cc804abe2d16

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/replace.h
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/replace.h 2007-11-09 08:24:36 UTC 
(rev 25910)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/replace.h 2007-11-09 08:40:05 UTC 
(rev 25911)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
 #define _TYPE_MAXIMUM(t) ((t) (~ (t) 0 - _TYPE_MINIMUM (t)))
 #ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX
-#define HOST_NAME_MAX 64
+#define HOST_NAME_MAX 255

svn commit: samba r25912 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 08:42:55 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25912


Two patches


Can you check and push them?



From b488af5905e2dee12a1a72a3b40801ae5c26f24f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 14:20:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix some warnings and errors

merge from v3-2-test commit e17d3e10e860c96b6d5208e5fe51e43b8e58c174

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/getpass.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/getpass.c 2007-11-09 08:40:05 UTC 
(rev 25911)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/lib/replace/getpass.c 2007-11-09 08:42:55 UTC 
(rev 25912)
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include system/filesys.h
 #include system/wait.h
 #include system/terminal.h
+#include system/passwd.h
  * Define additional missing types

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-249-g4642af8

2007-11-09 Thread Stefan Metzmacher
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  4642af8026f086488672a51a0ecce2603e65f4ce (commit)
   via  ccb39b18448376b094680fa927c60159cc5ec566 (commit)
   via  81167d8f38e11423bcde5305f9e77ec268b0cf2e (commit)
   via  8d1f54f45d9b8278e5e031d016b1e7b44d3b1a22 (commit)
  from  7646f4b284403c18b22ca5cc7de4a57ba571183e (commit)


- Log -
commit 4642af8026f086488672a51a0ecce2603e65f4ce
Author: jelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Nov 7 01:32:17 2007 +

Try to fix building dso's on hpux with gcc

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit ccb39b18448376b094680fa927c60159cc5ec566
Author: jelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 18:25:34 2007 +

Try to get some more flags right.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 81167d8f38e11423bcde5305f9e77ec268b0cf2e
Author: jelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 16:23:18 2007 +

Add libreplace macro for soname flags.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 8d1f54f45d9b8278e5e031d016b1e7b44d3b1a22
Author: jelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 14:51:42 2007 +

Try to fix the build on some HPUX machines.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818


Summary of changes:
 source/lib/replace/libreplace_ld.m4 |   51 ---
 1 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/source/lib/replace/libreplace_ld.m4 
index cc5cefa..fd85ef9 100644
--- a/source/lib/replace/libreplace_ld.m4
+++ b/source/lib/replace/libreplace_ld.m4
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ else
hpux* )
-   * )
+   *)
@@ -98,12 +98,14 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LD_SHLDFLAGS],
-   if test $ac_cv_prog_cc_Ae = yes; then
-   SHLD_FLAGS=-b -Wl,-B,symbolic,-b,-z
+   if test ${GCC} = yes; then
+   SHLD_FLAGS=-shared
+   else
-   SHLD_FLAGS=-bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress
+   SHLD_FLAGS=-dynamiclib
@@ -127,3 +129,44 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_LD_SHLIBEXT],
+   case $host_os in 
+   *linux*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname=
+   ;;
+   *solaris*)
+   if test ${GCC} = yes; then
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname=
+   fi
+   ;;
+   *sunos*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-h,
+   ;;
+   *netbsd* | *freebsd* | *dragonfly* )
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname,
+   ;;
+   *openbsd*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname,
+   ;;
+   *irix*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname,
+   ;;
+   *hpux*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,+h 
+   ;;
+   *osf*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname,
+   ;;
+   *unixware*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-Wl,-soname,
+   ;;
+   *darwin*)
+   SONAMEFLAG=-install_name 
+   ;;
+   esac

Samba Shared Repository

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-266-g8ad4287

2007-11-09 Thread Stefan Metzmacher
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  8ad4287cca5393a7fef148365aef2e2377c29280 (commit)
   via  bb125f3e084a99125e92cc6c3aceb7f2b66db678 (commit)
   via  fc98c1904865608509a01911afa46de74873ef41 (commit)
   via  02cfd283627bd8f10d7beb8d43cead35dd867346 (commit)
   via  e0c8c01650b2aa0a1ab491c9800b8aa575bf4185 (commit)
   via  350d6c19e3e933804ce7234f21ef008c74894e2e (commit)
   via  17b449212a2f68262a95b0ebaabb377cc9a8dcc9 (commit)
   via  95dfbd3a6c22ff6381c8b220b06ec3a5cf59c06b (commit)
   via  70ea441fe46d75162adc6c4b055a9fd5fab00342 (commit)
   via  77900d2ba03455412ad645e757ba468ca90453fb (commit)
   via  2451399acb9dbba6b02935f6a1d02e2b56b499ef (commit)
   via  8e81dd7356eb8422284a93bfc9b55ed1523c8208 (commit)
   via  96827929626a528bb3e1ec8366aef58c174d67e1 (commit)
   via  28789e60cc59a3e7a42500ebb78c472093be6b12 (commit)
   via  6abc84a564682f2b3dda314b5a08816ef99ac517 (commit)
   via  36af3e864c2698b2f4ffd1bc3c873f1e4f8b718b (commit)
   via  0924b0c8de70c0b84785cf6885f6aab325fc9b8e (commit)
  from  4642af8026f086488672a51a0ecce2603e65f4ce (commit)


- Log -
commit 8ad4287cca5393a7fef148365aef2e2377c29280
Author: Stefan Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Oct 24 13:18:42 2007 +0200

make test: start winbindd


commit bb125f3e084a99125e92cc6c3aceb7f2b66db678
Author: Stefan Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Thu Oct 18 17:14:37 2007 +0200

we don't have build-farm specific tests anymore


commit fc98c1904865608509a01911afa46de74873ef41
Author: Stefan Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Thu Oct 18 17:13:01 2007 +0200

remove faked_create_user() BUILD_FARM hack as we have nss_wrapper now


commit 02cfd283627bd8f10d7beb8d43cead35dd867346
Author: Stefan Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Mon Nov 5 09:49:08 2007 +0100

make test: activate nss_wrapper for make test


commit e0c8c01650b2aa0a1ab491c9800b8aa575bf4185
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 12:34:50 2007 +

nss_wrapper: hopefully a better fix for the solaris get*ent_r functions


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 350d6c19e3e933804ce7234f21ef008c74894e2e
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 12:15:19 2007 +

nss_wrapper: revert solaris get*ent_r() functions

This was the wrong approach, as in future lib/replace
should hide this special solaris stuff.


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 17b449212a2f68262a95b0ebaabb377cc9a8dcc9
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 12:11:35 2007 +

nss_wrapper: set the destination pointer in the get*_r functions


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 95dfbd3a6c22ff6381c8b220b06ec3a5cf59c06b
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 10:40:07 2007 +

libreplace: AC_VERIFY_C_PROTOTYPE() needs AC_LANG_SOURCE() to bring in 


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 70ea441fe46d75162adc6c4b055a9fd5fab00342
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 09:26:42 2007 +

nss_wrapper: add solaris versions of getpwent_r and getgrent_r


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 77900d2ba03455412ad645e757ba468ca90453fb
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 09:15:11 2007 +

libreplace: solaris has different prototypes for getpwent_r and getgrent_r


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 2451399acb9dbba6b02935f6a1d02e2b56b499ef
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 08:06:50 2007 +

nss_wrapper: not all systems have get*_r calls


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 8e81dd7356eb8422284a93bfc9b55ed1523c8208
Author: metze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Tue Nov 6 07:26:12 2007 +

libreplace: check for nss passwd|group get*_r functions


git-svn-id: svn+ssh://svn.samba.org/data/svn/samba/branches/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] 0c0555d6-39d7-0310-84fc-f1cc0bd64818

commit 96827929626a528bb3e1ec8366aef58c174d67e1
Author: Stefan Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Thu Oct 18 16:46:16 2007 +0200

use nss_wrapper code in samba3 when 

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-271-ga0d595c

2007-11-09 Thread Michael Adam
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  a0d595c2277d2f754cdb0c85119fdc130d86f7ea (commit)
   via  1b6cf93992fbe338dff83a9f904ec9dfc422e242 (commit)
   via  78a2344fe7ed53e9927e189fa4d465652731deab (commit)
   via  852570059c974bc6c06f893e4bf5e76674e4ec00 (commit)
   via  79414f8bfa9cce1b4543b3cf5d6ea65651fc0769 (commit)
  from  8ad4287cca5393a7fef148365aef2e2377c29280 (commit)


- Log -
commit a0d595c2277d2f754cdb0c85119fdc130d86f7ea
Author: Michael Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 11:18:45 2007 +0100

The FSF has moved around a lot. This fixes their Mass Ave address.

This adapts r23801 / 87c91e4362c51819032bfbebbb273c52e203b227
to files just added by cherry-pick.

commit 1b6cf93992fbe338dff83a9f904ec9dfc422e242
Author: Michael Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 11:17:18 2007 +0100

Find and fix more GPL2 - GPL3.

This adapts r23780 / c2f7ab1c175ecff0cf44d0bbc4763ba9f7d7803f
for files added by cherry-pick.

commit 78a2344fe7ed53e9927e189fa4d465652731deab
Author: Michael Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Thu Jul 5 00:12:24 2007 +

r23714: This script allows for adding lists of users (or other objects)
to lists of groups (or aliases). Useful for creating large test

(cherry picked from commit b3e5082e105f6eaeed51e9a42d525d811e7155ee)

commit 852570059c974bc6c06f893e4bf5e76674e4ec00
Author: Michael Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Jul 4 23:21:51 2007 +

r23711: Refactor the actual creation of object into its own small function.

(cherry picked from commit 26349c0b173e8baf6fa43deb39cb2bfdb31bf18e)

commit 79414f8bfa9cce1b4543b3cf5d6ea65651fc0769
Author: Michael Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Jul 4 16:17:48 2007 +

r23706: Add a script to create domainusers,-groups and -aliases.
This is done via rpc client. The main purpose is to
be able to fill a domain controller with a large number
of users / groups easily. A the object names are
built as prefixnum where number ranges from a given
start number counting up until a given number of objects
has been created.

In a next step, I will submit scripts to add (many) users to
a group and to add a user to (many) groups.

(cherry picked from commit 8b81fbb7d998eda65978a772f2194b4a3de467f9)


Summary of changes:
 .../scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl   |  166 
 examples/scripts/users_and_groups/createdomobj.pl  |  157 ++
 2 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 examples/scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl
 create mode 100755 examples/scripts/users_and_groups/createdomobj.pl

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/examples/scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl 
new file mode 100755
index 000..17ca5bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# adduserstogroups.pl
+#add single or continuously numbered domain users
+#to a given single group or list of groups
+# Copyright (C) Michael Adam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2007
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+# WARNING: This script is still rather crude.
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Std;
+my $net_cmd= net;
+# defaults:
+my $server;
+my $num_members= 1;
+my $startmem;  # if empty, don't add numbers to member prefix
+my $member_prefix; # name prefix for member
+my $num_groups = 1;
+my $startgroup;# if empty, don't add numbers to group 
+my $group_prefix;  # name prefix for group
+my $path;  # path to rpcclient command
+my $net_path   = $net_cmd;
+my $creds;
+sub usage {
+   print USAGE: $0 [-h] -S server -U user\%pass \\\n
+   . \t-m member [-s startmem] [-n nummem] \\\n
+   . \t-g group [-G stargroup] [-N numgroups] \\\n
+   . \t[-P path]\n;
+# parse commandline:
+my %options = ();

svn commit: samba r25913 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/build/smb_build: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 10:26:32 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25913


maybe some platforms have problems with echo -e


Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/build/smb_build/makefile.pm
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/build/smb_build/makefile.pm   2007-11-09 
08:42:55 UTC (rev 25912)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/build/smb_build/makefile.pm   2007-11-09 
10:26:32 UTC (rev 25913)
@@ -352,7 +352,11 @@
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Creating \$\@
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \#include \\\includes.h  \$\@
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \$proto_fn;\  \$\@
-   [EMAIL PROTECTED] -e \_PUBLIC_ $init_fn \\n{\\n\\treturn 
$ctx-{INIT_FUNCTION}();\\n}\\n\  \$\@
+   [EMAIL PROTECTED] \_PUBLIC_ $init_fn\  \$\@
+   [EMAIL PROTECTED] \{\  \$\@
+   [EMAIL PROTECTED] \return $ctx-{INIT_FUNCTION}();\  \$\@
+   [EMAIL PROTECTED] \}\  \$\@
+   [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\  \$\@
$init_obj = bin/$ctx-{NAME}_init_module.o;

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-272-gc148e91

2007-11-09 Thread Stefan Metzmacher
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  c148e91fdedd20cfb737465dffc86ed6fa7d7c02 (commit)
  from  a0d595c2277d2f754cdb0c85119fdc130d86f7ea (commit)


- Log -
commit c148e91fdedd20cfb737465dffc86ed6fa7d7c02
Author: Stefan Metzmacher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 11:50:14 2007 +0100

use samba4's librpc/ndr/uuid.c



Summary of changes:
 source/Makefile.in   |3 +-
 source/librpc/ndr/ndr_misc.c |  126 ---
 source/librpc/ndr/uuid.c |  227 ++
 3 files changed, 229 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 source/librpc/ndr/uuid.c

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/source/Makefile.in b/source/Makefile.in
index 884e5a4..0ed7b4e 100644
--- a/source/Makefile.in
+++ b/source/Makefile.in
@@ -247,7 +247,8 @@ PASSCHANGE_OBJ = libsmb/passchange.o
 LIBNDR_OBJ = librpc/ndr/ndr_basic.o librpc/ndr/ndr.o librpc/ndr/ndr_misc.o \
-librpc/ndr/ndr_sec_helper.o librpc/ndr/ndr_string.o 
+librpc/ndr/ndr_sec_helper.o librpc/ndr/ndr_string.o 
librpc/ndr/sid.o \
 RPCCLIENT_NDR_OBJ = rpc_client/ndr.o
diff --git a/source/librpc/ndr/ndr_misc.c b/source/librpc/ndr/ndr_misc.c
index e4bff83..c93e527 100644
--- a/source/librpc/ndr/ndr_misc.c
+++ b/source/librpc/ndr/ndr_misc.c
@@ -60,76 +60,6 @@ size_t ndr_size_GUID(const struct GUID *r, int flags)
-  build a GUID from a string
-NTSTATUS GUID_from_string(const char *s, struct GUID *guid)
-   uint32_t time_low;
-   uint32_t time_mid, time_hi_and_version;
-   uint32_t clock_seq[2];
-   uint32_t node[6];
-   int i;
-   if (s == NULL) {
-   }
-   if (11 == sscanf(s, %08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x,
-time_low, time_mid, time_hi_and_version, 
-clock_seq[0], clock_seq[1],
-node[0], node[1], node[2], node[3], node[4], 
node[5])) {
-   status = NT_STATUS_OK;
-   } else if (11 == sscanf(s, 
-   time_low, time_mid, time_hi_and_version, 
-   clock_seq[0], clock_seq[1],
-   node[0], node[1], node[2], node[3], 
node[4], node[5])) {
-   status = NT_STATUS_OK;
-   }
-   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
-   return status;
-   }
-   guid-time_low = time_low;
-   guid-time_mid = time_mid;
-   guid-time_hi_and_version = time_hi_and_version;
-   guid-clock_seq[0] = clock_seq[0];
-   guid-clock_seq[1] = clock_seq[1];
-   for (i=0;i6;i++) {
-   guid-node[i] = node[i];
-   }
-   return NT_STATUS_OK;
- * generate a random GUID
- */
-struct GUID GUID_random(void)
-   struct GUID guid;
-   generate_random_buffer((uint8_t *)guid, sizeof(guid));
-   guid.clock_seq[0] = (guid.clock_seq[0]  0x3F) | 0x80;
-   guid.time_hi_and_version = (guid.time_hi_and_version  0x0FFF) | 0x4000;
-   return guid;
- * generate an empty GUID 
- */
-struct GUID GUID_zero(void)
-   struct GUID guid;
-   ZERO_STRUCT(guid);
-   return guid;
  * see if a range of memory is all zero. A NULL pointer is considered
  * to be all zero 
@@ -143,67 +73,11 @@ bool all_zero(const uint8_t *ptr, size_t size)
return True;
-bool GUID_all_zero(const struct GUID *u)
-   if (u-time_low != 0 ||
-   u-time_mid != 0 ||
-   u-time_hi_and_version != 0 ||
-   u-clock_seq[0] != 0 ||
-   u-clock_seq[1] != 0 ||
-   !all_zero(u-node, 6)) {
-   return False;
-   }
-   return True;
-bool GUID_equal(const struct GUID *u1, const struct GUID *u2)
-   if (u1-time_low != u2-time_low ||
-   u1-time_mid != u2-time_mid ||
-   u1-time_hi_and_version != u2-time_hi_and_version ||
-   u1-clock_seq[0] != u2-clock_seq[0] ||
-   u1-clock_seq[1] != u2-clock_seq[1] ||
-   memcmp(u1-node, u2-node, 6) != 0) {
-   return False;
-   }
-   return True;
-  its useful to be able to display these in debugging messages
-char *GUID_string(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct GUID *guid)
-   return talloc_asprintf(mem_ctx, 
-  guid-time_low, guid-time_mid,
-  guid-time_hi_and_version,

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-273-ge811b9f

2007-11-09 Thread Michael Adam
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  e811b9f3bbf614f76e628755dafd358769b8a58b (commit)
  from  c148e91fdedd20cfb737465dffc86ed6fa7d7c02 (commit)


- Log -
commit e811b9f3bbf614f76e628755dafd358769b8a58b
Author: Karolin Seeger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 11:30:30 2007 +0100

Fix typo


Summary of changes:
 .../scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl   |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/examples/scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl 
index 17ca5bd..6759428 100755
--- a/examples/scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl
+++ b/examples/scripts/users_and_groups/adduserstogroups.pl
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ my $creds;
 sub usage {
print USAGE: $0 [-h] -S server -U user\%pass \\\n
. \t-m member [-s startmem] [-n nummem] \\\n
-   . \t-g group [-G stargroup] [-N numgroups] \\\n
+   . \t-g group [-G startgroup] [-N numgroups] \\\n
. \t[-P path]\n;

Samba Shared Repository

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-282-gdf42038

2007-11-09 Thread Stefan Metzmacher
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  df42038f8801ca65ed7d44f7ae26640e2d840dba (commit)
   via  b401450e8409c19d12d944c61e5553ed3334bc11 (commit)
   via  0a1f524e8cce9bbe4fd10467c1f64f7a8862d298 (commit)
   via  fc58f2f45ab93ecea855e1dc07b6fdccce041c8d (commit)
   via  5f205ab48d8ac3b7af573ea0be1ce095ab835448 (commit)
   via  814bed029efa391e664ac432d0d68dfeab26381f (commit)
   via  0ee896827215a24e70a4ac6bde5ded13f9497296 (commit)
   via  9f9c933c16abacb2d0aa7bc7faa5b1ddac61b0e5 (commit)
  from  0dc2d7ec010610c4bdab8eb6d488295a0259fbc9 (commit)


- Log -
commit df42038f8801ca65ed7d44f7ae26640e2d840dba
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 14:23:16 2007 +0100

Fix some warnings

commit b401450e8409c19d12d944c61e5553ed3334bc11
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 14:23:16 2007 +0100

nss_wrapper: Fix some warnings

commit 0a1f524e8cce9bbe4fd10467c1f64f7a8862d298
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 14:23:16 2007 +0100

Fix some warnings

commit fc58f2f45ab93ecea855e1dc07b6fdccce041c8d
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Nov 7 23:24:36 2007 +0100

Add some comments

commit 5f205ab48d8ac3b7af573ea0be1ce095ab835448
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Sun Oct 28 19:15:08 2007 +0100

Make base64_encode_data_blob return a talloced string

commit 814bed029efa391e664ac432d0d68dfeab26381f
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Thu Nov 1 18:13:00 2007 +0100

Remove the silly user_socket_options global variable

This is better done with a 'lp_do_parameter(-1, socket options, ..);

commit 0ee896827215a24e70a4ac6bde5ded13f9497296
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Nov 7 18:47:32 2007 +0100

pstring removal

commit 9f9c933c16abacb2d0aa7bc7faa5b1ddac61b0e5
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Nov 7 19:06:30 2007 +0100

Fix dbwrap debug output


Summary of changes:
 source/client/smbmount.c |3 +--
 source/lib/afs.c |6 +++---
 source/lib/dbwrap_ctdb.c |5 +++--
 source/lib/dbwrap_tdb.c  |6 +++---
 source/lib/nss_wrapper/nss_wrapper.c |2 +-
 source/lib/popt_common.c |3 +--
 source/lib/tdb/include/tdb.h |6 +++---
 source/lib/util.c|1 -
 source/lib/util_str.c|3 ++-
 source/librpc/ndr/ndr_string.c   |   27 ++-
 source/libsmb/cliconnect.c   |6 ++
 source/libsmb/doserr.c   |9 +
 source/libsmb/libsmbclient.c |3 ++-
 source/param/loadparm.c  |6 +++---
 source/smbd/process.c|2 +-
 source/smbd/server.c |   14 --
 source/torture/rpctorture.c  |5 +
 source/torture/vfstest.c |5 ++---
 source/utils/net_rpc_samsync.c   |4 ++--
 source/utils/ntlm_auth.c |   20 ++--
 21 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/source/client/smbmount.c b/source/client/smbmount.c
index 7befd6e..5e69cf9 100644
--- a/source/client/smbmount.c
+++ b/source/client/smbmount.c
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include linux/smb_fs.h
 extern bool in_client;
-extern pstring user_socket_options;
 extern char *optarg;
 extern int optind;
@@ -807,7 +806,7 @@ static void parse_mount_smb(int argc, char **argv)
} else if(!strcmp(opts, workgroup)) {
} else if(!strcmp(opts, sockopt)) {
-   pstrcpy(user_socket_options,opteq+1);
+   lp_do_parameter(-1, socket options, opteq+1);
} else if(!strcmp(opts, scope)) {
} else {
diff --git a/source/lib/afs.c b/source/lib/afs.c
index e9a7059..35f213f 100644
--- a/source/lib/afs.c
+++ b/source/lib/afs.c
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ static char *afs_encode_token(const char *cell, const 
DATA_BLOB ticket,
base64_key = base64_encode_data_blob(key);
if (base64_key == NULL) {
-   free(base64_ticket);
+   TALLOC_FREE(base64_ticket);
return NULL;
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ static char *afs_encode_token(const char *cell, const 
DATA_BLOB ticket,
DEBUG(10, (Got ticket string:\n%s\n, result));
-   free(base64_ticket);
-   free(base64_key);
+   TALLOC_FREE(base64_ticket);
+   TALLOC_FREE(base64_key);
return result;

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-283-g9c57628

2007-11-09 Thread Stefan Metzmacher
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  9c57628dbd79d3d28f20d5d1ab62a68ae683d46e (commit)
  from  df42038f8801ca65ed7d44f7ae26640e2d840dba (commit)


- Log -
commit 9c57628dbd79d3d28f20d5d1ab62a68ae683d46e
Author: Volker Lendecke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Wed Oct 10 16:57:34 2007 +0200

Sanitize smbcacls slightly


Summary of changes:
 source/utils/smbcacls.c |  238 ---
 1 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/source/utils/smbcacls.c b/source/utils/smbcacls.c
index 9af2294..45177a9 100644
--- a/source/utils/smbcacls.c
+++ b/source/utils/smbcacls.c
@@ -23,10 +23,7 @@
 #include includes.h
-static pstring owner_username;
-static fstring server;
 static int test_args = False;
-static TALLOC_CTX *ctx;
@@ -62,110 +59,155 @@ static const struct perm_value standard_values[] = {
{ NULL, 0 },
-static struct cli_state *global_hack_cli;
-static struct rpc_pipe_client *global_pipe_hnd;
-static POLICY_HND pol;
-static bool got_policy_hnd;
+/* Open cli connection and policy handle */
-static struct cli_state *connect_one(const char *share);
+static NTSTATUS cli_lsa_lookup_sid(struct cli_state *cli,
+  const DOM_SID *sid,
+  TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
+  enum lsa_SidType *type,
+  char **domain, char **name)
+   uint16 orig_cnum = cli-cnum;
+   struct rpc_pipe_client *p;
+   struct policy_handle handle;
+   NTSTATUS status;
+   TALLOC_CTX *frame = talloc_stackframe();
+   enum lsa_SidType *types;
+   char **domains;
+   char **names;
-/* Open cli connection and policy handle */
+   if (!cli_send_tconX(cli, IPC$, ?, , 0)) {
+   return cli_nt_error(cli);
+   }
+   p = cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth(cli, PI_LSARPC, status);
+   if (p == NULL) {
+   goto fail;
+   }
+   status = rpccli_lsa_open_policy(p, talloc_tos(), True,
+   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
+   goto fail;
+   }
+   status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_sids(p, talloc_tos(), handle, 1, sid,
+   domains, names, types);
+   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
+   goto fail;
+   }
-static bool cacls_open_policy_hnd(void)
+   *type = types[0];
+   *domain = talloc_move(mem_ctx, domains[0]);
+   *name = talloc_move(mem_ctx, names[0]);
+   status = NT_STATUS_OK;
+ fail:
+   if (p != NULL) {
+   cli_rpc_pipe_close(p);
+   }
+   cli_tdis(cli);
+   cli-cnum = orig_cnum;
+   TALLOC_FREE(frame);
+   return status;
+static NTSTATUS cli_lsa_lookup_name(struct cli_state *cli,
+   const char *name,
+   enum lsa_SidType *type,
+   DOM_SID *sid)
-   /* Initialise cli LSA connection */
-   if (!global_hack_cli) {
-   NTSTATUS ret;
-   global_hack_cli = connect_one(IPC$);
-   global_pipe_hnd = cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth(global_hack_cli, 
PI_LSARPC, ret);
-   if (!global_pipe_hnd) {
-   return False;
-   }
+   uint16 orig_cnum = cli-cnum;
+   struct rpc_pipe_client *p;
+   struct policy_handle handle;
+   NTSTATUS status;
+   TALLOC_CTX *frame = talloc_stackframe();
+   DOM_SID *sids;
+   enum lsa_SidType *types;
+   if (!cli_send_tconX(cli, IPC$, ?, , 0)) {
+   return cli_nt_error(cli);
-   /* Open policy handle */
-   if (!got_policy_hnd) {
+   p = cli_rpc_pipe_open_noauth(cli, PI_LSARPC, status);
+   if (p == NULL) {
+   goto fail;
+   }
-   /* Some systems don't support SEC_RIGHTS_MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,
-  but NT sends 0x200 so we might as well do it too. */
+   status = rpccli_lsa_open_policy(p, talloc_tos(), True,
+   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
+   goto fail;
+   }
-   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(rpccli_lsa_open_policy(global_pipe_hnd, 
global_hack_cli-mem_ctx, True, 
-   return False;
-   }
+   status = rpccli_lsa_lookup_names(p, talloc_tos(), handle, 1, name,
+NULL, 1, sids, types);

svn commit: samba r25914 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest: . env

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 18:33:18 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25914


selftest: fix the module pathes when using --with-selftest-prefix



Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest/env/Samba4.pm
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest/env/Samba4.pm2007-11-09 10:26:32 UTC 
(rev 25913)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest/env/Samba4.pm2007-11-09 18:33:18 UTC 
(rev 25914)
@@ -647,7 +647,6 @@
DOMAIN = $domain,
USERNAME = $username,
REALM = $realm,
-   LDB_MODULES_PATH = $self-{bindir}/modules/ldb,
PASSWORD = $password,
LDAPDIR = $ldapdir,
WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR = $winbindd_socket_dir,

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest/selftest.pl
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest/selftest.pl  2007-11-09 10:26:32 UTC 
(rev 25913)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/selftest/selftest.pl  2007-11-09 18:33:18 UTC 
(rev 25914)
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
 my $tls_enabled = not $opt_quick;
 $ENV{TLS_ENABLED} = ($tls_enabled?yes:no);
-$ENV{LD_LDB_MODULE_PATH} = $old_pwd/bin/modules/ldb;
+$ENV{LDB_MODULE_PATH} = $old_pwd/bin/modules/ldb;
 $ENV{LD_SAMBA_MODULE_PATH} = $old_pwd/bin/modules;
 if (defined($ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH})) {
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $old_pwd/bin/shared:$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH};
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
torture:basedir = $prefix_abs/client
 #We don't want to pass our self-tests if the PAC code is wrong
gensec:require_pac = true
-   modules dir = $prefix_abs/../bin/modules
+   modules dir = $ENV{LD_SAMBA_MODULE_PATH}

svn commit: samba r25915 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/pidl: lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba3 lib/Parse/Pidl/Samba4/NDR tests

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 19:23:25 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25915


ndr/pidl: change NTSTAUS into enum ndr_err_code (pidl code)




Sorry, the patch is too large (623 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see 

svn commit: samba r25917 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source: libcli/util librpc/ndr

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 19:23:57 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25917


ndr: move ndr_map_error2ntstatus to errormap.c



Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/libcli/util/error.h
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/libcli/util/error.h   2007-11-09 19:23:40 UTC 
(rev 25916)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/libcli/util/error.h   2007-11-09 19:23:57 UTC 
(rev 25917)
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include libcli/util/werror.h
 #include libcli/util/doserr.h
 #include libcli/util/ntstatus.h
+#include librpc/ndr/libndr.h
 /** NT error on DOS connection! (NT_STATUS_OK) */
 bool ntstatus_dos_equal(NTSTATUS status1, NTSTATUS status2);
@@ -46,6 +47,9 @@
 NTSTATUS map_nt_error_from_unix(int unix_error);
+ Map an NT error code from a NDR error code.
+NTSTATUS ndr_map_error2ntstatus(enum ndr_err_code ndr_err);
 #endif /* _SAMBA_ERROR_H */

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/libcli/util/errormap.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/libcli/util/errormap.c2007-11-09 19:23:40 UTC 
(rev 25916)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/libcli/util/errormap.c2007-11-09 19:23:57 UTC 
(rev 25917)
@@ -1375,3 +1375,28 @@
/* Default return */
+NTSTATUS ndr_map_error2ntstatus(enum ndr_err_code ndr_err)
+   switch (ndr_err) {
+   return NT_STATUS_OK;
+   case NDR_ERR_TOKEN:
+   case NDR_ERR_ALLOC:
+   default:
+   break;
+   }
+   /* we should map all error codes to different status codes */

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/ndr/ndr.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/ndr/ndr.c  2007-11-09 19:23:40 UTC (rev 
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/ndr/ndr.c  2007-11-09 19:23:57 UTC (rev 
@@ -353,31 +353,6 @@
(*pflags) |= new_flags;
-NTSTATUS ndr_map_error2ntstatus(enum ndr_err_code ndr_err)
-   switch (ndr_err) {
-   return NT_STATUS_OK;
-   case NDR_ERR_TOKEN:
-   case NDR_ERR_ALLOC:
-   default:
-   break;
-   }
-   /* we should map all error codes to different status codes */
   return and possibly log an NDR error

svn commit: samba r25920 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source: auth auth/gensec auth/kerberos cluster/ctdb dsdb/repl dsdb/samdb dsdb/samdb/ldb_modules dsdb/schema kdc lib/ldb-samba lib/messaging lib/registr

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 19:24:51 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25920


ndr: change NTSTAUS into enum ndr_err_code (samba4 callers)




Sorry, the patch is too large (4545 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see 

svn commit: samba r25916 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/ndr: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 19:23:40 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25916


ndr: change NTSTAUS into enum ndr_err_code (basic stuff)




Sorry, the patch is too large (1471 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see 

svn commit: samba r25918 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/ndr: .

2007-11-09 Thread metze
Author: metze
Date: 2007-11-09 19:24:10 + (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25918


ndr: change NTSTAUS into enum ndr_err_code (samba4 handwritten stuff)




Sorry, the patch is too large (762 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see 

[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch v3-2-test updated - initial-v3-2-unstable-290-g52fe04d

2007-11-09 Thread Jeremy Allison
The branch, v3-2-test has been updated
   via  52fe04df8e8c08126afe61d509fc1d3cb676e327 (commit)
  from  c2645d2164c05976a98bafed980b6029baf89977 (commit)


- Log -
commit 52fe04df8e8c08126afe61d509fc1d3cb676e327
Author: Jeremy Allison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   Fri Nov 9 15:09:16 2007 -0800

Remove more static fstring/pstrings. Fix socket option
set on wrong fd (-1).


Summary of changes:
 source/lib/substitute.c  |  270 --
 source/lib/util.c|   55 +
 source/nmbd/nmbd_synclists.c |4 +-
 source/smbd/server.c |6 +-
 4 files changed, 212 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/source/lib/substitute.c b/source/lib/substitute.c
index 7f357e9..ce88a78 100644
--- a/source/lib/substitute.c
+++ b/source/lib/substitute.c
@@ -23,125 +23,185 @@
 extern struct current_user current_user;
-fstring local_machine=;
-fstring remote_arch=UNKNOWN;
 userdom_struct current_user_info;
 fstring remote_proto=UNKNOWN;
-static fstring remote_machine;
-static fstring smb_user_name;
  * Set the 'local' machine name
  * @param local_name the name we are being called
  * @param if this is the 'final' name for us, not be be changed again
-void set_local_machine_name(const char* local_name, bool perm)
+static char *local_machine;
+bool set_local_machine_name(const char *local_name, bool perm)
-   static bool already_perm = False;
-   fstring tmp_local_machine;
+   static bool already_perm = false;
+   char *tmp_local_machine = NULL;
char addr[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+   size_t len;
-   fstrcpy(tmp_local_machine,local_name);
+   tmp_local_machine = SMB_STRDUP(local_name);
+   if (!tmp_local_machine) {
+   return false;
+   }
trim_char(tmp_local_machine,' ',' ');
 * Windows NT/2k uses *SMBSERVER and XP uses *SMBSERV
-* arrggg!!! 
+* arrggg!!!
-   if ( strequal(tmp_local_machine, *SMBSERVER) || 
strequal(tmp_local_machine, *SMBSERV) )  {
-   fstrcpy( local_machine,
-   client_socket_addr(get_client_fd(), addr, sizeof(addr)) 
-   return;
+   if (strequal(tmp_local_machine, *SMBSERVER) ||
+   strequal(tmp_local_machine, *SMBSERV) )  {
+   SAFE_FREE(local_machine);
+   local_machine = SMB_STRDUP(client_socket_addr(get_client_fd(),
+   addr, sizeof(addr)) );
+   SAFE_FREE(tmp_local_machine);
+   return local_machine ? true : false;
-   if (already_perm)
-   return;
+   if (already_perm) {
+   return true;
+   }
+   SAFE_FREE(local_machine);
+   len = strlen(tmp_local_machine);
+   local_machine = SMB_CALLOC_ARRAY(char, len+1);
+   if (!local_machine) {
+   SAFE_FREE(tmp_local_machine);
+   return false;
+   }
+   alpha_strcpy(local_machine,tmp_local_machine,
+   strlower_m(local_machine);
+   SAFE_FREE(tmp_local_machine);
already_perm = perm;
-   strlower_m(local_machine);
+   return true;
+const char *get_local_machine_name(void)
+   if (!local_machine || !*local_machine) {
+   return global_myname();
+   }
+   return local_machine;
  * Set the 'remote' machine name
  * @param remote_name the name our client wants to be called by
  * @param if this is the 'final' name for them, not be be changed again
-void set_remote_machine_name(const char* remote_name, bool perm)
+static char *remote_machine;
+bool set_remote_machine_name(const char *remote_name, bool perm)
static bool already_perm = False;
-   fstring tmp_remote_machine;
-   if (already_perm)
-   return;
+   char *tmp_remote_machine;
+   size_t len;
-   already_perm = perm;
+   if (already_perm) {
+   return true;
+   }
-   fstrcpy(tmp_remote_machine,remote_name);
+   tmp_remote_machine = SMB_STRDUP(remote_name);
+   if (!tmp_remote_machine) {
+   return false;
+   }
trim_char(tmp_remote_machine,' ',' ');
+   SAFE_FREE(remote_machine);
+   len = strlen(tmp_remote_machine);
+   remote_machine = SMB_CALLOC_ARRAY(char, len+1);
+   if (!remote_machine) {
+   SAFE_FREE(tmp_remote_machine);

Build status as of Sat Nov 10 00:00:02 2007

2007-11-09 Thread build
URL: http://build.samba.org/

--- /home/build/master/cache/broken_results.txt.old 2007-11-09 
00:00:58.0 +
+++ /home/build/master/cache/broken_results.txt 2007-11-10 00:00:35.0 
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Build status as of Fri Nov  9 00:00:02 2007
+Build status as of Sat Nov 10 00:00:02 2007
 Build counts:
 Tree Total  Broken Panic 
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
 rsync28 13 0 
 samba-docs   0  0  0 
 samba-gtk2  2  0 
-samba4   26 19 0 
+samba4   26 18 0 
 samba_3_20  0  0 
 samba_3_2_test 28 19 0 
 smb-build27 27 0 
 talloc   28 9  0 
-tdb  28 13 0 
+tdb  28 12 0 

svn commit: samba r25921 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source: ldap_server scripting/libjs setup

2007-11-09 Thread abartlet
Author: abartlet
Date: 2007-11-10 05:31:26 + (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25921


Now also listen on ldapi by default in the LDAP server

Create a phpLDAPadmin configuration file example to use ldapi to talk
to Samba4

Andrew Bartlett


Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/ldap_server/ldap_server.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/ldap_server/ldap_server.c 2007-11-09 19:24:51 UTC 
(rev 25920)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/ldap_server/ldap_server.c 2007-11-10 05:31:26 UTC 
(rev 25921)
@@ -509,6 +509,7 @@
 static void ldapsrv_task_init(struct task_server *task)
+   char *ldapi_path;
struct ldapsrv_service *ldap_service;
NTSTATUS status;
const struct model_ops *model_ops;
@@ -556,6 +557,19 @@
if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) goto failed;
+   ldapi_path = private_path(ldap_service, global_loadparm, ldapi);
+   if (!ldapi_path) {
+   goto failed;
+   }
+   status = stream_setup_socket(task-event_ctx, model_ops, 
+unix, ldapi_path, NULL, ldap_service);
+   talloc_free(ldapi_path);
+   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
+   DEBUG(0,(ldapsrv failed to bind to %s - %s\n,
+ldapi_path, nt_errstr(status)));
+   }

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/scripting/libjs/provision.js
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/scripting/libjs/provision.js  2007-11-09 
19:24:51 UTC (rev 25920)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/scripting/libjs/provision.js  2007-11-10 
05:31:26 UTC (rev 25921)
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@
/* delete the specials */
+   ldb.del(@OPTIONS);
@@ -393,6 +394,9 @@
paths.ldap_config_basedn_ldif = paths.ldapdir + / + dnsdomain + 
paths.ldap_schema_basedn_ldif = paths.ldapdir + / + dnsdomain + 
+   paths.s4_ldapi_socket = lp.get(private dir) + /ldapi;
+   paths.phpldapadminconfig = lp.get(private dir) + 
paths.sysvol = lp.get(sysvol, path);
if (paths.sysvol == undefined) {
@@ -489,6 +493,9 @@
var ldap_path_list = split(/, paths.ldapdir);
subobj.LDAPI_URI = ldapi:// + join(%2F, ldap_path_list) + 
+   var s4ldap_path_list = split(/, paths.s4_ldapi_socket);
+   subobj.S4_LDAPI_URI = ldapi:// + join(%2F, s4ldap_path_list);
subobj.LDAPMANAGERDN = cn=Manager, + subobj.DOMAINDN;
subobj.NETLOGONPATH = paths.netlogon;
@@ -794,6 +801,10 @@
+   message(Setting up phpLDAPadmin configuration\n);
+   setup_file(phpldapadmin-config.php, info.message, 
paths.phpldapadminconfig, subobj);
+   message(Please install the phpLDAPadmin configuration located at  + 
paths.phpldapadminconfig +  into /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php\n);
return true;

Added: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/setup/phpldapadmin-config.php
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/setup/phpldapadmin-config.php 2007-11-09 
19:24:51 UTC (rev 25920)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/setup/phpldapadmin-config.php 2007-11-10 
05:31:26 UTC (rev 25921)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * The phpLDAPadmin config file, customised for use with Samba4
+ * This overrides phpLDAPadmin defaults
+ * that are defined in config_default.php.
+ *
+ * DONT change config_default.php, you changes will be lost by the next release
+ * of PLA. Instead change this file - as it will NOT be replaced by a new
+ * version of phpLDAPadmin.
+ */
+/* Useful important configuration overrides  */
+/* phpLDAPadmin can encrypt the content of sensitive cookies if you set this
+   to a big random string. */
+$ldapservers = new LDAPServers;
+/* A convenient name that will appear in the tree viewer and throughout
+   phpLDAPadmin to identify this LDAP server to users. */
+$ldapservers-SetValue($i,'server','name','Samba4 LDAP Server');

svn commit: samba r25922 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/smbd: .

2007-11-09 Thread abartlet
Author: abartlet
Date: 2007-11-10 05:48:38 + (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 25922


Make it easier to bind to a unix domain socket, without messing with

Andrew Bartlett


Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/smbd/service_stream.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/smbd/service_stream.c 2007-11-10 05:31:26 UTC 
(rev 25921)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/smbd/service_stream.c 2007-11-10 05:48:38 UTC 
(rev 25922)
@@ -266,7 +266,15 @@
/* TODO: set socket ACL's here when they're implemented */
-   if (*port == 0) {
+   if (!port) {
+   socket_address = socket_address_from_strings(stream_socket, 
+sock_addr, 0);
+   NT_STATUS_HAVE_NO_MEMORY(socket_address);
+   status = socket_listen(stream_socket-sock, socket_address, 
+   talloc_free(socket_address);
+   } else if (*port == 0) {
socket_address = 

svn commit: samba-docs r1206 - in trunk/Samba3-HOWTO: .

2007-11-09 Thread jht
Author: jht
Date: 2007-11-10 05:52:13 + (Sat, 10 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 1206


Fixed formatting issues. Removed -B option docs.

Sorry, the patch is too large (1054 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see 