Hi all,

I have had the unfortunate joy of upgrading my PDC to Windows Server 2003
and active directory, I also upgraded to samba 3.0.0 on a debian testing
box.  Before I was running a happy little environment with Windows NT4 and
Samba 2.2.8 with winbind using the "winbind use default domain = yes".
Migration went smooth, switch to security = ADS and joined the directory.
Everything was working fine until desktops started noticing the active
directory server two days after the migration and authenticating that way.
All of the Windows XP boxes are now expanding %U as
lan.equinox-eng.com_username, %u as LAN.EQUINOX-ENG.COM+username.  While my
NT4 boxes are showing up a simply username.  I have temporarily worked
around this by creating a silly number of soft links but would prefer a
cleaner solution.  Was this fixed in 3.0.1? I know some stuff was mentioned
about the "winbind use default domain = yes".


Ehren Wilson
Network Administrator
Equinox Engineering Ltd.
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