Re: [Samba] Problems when using cupsaddsmb: my solution

2005-01-27 Thread alexander goeres - lieblinxNET

I was fighting with the same problem for the past two days and just found a 
solution for me.

In my configuration it was a HPLaserjet5P that should be served through a 
samba 3.0.10 machine on Debian Sarge/unstable with w2k client to use it.

The printer was configured nicely within cups and printed test pages perfectly 
when it was told to. 

Since I couldn't find any of those famous cups-samba drivers I took the 
drivers to be automatically deployed on the clients from one w2k machine (as 
mentioned in the howtos) and copied them to the 
directory:  /usr/share/cups/drivers

cupsaddsmb didn't do anything but giving the output you mentioned when i tried 
to use it according to the CUPS part of the samba howto collection.. BTW, 
this message from cupsaddsmb looks quite like success, at least it doesn't 
resemble an error message but it didn't create the necessary directory 
(/var/lib/samba/printers/W32x86/3) and thus failed to put the drivers in 

Then after 2 days of trying to do tricks with samba and cups (e.g. copying the 
drivers myself to the directory - in vain) I read those seven words, that 
solved the problem. 

In cupsaddsmb's man page just before the listing of the necessary but inferior 
windows driver files, there was it:
  and copy the files exactly as named below

The driver files I had copied were all capital letters, the ones listed 
weren't. I changed that, ran cupsaddsmb -v -U root hplaserjet5p again and 
it worked.

Nearly two nightshifts for this stuff ...:-\

Hope it helps you


Am Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2005 23:43 schrieb Fabian Steiner:

 First of all, I have to admit that it is my first post on this list, so
 please be lenied toward me, if I don't obey some of the rules ;-) I'll
 try my best :-)

 I am just trying to get my samba-server work as a print server by using
 CUPS. The OS of the server is Gentoo Linux and I'm using samba-3.0.9-r1.
 The clients are win 2k/xp home. I can already see my shares (files and
 drivers) in the windows networking neighbourhood, but unfortunately the
 configuration of the printer (Lexmark 3200) fails, since windows is
 looking for some *.inf files which cannot be found. Printing on the
 server is possible, though (using the lpr -plexmark test.text command).
 When looking for some tutorials about this, I found this one: , which said that
 cups-samba-5.0rc3.tar.gz  would have to be installed and that**
 cupsaddsmb -a -v -U root  would be the command I am looking for. So I
 installed it and three files were copied to the /usr/share/cups/drivers
 directory. The next thing to be done was to run the command above, but
 the output isn't as expected:
--- Password for root required to access localhost via
 Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -U'root%pw' -c 'setdriver
 lexmark lexmark'
 Succesfully set lexmark to driver lexmark.

 So no directories like W32X86 were created in /var/lib/samba/printers
 and my clients still can't find the files which would be needed to get
 the printer work.
 Here is my /etc/samba/smb.conf:

 #=== Global Settings

 workgroup = milchstrasse
 server string = Samba-Server %v
 printcap name = cups
 load printers = yes
 printing = cups
 printer admin = root
 log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
 max log size = 100
 hosts allow = 192.168.0. 192.168.1. 127.
 security = user
 encrypt passwords = yes
 smb passwd file = /var/lib/samba/private/smbpasswd
 passdb backend = tdbsam

 # Share Definitions
 comment = Home Directories
 browseable = no
 writable = yes
 public = no

 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/samba # rwx-rwx-rwx
 browseable = no
 public = yes
 guest ok = yes
 writable = no
 printable = yes
 printer admin = root,user

 path = /var/lib/samba/printers
 browseable = yes
 read only = yes
 write list = @adm root
 guest ok = no

 comment = MeinLexmark3200Drucker
 printable = yes
 path = /var/spool/samba # rwx-rwx-rwx
 public = yes
 guest ok = yes
 printer admin = root,user

 comment = oeffentliches zeug
 path = /home/samba/public
 public = yes
 writable = yes
 ; write list = @staff

 Does anybody of you know the reason for this problem with cupsaddsmb and
 the fact that directories like W32X86 are not ceated? I am really
 looking forward to your answers!



netzwerk-  systemadministrator
agoeres at lieblinx. net
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 69 00 46 03
 we do software
a marwood  thiele GbR

Re: [Samba] User authentication

2004-03-01 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Montag, 1. Mrz 2004 16:53 schrieb Daniel Kiss:
 Hi All,

Hi Dan

 I would like to know how I should configure samba to use the standard linux
 user accounts and passwords for user authentication instead of those in the
 smbpasswd file?

 Thank you,

According to the HowTo the samba users have to exist twice:

First in the linux authentication.
Second in the file created with smbpasswd.

To get both in sync you have to use the diverse config directives:
add user script
add group script
add user to group script
set primary group script

Adding a user to the samba password file who doesn't exist in the /etc/passwd 
and /etc/shadow will fail.. (I tried that often enough..:-)). Also it won't 
work for samba if the users only reside in the standard linux authentication 

Might be that it's different if you use NIS or LDAP...

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger strae 125
10999 Berlin

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[Samba] Help! messed up user rights with word and samba 3.0.x

2004-02-18 Thread Alexander Goeres
Hello everybody!

I need help with a curious problem referring to Word and Samba.
I've installed a network with a Samba 3.0.2 PDC and fileserver and about 8 
Windows Clients ranging from w2k prof (members of the domain) to XP home. The 
XP Home users have an account within the domain and so can mount the Samba 
share as a local drive on their computers. All of the users are members of 
the nt group domain users that is mapped to a linux group domuser.

Everything works fine so far with exception of 2 users/machines, who always 
get very strange problems with word and the samba-share:

When they open a Word file with the rights 775 (the standard for the share) 
directly from the share the rights of this file are always changed to 555 the 
moment they change something within this file. and so they are not able any 
more to save it. They can save it with a different name though.

This happens with two of the 8 clients: a w2k prof client with Office 2000 and 
an XP Home client with works (I think word 2002, if such thing exists..).

I had posted such a question some time ago here and got the advice to change 
from Samba 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 what I finally did. First I thought that had solved 
the problem, but it didn't. I just had intimidated the users too much to 
complain to me about their denied write access.

In analogy to a hint in the Samba Howto on Access Controls I set all the 
directories of this share to 2775:
rwxrwsr-x domuser
and put the configurations directives:
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0770
in the share's smb.conf part. (where domuser is the linux group mapped to 
the nt group domain users)

It didn't help!

Then I messed around with opportunistic locking, once explicitly declaring or 
denying it
oplocks = yes
oplocks = no
and once declaring doc-files to 
veto oplock files = /*.doc/

It didn't help!

I have absolutely no idea anymore, what could be the reason for this word/
samba behaviour or even how to get rid of it.

So if anybody here made it to the end of this mail, and has any ideas that 
could possibly turn out to be helpful, I'd be extremly glad if you could tell 
me about them.

Thanx in advance

Netzwerk-  Systemadministrator
agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] domain admin

2004-02-18 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2004 18:28 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 i'm running samba-3.0.2 on a redhat 9 box with windows 2003. I've got a
 samba pdc up and running. I want a user to have domain admin privilidges.
 With samba 2.2.8a and windows 2000 this was easily accomplished with the
 following entry in [global]

 domain admin group = garvald

 this had the effect that garvald had full administrator rights upon logging
 into windows2000 through the samba pdc.
 This does not work with samba 3.0.2/windows2003

 this doesnt work either:

 admin users = garvald

According to what I've understood, you can make a group the admin group and 
you have to map this group to the nt group domain admins

Here's what my config looks like:
admin users = +root

the mapping was done with:
net groupmap add ntgroup=Domain Admins unixgroup=root

And any admin user should be member of root and via pdbedit (in my case) also 
a samba user.

 so, can someone tell me how i give a user full domain administrator
 priviledges through a samba 3.0.2 PDC on windows2003 ? i've been searching
 and trying for about 11 hours no avail..



Netzwerk-  Systemadministrator
agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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[Samba] OT: Re: samba problem (with firewalls)

2004-02-16 Thread Alexander Goeres

If this firewall is iptables, then the problem with samba could be, that the 
iptables-rules allow the forwarding on ip-packet through the firewall-gateway 
but nothing is allowed to contact the gateway itself.
In normal iptables-rules, the default policy for everything should be set to 
drop. Then the necessary ports are opend. 
There are 3 directions: forward (to forward packets from one net o another), 
input and output. The last two apply to the firewall gateway itsself.

I don't know about the exact form of SuSEs rules, but to allow contact from 
the internal net to the gateway-samba-machine, there should be some rules 
like this:
iptables -A INPUT -s -p tcp -i interface-to 
-internal-net -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -p udp -i interface-to 
-internal-net -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp -o interface-to 
-internal-net -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -d -p udp -o interface-to 
-internal-net -j ACCEPT

These rules should allow for any contact from the internal net to the 
gatway-firewall-machine and the correspondig responses (for all ports). If 
this is too crude for your needs you could refine it with some restictions to 
the ports used by samba (137, 138, 139, 445, as far as I know). If this 
doesn't work, then perhaps you have to allow contact to the 

There's an extensive and very goot HowTo about iptables-firewall-rules at (by Oskar 

Hope it helps,

Netzwerk-  Systemadministrator
agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin
Am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2004 18:05 schrieb geralds:
 Hi Alexander,

 The kind of firewall i have uses the basic iptables which came with the
 installation CDs of linux-SuSE.

 I installed SuSE 8.1 which has a firewall that has to be activated. But
 now, u know, i can't find the file containing the iptables so as to adjust
 the rules. When i try iptables -L in console mode i can see all the

 I think i need to add some new rules in the iptables so that samba works
 properly. What's yo opinion?

 So, could u be knowing the configuration file and path for the firewall
 rules? My kernel is 2.4.19.
 'hope to hear from u any time.

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Re: [Samba] Problem with Samba as PDC

2004-02-12 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2004 18:13 schrieb P-G Fahrbring:
 I've download a PDC guide from IBM's website,

 I've follow the description line by line, but I can't join the domain
 from a windows Xp professional computer.

 Windows Xp answer with following error message...
 Can't connect to a domain controller for the domain Fah-Technet

In my config with  Samba 3.02 I've put 
os level = 200
wins support = yes

Last thing is not really necessary (as far as i understood), it makes Samba 
the domain's wins server, but it works for me.

I've exerienced similar messages like can't connect to a domain controller.. 
when I installed a Samba PDC and tried to make a w2k client join the domain. 
Solution was, to find the 2 other computers hidden somewhere that were 
members of a workgroup with the same same as my freshly set up domain. 

The w2k client tried to join this workgroup instead of the domain, I think. I 
renamed the domain and everything worked (well, nearly everything..).


agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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[Samba] different shares from one directory possible?

2004-01-28 Thread Alexander Goeres
Hello everybody!

I am wondering if it's possible to export a subdirectory of an already 
existing share as a different share?

Just an example:

path = /path/to/a/directory
valid users = groupA
write list = groupA

path = /path/to/a/directory/and/a /subdirectory
valid users = groupA, groupB
write list = groupA, GroupB

I was doing that with a (strange Debian) Samba 2.999+3.0.alpha20-3, and failed 
when I tried to acces this share. The error msg in the referring log was:
'/path/to/a/directory/and/a /subdirectory' is not a directory, when 
connecting to [share2]

The aim of that should be, that a more or less public access is granted to a 
subdirectory of a directory with a strictly limited access.

Is it generally possible to do it that way or is this basic access-granting 
idea wrong? 

If someone has any ideas about this, please tell me.


agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] Domain + Workgroup with same name: problem?

2004-01-27 Thread Alexander Goeres
I thought this bit about local master was the default setting, but I 
specified it anyway. I also put in os level = 200, and hope the domain will 
be working on and on and on until the people in the bureau forget where the 
machine stands...



Am Montag, 26. Januar 2004 11:51 schrieb rruegner:
 up this os level = 255
 add this too
 local master = yes
 - Original Message -
 From: Alexander Goeres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: samba liste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 11:25 AM
 Subject: [Samba] Domain + Workgroup with same name: problem?

 Hello everybody!

 I finally managed to set up a Samba 3.0.1 PDC that ran perfectly in the
 test-environment. Problems arose, when I installed it in a real bureau

 On a prepared w2k client that was already a domain member one could log on
 the domain with the administrator's account, but trying to add other w2k
 clients failed with error msgs like: Domain controller not found.

 That was strange, because the PDC was obviously there and the Administrator
 was already logged in and in the test environment adding a machine worked
 without any problems.

 After several hours search I found out, that there existed some (hidden in
 a back room.. :-\) XP Home clients that were members of a workgroup with
 the same name as the domain. They were already running when I introduced
 the Samba PDC into the network. When I switched them off and restarted
 Samba the PDC could be found sometimes but sometimes not.

 After messing around with what I took to be cached data on the Samba Server
 refering to WINS aso. I took the radical way and reinstalled Samba with the
 same configs but with a different domain name. That solved the problem for

 But it leaves a general problem: It looks as if you can render a PDC
 if you introduce a machine into its network, that is in a workgoup of the
 same name as the domain.

 So my question is:
 How do I configure the Samba PDC that clients within the same network know
 is the master of the universe and who is just an impostor? Especially the
 itself should not get confused about this!

 The relevant entries (I think) in my smb.conf are:
 domain master = Yes
 domain logons = Yes
 preferred master = Yes
 wins support = Yes
 os leve = 64


 agoeres _at_
 tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
 fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
  we do software
 a Marwood  Thiele GbR
 reichenberger straße 125
 10999 Berlin

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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[Samba] MS Word and Samba File Permissions Problem

2004-01-27 Thread Alexander Goeres
Hello everybody!

Obviously Samba as a PDC and Fileserver for w2k clients is not as easy as I 
first thought.

Soon after setup and integration in a network a problem with the shares and MS 
Word appeared.

Any time a file is opened with M$ Word directly from a share and edited it 
can't be saved. The M$ user gets the msg that the file is write-protected and 
on the samba side the file permissions are changed to r-xr-xr-x even if they 
have been 770 before.

Here some of my configs:
+Samba 3.0.1 on Debian 3.0

+ Groupmapping:
- Domain Admins - root
- Domain Users - domuser
- Domain Guests - nogroup

+ smb.conf:
admin users = +root
write list = +root +domuser
create mask = 0775
directory mask = 0775
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0770
force group = domuser

Client-side: MS Office 2000 on w2k 
All the files/directories on this share belong to the group domuser. 

I found a hint in the Samba HowTo collection:
According to that I set the sgid bit on all the directories (rwxrws---) and 
did set the force create/directory mode but that doesn't help.

If anyone came across a similar problem or even a solution, please help me. A 
samba fileserver. that scrambles write-rights in conjunction with M$ Word is 
pretty useless ..

Thanx in advance


agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] MS Word and Samba File Permissions Problem: probably solved

2004-01-27 Thread Alexander Goeres
Hi Chris!

Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004 14:59 schrieb Chris Aitken:
  +Samba 3.0.1 on Debian 3.0
  + Groupmapping:
  - Domain Admins - root
  - Domain Users - domuser
  - Domain Guests - nogroup
  + smb.conf:
  admin users = +root
  write list = +root +domuser
  create mask = 0775
  directory mask = 0775
  force create mode = 0660
  force directory mode = 0770
  force group = domuser
  Client-side: MS Office 2000 on w2k
  All the files/directories on this share belong to the group domuser.
 I had this problem at work (Debian 2.2.3a).

 My shares now look like this:

comment = description
path = /home/projects
browseable = yes
read only = no
force create mode = 0060
force directory mode = 0070
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770

 mode is drwxrwx--- owned by root.staff

I'll test that configuration next time when I'm allowed to stop the relevant 
But I found a different solution:
setting oplock = Yes on the share worked. It looked as if my samba 
installation couldn't handle this opportunistic locking thing the w2k 
clients required (even though man smb.conf said it was turned on by 
default). I had to enable it on the share. Now the M$ Word problem is gone.
I found some hints about that problem (via the Samba HowTo) in the MS 
About XP Problems and oplocking:;EN-US;812937
About opportunistic locking in general:;EN-US;296264
First time that an MS help was of some use..

 As a return favour - have you got add user script/add group script etc
 working properly yet? Could you share your scripts with me pls - as I have
 issues with this in 3.0.0fianl.



For the add group script I use what is given as an example in the Samba 
The add user script is just the normal useradd-comand:
- /usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/%u -c DomainUser -s /bin/false  %u
That only worked correctly when I omitted the -g whateverPrimaryGroup . 
Apparently Samba adds the user to the group later:
- set primary group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -g %g %u
Giving passwords to users only worked after I adapted the passwd chat to the 
Debian passwd program:
- passwd chat = *new*password* %n\\n *new*password* %n\\n *updated*
New compis are added to the group nogroup in my config:
- add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -c 
DomainMachines -g nogroup %u

And (nearly) finally all that only worked after I did set the rights right:
Groupmapping: see above
smb.conf: see above and  valid users = +root, +domuser, +nogroup

Really finally: That's with Debian 3.0 and the Debian Samba package 3.0.1-2

Don't know if that helps, but I hope



agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] MS Word and Samba File Permissions Problem

2004-01-27 Thread Alexander Goeres
sorry, misdirected it and klicked too early on send.. :-(

--  Weitergeleitete Nachricht  --

Subject: Re: [Samba] MS Word and Samba File Permissions Problem
Date: Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004 17:16
From: Alexander Goeres [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Collen Blijenberg (MLHJ) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Collen,

Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004 15:25 schrieb Collen Blijenberg (MLHJ):
 Had the same prob with 3.0.0 version, but it's gone with 302rc1

 creator group  creator owner are the prob..
 some how the 300 version added an extra group to my shares (creator group)
 and made it r+x causing the prob.
 just update to latest samba, or make an extra creator group mapping..

 dunno.. prob passsed...


thanks for the hint, but I for myself don't dare to use a release candidate.
But I'll see forward to a final verion of 3.0.2..



agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] Domain Member Server won't work.

2004-01-27 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2004 17:35 schrieb Vincent Poitras:
 Here are the configs of my PDC. (Ip:

 workgroup = COREDIUM
 netbios name = IMBRIUM
 server string = Samba Server Imbrium
 encrypt passwords = Yes
 smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
 unix password sync = Yes
 log level = 0
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 50
 time server = Yes
 socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
 logon script = netall.bat
 domain logons = Yes
 local master = Yes
 os level = 255
 preferred master = Yes
 domain master = Yes
 wins support = Yes
 security = user

 This works fine.

 The problem is the Domain member server I am trying to put on. Here are
 the configs for it:
workgroup = COREDIUM
netbios name = CORUM
server string = Samba Server Corum
guest account = coredium
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
security = domain
password server = *
encrypt passwords = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
local master = no
os level = 33
domain master = no
preferred master = no
domain logons = no
wins server =
dns proxy = no

 When I run testparm it tells me that everything is ok.

 But we are not able to browse any share on the member server.
 Does someone know what im doing wrong???

I'm not sure if that is of help (I never set up such a configuration) but is 
the second server - CORUM - a member of the domain? Did it join the domain as 
described in: ?

On the other hand I was reading something about the winbind-daemon that is 
used to authenticate a Linux-Client: can be used to resolve user and group 
information from a Windows NT server?

 Vincent Poitras

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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[Samba] Domain + Workgroup with same name: problem?

2004-01-26 Thread Alexander Goeres
Hello everybody!

I finally managed to set up a Samba 3.0.1 PDC that ran perfectly in the 
test-environment. Problems arose, when I installed it in a real bureau 
On a prepared w2k client that was already a domain member one could log on to 
the domain with the administrator's account, but trying to add other w2k 
clients failed with error msgs like: Domain controller not found.

That was strange, because the PDC was obviously there and the Administrator 
was already logged in and in the test environment adding a machine worked 
without any problems.

After several hours search I found out, that there existed some (hidden in a 
back room.. :-\) XP Home clients that were members of a workgroup with the 
same name as the domain. They were already running when I introduced the 
Samba PDC into the network. When I switched them off and restarted Samba the 
PDC could be found sometimes but sometimes not.

After messing around with what I took to be cached data on the Samba Server 
refering to WINS aso. I took the radical way and reinstalled Samba with the 
same configs but with a different domain name. That solved the problem for 

But it leaves a general problem: It looks as if you can render a PDC unusable 
if you introduce a machine into its network, that is in a workgoup of the 
same name as the domain.

So my question is:
How do I configure the Samba PDC that clients within the same network know who 
is the master of the universe and who is just an impostor? Especially the PDC 
itself should not get confused about this!

The relevant entries (I think) in my smb.conf are:
domain master = Yes
domain logons = Yes
preferred master = Yes
wins support = Yes
os leve = 64


agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] creating users from w2k with usrmgr and samba 3.0.1: Happy End!!

2004-01-19 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2004 18:12 schrieb John H Terpstra:
 Not really. If your scripts (add user, add group, etc.) are correctly set
 up then you can use this tool to manage users and groups without problem.

That is true! It works!

 You observation is the result of configuration problems.
 You must be logged in a the Domain Administrator, and unfortunately I have
 discovered that there is no way around it, you must be logged on a the
 user called root.

For me it also works when the Domain Admin is administrator! 

 Unfortunately, this breaks. You have to use root. Duplicate accounts
 that share a UID break things badly. For example, having an account called
 root and one called Administrator, both with UID=0, break winbind
 NT Domain Admins group needs to have GID=0.
 - John T.

My Samba-errors all came from messed up user to program rights.

Just a short description how my final config looks like:
Domain Admins - root
Domain Users - domuser (ad libitum)
Domain Guests - nogroup

Administrative Samba-Users:
root, primary Linux-Group: root
administrator, primary Linux-Group: root

Valid Samba-Users:
+root, +domuser, +nogroup

Samba Admin-Group:

Machines are added to the group nogroup by default. When I first had them 
added to a machines-group an account for each computer could be created 
(Welcome to the Domain X), but later logon was denied with errors 
refering to missing computer-accounts. Obviously nobody has to be among the 
Valid Users because he/she/it does something during the logon process.

The result is, that I can logon at the Domain as administrator, start the 
NT4 tool usrmgr.exe and can create, delete and change users and groups within 
the domain.  Even my former complaint about the Debian tool adduser was 
wrong: with this config it works perfectly. 

Just one litte thing about strange error messages: if I set a password less 
than 5 characters, the usrmrg error is not password invalid.. too short or 
something along these lines, but it's: Access denied!. This is somewhat 
misleading. But the future users of this PDC will have to learn to use 
passwords longer than 4 characters, that can't be helped and won't harm 

I'd be extremly glad if those people here who see some traps (resulting from 
such a config) lying ahead of me could inform me of them. But I'll see them, 
when I'm there..

But the future is bright and interesting and absolutely not harmful :-)

Thank's for the help and hints..

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] w2k/XP won't join samba pdc

2004-01-19 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Montag, 19. Januar 2004 15:56 schrieb Lists:
 /usr/share/samba/netlogon  is drwxr-xr-x2 root root
 /export/smb/ntprofilesis drwxr-xr-x2 root root

Accoring to all I've learned during the past 2 weeks, the profile-directory 
should be writable to everyone that wants to write in it ..

 Windows error
 The following error occurred attempting to join the domain NEWDOM
 Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

 Samba error (#tail -f  admin1.log)
 [2004/01/19 16:26:24, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(381)
   make_connection: jim logged in as admin user (root privileges)
 [2004/01/19 16:26:25, 0] rpc_server/srv_samr.c:api_samr_set_userinfo(670)
   api_samr_set_userinfo: Unable to unmarshall SAMR_Q_SET_USERINFO.
 [2004/01/19 16:26:25, 0] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:_samr_set_userinfo(2480)
   _samr_set_userinfo: Unable to get smbpasswd entry for uid 0

That bit with unable to get smbpasswd entry for uid 0 looks as if samba is 
looking for a samba-user with the uid 0, i.e. root as a samba user. Is root 
already a valid samba user?

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] w2k/XP won't join samba pdc

2004-01-19 Thread Alexander Goeres
sorry, answer was mislead..
Am Montag, 19. Januar 2004 17:40 schrieb Lists:
 looking for a samba-user with the uid 0, i.e. root as a samba user. Is
  root already a valid samba user?

 I thought root was prohibited from being a root user - will try though

might be an unnessesary hint, but give the samba root a different pw than the
real root
agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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[Samba] creating users from w2k with usrmgr and samba 3.0.1

2004-01-16 Thread Alexander Goeres
Hello everybody!

New to Samba (and the list) I am trying to set up a Samba PDC for a small 
enterprise network on a Debian Woody (3.0) system with a vanilla 2.4.24 
kernel and the Debian package of Samba 3.0.1 and Swat (Debian Versions 

I ran into various problems and could solve most of them during the past two 
weeks (hooray!). Most of the problems were related to congestions of user and 
program permissions. For example, it was impossible to change a user's 
password with the NT4 usrmgr tool from the w2k client. That always gave a 
permission denied. Solution was: don't use the Debian tool /usr/sbin/
adduser (obvioulsy a wrapper program to the standard useradd)! Another 
problem was, that Swat always wipes out variables that are written like %u. 
Obviously Swat deletes everything within . Solution: don't use Swat (too 

One problem is left, and I don't know if it's related to M$ or to Samba. It's 
impossible to create a user from a w2k client with the NT4 tool usrmgr.exe. I 
can create a Samba user (Domain User) when such a user already exists on the 
Samba server as a Linux user. AFAIK the setting add user script in smb.conf 
should provide the facility to Samba to create a Linux user each time a 
Samba/Domain user is created. Is that a misconception?

When looking at that NT4 tool usrmgr.exe, i find a menu item: 
Policies - User Rights - Show Advanced Rights: Add users to the domain: 
Trying to give that right to the Domain Admin group is denied with the 
You may not remove the Local Logon right from the Administrators local group. 
Doing so would disable .. bla bla ba. 
This message even appears when I just open the usrmgr and click on OK 
without having changed anything.

So I have several questions and I hope that someone on the list here might be 
able to answer or give some hints to a solution:
1. Is it generally possible to add a completely new user to the domain through 
this NT4 tool usrgmr.exe? A user who didn't exist as a unix-user on the samba 
PDC and so didn't exist in ths Samba User database?
2. If yes (and I hope it's possible) how do I give this Advanced Right to 
add a user to the Samba Domain to the Domain-Admin group? Do I have to do 
this within Samba (pdbedit) or is it only possible within M$? 

Just some further config:
M$ Administrator is Member of NT Domain Admin group, of Samba admin group and 
has UID 0 on the Linux system.
NT Domain Admin group is mapped to the Samba admin group.

That mail is a little long but I hope the length doesn't discourage too many 
people from reading it. Possibly someone knows answers? Even to my questions?

Thank you in advance

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0 pdc and winxp

2004-01-16 Thread Alexander Goeres
Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2004 06:57 schrieb Richard Houston:

 I am trying to get an xp machine to join a samba 3.0 pdc domain.
 I keep getting the following error below. I can view the pdc shares with
 no problem. Can anyone point me in the correct direction on getting this
 fixed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 The domain name homenet might be a NetBIOS domain name.  If this is the
 case, verify that the domain name is properly registered with WINS.

I don't know about ldap configuration for Samba but this error sounds as if 
you might have forgotten to set the WINS settings of samba?

Things like:
wins support = Yes

Do you have a setting:
disable netbios = Yes
That would be bad.. :-)

agoeres _at_
tel.: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 87
fax: +49 (0)30 / 61 20 26 89
 we do software
a Marwood  Thiele GbR
reichenberger straße 125
10999 Berlin

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